Thursday 27 July 2023

Next Army: Cathay! Vote for the next one!

After a really tight race, Cathay has come out on top with 17% of the votes ahead of Lizardmen and Kingdoms of Ind. You can expect a lot of new options, units, characters, spells and magic items from Total War: Warhammer III, so it will be a fairly hefty update in that regard!

For the next army poll, I'm limiting the options a bit further to the most popular options from last time. However, I'm also throwing in a dark horse in the form of the Legions of Nagash (which will be mainly based around the Ossiarch Bonereapers range from AoS) since I know quite a lot of people have been looking forward to me working on it.

 If you want to be able to vote on the next army, go ahead and join me on Patreon!

Estalia 1.1 (beta) out now!

Estalia is finished, at least in a beta format. I've also gone through the book myself a bit better than Kislev to fix some bugs ahead of release (you can bet I've still missed plenty). I'm planning on keeping it in a beta stage a bit longer than Kislev to avoid needing to do multiple hotfixes, so expect the 1.1 full version to maybe take 2 weeks while I gather feedback and fix the remaining bugs.

Unfortunately I don't have a list of patch notes for this one due to the time it's been since I started working on it several years ago; several of my previous patch notes for it were outdated by the time I started working on Estalia in the new format anyway. I'm planning on doing a video overview of the army once I get back from my trip abroad, but I figured you guys would probably want access to the rules sooner rather than later which I why I'm releasing it now. Hope you guys enjoy it!


Wednesday 19 July 2023

Next army: Estalia! Vote for the army you want after that!

As I mentioned on our Discord and Patreon; Estalia is the next army to be updated, as voted on by the Patreon supporters. Work has already begun and I'm expecting it to be released in the first half of August (due to me traveling abroad and thus having less time to work on it).

In the meantime, Patreon supporters can now vote on the next army after that, which includes options for other armies that have not received an update for several years. Head on over to Patreon if you want to be part of the voting process!

Sunday 16 July 2023

Kislev 1.1 (full version) out now!

Updated to 1.14; more bug fixes.

Fixing bugs and such sure go faster when I don't have to deal with 100+ pages of lore and graphic layout! This update changes the following:

  • Removed the Ghal Maraz symbol from the cover; apparently this is from the "Age of Sigmar" Black Library book and not an unofficial vector like I thought.
  • Added table of contents.
  • Added a reference sheet in the back with Troop Type, Unit Strength, Line of Sight Value and Base Sizes. 
  • Upscaled the page background. 
  • Renamed Hates Chaos to Hatred (Chaos). This will be clarified further with keywords in the Main Rulebook and future army books. Play it as before until then.
  • Buffed Glorious Charge: If successful, the unit will make a flee move away from the enemy in a direction of your choice, as long as they do not flee through any units, in which case they must stop within 1". If this move would take the unit off the battlefield, treat this as the unit having pursued off the table.
  • Fixed bug with Ice Witches and Hag Mothers not being able to upgrade to Lvl 4 Wizards.
  • City Guard may replace shields with pistols for 2 points per model.
  • Clarified Fly value for Form of the Frostfiend.
  • The Rime Blade costs 35 pts.
  • Gust of True Flight adds +12" range.
  • War Bear Riders are Unit Size 3+.
  • Heavy War Sleds cost 110 pts.
  • Included Chicken-Legged Hut under Special Rules. It is a Monster with the Animated Construct special rule.
  • War Wagons have a Unit Strength of 10.
  • Tzar Cannon is a Large Target (4). It has a Unit Strength of 8. Tzar Cannon is Move or Fire. Clarified that misfires results in it rolling on the Black Powder Misfire Chart. Costs 150 pts.
  • Banner of Praag: The unit carrying this banner gains the Immunity (Psychology) and Stubborn special rules once it is below Unit Strength 10. If the unit is already Stubborn, it becomes Unbreakable instead once it is below Unit Strength 10.
  • Ice Guard have Steady in the Ranks.
  • Elemental Bear has Elemental Breath: Strength 4 Breath Weapon with the Ice Attacks special rule. Cost 225 pts.
  • Clarified that Tzarina Katarin and Miska replaces the crew on their War Sleds.
  • Clarified that Form of the Frostfiend and Form of the Ancient Widow requires the model to be placed on a 40x40mm base.
  • Clarified that By Our Blood only gives Unbreakable in the first round of combat for Stubborn units.
  • Fixed bug with Patriarch, Kreml Guard, Boris Ursus, and Kostaltyn not having the By Our Blood special rule.
  • Kossars may take spears for 1 pt/model. Weapon options are no longer mandatory. 
  • Boyar & Ataman may upgrade to heavy armour.

Friday 14 July 2023

Warhammer Kislev 1.1 (beta) out now!

After 6 long years, Kislev finally has a new rules update out! This is the first book in the format, clocking in at 36 pages in total. It contains all units, magic items and special characters and is in a much more print-friendly format compared to the full books. It contains a brand new layout with all the unit's rules on a single pages which makes it a lot easier to navigate. Normally I fill out a whole page of rules changes, but I honestly forgot to keep notes of it... however, I did instead record a video (which is already a bit outdated) going through the whole book and explaining the changes and my thoughts behind it.

Hope you enjoy it! If you do, and you want to support me and be able to vote on the next book that I work on, please consider joining my Patreon. I'm planning on having any remaining bug/balance fixes out in maybe a week or so based on feedback.


Sunday 9 July 2023

Warhammer Armies Project: The Return of the Rules

After over a week of "WAP is now dead" I decided to see how much work it would require to at least get the Kislev update out in rules-form; and it does look like it will be fairly manageable. It still requires many hours of work, but not nearly on the same level as the old book versions did. As such, I've decided to start transferring all army books into the new "rules-only" system, starting with Kislev. This will likely result in PDF's of around 50 pages in length or so for the larger armies and will contain all units, stats, magic items, special characters and lores of magic. I'm aiming towards getting one book update out every 1-2 weeks which should be manageable. The main rulebook will likely need to wait until I've gotten at least most of the armies out since that will take a lot longer.

As well as this; I've decided to launch my own Patreon for those who want to support me there, in tiers of $1, 3, 5 and 10. I'm not paywalling anything like the Discord or the downloads, but Patreons will be able to vote on the order in which I update the books. Do bear in mind that I will not make changes to the rules regardless of monetary support; the last thing I want is for the game to be "pay to win".

For those interested in supporting me; you can do so here: Patreon 

WAP is back, baby!