Saturday, 15 March 2025

Showcase Gallery: Orcs & Goblins

Orcs & Goblins were my third Warhammer army, though my collection really only started as a result of me getting the 6th edition starter set for the rulebook and Empire troops, so the Orcs were really just an added bonus. Not too long after, a friend got the Battle for Skull Pass as a start for his Dwarf army, and we ended up splitting the contents so I got the Goblin half. I then got a few models here and there to flesh it out a bit more. Unfortunately, I ended up selling the whole army apart from Grimgor a few years later to make some money and space to start a Dogs of War army instead. 

However, at the end of 2022 I decided to start collecting greenskins again. Avatars of War had recently released STL's for common Orcs and Goblins, so I decided to make my army out of these, with characters mainly from Games-Workshop. So I did, and painted it all up during 2023. Sadly, the Avatars of War sculpts - while nice on their own - did not quite give me the nostalgia feelings of the original Games-Workshop models, and when Orcs & Goblins were released in 2024 and GW announced they would increase their prices in Sweden by close to 20%, I decided to order over 200 greenskin models before the price increase. This in turn meant that I now in effect had twice the number of greenskins, but the same amount of display space, so I decided to part with the Avatars of War models which I ended up selling on ebay. I did not recoup my costs, but it was not a huge loss either fortunately - and at least I had fun painting them for the most part.

Of course this meant I had a whole new Orcs & Goblins army to paint, which I started in late December and finished in the middle of February, so it took a bit less than 2 months all in all. This army is all GW apart from a few Avatars of War characters in metal which I decided to keep. It's all common Orcs and Goblins plus a unit of Black Orcs; I've always preferred the "regular" greenskins over the sub-species. Would have liked to include some chariots and Trolls as well, but since I only have two shelves of display space available for this army, this is what I have.

Army top-view
Army front-view

Azhag the Slaughterer

Orc Warboss on Wyvern

Warboss (7th Edition), Gorbad Ironclaw, Warboss (Avatars of War)

Grimlok & Gazbag (Warhammer Online Limited Edition), Warboss (Avatars of War), Warboss (Games Day), Warboss (Forge World)

Badruk 'Eadsplitta (Games Day), Borgut Facebeater, Grimgor Ironhide, Black Orc Boss (Forge World)

Orc Shamans (6th edition, 7th edition, Limited Edition, Avatars of War)

Grom the Paunch (Avatars of War), Nasty Skulkers

Goblin Bosses (Avatars of War), GW (7th Edition)

Goblin Bosses on Giant Wolves

Goblin Shamans (6th Edition, 7th Edition, 8th Edition)
Orc Boys with additional hand weapons Battle Standard Bearer (7th Edition)
Orc Boyz with shields, Battle Standard Bearer (6th Edition)
Orc Boyz with spears & shields, Battle Standard Bearer (Forge World)

Orc Arrer Boys

Orc Boar Boyz with spears (7th Edition)

Black Orcs (7th edition), Black Orc Warboss (7th Edition), Ironskull's Boyz (Warhammer Underworlds)

Goblins with spears
Goblins with spears
Goblins with shortbows
Goblins Wolf Riders with spears
Goblin Spear Chukka
Goblin Rock Lobba
Goblin Doom Diver

Idol of Gork

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