Just a quick note that I am limiting comments on the blog to members of the blog only. The reason for this is two-fold: one is because a lot comments nowadays are just spambots, and the other reason is because many comments are on old blog posts that either do not apply anymore or that I do not actively follow. Overall, it's highly recommended that you join our Discord server (linked both in the menu and to the right of the page) if you have any questions or want to be part of the Warhammer Armies Project community.
Thursday 16 December 2021
Limiting Blogger comments
Sunday 21 November 2021
Daemons of Chaos Special Characters v.1.2 out now!
Updated 28/11
This update contains the following:
- Dexcessa, the Talon of Slaanesh
- Synessa, the Voice of Slaanesh
Vampire Counts Special Characters 1.2 out now!
This update contains the following:
- Belladamma Volga
- Radukar the Wolf
- Lady Annika
- Kritza the Rat Prince
Saturday 30 October 2021
Standardised Base Sizes for all armies
Updated: 2023-04-04
While the main rulebook makes it clear which base sizes are allowed for each troop type, a lot of people have still been asking which base size to use for each unit. As such, I have with the help of the community put together this document that lists all the "official" base size for every single character and unit in Warhammer 9th Edition. These base sizes have been written to take into account all official models from 6th ed to 8th ed, with some minor adjustments for playability.
Base sizes are either square (like 20x20) or round/oval (like 25). In case the square bases is a rectangle (such as 25x50), use the first number for the model's front, and the second number for the model's flanks. In case you use oval bases, the number indicates the length of the base at its longest point. All base sizes are in mm.
Note that these base sizes are the considered the correct bases for the game. Larger or smaller base sizes should preferably be agreed upon with your opponent, but using larger base sizes than those listed should for the most part be considered fair game. In case you find any of these base sizes to be incorrect, feel free to feedback it at our Discord group, and it will be looked over for possible revision.
Friday 17 September 2021
Warhammer: Magic Items 1.1 out now!
This update changes the following:
- Primeval Club: When rolling To Wound, the owner's Strength is treated as equal to the unmodified Leadership value of the target model. This affects any armour saves the model might be required to take as well.
- Every time an enemy model suffers an unsaved wound from Everbleed, roll a D6. On the result of a 4+, the enemy loses an additional wound, with no saves of any kind allowed, and you must roll again. Keep on rolling as long as the result is a 4+. Costs 20 pts.
- Added Chaos Armour: Heavy armour. This armour may be taken by any character in the Beastman army, including Wizards.
- Trollhide Armour gives 4+ save, costs 30 pts.
- The Shaman may drink from the Plague Chalice at the start of his Magic phase. He suffers an immediate Strength 4 hit that ignores Armour and Ward saves. For the remainder of that Magic phase, any spell casting attempt by the Shaman that includes any double (except 1's) on the initial roll gives the caster another free power dice to the casting attempt.
- Every enemy model killed in close combat with the Jagged Dagger generates an additional Power or Dispel dice that can be used in the next Magic phase. Is now a magic weapon. Costs 10 pts.
- Totem of Rust costs 15 pts.
- Battle Stone of the Marquis costs 15 pts.
- Daemons of Chaos Banner of Hellfire removed to Banner of Infernal Fire (since Vampire Counts has a Banner of Hellfire already).
- Blood Armour costs 10 pts.
- One use only. The Hydra's Teeth can be used at the start of any close
combat phase. Once used, they inflict 5D6 Weapon Skill 2, Strength 3
Attacks on one enemy unit in base contact. Costs 20 pts. Enchanted Item.
- The model carrying the Orb of Ghrond may consult it at the start of each of your turns as long as they are not in close combat. If they do so, they must take a Stupidity test. If passed, the model may re-roll all failed rolls To Hit and re-roll one power or dispel dice when casting or dispelling until the start of your next turn. Costs 15 pts.
- Chalice of Fate costs 30 pts.
- If the wearer of the Armour of Stars suffers an unsaved wound (but is not slain) they can choose to instantly teleport 3D6" in a random direction (placing it at least 1" away from other units or impassable terrain) with its front arc in a direction of your choosing.
- Talisman of Loec: the bearer loses half of their remaining Wounds (rounding down) with no saves of any kind allowed.
- The unit carrying the Standard of Balance, and any enemy unit in base contact with it, gain the Immunity (Psychology) special rule, and any Frenzy or Hatred special rule that they might has no effect.
- If the bearer of the Cupped Hands of the Old Ones miscasts, roll a D6. On a roll of 1 the bearer suffers the results of the miscast as normal. On 2+ the miscast is ignored. In addition, any enemy Wizards within line of sight of the Slann Mage-Priest will count as having rolled a 7 on the Miscast table.
- One use only. Huanchi's Blessed Totem may be used in any of your Remaining Moves sub-phases after making any normal move. The unit carrying the Totem may immediately make a move directly forward using the Random Movement (2D6) special rule.
- The Hungry Maw costs 30 pts.
- Basha's Big Axe of Bashin' gives wielder +1 Strength and Attacks.
- On any turn that they charge, Porko's Pigstikka gives the wielder +1 Attack for each rank that the unit they are attacking has.
- An Infantry Character model which suffers an unsaved Wound (but is not slain) by Owzat's Club of Smackin' is immediately knocked clean out of combat and suffers a Strength 4 Hit.
- Orcs (of any type) on foot only. The wearer of Bigged's 'Ed Kickin' Boots gains the Stomp special rule. Costs 30 pts.
- Drakenhof Banner costs 75 pts.
- The Oaken Armour costs 30 pts.
- Fixed bug with Amaranthine Brooch being 35 pts instead of 30.
Issue with security update for Google Drive
I have gotten quite a few sudden requests to edit my army books pdf's through Google Drive this last week for some unknown reason, and finally figured out why: apparently Google has rolled out an update that made it so that people that had no opened these books earlier could not access them without getting a permission first. I have removed the security update from all the affected files now, so they should be available for everyone again. If you still have any issues with this, let me know in the comments or email me so I can investigate it.
Sunday 15 August 2021
Warhammer: Magic Items 1.0 out now!
Pretty long time (1+ year?) coming for the finished 1.0 version, mainly due to me focusing on getting army book updates out and painting (mostly painting). This update mainly fixes bugs (a lot of bugs) as well as rebalances the points costs and rules for lots of items. It also contains quite a few new ones, based on WFRP.
This update changes the following:
- Scimitar of Skultar costs 5 pts.
- The wearer of the Blackened Plate gains the Immunity (Flaming Attacks) special rule. Any unit he joins gains a Ward Save (4+) against non-physical Flaming Attacks.
- Removed Rune of the True Beast (already in the Beastmen army book).
- Jagged Dagger costs 5 pts.
- Enemy musicians within 8" of the bearer of the Cacophonous Dirge have no effect. Costs 5 pts.
- Pelt of the Shadowgave only affects enemy spells.
- The Flesh Banner Costs 35 pts.
- Trollhide armour costs 20 pts.
- The Lance of Artois costs 10 pts.
- Gilded Cuirass costs 40 pts, can only be taken by model with Grail Vow.
- Orcbane Shield costs 15 pts.
- If the bearer of the Insignia of the Quest is ever reduced to 1 Wound, then the Knight instantly gains a Ward Save (3+) as long as they remain at 1 Wound.
- Removed Tress of Isoulde (already in the Bretonnia army book).
- Battle Stone of the Marquis added: One use only. The Battle Stone may be used at the start of any close combat phase. The bearer (but not any mount) gains +3 Attacks for this round of close combat. Costs 10 pts.
- The Sword of the Quest may be used as either a hand weapon or a great weapon, decided at the start of each round combat. Costs 25 pts.
- The Birth-sword of Carcassonne costs 25 pts.
- Braid of Bordeleaux costs 5 pts.
- Antlers of the Great Hunt costs 10 pts.
- The Valorous Standard costs 25 pts.
- The Holy Icon gives the bearer and any unit they are with the Immunity (Psychology) and Magic Resistance (3) special rules. Costs 40 pts.
- The wearer of the Token of the Damsel ignores the first wounding Hit suffered during the game. Costs 20 pts.
- The bearer of Prayer Icon of Quenelles and the unit she is with gain a +1 bonus to the Ward Saves from the Blessing of the Lady. Costs 45 pts.
Daemons of Chaos:
- The Etherblade gives the wielder the Ignores Armour Saves special rule as well as forces opponent to re-roll ward saves. Costs 45 pts.
- Staff of Nurgle is Daemon of Nurgle only.
- Wand of Whimsy is Daemon of Tzeentch only. Costs 30 pts.
- Skull Totem is Daemon of Khorne only.
- Standard of Seeping Decay is Daemon of Nurgle only.
- Siren Standard is Daemon of Slaanesh only.
- Great Icon of Despair costs 40 pts.
- The Eternal Blade costs 65 pts.
- Standard of Chaos Glory costs 60 pts.
- Banner of Hellfire costs 35 pts.
Dark Elves:
- Any model that takes an unsaved wound from the Venom Sword must pass a Toughness test on 2D6 or automatically lose all remaining wounds, with no saves allowed. Venom Sword has no effect on models with Immunity (Poisoned Attacks).
- Attacks made with the Sword of Ruin have the Armour Piercing (4) special rule.
- Any To Hit roll of 5 or 6 with the Blade of Spite automatically
Wound. Armour saves apply as normal. This has no effect on models with Immunity
(Poisoned Attacks).
- Draich of Dark Power costs 30 pts.
- Clarified that Lifetaker is a Repeater Crossbow.
- Any To Hit roll of 5 or 6 with the Blade of Spite automatically Wound. Armour saves apply as normal. Cost 20 pts.
- Armour of Eternal Servitude costs 40 pts.
- The Heart-stone of Darkness gives the bearer the Ward Save (4+) special rule against close combat attacks. Costs 35 pts.
- Null Talisman: The model carrying the Null Talisman, and any unit they are with, gain a +2 bonus to dispel enemy spell targeting them directly.
- Tome of Furion costs 15 pts.
- Sacrificial Banner only affects Monsters with Line of Sight to it.
- Deathmask costs 35 pts.
- Crystal of Midnight costs 15 pts.
- Charm of Hotek added: The model wearing the Charm of Hotek gains a 6+ Armour Save and the Immunity (Flaming Attacks) special rule. Costs 10 pts.
- Orb of Ghrond added: The model carrying the Orb of Ghrond may consult it at the start of each of your turns as long as they are not in close combat. If they do so, they must take a Stupidity test. If passed, the model may re-roll any failed roll To Hit and To Wound and re-roll one power or dispel dice until the start of your next turn. Costs 20 pts.
- Cloak of Hag Graef costs 35 pts.
- Banner of Cold Blood costs 30 pts.
- Sword of Powers now gives +2 Strength and Armour Piercing (1). Costs 35 pts.
- The Sword of Righteous Steel makes the wielder always Hit any opponent on roll of a 2+. In addition, any successful Parry saves must be re-rolled. Costs 30 pts.
- Added Blessed Sword. All failed To Hit rolls made with the Blessed Sword may be re-rolled. Costs 20 pts.
- Added Daemonslayer Blade: Against models with the Daemonic special rule, all attacks made with the Daemonslayer Blade gain +1 To Wound with the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule. Cost 35 pts.
- Added Spear of the Hierophant. Spear. Against models with the Daemonic special rule, all attacks made with the Spear of the Hierophant gain +1 Strength and any successful Ward Saves must be re-rolled. Costs 35 pts.
- Added the Griffon Claw. The Griffon Claw gives the model +1 To Hit in close combat as well as the Armour Piercing (1) special rule.
- Added Amulet of Thrice-Blessed Copper. All enemy attacks targeting the model wearing the Amulet of Thrice-Blessed Copper suffer -1 To Wound. In addition, the bearer gains the Immunity (Poisoned Attacks) special rule. Costs 35 pts.
- The Sigil of Sigmar gives the bearer a Ward save (4+) against all enemy spells.
- Added Ring of St. Horst. The model carrying the Ring of St. Horst and any unit they join may re-roll any failed Leadership test. Costs 20 pts.
- Added Chalice of Fate; which allows the Wizard to re-roll failed Channelling rolls.
- The Grey Wand gives the wielder a +D3 bonus to the result of their spell casting attempts. Costs 40 pts.
- Added Helstrum's Staff. Arch Lector only. The model carrying Helstrum’s Staff and any unit they join roll 3D6 for all their Leadership tests and discards the highest result. Costs 30 pts.
- Icon of Magnus costs 20 pts.
- Added Skull Charm. At the start of the game, roll a D6 and consult the chart below to determine which effect the Skull Charm has on the wearer. Costs 20 pts.
- Added Boots of Bovva. Model on foot only. The model wearing the Boots of Boova gains the Stomp special rule, but it only inflicts D3 hits rather than D6. Costs 15 pts.
- Added Dazh's Flint. The model bearing Dazh's Flint gains the Flaming Attacks special rule. Costs 5 pts.
- Added the Black Skull of the Caliph. The unit carrying the Black Skull of the Caliph gains the Immunity (Fear) special rule. Costs 15 pts.
- The unit carrying the Banner of Sigismund gains the Stubborn special rule. If the unit is already Stubborn, they instead become Unbreakable. Costs 50 pts.
- Seal of Destuction works on a 4+, costs 15 pts.
- The unit carrying the Steel Standard ignores the Movement Penalties from barding.
High Elves:
- Added Dragonblade Lance. Lance. During turns in which the wielder of the Dragonblade Lance charges, it automatically Hits all models in one file that is in base contact rather than fighting normally. Hits are resolved as that from a Bolt Thrower. Costs 20 points.
- Added Bow of Tor Alessi. Elven Longbow. The Bow of Tor Alessi has the Quick to Fire special rule. In addition, it may re-roll any failed To Hit rolls. Costs 10 pts.
- The Blade of Darting Steel costs 25 pts.
- Armour of Stars can now choose whether to teleport or not.
- Wyrmscale Armour of the Deep costs 10 pts.
- The Pinion of the Phoenix is model on foot only. Costs 60 pts.
- The Guardian Phoenix gives the wearer a Ward Save (5+) and the Immunity (Flaming Attacks) special rule. Costs 30 pts.
- Sigil of Asuryan automatically destroys enemy spells. Costs 50 pts.
- Vambraces of Defence costs 60 pts.
- Amulet of Fire costs 10 pts.
- Talisman of Loec costs 15 pts.
- Annulian Crystal costs 50 pts.
- No model in base contact with the bearer of the Null Stone may cast spells, and all Magic Items lose their effects; treat them as mundane versions of the same type. Costs 50 pts.
- Folariath's Robe costs 40 pts.
- The Starwood staff gives the bearer a +1 bonus to the result of their spell casting attempts. In addition, they may re-roll one failed channelling roll per turn. Costs 25 pts.
- The Seerstaff of Saphery allows the bearer to choose one more spell than normal from their chosen Lore of Magic. Costs 10 pts.
- The Ring of Corin is no longer one use only. Costs 40 pts.
- Trickster's Pendant costs 20 pts.
- Added The Sky Arrow of Naloer. One use only. Requires bow. Cannot be used with magical bows. Resolved at Strength 6, Multiple Wounds (D6). Costs 25 pts.
- Amulet of the Purifying Flame costs 15 pts.
- The Lion Standard costs 10 pts.
- Talisman of Loec: the bearer loses half of their remaining Wounds (rounding up) with no saves of any kind allowed.
- Removed Ring of Fury (already in the High Elves book).
- Removed Cloak of Stars (already in the High Elves book).
- The Rod of the Storm costs 45 pts.
- Removed Plaque of Dominion (already in the LM army book).
- Sign of Sotek costs 15 points.
- Gleaming Pendant of Chotec costs 30 pts.
- All enemy units with Line of Sight to the Totem of Prophecy suffer a -1 penalty to their Leadership. This standard has no effect on models with Immunity (Psychology). Costs 40 pts.
- The Sword of the Hornet allows the wielder to re-roll 1's To Hit, and enemies must re-roll 6's To Hit against them.
- Lash of Itzaotyl works on Animated Constructs.
- The Scimitar of the Sun Resplendent gives the wielder +2 Attacks and the Hatred special rule. Costs 45 pts.
- The Maiming Shield costs 20 pts.
- Plaque of Tepok costs 10 pts.
- Blood Statuette of Spite has a range of 18".
- The Charm of the Jaguar Warrior gives the bearer Movement 8.
- Bane Head costs 10 pts.
- Added Rock Eye. At the beginning of each Ogre turn, pick one unit in the line of sight of the bearer of the Rock Eye. The opposing player must announce the presence of all Magic Items, Hidden models and the like that unit might have. Costs 5 pts.
- Removed Mastodon Armour (already in the OK book).
- Added the Hungry Maw. One use only. The Hungry Maw can be used after successfully dispelling an enemy spell. When used, the enemy spell can no longer be used for the remainder of the game. Costs 20 pts.
- Cathayan Jet costs 25 pts.
- The unit carrying the Ragbanner rolls 3D6 when taking Panic tests and discards the highest result. Costs 15 pts.
- The model with the Fistful of Laurels and any unit they are with may re-roll their first failed Break test in the game using 3D6 and discard the highest result.
- Bull Standard costs 15 pts.
- Basha's Bloodaxe costs 50 pts.
- Fumpa's Club of Fumpin' gives the wielder +1 Strength and the Quell Animosity special rule. Costs 35 pts.
- Krumpa's Club of Crumpin' is a great weapon. Costs 25 pts.
- The Sneaky Skewerer gives the wielder +1 To Hit and the Killing Blow special rule. Costs 30 pts.
- Owzat's Club of Smackin' only affects characters. Costs 5 pts.
- Added Sword of Bork. Any unit joined by the bearer of the Sword of Bork that fails their Animosity test may roll 2D6 on the Animosity table and discard the lowest result. Costs 10 pts.
- Spiteful Shield costs 10 pts.
- The Ironskin Shield gives the bearer the Ward Save (5+) special rule. Costs 35 pts.
- Warboss Umm's Best Big Boss's 'At gives the wearer the Ward Save (4+) special rule. However, if the wearer fails its Ward save at any point, it will no longer have any effect from the start of the next player turn. Costs 25 pts.
- Staff of Sneaky Stealin' costs 50 pts.
- Glowy Green Amulet costs 10 pts.
- At the start of your magic phase, the Idol of Mork adds one power dice to your power pool for every friendly Orc unit (any type) with 10 or more Unit Strength in combat within 24" if the bearer. However, it removes one power dice from your power pool for every friendly fleeing Orc (any type) with 10 or more Unit Strength unit within 24" of the bearer.
- Added the Evil Sun Banner. The unit carrying the Evil Sun Banner may re-roll any failed Animosity tests. Costs 15 pts.
- Porko's Pigstikka gives the wielder +1 Attack for each rank that the unit they are attacking has (up to a maximum of +3).
- Lucky's Dirk gives the wielder +1 Strength for each enemy Magic Item in base contact.
- Idol of Mork costs 30 pts.
- The bearer of Ditto's Double Doin' Doodahs may choose to attempt to cast one of their spells twice per Magic phase.
- Buzgob's Knobbly Staff allows the wielder to re-roll all power dice used to cast a spell once per Magic phase (before rolling any Ultimate Power dice).
- The Staff of Baduum gives the bearer a +1 bonus to the result of their spell casting attempts. However, in case a Miscast is rolled, add 1 to the result rolled on the Miscast table. Costs 15 pts.
- Before deployment, roll a D6. On 4+, the bearer of Maad's Map and one unit they must join with gain the Scouts special rule. On a 1-3, the unit has gotten lost and gains the Ambushers special rule instead. Costs 15 pts.
- All models in the unit (except mounts) carrying the Banner of Butchery gain +1 Attack for the remainder of the close combat phase.
- The Desolate Blade gives the wielder +1 Strength and allows them to re-roll all failed rolls To Wound.
- The Blade of Black Fury gives wielder +2 Initiative and +1 Attack. Costs 25 pts.
- Headsplitter is Clan Eshin only. This item may be taken by models that are not normally allowed to take slings.
- Shield of Distraction is a shield.
- Warpstone Charm costs 10 pts.
- Banner of the Under-Empire costs 20 pts.
- Shroud of Dripping Death is Clan Pestilens only.
Tomb Kings:
- The Blade of Mourning costs 35 pts.
- Blade of Setep costs 30 points.
- The Blue Khepra makes the bearer immune to the effects of all enemy spells.
- The Staff of Mastery gives the bearer a +1 bonus to the result of their spell casting attempts when using the Lore of Light. Costs 15 pts.
- One use only. The Brooch of the Great Desert can be used against any enemy spell cast against it, before attempting to dispel. When used, the bearer and any unit they are with gain the Magic Resistance (5) special rules for the remainder of the turn. Costs 15 pts.
- The unit carrying the Icon of the Sacred Eye (including any mounts) may re-roll failed rolls To Hit in the first round of close combat.
- The Cursed Shield of Mousillon costs 10 pts.
- Removed Skull Staff (already an item used by Heinrich Kemmler)
- Cursed Pennant of Mousillon costs 35 pts.
- Hell Banner costs 40 pts.
- The unit carrying the Banner of Hellfire gains the Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks special rule.
- The Banner of the Endless Nightmare costs 15 pts.
- Helm of Commandment costs 25 pts.
- The Armour of Night causes any missile attacks targeted at the wearer or any unit they are with to suffer -2 To Hit. Costs 40 pts.
- The Sceptre de Noirot makes the bearer roll an additional D6 when determining the number of Zombies or Skeletons raised with the Raise Dead spell from the Lore of Necromancy.
- Replaced Hand of Dust with Casket of the Ages. One use only. Bound Spell, Power Level 3. The Casket of Ages contains a direct damage spell that targets one enemy model in base contact. The target model suffers one Wound which Ignores Armour Saves. If the Wound is not saved, the victim must pass a Toughness or get removed as a casualty, with no saves of any kind allowed.
- Talisman of the Lycni costs 10 pts.
- Drakenhof Banner costs 50 pts.
- Icon of Vengeance costs 10 pts.
- The Aethersword gives the wielder the Ignores Armour Saves special rule. In addition, no Parry saves from shields may be taken against it either.
- The Berserker Sword gives the wielder +1 Attack for every enemy model in base contact. In a challenge, it only confers +1 Attack.
- The Whip of Pleasure gives the wielder +1 Attack. In addition, the wielder gains the Always Strikes First special rule in the first round of close combat.
- Glaive of Putrefaction is a polearm, costs 20 pts.
Soul Cleaver costs 10 pts. - Skinhidden Plate costs 35 pts.
- The Bronze Armour of Zhrakk costs 25 pts.
- The Armour of Tortured Souls costs 20 pts.
- The Armour of Morrslieb costs 40 pts.
- Collar of Khorne costs 25 pts.
- The Rod of Corruption costs 30 pts.
- The Black Tongue costs 10 pts.
- Doom Totem costs 40 pts.
- Blasted Standard is Mark of Tzeentch only.
- Festering Shroud is Mark of Nurgle only.
- Rapturous Standard is Mark of Slaanesh only.
Wood Elves:
- The Sword of a Thousand Winters gives the bearer the Ice Attacks special rule. In addition, Characters and Monsters must take a Toughness test for each unsaved wound suffered by the Sword of a Thousand Winters. For every test failed, they suffer -1 Strength, Initiative and Attacks for the remainder of the game.
- Armour of the Fey costs 30 pts.
- Railarian's Mantle gives the model a 5+ ward, costs 20 pts.
- The Amaranthine Brooch costs 30 pts.
- Glamourweave costs 35 pts.
- Added Waystalker's Cloak. The Waystalker's Cloak gives the wearer the Forest Stalker special rule. Costs 10 pts.
- Added Arrows of Potency. Enchanted Arrows. Any shots made with the Arrows of Potency have the Multiple Wounds (2) special rule. Costs 10 pts.
- Added Elf Charm. When casting spells from the Lore of Life, the wizard carrying the Elf Charm may add D3 to his casting value once per Magic phase. Costs 20 pts.