Monday 16 April 2018

Warhammer 9th ed 1.075 out now!

This update changes the following:

  • Signature spells is no longer recastable (would require redesigning too many of them and a greater risk of cheese).
  • Signature spells are now available in addition to a wizard's other spells, meaning a level 1 wizard always knows the signature spells of his chosen lore plus another spell of his choosing. This means you now will have more options than before, and makes even a level 1 wizard more useful on his own.
  • Dispel Dice are now channelled on a 6 instead of a 4+, but is instead rolled for each Wizard level. So a level 4 Wizard now rolls 4 dice rather than 2 for dispel dice. This will make dispel dice somewhat more difficult to channel.
  • Nerfed Power Drain; it now only causes you to be unable to cast more spells that round rather than lose levels and spells.
  • Removed Multiple Shots from two different sources; I will instead make clear exceptions for these in the few books where this will come into play.
  • Removed repeater crossbows - these were only used by Dark Elves anyway, and with different rules.

Overall, I hope this will go some way to improving the magic system, which is the main thing I'm not quite happy with yet. I'd also like to get more feedback of the following:

  • Making miscasts take effect on double 1 instead of double 6.
  • Making Irrestistible Force a bonus to the casting result instead of being undispelable.
  • Removing boosted versions of all spells to keep the focus more on casting multiple lower-level spells instead of throwing all dice on the super-Purple Sun.
  • Anything else I might have missed.

You will also notice I have moved the Skaven book further up in the update order. While I would like to finish the complete versions of the other books first, the Skaven book is in pretty big need of an update to fix some glaring issues (thanks for the harsh criticism 4chan!), so I will get that one out as soon as I'm finished with Wood Elves.

Saturday 14 April 2018

Warhammer: Empire 9th Ed 1.14 out now!

 Updated 16/4.
  • Halberdiers 6 pts.
  • Imperial Dwarfs cannot have medium armour, halberds cost 2 pts.
  • Imperial Ogres can take Ogre pistols.

This update changes the following:

  • Pistoliers cannot take spears and shields.
  • Spearmen 5 pts, pike upgrades cost 1 pt.
  • Free Company Fighters can take bows or crossbows (as their models can be assembled).
  • Spears for Imperial Dwarfs cost 1 pt.
  • Fixed bug where Demi-gryphs only had W1.

Warhammer: High Elves 9th Ed 1.03 out now!

Updated 16/4:
  • Spearmen 11 pts.

Very small update here, just fixing Imrik's Dragons stats and putting the Phoenix King timeline in chronological order, as well as changing the short story about killing Kouran into Urian Poisonblade instead.

Warhammer: Dark Elves 9th Ed 1.02 out now!

Updated 16/4:
  • Removed Bloodwrack Medusa Starefrom combat since they was already present with Avert Your gaze.
  • Clarified City Guard rule better in the army list, made crossbows cheaper sicne they replace their spears.

This updates changes the following:

  • Khinerai WS4 and S3, 18 pts.
  • Melusai W2, 22 pts. No longer has natural armour.
  • Dark Riders 15 pts.
  • Darkshards 12 pts.
  • City Guard 9 pts, front rank has to buy crossbows at 5 pts/model.
  • Bloodwrack Medusa Stare has a 12" range, can be used in close combat, no longer has natural armour.
  • Chillblade 35 pts.
  • Gem of Spite 25 pts.
  • War Hydra 200 pts.
  • Kharibdyss Feast of Bones now causes Multiple Wounds (D3) on To Wound rolls of 6, 210 pts.
  • Fixed bug with missing Lores in the army list.
  • Any friendly Monster within 12" of Rakarth treat him as having the "Hold Your Ground!" special rule.
  • Tullaris WS7.
  • Malus Darkblade's Spite now has barding.
  • Fixed muliple bugs and inconsistencies. 
  • Removed fluff on destruction of Arnheim.
  • Removed short story about the capture of Eltharion (as it had not happened yet in the timeline).