This is my Sisters of Battle army, the only one I have for Warhammer 40.000 since I sold my Imperial Guard around 2009. 40k has never interested me as much as Warhammer Fantasy, but the Sisters of Battle have always been an army that I liked. Even so, I did not actually plan on collecting this army, but it was rather the result of me walking into a local shop where an ex-colleague of mine turned out to be the store owner, who kindly offered me a discount. It did not take long for me to start buying Sisters of Battle after that, and within a couple of months, I ended up buying pretty much the whole range which I immedately started painting in the classic Order of the Martyred Lady colour scheme.
Army Shot
Saint Celestine with Geminae
Morvenn Vahl
Junith Eruita, the Blazing Heart |
Aestred Thurga, Reliquant at Arms & Agathae Dolan |
Ephrael Stern |
The Triumph of Saint Katherine
Canoness, Canoness Veridyan, Canoness
Palatine, Imagnifier, Sister Superior Amalia Novena
Dialogus, Hospitaller, Sister Dogmata
Callidus Assassin, Inquisitor Greyfax
Sister Novitiates (autoguns) |
Sister Novitiates (autopistols & melee weapons)
Battle Sisters (heavy flamer)
Battle Sisters (flamer & storm bolter)
Dominions & Tariana Palos
Retributors |
Sisters Repentia
Celestians (heavy bolter)
Celestian Sacresants (hallowed maces) |
Celestian Sacresants (anointed halberds)
Seraphim (bolt pistols)
Zephyrim |
Paragon Warsuits
Mortifiers |
Rhino |
Immolator (heavy flamers)
Exorcist (missile launcher)
Castigator (battle cannon)
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