Sunday 19 May 2019

Warhammer 9th Ed 1.51 out now!

Just a small update, with most of it just being rules clarifications on how to resolve certain situations. Hopefully this should clear up pretty much all remaining question marks from previous versions.

  • Dodge works against non-magical autohits, such as stomps and impact Hits.
  • Animated Constructs no longer auto-pass Leadership tests.
  • Marching and Restraining from pursuit tests are no longer Psychology tests, but normal leadership tests.
  • Updated Berserk Charge part of Frenzy to be the same as in 8th ed.
  • Breath Weapons, Stomps and Impact Hits do not only target the character in challenges.
  • Clarified that you may redirect the charge if the charged unit would get destroyed before the charged unit gets to make its move (due to a spell like Flame Cage or taking casualties from Quick to Fire).
  • Clarified that models with two Breath weapons may only attempt to use one per turn (in case it fails its 4+ roll to use it).
  •  Clarified that Chariots have a fixed armour save, as detailed in their army list entry, regardless of whatever equipment the model has.
  • Clarified that unless specified, any special rules that apply to the model’s normal attacks do not apply to its Stomps.
  • Clarified that Stomps can be used after Breath Weapons.
  • Clarified that Vanguard does not count as movement for the sake of shooting.
  • Clarified that if a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
  • Clarified that Smoke and Mirrors can be used even if engaged in close combat.
  • Clarified that Bound Spells do not count towards casting duplicate spells.
  • Clarified that Augments/Hex spells that are resolved immediately can be cast on the same target multiple times per turn.
  • Clarified how extra dispel dice are generated on higher points levels played.
  • Clarified that a unit may not overrun in a turn if it moved outside of the Movement phase.
  • Removed part of characters joining Unstable units, as this is already covered in Unbreakable.
  • Clarified that spells are never considered to be physical attacks.

Thursday 16 May 2019

Albion 9th Ed 1.21 out now!

This update fixes the following:

  • Centaurs are Cavalry.
  • Improved and clarified Bonegrinder's attack table.
  • Fixed Attack value for chariot and horse warrior champions.
  • Clarified the Chariot of Morgan and fixed exploits.
  • Fixed remaining Ethereal bug for pixies in army list.
  • Agum the Watcher's Steel Head causes D6 Wounds. Agum's thrown rock is S4.
  • Blessing of Valour is no longer Remains in play.
  • Wings of Fate is cast on 6+, causes 3D6 like Flock of Doom (which it is unfortunately pretty much identical to now, but the Lore of the Truthsayers was pretty much a combination of Lore Beast, Life and Light to begin with).

Saturday 11 May 2019

Warhammer: Albion 9th Ed 1.2 out now!

Took a while to get this one finished, but I hope you'll find it worth it! This update adds 17 new pages to the book for a total of 116 pages, making it one of the longer unoffical books I've put together. Thanks to Stefan Wolf who once again stepped up to write some new lore for the new special characters and one of the units!

This update changes the following:

  • New Special Character: Roth Mac Lyr
  • New Special Character: Agum the Watcher
  • New Rare unit: Bonegrinder Giants
  • New Rare unit: Fenhulk
  • Added Tribal Affiliations, allow you to customise your army based on the four tribes of Albion.
  • Removed Sidhe (their lore never really fit well with the Warhammer world, and they were pretty much just another variation of Elves).
  • Removed hurled heads.
  • Druid Neophytes cannot take shields.
  • Viridian Lords have two hand weapons by default, 16 pts. Moved to special
  • Tribal Warriors 4 pts, may have javelins.
  • Youngbloods have slings by default, 6 pts. Cannot take standards.
  • Warleaders and Chieftains do not have light armour by default.
  • Shieldbearers do not give any extra armour save, cost 5 pts.
  • Durak Durak can use the Lore of Light.
  • Druids do not allow re-rolling Psychology and Break Tests.
  • Mastodons have A4, 200 pts.
  • Half Giants start with hand weapon, can take great weapons.
  • Stone Throwers 100 pts, may take Fire Pots
  • Woad Raiders are WS4, 8 pts.
  • Chariots can upgrade to have scythes.
  • Viridian Lords do not have Woad Paint.
  • War Hound Handlers cost 3 pts, must include 1 handler for every 5 hounds in the unit. Unit is expendable, have the mixed units rule, does not skirmish.
  • Druid Neophytes can cast Awakening of the Wood instead of Earth Blood. They follow the rules of similar casting units like Doomfire Warlocks.
  • Truthsayers can be mounted.
  • Light of Battle renamed Light of Protection, 9+ to cast.
  • Blessing of Valour 6+ to cast, clarified that it lasts until the caster's next magic phase.
  • Boon of Courage 9+ to cast.
  • Gift of Life gives back D3 single-Wound models per unit, 8+ to cast.
  • Voice of Command is automatic, no Leadership test is taken, 12+ to cast.
  • Warriors of Danu have S4/5, Spasm Fury lasts duration of combat, 13 pts.
  • Fenbeast can be taken in units of 1+, require a Wizard to be taken.
  • Swordmaidens have unit size 10+.
  • Pixies have S1, T1, W10, A10, have Ward Save (5+) instead of ethereal, 40 pts.
  • Giants do not use the fallen giant template, instead inflicts 2D6 hits.
  • Giants 200 pts, have T6, improved attack table.
  • Chieftains 60 pts.
  • Warleaders 110 pts.
  • Cormac Chath 180 pts.
  • Conor Mac Feud have Hatred (Fimir), 3+ ward save, no Woad paint, 175 pts.
  • Amanthas have Hatred (Dark Elves).
  • Morrigan has lower stats, is a lvl 3 wizard, 4+ ward instead of ethereal, Fear instead of Terror.
  • Centaurs 17 pts, are War Beasts, may wear light armour.
  • Extended/revised lore on the Children of Danu and Tribes of Albion chapter, as well as added lore to the bestiary section.
  • Fixed numerous spelling errors and lore inconsistencies.
  • Added headings.
  • Added version number.

Friday 3 May 2019

Warhammer 9th Ed 1.5 out now!

This is another fairly hefty update for 9th ed, and the last one planned for a while (barring any important hotfixes). The plan is to keep the main rules as is for at least a few months, ideally at least until I have finished updating all army books (which I would estimate to take around 6 months or so). After that updates will be posted as needed.

This update changes the following:

  • You may not deploy the whole army as Ambushers, a minimum of 3 units per 1000 pts played must deploy as normal.
  • Your army must include 3 units per 1000 pts played, rather than 3 units in total.
  • Breath weapons can be used every turn. In close combat, you can choose between attacking normally and using the Breath Weapon. After it has been used the first time, you must roll a 4+ each time before attempting to use it again (this way, you do not need to remember if you rolled a 4+ the previous round or not to avoid abuse, and it also means you cannot rely on it too much). 
  • Clarified Quick to Fire when charging.
  • Grapeshot now fires an artillery dice + D6 shots.
  • Cannons no longer roll an artillery dice to extend range, but scatter half an artillery dice instead. If a Hit is rolled, the cannon ball lands on target (i.e. where you place the marker). Cannons have a minimum range of 12".
  • Stone Throwers are now S4 by default.
  • Regen works like an additional save (as in 7th ed), but any wounds inflicted count towards combat resolution, regardless of the wound being saved or not.
  • Added Dodge rule. Models with this rule gain the Ward save (*) against attacks in its front arc (including templates). This cannot be used against attacks that Hit automatically or that have the Always Strikes First special rule, nor can it be used by mounted models, unless specified. 
  •  Animated Constructs automatically pass all Leadership tests (will be an exception for Undead Crumbling).
  • All units except for Skirmishing Infantry and lone characters on foot suffer -1 penalty to their Movement characteristic in any turn they move through a forest.
  • Strongest version of Fireball now cast on 15+.
  • The casting value needed for a Lore of Metal spell is lowered by -1 if the majority of the models in the target unit has light or medium armour, or -2 to if the majority have heavy or full plate armour.
  • Gehenna's Golden Hounds ignores Look Out sir. 
  • Regrowth is 9+ to cast.
  • The Flock of Doom inflicts 3D6 hits, 6+ to cast.
  • The Monster profile from Transformation of Khadon now has WS6, S6, T6, W6. Wounds suffered between transformations are not carried over.
  • Lore of Heavens Lore Attribute changed to Fate Manipulation: When a spell from the Lore of Heavens is successfully cast, roll a D6; on a 4+, the Wizard can re-roll one dice to either change the casting result or the number of Hits inflicted by a spell when casting further spells for the remainder of this Magic phase.
  • Iceshard Blizzard gives -1 to WS, BS and Ld.
  • Shem's Burning Gaze boosted version 12+ to cast.
  • The Speed of Light gives the target the Always Strikes First special rule rather than WS10 and I10.
  • Smoke and Mirrors allow the Wizard to make a Fly move up to 12" rather than swapping places with a character.
  • Steed of Shadows can only be cast on Infantry characters. In addition, the target will counts as being Ethereal for the purpose of resolving missile attacks against it until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. 
  • Penumbral Pendulum has a fixed range of 24".
  • You can now take duplicate spells easier; but you may not cast them more than one per magic phase.
  • A unit cannot be affected the same spell more than once at any one time (see Duplicate Spells under spell resolution).
  • Skirmishers close ranks after the charge move has been completed, not before.
  • Added examples of Psychology tests that Immunity (Psychology) ignores.