Thursday 17 November 2016

Regarding future updates

Update 14/1: Finally finished compiling all my various Warhammer sources now (probably around 2000 pages in total, not including the army books!). This means I will be able to start working on the Kingdoms of Ind list again now, which will be released later this month.

Update 9/12: Finished with transcribing all White Dwarfs, thanks to everyone involved! I'm now currently in the process of doing the same with all the Citadel Journals and then the Campaign books. These should go a lot quicker though, so I'm currently keeping the planned schedule!

Just a heads-up that there will be a while without any new updates coming out. The reason for this is because I'm currently working on transcribing the contents of all relevant White Dwarf articles into Word format, which will take some time. After that I will also need to go through various campaign books and collector's guides and gather more background and art so I'm not missing any sources. I would expect all of this to take around a month or so, but with Christmas coming pretty soon, it could be a bit longer. I think I should be able to come out with some more updates around January.

In case any of you readers are interested in helping me transcribing the articles to make it go faster, feel free to send me an email regarding what army's articles you'd feel like working on and I can send you the files you need. Work will consist of editing out spelling errors due to OCR mistakes and divide the text into proper paragraphs (using the original White Dwarf article for help). The more help I get, the sooner I can start getting new updates out.

Here's a list of current transcription progress of the various armies, including those that you readers have stepped in to help with so far:
  • Beastmen - finished.
  • Bretonnia - finished.
  • Chaos Dwarfs - finished.
  • Daemons of Chaos - finished.  
  • Dark Elves - finished.  
  • Dwarfs - finished.
  • Empire - finished. 
  • High Elves - finished.
  • Lizardmen - finished. 
  • Orcs & Goblins - finished. 
  • Ogre Kingdoms - finished.
  • Skaven - finished. 
  • Tomb Kings - finished.  
  • Vampire Counts - finished. 
  • Warriors of Chaos - finished. 
  • Wood Elves - finished.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Spanish-to-English translator needed!

I'm in need of translation of an article about Anakondas's Amazons from Spanish White Dwarf 58, it's 3 pages in total. If you are interested, feel free to send me an email through the "contact" form to the right of the page. Thanks!