Wednesday 26 December 2018

Warhammer 9th Ed 1.2 out now!

Merry Christmas and Good Yule! As you have probably noticed, I've been a little absent from the blog for the last month, just taking a small break from Warhammer and recharging my batteries a bit. As promised in the comments, I have also been working on an update in time for X-mas, so here it is:

This update changes the following:

  • Last Stand from 8th Ed for standard bearers re-added (was missing from the book).
  • Removed additional Fear bonus from outnumbering their foes (to avoid snowballing Leadership penalties too much with Terror and other special rules  and/or spells).
  • Clarified that in order to have Immunity (Fear, Panic, Terror), the majority of the models in that unit must have that special rule.
  • Units must pass a Ld test in order to charge Terror-causing units. If failed, they can attempt to re-direct the charge following the normal rules.
  • Fixed bug with Large Target requiring unit size 40 instead of unit strength 40+.
  • Moved Look Out Sir rule to Character chapter instead of Champions, since Champions no longer use it. Clarified that Look Out Sir only applies to units of the same troop type.
  • Characters with a different troop type with a higher Unit Strength than the rest of the unit are only hit by normal missile attacks on a 4+ (does not apply to Towering units).
  • Clarified that Feigned Flight applies both when choosing Flee and Fire & Flee.
  • Clarified what constitutes as both missile and close combat attacks.
  • Clarified that you may not shoot templates (on purpose) into close combat, regardless of distance.
  • Removed part of unit needing to be 5 models wide, this is instead clarified for each troop type.
  • Clarified that units may reform into less than 5 models wide temporarily (so fast cavalry and skirmishers are not penalties).
  • Moved Signature spells and Lore attributes section to Choosing Spells section.
  • Clarified that Striking order Initiative includes bonuses from both weapons and spells.
  • Clarified that the amount of wounds caused by Killing Blow is based on the model's remaining Wounds, not the Wounds on the model's profile.
  • Clarified that hits on Monsters and Handlers are allocated towards the monster if the handlers are dead.
  • Swarms only move 6" with the Vanguard rule.
  • Volley Fire does not require Line of Sight.
  • Pikes get +3 Initiative when charged rather than +2.
  • Clarified that shields and additional hand weapons works with magic weapons. In the case of two hand weapons, the extra attack does not benefit from the magical weapon's rules unless both weapons carried are magical.
  • Changed so that obstacles remove charge bonuses from the attacker, same as a buildings. War Machines counts as obstacles in close combat.
  • Clarified that bolt throwers also pivot to fire rule like other war machines.
  • Swarms do not block line of sight.
  • Removed mention of Champions from the Sniper rule. Clarified that you can use Multiple Shots with Sniper special rule.
  • Clarified that if you have another weapon than a hand weapon, you must use it in combat, but not all the time (so you can use shields and halberds against missile attacks).
  • Changed so that only Infantry, war beasts and swarms can garrison buildings (ogres hardly being to squeeze into a normal doorway anyway). Moved part of different troops types and buildings to the buildings chapter.
  • Added Lightning Attacks, getting +1 To Wound against models wearing medium/heavy/full plate armour, and ignoring armour saves against these troop types. Urannon's Thunderbolt and Chain Lightning are Lightning Attacks. 
  • Added Ice Attacks, causing enemies in base contact to suffer -1S and -1I, or -1M and -1I if used as a missile attack. Iceshard Blizzard is an Ice Attack. 
  • Moved Sentient rule to Special Rules.
  • Relic Sword 20 pts.
  • Parrying Blade 20 pts, is no longer an additional hand weapon.

I aim to get back to working on the Warriors of Chaos book after New Year's, so it should hopefully be finished sometime in January.

Saturday 17 November 2018

Warhammer 9th Ed 1.1 out now!

This update changes the following:

  • Victory points are given if a unit is half or less in Unit Strength rather than less than half.
  • Clarified that Fear does not stack from multiple units. The Leadership modifier is increased by a further -1 modifier if the total unit strength of Fear-causing models is greater than the amount of enemy models without the Fear rule in the same combat.
  • Clarified that Volley Fire ignores the To Hit penalty of cover, not giving a save.
  • Javelins may Volley Fire.
  • Champions are always removed last (instead of being killable separately).
  • Added "ridden monster" to the Monster troop types section.
  • Chariots and ridden monsters can fire 360 degrees.
  • Breath Weapon attacks in close combat cannot hit any single model more than once.
  • Clarified that any equipment or magic items the model might have only apply to the rider, not the mount.
  • Clarified what units are not affected under Hold Your Ground. 
  • Added sentient special rule under Battle Standard Bearer, allowing units that normally would not be allowed to use Inspiring Presence or Hold Your Ground to do so.
  • Panic tests may be re-rolled with the Battle Standard Bearer in addition to Break tests.
  • Added a Fire & Flee charge reaction to Fast Cavalry.
  • Removed BSB part of being in 2nd rank (as characters are not allowed to join a unit unless they are placed in the front rank).
  • Added Large Target modifier to shooting, giving you +1 to hit against units with US 40+.
  • Changed special rule "Large Target" to "Towering" (which frankly fits better as "Large Target" no longer gives any To Hit bonus like earlier editions).
  • Lore of Metal lore attribute gives +1/2 to casting based on the enemy's armour type. Old attribute part of searing doom spell (natural armour is not affected). Golden Hounds inflicts S5 hits.
  • Unbreakable characters may only join unbreakable units.
  • Banner of Might 55 pts.

Monday 5 November 2018

Warhammer 9th Ed 1.09 out now!

A pretty important update here, taking care of a few bugs and other things discussed in the forum and comments:
  • Destroy magic scroll is one use only (bug fix).
  • Unstable Monsters ridden by characters cannot have wounds allocated to them separately (bug fix).
  • Dispel Scroll is no longer an auto-dispel, instead you get 6 dispel dice to use for that dispel roll, can now be used on remains in play spells.
  • Shields on Infantry models give +1 Armour save against missile attacks to the front.
  • Immunity (Psychology) allows units to automatically restrain from pursuit. 
  • Fixed bug with lance Strength Bonus not being specified when charging.
  • Fixed bug with additional hand weapon parry not being specified.
  • Vampiric added to Lore of Light bonus damage.
  • Unstable units that outnumber the enemy (and being Steadfast) reduces the casualties from crumbling by 1.
  • Skirmishing Flyers do not benefit from the Vanguard rule. 
  • Swarms are Expendable. 
  • Clarified how Steadfast is used in combination with the General's Inspiring Presence.
  • Up to 35% can be spent on Lords and Heroes, 25% limit of either Lords or Heroes removed.
  • Clarfied further how multiple combats and break tests work. Units on the losing side but whose CR is greater than all enemy units in base contact no longer need to take break tests, and no unit on the losing side can suffer a greater break test modifier than the overall loss of their side (meaning smaller units flanking a larger force but only lost the combat by 1 pt won't suddenly find themself having a -5 modifier from only being in base contact with a large unit with a ton of CR). This will be further clarified with graphics in the future.
  • Clarified how Outnumbers works in combat with multiple units (i.e. you cannot get the bonus once for each unit if you have several units that each outnumber the enemy). 
  • Added bookmarks to the PDF for easier access.

Saturday 27 October 2018

Vampire Counts 9th Ed 1.11 out now!

This update changes the following:

  • Cheaper missile weapons.
  • You may not have more units of Skeletons armed with missile weapons than you have skeletons without missile weapons.
  • Helman's Ghorst's special rule gives +D3 models raised instead of rerolling number of models raised.
  • Summon Ghouls allows up to 3 units of Ghouls to deploy as Ambushers, 10 pts.
  • Strigoi Vampires can take either Lore of Necromancy or Beasts.
  • Liche Lords may be mounted on Mortis Engines. 
  • Dropped Wight King to Ld8.
  • Lahmian heroes may not ride the Coven Throne.
  • Lahmian Vampires can take light armour and additional hand weapons.
  • Necrarch heroes can ride Abyssal Terrors.
  • Varghulf has Regen (5+) (as well as re-roll to Wound), 200 pts.
  • Fixed several bugs.

With that, I think I've covered most of the issues brought up by you guys in the comments. If there is anything I've missed, let me know!

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Warhammer: Lizardmen 9th Ed 1.0 out now!

Updated to 1.1 27/10:

  • Dread Saurian etheral upgrade replaced with 4+ ward against non-magical attacks at 40 pts.
  • Kroxigors 43 pts.
  • Javelins and short bows are poisoned by default.
  • Skink Skirmishers javelins and short bows 1 pt cheaper.
  • Fixed bug with missing skirmisher rule for skinks in army list. 
  • Fixed bug with chameleons having 6+ armour save in bestiary. 
  • Blessed Spawning of Huanchi gives Ambushers special rule.
  • Blessed Spawning of Tzunki gives +2 Initiative.
  • Cold One Riders 24 pts.
  • Loremaster upgrade for Slann 30 pts.
  • Slann now has extra statline for Skink Attendant.  
  • Terradons and Ripperdactyl's no longer have Natural Armour.
  • Contemplations now lets Slann choose a new spell from any Battle Lore the same magic phase.
  • Fixed multiple bugs regarding stats in bestiary compared to army list.
Well, that went pretty quick! Finishing up at 204 pages, this is the ultimate Lizardmen tome, containing background from 5th to 8th ed, as well the Lustria book and several White Dwarfs.

This book really does not have that many changes compared to most other army books; the Lizardmen roster have always been fairly small, and I have not included any new units as such except for two special characters.

The main change will come with the addition of Sacred Spawnings (finally!) and the drop in armour saves for Saurus and Skinks. I know this was discussed earlier when people wanted it to stay 5+, but the background mentions Temple Guard having tougher scales than normal Saurus, and the Old-Blood having even tougher scales than them. You can now also upgrade your Saurus to a 5+ save with the Blessed Spawnings to achieve the same result as in 8th ed for the same price.

The Lore of Geomancy was planned, but scrapped for two reasons; firstly, Lizardmen already have High Magic. Secondly, the Geomancy spells from 5th ed were not all that interesting, and would only make up half of the lore with 4 spells in total. For that reason, Lord Kroak and Mazdamundi have access to one Geomancy spell each, but that's it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy version 1.0 (that is, until all the bugs are found and fixed in version 1.1728542 or something like that...)!


  • New Special Character: Nakai
  • New Special Character: Inxi-Huinzi
  • Added Sacred Spawnings.
  • Added back Focused Rumination, allowing one free power dice per magic phase.
  • Scaly Skin for Saurus nerfed to 6+ like 6th ed. Scaly Skin for Skinks removed.
  • Added Revivification Crystal to the Bastiladon.
  • Coatl have MR (3+) instead of Ward save (5+), 220 pts.
  • Skink Cohort start with shields, may take spears, javelins or short bows, 3 pts.
  • Jungle Swarms do not count towards the minimum number of Core Units that you need to include in your army.
  • Ripperdactyl's have the Toad Rage rule again.
  • Ancient Stegadon is back, is an upgrade to normal Stegadons.
  • Terradons and Ripperdactyls are WB, not MB.
  • Mazdamundi has the Itzi Grubs magic item, can use one more dice than normal when casting. Have the Ruination of cities spell. 2+ armour for his stegadon. 700 pts.
  • Lord Kroak has the Ceremonial Mace of Malachite , Standard of the Sacred Serpent, Glyph of Potec and Amulet of Itza magic items. Has WS, BS, I and A 0 (since he is dead and all...). Have a 4+ ward save (and MR (3+). 450 pts.
  • Kroq-Gar 470 pts, may take one unit of Cold One Riders as core choice. Enemies wounding him suffer a S5 hit.
  • Tehenhauin may not ride Stegadon (as the model does not, and it goes against the whole point of his snake-based special rules). Red Crested Skinks have immunity to poison. Give regen to swarms, ignore unstable. 300 pts.
  • Gor-Rok has T5, Immune to KB, enemies must re-roll sucessful To Wound rolls, 230 pts.
  • Chakax causes enemy weapons and armour to counts as mundane equipment. 210 pts.
  • Tetto'eko has a 4+ ward save, 190 pts.
  • Tiqtaq'to gives ambushers to Terradon unit for free, 135 pts.
  • Troglodon has the Ambushers special rule, have BS4. 

Monday 22 October 2018

Vampire Counts 9th Ed 1.1 out now!

Apologies for the delay with this update, been steamrolling my way through the Lizardmen book these last weeks, and as such Vampire Counts was a bit delayed in the update department. I have been going through your comments and have done the following adjustments to the book:

  • Added bookmarks to the PDF, so you can more easily find whatever section you are looking for. This will be included for all future updates as well.
  • Vampiric no longer gives Regen, instead makes you re-roll successful To Wound rolls (does not apply to magical attacks, flaming attacks, or killing blow).
  • Removed Luthor Harkon (he will appear in the Vampire Coast expansion instead).
  • Gashnag has Multiple Wounds (D3), not poisoned attacks.
  • Black Coach is pulled by Nightmares.
  • Strigoi Vampires may not take magic weapons or armour.
  • The Brothers Ghorst have WS2 and S4.
  • Skeleton Warriors may take medium armour.
  • Corpse Cart have T5, Vigour Mortis gives Regen (6+) in addition to +1 A.
  • Included cost for Flag of Blood Keep.
  • Crypt Horrors have Ld7.
  • Varghulf have Ld7.
  • Mournguls are no longer Etheral, have 4+ ward against non-magical attacks, have Killing Blow.
  • Increased the cost of bows and crossbows for Skeletons and Peasant Levy.
  • Vlad's Blood Drinker restores lost Wounds on a 3+.
  • Summon Ghouls are 20 pts.
  • Transfix tests are no longer taken at -1 Ld.
  • Invocation of Nehek cannot heal characters more than 1W per casting.
  • Sylvanian Peasant Levy have US 10+ (so you are not forced into taking huge units of archers). May take additional hand weapons.
  • Lahmian Vampires are 5 pts cheaper.
  • Coven Throne 200 pts.
  • Fixed multiple bugs with incorrect statlines and missing special rules.

If there any anything I've missed to fix that you think is important to add, let me know in the comments. Ideas for new units and the like are likely to be included in future expansions rather than being mainline units.

Wednesday 3 October 2018

Warhammer: Vampire Counts 9th Ed 1.0 out now!

Finishing up at a whopping 270 pages, Vampire Counts managed to even beat the Empire in terms of length (which is also part of why this book has taken quite a while to finish). This book contains material from all army books 4th-8th ed, as well as Night's Dark Masters, Liber Necris, Circle of Blood, various White Dwarfs and Citadel Journals. As such, you now have much extended background on all the Vampire Bloodlines and their history, as well more information about Sylvania, the Red Duke, and Heinrich Kemmler.

Do note that the majority of the background used in this book is based on the older Vampire Counts sources rather than the newer books from Black Library, and as such there are some discrepancies between them.


The main change for the 9th Ed Vampire Counts book compared to the official 8th Ed is the inclusion of living troops! Your Vampires and Necromancers will no longer crumble to dust as they have done in the past, and Vampires all have Regeneration as fits their background. They can no longer be healed by means of magic, instead relying of drinking blood to sustain themselves. All the changes can be found below:

  • New Lord choice: Liche Lord
  • New Mount: Barrow Chariot (for Wight King).
  • New Core Unit: Sylvanian Peasant Infantry (WS2 infantry that are not undead). 
  • New Rare Unit: Lahmian Handmaidens
  • New Special Character: Neferata
  • New Special Character: Zacharias the Everliving
  • New Special Character: Melkhior
  • New Special Character: Sethep
  • New Special Character: Walach Harkon
  • New Special Character: The Red Duke
  • New Special Character: Gashnag
  • New Special Character: Luthor Harkon
  • New Special Character: Dieter Helsnicht
  • New Special Character: Helman Ghorst
  • Vampiric gives the model Fear, Immunity (Psychology) and Regeneration (6+ to 4+).
  • Units like Necromancers, Vampires, Bats and Ghouls are no longer Undead.
  • The Hunger renamed The Red Thirs, works on a 5+.
  • Several Vampiric Powers can now be taken by multiple Blood Lines.
  • Lore of the Vampires renamed Lore of Necromancy (as it is not really used solely be Vampires, and was created by Necromancers, not Vampires).
  • Invocation of Nehek only affects Undead units.
  • Curse of Undeath regains 1 Wound for one unit within 6", rather than healing the caster. This means you can no longer heal your character through magic (as they are not really Undead to begin with).
  • Undead can march if within 6" of a wizard with the Lore of Necromancy.
  • Necrarch Vampires can use the Lore of Metal and Lore of the Heavens.
  • Strigoi Vampires can use the Lore of Beasts and Shadow.
  • Replaced Tomb Blade (which is already carried by Heinrich Kemmler) with the Frostblade. 
  • Vigour Mortis is now a bound spell that gives skeletons and zombies +1 Attack rather than Always Strikes first (which was pretty poor considering the low Init value of zombies who would likely get to strike anyway in great numbers).
  • Bat Swarms automatically Disrupt enemy units that it flanks.
  • Skeleton Archers are removed, Skeleton Warriors can instead take bows and crossbows.
  • Zombies are WS2, have the Fight in Extra Ranks (1) special rule.
  • Crypt Ghouls are 6 pts.
  • Dire Wolves have Slavering Charge again, do not count towards minimum core units.
  • Corpse Cart have a 6+ armour save.
  • Blood Knights have full plate armour and WS6 (one less than a Blood Dragon Vampire, and one higher than a Pallid Handmaiden), Ld8, 42 pts.
  • Cairn Wraiths and Tomb Banshees have been split into separate units.
  • Cairn Wraith may be taken as Heroes, can be mounted on a Skeletal Steed, and take magic items.
  • Von Carstein and Lahmian Vampires are not wizards by default (Hero's only).
  • Necrarch, Strigoi and Lahmian Vampires have -1 Ld. 
  • Strigoi have Armour Piercing instead of Poisoned attacks.
  • Master Necromancers can be upgraded to Master of the Dead.
  • Lahmian Vampires may take Poisoned Attacks. 
  • Wight King have T5, may take heavy armour, 80 pts.
  • Fell Bats and Bat Swarms moved to core, do not count towards minimum core units.
  • Zombie Dragons may be taken as rare choices. 
  • Isabella von Carstein is no longer a wizard.
  • Konrad von Carstein has the Ring of the Night magic item.
  • Krell have W3, have the Crown on the Damned magic item.
  • All Vampires can carry the Battle Standard. 
  • Cheaper musicians for Undead units (as they have no use of the rally part). 
  • Fell Bats and Spirit Hosts are 3+ in unit size.
  • Varghulfs and Vargheists have Red Thirst.
  • Vargheists 50 pts. 
  • Varghulf 185 pts.
  • Crypt Horrors 37 pts.
  • Necrofex Colossus 240 pts, have the Vortex of Death special rule, can take Dark Souls upgrade.
  • Black Coach is 170 pts (on account of being T5 like normal heavy chariots).
  • Mannfred von Carstein have A4, Ebony Staff and Cloak of Darkness. He is no longer available as a Hero choice.
  • Removed background on the War in the Border Princes - this part is never resolved until the End Times, and as such feels unfinished. 

Many thanks to Rune for helping me go through and fix quite a few things in the book before release!

Friday 17 August 2018

Warhammer: Dwarfs 9th ed 1.0 out now!

Updated to 1.11:
  • Rangers have BS3 again (as their fluff does not really mention them being elite marksmen compared to other Dwarfs, only that they are more versatile). Cheaper crossbows.
  • Fixed bug with Deathblow for Slayers in the Bestiary.
  • Veterans for Quarrellers and Thunderers have A2, just like the Warrior Veteran, which is the same as the official books. Dwarfs are limited to BS4 on their lords, so it makes sense that normal Dwarfs do not become more proficient than BS3.
Updated to 1.1:
  • Fixed multiple bugs with incorrect statlines.
  • Deathrollers inflicts D6 hits every turn.
  • Nerfed stats of brewmasters.
  • Fixed points cost for magic items.
  • Kazador is S4, his hammer causes Multiple Wounds (D3).
  • Grimm Burloksson gives +1 To Hit, not re-roll To Hit.
  • Increased cost of Rune of Might.
  • Thunderers and Quarrellers cannot take medium armour (like 6th and 7th ed).

Rejoice Dawi, for the day of Reckoning is here! Ahem...

Clocking in at 230 pages, Warhammer: Dwarfs is the second longest book I've finished, so while you Dwarf players had to wait for those pesky Elves to get their books out first, you can feel happy in that your book is the longest of the lot. This book contain background from all four editions of Dwarf army books, Grudgelore, Book of Grudges from WFRP, Stone and Steel, Citadel Journal and various White Dwarf articles.


This update changes the following:
  • New Hero: Brewmaster (support character, based on Warhammer: Quest)
  • New Special Unit: Firethrower (weapon team, based on 3rd ed)
  • New Rare Unit: Rune Guardians (MI, based on WFRP)
  • New Special Character: Alrik Ranulfsson
  • New Special Character: Kazador Thunderhorn
  • New Special Character: Byrrnoth Grundadrakk
  • New Special Character: Kragg the Grim
  • New Special Character: Grombrindal
  • New Special Character: Burlok Damminsson
  • New Special Character: Kadrin Redmane
  • Resolute lets Dwarfs take any break test in the first round of combat on 3D6, disgarding the highest result.
  • Relentless works the same as in 8th ed (always march). While I'd like to give Dwarf players more options to go on the offensive, letting them march faster than Humans probably is not the best way to do it. Due to not being allowed to re-roll marching attempts as easy as in 8th ed, this still means Dwarf players won't lose out too much as they cannot be march-blocked.
  • Shieldwall is no longer an army-wide special rule, it has instead been given to the Ironbreakers to replace gromril shieldwall. It only applies in the first round of combat.
  • Multiple new Runes added from previous editions. Some points adjustsments and tweaks to existing runes.
  • Warriors, Miners, Rangers, Quarellers and Thunderers have light armour by default, can upgrade to medium armour. Longbeards and hammerers start with medium armour, can upgrade to heavy. Pts have been adjusted by 1 pt for this purpose.
  • War machine crews do not have armour by default (as hardly any of the models do). Can upgrade to light armour. Are no longer stubborn.
  • Runesmiths/Runelords counts as a lvl 2/lvl 4 wizard for the purposes of dispelling, meaning you can now channel twice the number of dispel dice and get +1/+2 to dispel on top of the +2 Dwarfs currently have. This means that a Dwarf Runelord is twice as good at dispelling as a normal wizard, giving them a needed boost against magic.
  • Rangers have BS4.
  • Dragon and Daemon Slayers can choose from a multidude of different Slayer skills.
  • Ungrim Ironfirst allows one unit of Slayers to be upgraded to Brotherhood of Grimnir. 
  • Irondrakes have 12" range. 
  • Cinderblast bombs only scatters half the distance on the artillery dice, min range it 5" (thus avoiding situations where the bomb could scatter behind the thrower.
  • Slayers may skirmish.
  • Runesmiths and Runelords starts without armour, can wear up to heavy armour. Runelords have MR (5+), Runesmiths have MR (6+).
  • Thunderbarge uses the bombing run rules for Gyrobombers, have only one cannon, W8, T6. High Flyer rule does not block LoS of other units from moving through it. 275 pts.
  • Deathrollers have W3, 80 pts.
  • Grudgebreaker rolls artillery dice to determine attacks and movement, follows the rules for chariots, 275 pts.
  • Thorgrim Grudgebreaker 500 pts. 
  • Thorek Ironbrow 350 pts.
  • Belegar Ironhammer 290 pts.
  • Thorek does not have MR (4+).
  • Ungrim Ironfist has WS8, medium armour, T, 315 pts.
  • Grimm Burloksson have heavy armour and S4, 95 pts.
  • Josef Bugman have medium armour and S4, restores 1W per turn rather than D3, 170 pts.
  • Removed background on the Shadow of Nagashizzar - this part is never resolved until the End Times, and as such feels unfinished

Overall, I've tried to keep the armour levels on the Dwarfs more WYSIWYG, rather than having all models have heavy armour (as normal warriors just wear a simple chainmail and the new hammerers almost wear complete plate armour) and gromril armour (which only fits a few of the character models). It always struck me as very odd that Josef Bugman with his chainmail shirt would be having just as good an armour save as an Ironbreaker covered in gromril plate.

Anyway, enjoy, and let me know of any bugs and other issues I've missed as usual!

Saturday 28 July 2018

Warhammer: Skaven 9th Ed 1.32 out now!

Updated 13th August:
  • Rat Ogre Bonebreaker W3, A4, 75 pts (it was frankly ridiculously cheap for its stats, on par with a Griffon at barerly a third of the cost).
  • Hell Pit Abomination will only need to roll on the berkserk chart on a double 1 or double 6 (I was way off on the math regarding the chance of going berserk on any doubles), W6, 250 pts.
  • Brood Horror has Poisoned Attacks by default, S5, can take upgrades from Monstrous Arcanum, 150 pts.

Updated 1st August:
  • Fixed bug with clanrat spears cost.
  • Fixed special rules bug for Brood Horror as a mount.
  • Vermin Lords have Doomglaive by default, no longer mandatory to upgrade.

I decided to hold off on the new layout, art and background for now, and publish the latest (and much needed) rules update earlier instead, which means I will be able to finish the remaining army books sooner. Once Daemons of Chaos are finished, Skaven will get a new graphical upgrade.

The Skaven book was rightly criticized for several issues, mainly oversights on my part, that needed addressing. As such, this update changes the following:
  • Warp Lightning Cannons functions the same as 7th ed.
  • Hell Pit Abomination will need to roll for Berserk on the roll of any double again (so a bit more risky). This means you are likely to roll a double around 1 time per game, (as you probably won't be moving every single turn to begin with) though only 50% of the time it will actually be a real drawback (as in, not moving, or moving backwards). Feed does not Ignore Armour saves. Flailing Fists no longer gives -1 to Hit, is Random Attacks (2D6) instead of 3D6. Avalanche of flesh gives the Abomination Random Attacks (D6) instead of an improved Stomp. Can take Warpstone Spikes upgrade. Removed Impact Hits, 225 pts.
  • Brood Horror no longer has Stubborn, Poisoned Attacks or Regen (as none of these things are ever described in the fluff, nor do they really make much sense for what is essentially a Monster-sized Giant Rat), WS3, 175 pts. The previous version was really underpriced (based on Forge World's rules minus the impact hits).
  • Weeping World Sores is a large template that scatters.
  • Verminlords can be taken without a Grey Seer.
  • Grey Seer 220 pts.
  • Warlock Master 160 pts.
  • Night Runners have a Unit Size of 10+, are not skirmishers by default. Have the Strength in Numbers special rule.
  • Screaming Bell's Deafening Peals only affect units within 12". This makes it more balanced in bigger battles, and makes the risk of blowing up your own war machines less likely (given that you attempt to march the Bell into the enemy's side of the battlefield at least).
  • Giant Rats 4 pts (meaning they no longer are much better slaves at only +1 pt).
  • Eshin Sorcerers may be upgraded to level 2 wizards.
  • Clarified Storm Banner a bit better so that cannons and the like that attempt to fire while within 24" of the banner must roll a 4+. Cannons outside the storm banner's range can still fire onto units that are within the storm as normal (which makes sense, as a cannon ball really isn't going to alter it's course that much due to the wind).
  • Doomwheel gets Impact Hits (D6) like a normal chariot. Only rolls one artillery dice for the bolts. Each bolt causes Multiple Wounds (D3) instead of D6. This makes it somewhat safer to use, but less deadly.
  • Wolf Rats 8 pts, can take various upgrades.
  • Plague Furnace wrecker attack is no longer a Stomp, instead works like in 7th ed, but only to the unit's front.

This should address pretty much all criticism I found from the previous book. Warp Storm and Cloud of Corruption are still very similar (both based on official spells), but they are in different lores, and as such can be taken by different wizard. The Hell Pit Abomination has been nerfed yet again, but it's somewhat cheaper now.

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Warhammer: High Elves 1.1, Dark Elves 1.1 and Wood Elves 1.12 out now!

Note: these updates are for the 9th ed books.

This update changes the following for High Elves:
  • Added Elven Grace army special rule (6+ parry).
  • Removed "Shadow of the Nagashizzar" from the background section, as this cuts off mid-battle and the story is not resolved until the End Times.
  • Silver Helms 24 pts.
  • Dragon Princes 29 pts.
  • Warriors with additional hand weapons can skirmish.
  • Warriors with shields can upgrade to medium armour.

This update changes the following for Dark Elves:
  • Added Elven Grace army special rule (6+ parry).
  • Witch Elves 9 pts.
  • Cold One knights 33 pts. 
  • Bloodwrack Medusa has a spear, does not suffer any To Hit penalties with Bloodwrack Stare.
  • Sisters of Slaughter have 5+ ward in combat (4+ with elven grace).
  • Scourgerunner Chariot 90 pts.
  • Dark Elf Fleetmaster has WS8 and A5, making them better fighters than dreadlords at the cost of armour and flexibility, 170 pts. This also fits in with their background as being skilled swordsmen.
  • Toxins no longer replace Assassins' Poisoned Attacks.
  • Manbane 10 pts.
  • Tullaris now gains +1 to his combat resolution score each time he scores a successful Killing blow.
  • Spiteful Conjuration Lore Attribute causes S2 hits instead.
  • Fixed bug so Medusa have Ld7.
  • Rending Stars 25 pts.
  • Dance of Doom forces enemies to re-roll successful To Hit rolls.

This update changes the following for Wood Elves:
  • Sisters of the Thorn 26 pts, have 4+ ward by default again (Elven grace won't help them against shooting, so they have 4+ ward instead).

Sunday 15 July 2018

Wood Elves 9th Ed 1.11 out now!

This update changes the following:

  • Marksman Prowess changed to Asrai Archery from 6th, meaning you ignore -1 to hit for moving and shooting. This keeps WE from becoming too much of a stand and shoot army rather than the guerilla force they are supposed to be.
  • Clarified that Elven Grace applies to mounted models as well.
  • Added Forest Dragon as a stand-alone rare choice.
  • Sylvan Hunters moved to Rare.
  • Sisters of the Thorn have a 5+ ward save (4+ with elven grace), fixed BS and A value, 24 pts.
  • Arcane Bodkins 2 pts/model (due it being a bit too good at killing knights).
  • Swiftshiver shards 3 pts/model (due to the combination of Asrai archery).
  • Hagbane tips 4 pts/model (due to multiple shots).
  • Added enchanted arrows to warhawk riders.
  • Skaw ignores all To Hit penalties for his hawks.
  • Warhawk riders can take enchanted arrows, are T3 in bestiary.
  • Fixed stat-bug for Great Stag in bestiary.
  • Fixed stat-bug for Unicorn in bestiary. Unicorns gain +1 Strength to their Impact Hits through Impale.
  • Fixed bug where Araloth had M9.
  • Conjoined Twins fixed - "If Naestra and Arahan have been reduced to less than 4 Wounds at the end any turn, they will be restored to 4 Wounds." For this reason, Gwindalor has W4, as MC uses the highest W available. 175 pts by default, 320 pts for the Dragon, 100 pts for the Eagle.
  • Naieth's Othu allow re-roll of 1's to Hit.
  • Changed ranks to unit strength for Twillight host.
  • Fixed bug where Helm of the Hunt only give Frenzy the first turn. Also gives Forest Spirit special rule, allowing you to field a Wild Rider character, 50 pts.
  • Hail of Doom Arrow is no longer armour piercing, 35 pts.
  • Forest Dragon 320 pts,
  • Added Spites to army list for affected characters.
  • Added Warhawk to character mounts.
  • Glade Guards can not take magic banners.
  • All 5" forests have been changed to 12", so the Citadel Wood can be used.
  • Sylvan Hunters have Unit size 3+.

Tuesday 10 July 2018

Warhammer: Wood Elves 9th Ed 1.0(1) out now!

Updated July 11: Fixed bugs mentioned in the comments.

Coming at 186 pages, this book is your ultimate go-to source for everything Wood Elves (barring the excellent Defenders of the Forest from WFRP, which you should check out for even more background on them). This book contains all the background from all tree editions of the Wood Elves army books as well as additional background from White Dwarfs and some WFRP articles. I have also removed the background on Mallobaude's invasion of Bretonnia, as this is something that is not resolved until the End Times (which, as we all know, was just a fever dream caused by inhaling too much plastic glue).


As far as rules are concerned, this update changes the following:

  • New Army Special rule: Elven Grace - giving a 6+ Parry save against enemies with lower Initiative. This rule will be given to both High Elves and Dark Elves as well to balance out their current high cost. I'd like to get feedback on this special rule overall to get an idea if this is good or not, or if Elven Grace should be represented by something else like +1WS, +1 To Hit or -1 To be Hit or anything else. If you are interested, you can find the forum discussion about it here).
  • New Special Unit: Tree-Revenants
  • New Special Unit: Spite-Revenants.
  • New Special Unit: Sylvan Hunters.
  • New Special Character: Ariel (frankly ridiculous that she was not included in the 8th ed book already seeing how much she is mentioned in the background)
  • New Special Character: Naeith the Prophetess
  • New Special Character: Thalandor
  • New Special Character: Lothlann the Brave
  • New Special Character: Scarloc
  • New Special Character: Scaw the Falconer
  • New Special Character: Gruath the Beastmaster
  • Blessings of the Ancients replaces Blessing of Isha, gives +1 to cast in forests.
  • Forest Sprits cause Fear by default.
  • Removed spite swarms; instead spites makes a return as character upgrades from 6th ed (and no, the Annoyance of Netlings do not effectively give you a 2+ ward save in challenges now). 
  • Removed beastmasters; their background has instead been transferred to Alters, whom it fits better with.
  • Return of Swiftshiver shards, allows models to fire multiple shots when moving/ignore penalties for multiple shots when standing still. 
  • Return of Starfire shafts, forces enemies to re-roll sucessful panic tests caused by them.
  • Trueflight Arrows have the Ignores Cover special rule.
  • Tree Kin has gotten their old 6th ed background back, the 8th ed fluff (with the whole "dead elf" thing being moved to the Tree-Revenants).
  • Dryads have T3, can instead shift into different tree aspects which gives them +T, +A or -1 to be Hit.
  • Alters are Infantry and skirmishers, can shift into different animal aspects.
  • Waywatchers have regained their trap rule form 5th ed, can place traps in forests. 
  • Waywatchers regained their forest stalker special rule from 6th ed, making them -1 to be hit, and can deploy within 12" as long as they are within a wood.
  • Waywatcher have Killing Blow on their missile attacks like in 6th ed, rather than multiple shots and no armour saves.
  • Waywatchers can take Enchanted arrows.
  • Waywatchers do not have two hand weapons by default, 18 pts.
  • Orion is MI, not Mo.
  • Warhawk may be taken as a character mount. 
  • Glade Lords and Captain start without light armour and bows for WYSIWYG purposes, 5 pts cheaper. 
  • Orion 485 pts. 
  • Durtu have WS and BS6, A5 to be closer to a Treeman Ancient in stats. Have the Sword of Dath magic item, 335 pts.
  • Araloth has light armour, 230 pts.
  • Drycha has W2, cost 180 pts.
  • Spellsinger 85 pts.

As you can see, I've added most of the Age of Sigmar models, but with rules and rewritten background to fit the Old World, as well as a slew of updated special characters from 5th ed.

I will be giving both High Elves and Dark Elves some updates shortly with the new Elven Grace special rule, followed by updating their Ravening Hordes lists as well. After that, I will be on a break for a few weeks to have time to finish the video games from the last Steam sale (though I will still be tinkering with the books at work when possible). I've done most of the work on the Skaven already as far as rules go, though there's quite a lot of graphic and layout changes that are needed to fit new artwork and background from various White Dwarf issues.

Anyway, enjoy, and let me know of the horrible game-breaking bugs I've missed!

Tuesday 19 June 2018

8th Ed Ravening Hordes 1.1 updates for Empire, High Elves and Dark Elves out now!

Note on Blogger comments: Due to either the new annoying GDPR-law or a bug from Google I have not received any comment notifications for the last month. If you have posted a comment since May 25 and have not gotten a reply I will get back to you ASAP. In the meantime, you can contact me though email as normal if needed.

Been a long time coming, but as promised, I've finished these updates before publishing the Wood Elves book. These updates contains the latest rules changes that was done to 9th Ed, as well as the new units. It's been a while since I worked on the 8th edition stuff now, so let me know if there are any bugs in the Ravening Hordes list that I've missed from 9th Ed.

I've decided to hold off on including the Special characters; these will instead get a separate download. This is due to Special Characters not being all that common in most players' games, and all their magic items and special rules taking up a lot of space in the Ravening Hordes list. I don't have a date for when the Special Characters for 8th ed will be out yet, but in the meantime, feel free to either use their 9th ed rules (where applicable) or the official 8th ed rules for them.

As for the Wood Elves book, it's (still) nearly finished and should be out later this week. I have the day off from work tomorrow so should be able to put in a few hours working on it, and will likely be able to finish it this weekend if I'm not too busy at work.

Quick note about the Wood Elves (July 3rd); I did unfortunately not have as much time as I had planned to work on the book this week, so it's still a few more things left to finish. I hope to have that sorted out soon (as in, this week most likely, I'd hate to postpone it further).

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Warhammer 9th ed 1.083 out now!

Updated 15/5
This update changes the following:

  • Miscast table no longer removes D6 dice from the pool on any result. Magical feedback instead causes the wizard to not be allowed more spells that phase. This means that other wizards won't be penalized by one of them miscasting.
  • Returned rules to no more ranks than files again, exception for reform into column if necessary to pass by units/terrain. Unit must still be 5+ models wide.
  • Skirmishers may be less than 5 models wide.


Updated 11/5

After some more feedback, I've gone back and tried to tweak the system a bit more. This update changes the following:
  • Power dice are channelled on a 5+, dispel dice on a 6.
  • Lvl 1 and 2 wizards gain +1 to cast and dispel, level 3 and 4 wizards gets +2 instead.
  • Units may at most have twice as many ranks as files.
  • Skirmishers and fast cavalry may reform into "illegal" formations during their move, provided they end their move in a legal formation.

This should have the effect that magic will scale better so you will have more plenty more power dice than dispel dice on average on higher points levels.
It also means that higher level wizards have an easier time casting the higher level spells without needing to use as many dice (and thus have a smaller chance of miscast).
The difference in casting/dispel bonus between a lvl 1 and level 4 is also much lower, which means a level 4 wizard won't be dominating the magic phase against lower level wizards, while still getting a bonus to make them worth taking over two level 2's.


This update changes the following:

  • Wizard level is added to casting/dispelling again, like it 8th ed.
  • Changed casting values back to 8th ed.
  • All dice are now channelled on a 6, you still roll one per wizard level.
  • Removed limit of 12 dice in the pool (as this limit currently makes magic practically worthless in big games).
  • Removed "more files than ranks" rule. A unit may not be less than 5 models wide (for infantry) to avoid conga-lines. This means you can now build a column formation if you want, which comes with the natural downside of being easier to flank. While I'll personally prefer a longer battle line, having an arbitrary rule to stop columns is probably not the best idea.

Based on feedback from you guys, I've decided to not change the way miscasts work; it's hardly a difference if it happens on a double 1 or double 6, as the odds are the same for both anyway, and keeps it more streamlined. Irrestistable Force works the same as before. With the increase in casting potential again, I've decided to keep the boosted versions as before. Boosted spells are not being cast automatically as some of them get a shorter range compared to the normal version (applies to "bubble" spells).

In general, magic will work more similarly to 8th ed, but with easier channelling on both sides that makes the game scale better on higher points levels. I hope this will go some way of making Magic more useful again (remember that MR still works against Purple Sun and the like though!).

As always, feedback is much appreciated!

Monday 16 April 2018

Warhammer 9th ed 1.075 out now!

This update changes the following:

  • Signature spells is no longer recastable (would require redesigning too many of them and a greater risk of cheese).
  • Signature spells are now available in addition to a wizard's other spells, meaning a level 1 wizard always knows the signature spells of his chosen lore plus another spell of his choosing. This means you now will have more options than before, and makes even a level 1 wizard more useful on his own.
  • Dispel Dice are now channelled on a 6 instead of a 4+, but is instead rolled for each Wizard level. So a level 4 Wizard now rolls 4 dice rather than 2 for dispel dice. This will make dispel dice somewhat more difficult to channel.
  • Nerfed Power Drain; it now only causes you to be unable to cast more spells that round rather than lose levels and spells.
  • Removed Multiple Shots from two different sources; I will instead make clear exceptions for these in the few books where this will come into play.
  • Removed repeater crossbows - these were only used by Dark Elves anyway, and with different rules.

Overall, I hope this will go some way to improving the magic system, which is the main thing I'm not quite happy with yet. I'd also like to get more feedback of the following:

  • Making miscasts take effect on double 1 instead of double 6.
  • Making Irrestistible Force a bonus to the casting result instead of being undispelable.
  • Removing boosted versions of all spells to keep the focus more on casting multiple lower-level spells instead of throwing all dice on the super-Purple Sun.
  • Anything else I might have missed.

You will also notice I have moved the Skaven book further up in the update order. While I would like to finish the complete versions of the other books first, the Skaven book is in pretty big need of an update to fix some glaring issues (thanks for the harsh criticism 4chan!), so I will get that one out as soon as I'm finished with Wood Elves.

Saturday 14 April 2018

Warhammer: Empire 9th Ed 1.14 out now!

 Updated 16/4.
  • Halberdiers 6 pts.
  • Imperial Dwarfs cannot have medium armour, halberds cost 2 pts.
  • Imperial Ogres can take Ogre pistols.

This update changes the following:

  • Pistoliers cannot take spears and shields.
  • Spearmen 5 pts, pike upgrades cost 1 pt.
  • Free Company Fighters can take bows or crossbows (as their models can be assembled).
  • Spears for Imperial Dwarfs cost 1 pt.
  • Fixed bug where Demi-gryphs only had W1.

Warhammer: High Elves 9th Ed 1.03 out now!

Updated 16/4:
  • Spearmen 11 pts.

Very small update here, just fixing Imrik's Dragons stats and putting the Phoenix King timeline in chronological order, as well as changing the short story about killing Kouran into Urian Poisonblade instead.

Warhammer: Dark Elves 9th Ed 1.02 out now!

Updated 16/4:
  • Removed Bloodwrack Medusa Starefrom combat since they was already present with Avert Your gaze.
  • Clarified City Guard rule better in the army list, made crossbows cheaper sicne they replace their spears.

This updates changes the following:

  • Khinerai WS4 and S3, 18 pts.
  • Melusai W2, 22 pts. No longer has natural armour.
  • Dark Riders 15 pts.
  • Darkshards 12 pts.
  • City Guard 9 pts, front rank has to buy crossbows at 5 pts/model.
  • Bloodwrack Medusa Stare has a 12" range, can be used in close combat, no longer has natural armour.
  • Chillblade 35 pts.
  • Gem of Spite 25 pts.
  • War Hydra 200 pts.
  • Kharibdyss Feast of Bones now causes Multiple Wounds (D3) on To Wound rolls of 6, 210 pts.
  • Fixed bug with missing Lores in the army list.
  • Any friendly Monster within 12" of Rakarth treat him as having the "Hold Your Ground!" special rule.
  • Tullaris WS7.
  • Malus Darkblade's Spite now has barding.
  • Fixed muliple bugs and inconsistencies. 
  • Removed fluff on destruction of Arnheim.
  • Removed short story about the capture of Eltharion (as it had not happened yet in the timeline).

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Warhammer: Dark Elves 9th Ed out now!

Well, this is the first time in quite a long while since I've finished a book earlier than planned! Coming in at 194 pages, Warhammer: Dark Elves is a bit shorter than the High Elf book, but makes up for it with lots of hatred (and those Witch Elves ain't too bad either...). This book contain pretty much every fluff piece on Warhammer Dark Elves ever written, with over a dozen short stories and extended background compared to the main army books. Enjoy!


  • New Special Character: Rakarth the Beastlord.
  • New Lord: Hag Queens.
  • New Core Unit: City Guard.
  • New Core Unit: Slaves.
  • New Special Unit: Melusai (from AoS).
  • New Special Unit: Khinerai (from AoS).
  • New magic item: Armour of Living Death. 
  • Gifts of Khaine section from 7th ed is back.
  • Removed Arachne from the list (as it was not a very popular choice for many of you). 
  • Removed Manticore as an option for Supreme Sorceress.
  • Hatred (High Elves) renamed into Eternal Hatred. 
  • Harpies moved to Core, do not count towards minimum number of core units.
  • Cauldron of Blood moved to Rare, can be taken without Death Hag.
  • Doom Bolt causes D6 Strength 5 hits as standard, 2D6 boosted.
  • Executioners can pick the Standard of Har Ganeth, making them cause Terror.
  • Cold One Knights can pick the Blood Banner, making them ignore Stupidity.
  • Dark Riders 16 pts.
  • Witch Elves 10 pts.
  • Executioners 14 pts.
  • Fleetmaster no longer has slaver and raiding party rule, instead have special rules that allow Corsairs to re-roll 1's to Hit and get double combat res from Wounds caused in challenges, 125 pts.
  • Malekith has the Hand of Khaine item, can take Black Guard as a special choice. 515 pts.
  • Morathi starts as Infantry, has Beloved of Khaine special rule, 375 pts.
  • Malus Darkblade starts as Infantry, 225 pts.
  • Crone Hellebron allows Witch Elves to be taken as Core, 300 pts.
  • Shadowblade 250 pts.
  • Lokhir Fellheart 200 pts.
  • Kouran Darkhand have WS8.
  • Tullaris Dreadbringer 120 pts, gains bonuses for killing enemies in challenges instead of Frenzy.
  • Kharibdyss 165 pts.

Retconned several retcons and otherwise poor 8th ed fluff additions:
  • Malekith no longer sends away half his army at Finuval Plain, like he knows beforehand he is going to lose for no apparent reason (which is plain dumb).
  • Morathi no longer acts like she has dementia and have the hots for Tyrion (instead of being the GoT Cersei of Warhammer doing anything for her son).
  • Morathi no longer just captures Tyrion and the Blighted isle out of nowhere (really, we don't even get a description of how he was captured, only "she used magic, durr").
  • The implied Oidipus relationship between Malekith and Morathi is back.
  • Removed background on the assassins "sewing up their mouths and nailing their jaws shut" (exactly how are they supposed to eat then?).

And since people have been asking for it: yes, next up will be the 8th ed Ravening Hordes updates for Empire and High Elves. Wood Elves will take a bit longer to finish due to having a lot of editing left to do, it will most likely be out late April or May.

Friday 23 March 2018

Warhammer 9th ed 1.074 out now!

This updates changes the following:

  • Clarified that Standards stack from multiple units.
  • All units in base contact counts when calculating Unit Strength, rather than just units that can be Steadfast. Clarified that disrupted units may not count their ranks in multiple combats.
  • Lowered casting values of all spells by 1, making it easier to cast low-level spells especially. For those books that have not yet been updated after this update, feel free to lower casting values by 1 for the army books lores as well.
  • Signature spells can be cast multiple times in the same magic phase. 
  • Life Leeching from Lore of Death only generates additional dice on a 6+.
  • Moved Magic Resistance under the Ward save rule, since it gives a Ward save against spells. Changed Magic Resistance to the Ward save system, so Magic Resistance (5+) = Magic Resistance (2) for example.
  • Removed paragraph about Monsters in challenges, as these rule no longer applies.
  • Fixed bugs with charging/pursuing fleeing enemies killing enemy units instantly, they now follow the rules for charging fleeing enemies (losing 1W per enemy Unit Strength)
  • Fixed bug with Swiftstride not rolling 3D6 when pursuing.
  • Clarified magical armour types better and that helmets and gauntlets can be taken by all models that can wear armour.
  • Clarified how victory points for things like Fanatics and Weapon teams are calculated.
  • Clarified that Monsters who are Characters can use the BSB's Hold Your Ground! special rule.
  • Added muliple magic items from 8th Ed, with fluff descriptions for nearly all of them.
  • Multiple smaller bug fixes and changes for different terrain.

Saturday 17 March 2018

Warhammer: High Elves 9th 1.01 out now!

This updates changes the following.

  • Added Unicorn mount to mages.
  • Re-added option for Sun and Moon Dragon to Arch Mages (wrongfully remembered that they did have an official option for it in the plastic kit and in 7th ed.)
  • Dragon Mages get +2 to cast the spell Flaming Sword of Rhuin when targeting themselves.
  • Clarified that chariots have a 4+ save.
  • Removed fast cavalry from Tiranoc Chariots.
  • Removed repeated paragraph about Avelorn.
  • Silver Helms 23 pts.
  • Fixed bug where Star Dragon had T6.
  • Lowered armour upgrade cost of Reaver knights to 1,5 pts per piece.
  • Lowered cost of Great Eagle for Princes and Archmages to 65 pts.
  • Fixed bug with Ld9 in bestiary for Sisters of Avelorn and Tiranoc chariots.
  • Added shield option and full command option to Shadow warriors.
  • Fixed bug with Handmaidens not having Quick to Fire, removed Quick to Fire from Sisters of Avelorn (16 pts).
  • Shadow armour is now a medium armour.
  • Nerfed Curse of Aenarion rule to be a 3+ Ward save. Clarified how it works when taking multiple wounds.
  • Nerfed White Lions' "Lion Claw" ability, gives Heroic Killing Blow in the first round of close combat, does not apply to monsters.
  • Swordmasters have the the Parry (6+) special rule, which also works against shots from all non-magical bows and crossbows fired at the model's front arc.
  • Fixed bug where Dragon Mage's Sun Dragon had T6.
  • Fixed bug with missing Skirmish rule for Shadow Warriors.
  • The War Crown lets Teclis re-roll the result of any spell effects (such as the number of hits inflicted by a magic missile).     
  • Teclis has the Potion of Inner Strength Magic item, giving him the stats of a Loremaster for one turn.
  • Aislinn's Master of the Mists special rule adds +D6" to their range, allowing Sea Guard to reach the enemy lines with their bows.
  • Soul Quench upgraded version causes 3D6 hits, casting value 12+. 
  • Added version number.

Sunday 11 March 2018

Donate button fixed

Just a quick heads up that the previous "Support" button has been changed to a clearer "Donate" button, with a link that now is in English (did not realise that it had apparently had been in Swedish for everyone it seems!). This also include a "monthly recurring" option since a few of you had asked if I had a Patreon account or similar, which was not the case back then.

So, if any of you felt like donating in the past and could not get past the Swedish donation page (in which case I don't blame you) it should now be easier to do so. Any donations to help me and the project keep going are much appreciated.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Warhammer: High Elves 9th Ed out now!

Clocking in at 222 pages, this is the second longest book I have finished. It contains pretty much every official source on High Elves ever written, combining both the reign of the Phoenix Kings as well as the full stories of Tyrion, Teclis, Eltharion, Imrik and Alith Anar, along with the Island of Blood and dozens of short stories. I've also extended all the background for the various units, giving them about 2 pages each compared to the half to one page they got in 8th ed, so there's a lot of new stuff to read if you haven't read all the previous books. In short (as usual), this would be your ultimate High Elves tome for Warhammer.


  • New Lord: Lord of Aenarion (from Warhammer Quest).
  • New Hero: Mistweaver (from Warhammer Quest/Storm of Chaos) 
  • New Special Character: Sea Lord Aislinn.
  • New Special Character: Selafyn.
  • New Special Character: Imrik.
  • New Special Character: Belannaer the Wise.
  • Tyrion has Curse of Aenarion special rule. 
  • Teclis has Curse of Aenarion special rule. Buffed Moon Staff.
  • Eltharion is mounted on Stormwing by default, have spear instead of long bow.
  • Lileath's Blessing now gives +1 to dispel instead.
  • Arch Mages and Nobles may not ride dragons.
  • Mages may not ride chariots. 
  • Nobles may not ride Griffons.
  • Anointed of Asuryan cannot be army's general, gives Immunity (Psychology) and allows re-roll of ward save results of 1 to make him useful in Phoenix Guard units. No longer has Magic Resistance.
  • Added Pegasus as a mount (as they had in 4th Ed).
  • Increased cost of Great Eagles for character mounts as they give them +1T.
  • Lothern Sea Helms have medium armour.
  • Skycutter 80 pts for Lothern Sea Helm as they cannot use Naval Disciple when mounted.
  • Dragon Mages may take light armour, not dragon armour.
  • Archers 12 pts/model, may take medium armour.
  • Spearmen may take a Magic Banner instead of Sea Guard.
  • Warriors may skirmish. 
  • Ellyrian Reavers renamed to Reaver Knights (as per 4th ed), cost 14 pts, can choose between spear or bows (or both) from the start.
  • Swordmasters 15 pts, have swordmaster rule to ignore Init penalties from great weapons as well as the deflect shots rule from 8th ed.
  • White Lions 15 pts, have Woodsman's axe which is a great weapon with special combat abilties (from 5th ed).
  • Lion Chariot 110 pts.
  • Dragon Princes 28 pts.
  • Shadow Warriors 15 pts.
  • Sisters of Avelorn 17 pts.
  • Phoenix Guard are not immune to psychology.
  • Handmaidens of the Everqueen 21 pts. 
  • Standard of Avelorn gives +2 to cast, not +4, cost 10 pts.
  • Frostheart Phoenix 260 pts, have S5 instead of S6. 
  • Clarified that Flame Kindled and Wake of Fire are non-physical attacks. Wake of Fire inflicts D6 hits for each unit it passes over, but not not cause hits for additional ranks.
  • The Phoenixes have Immunity (Flaming/Ice Attacks) respectively.
  • Shadow Armour returned to magic items.
  • Banner of the World Dragon gives the unit Magic Resistance (5).
  • Arcane unforging can only be cast on characters.

Wednesday 31 January 2018

Warhammer: Steam Tanks 9th Ed out now!

This small release is 14 pages long and contains the following:
  • Rules and background for Steam Tank variants; Conqueror, von Zeppel, Old Reliable, Sigmar's Hammer and Implaceable.
  • Background stories of battles where the Steam Tanks have played an integral part. 
  • Background of famous Steam Tank Commanders.
  • Rules and Background for the Marienburg Land Battle Ship.


This release will only be made for 9th Ed, though the rules can easily be adapted for 8th ed if wanted. Enjoy!

Sunday 28 January 2018

Empire Knightly Orders 9th ed 1.02 out now!

Updated 29/1:
  • Fixed Preceptors only having 1A.
  • Added version number. 
  • Fixed bug which allowed Reiksgaurd to be upgraded to Inner Circle.

Not a huge update, but it contains the following changes:

  • New layout to match the Empire Army Book.
  • Additional background for Knights of Sigmar's Blood and Knights of the Fiery Heart.
  • Obsidian armour functions like normal full plate.
  • White wolf hammers follow the rules of halberds with armour piercing.
  • Knights Encarmine can negate rank bonuses.
  • Knights of the Sacred Scythe have hand weapons, Hatred (Vampire Counts). 
  • Added if the unit takes up a Core, Special or Rare slot (White Wolves and Panther are Core as they are the biggest orders)
  • Cheaper Grand Masters, in accordance with the Empire army book. 


I'm not finished with the Empire 8th Ed update for Ravening Hordes yet, but it should out sometime next week, shortly followed by the Steam Tanks expansion. High Elves will most likely be out later in February.