Tuesday 19 June 2018

8th Ed Ravening Hordes 1.1 updates for Empire, High Elves and Dark Elves out now!

Note on Blogger comments: Due to either the new annoying GDPR-law or a bug from Google I have not received any comment notifications for the last month. If you have posted a comment since May 25 and have not gotten a reply I will get back to you ASAP. In the meantime, you can contact me though email as normal if needed.

Been a long time coming, but as promised, I've finished these updates before publishing the Wood Elves book. These updates contains the latest rules changes that was done to 9th Ed, as well as the new units. It's been a while since I worked on the 8th edition stuff now, so let me know if there are any bugs in the Ravening Hordes list that I've missed from 9th Ed.

I've decided to hold off on including the Special characters; these will instead get a separate download. This is due to Special Characters not being all that common in most players' games, and all their magic items and special rules taking up a lot of space in the Ravening Hordes list. I don't have a date for when the Special Characters for 8th ed will be out yet, but in the meantime, feel free to either use their 9th ed rules (where applicable) or the official 8th ed rules for them.

As for the Wood Elves book, it's (still) nearly finished and should be out later this week. I have the day off from work tomorrow so should be able to put in a few hours working on it, and will likely be able to finish it this weekend if I'm not too busy at work.

Quick note about the Wood Elves (July 3rd); I did unfortunately not have as much time as I had planned to work on the book this week, so it's still a few more things left to finish. I hope to have that sorted out soon (as in, this week most likely, I'd hate to postpone it further).



    1. I have no idea what this means. Maybe I should ask my waifu? ;)

  2. Happy to see Fimir in the update list!!

    1. Likewise. Currently forming an army based on your old book for them. May told off on all but the basics now I've seen this.

    2. Yeah, they are due for a comeback. The Fimir list will be a smaller project similar to the Gnoblar Hordes, so it won't be a full book (due to copyright). It will essentially contain all the official Fimir units, maybe with a Daemon unit or two.

    3. Please keep the fir bolg in there. The moor hounds and swamp demons too ideally.

    4. How is copyright affecting the Fimir? Why are they different to the other work you've done?

    5. If you click on fimir under the labels collumn on the right (web version) you can follow the original development of that. My understanding is that the fimir background was written back when GW didnt write all its fluff in house, meaning the key article on the fimir is still the intellectual property of the original writer.

    6. Most of the Fimir background used in the old army book were written for a fan-made magazine called Warpstone back in 2006 or so, I think? Unfortunately, this material was never made to be published online and is now unavailable to buy due to the issues being sold out.

      I, thinking that Warpstone Magazine was out of business due to not having been updated for several years (back in 2012), republished a lot of the Fimir material from that magazine without permission, which the original author was upset about. As such, I decided to take the book down. My fault really, I should have attempted to track the author down first and asked if I could use that material (though he was credited in the book of course).

      Anyway, because of this, the planned Fimir list will only utilze official GW art and background. The rules won't be affected by this though, as those were my own ideas.

    7. I've always really liked the Fimir. What were the main differences between the warpstone one and the official GW ones? Isn't the material in warpstone all tied to GW IP? Wouldn't that make it part of the warhammer setting and thus usable? Can't GW just approve it's use?

    8. The official material on the Fimir was quite limited in scope, Warpstone Magazine extended their background a lot. And while it could certainly be tied to GW IP, the writing still belongs to the writer of that article (who was not employed by GW). So no, in this case neither GW or me could approve of its use. The added background on the Fimir will unfortunately live and die by Warpstone Magazine, as the author intended.

    9. Thats a bummer. It'd be cool to have it all together. Which issue of Warpstone is it?

    10. The article was published in Warpstone 25, if you are able to track down a copy of it.

    11. Does any of the Irish Mythology, such as the Fomorians or Fir Bolg, have any relevance for expanding background? Or was it used in the Albion book? I know Balor was in your old list.

    12. Neither the Fomorians or Fir Bolg had anything to do with Warpstone magazine if that's is what you are asking. I think the fluff for Balor was from there though, need to go back and check when I get to working on it. Generally speaking though, most of the bestiary section from the old army book can be used again, it's just most of the the main background section that won't be used.

  3. What if a unit gets stuck with having more ranks than files before the end of its turn, like with long bridges. I can also see people getting back long ranks through unit placement. Perhaps a rule that whenever the more ranks than files rule is broken, a unit does not benefit from rank bonus or steadfast. That would make chokepoints dangerous and using maneuvering to increase the number of ranks have no point.

    1. It would still benefit Unbreakable troop greatly though... But on the other hand, one could argue that that would be the ideal elemtn for Unbreakable troops to be in. Not sure it's a good thing to encourage that kind of gameplay though...

    2. There's already an exception to these scenarios in the BRB, so this won't be an issue.

      Your suggestion is interesting, but as Rune pointed out, it won't bother Unbreakable units at all, and those are the ones who benefit from columns the most.

    3. Rune: Noticed you had posted more comments on earlier entries; either due to the new annoying GDPR-law or a bug from Google I have not received any comment notifications for the last month. I will get back to you on the other comments ASAP.

    4. No problem Mathias. Just assumed you were busy. :-) btw, I noticed the "Raiding Party" in the revening hordes fleetmaster summary, but not in the army list. Also noticed you adjusting some point values for Dreadspears and Bleakswords :-)

    5. What does the GDPR do to sites like your's? Anything you need to get ready for we can help you with?

    6. That remains to be seen; though other than the email bug, I've noticed anything.

  4. I remember back when the Ravening Hordes were coming out, these new units were listed among the Wood Elves:

    New Special Unit: Meadow Chariots (from 4th ed).

    New Special Unit: Alter Kin (MB, shapeshifting elves)

    New Core Unit: Spite Swarm. Upgrades for these will be included in the full release.

    New Hero: Beastmaster

    Are they still in, or have plans changed?

    1. Hi, Meadow Chariots and Alter Kin are still in, Spites return as character upgrades instead and the Beastmaster is kept to a special character. Wood Elves are getting another 3 new units instead though.

    2. *eyes the plastic tub if spites that he has been putting off basing since ravening hordes came out* that's shame. I quite liked them as swarms, though their effectiveness was minimal. Looking forward to seeing what the new units are

  5. Have you considered adding Alastar the White Lion from Total War Warhammer 2 to the High Elves book?
    -In contrast to Korhil who is a Hero, Alastar would be a Lord. Wields a Great Weapon unlike Korhil.
    -Alastar has access to the various stances that come from wielding a Woodsmans Axe and Forest Strider. The only exception is that he can't use the last stance due to having Heroic Killing Blow at all times.
    -His sole magic item is an enchanted Lion's Pelt that in addition to its regular effects, grants a 5+ Ward save against non-magic missiles.
    -Has a Special Rule called Immortality which functions like the same special rule unique to characters like Eric the Red or Ilja of Murova where each time he is killed, he can come back on a D6 roll of 4+ unless slain by a Killing Blow or similar.

    1. As a nod to how Alastar was created, he could dream of lived a life in a different world with runecraft and magic beyond anything from the world he is from. Sadly, he was born sickly in that world to the point that it's magics could not save him.

    2. That would be way later down the line if he is added; I don't think the HE book really needs another White Lion-type character.

  6. hello mathias,

    high elves:

    -lileaths blessing should grant +1 to dispell attempts
    -deflect shots: "ignore penalties from great weapons" can be erased
    -anointed of asuryan: no rule entry for blessing of asuryan?
    -white lions: no rule entry for wood mans axe?
    -handmaidens for 20pts/model are you serious? drop them back to 17pts...
    -frostheart phoenix needs a point increase to 260pts and s5
    -the ponit inrease for archers/spearmen/dragonprinces/white lions/shadow warriors/sisters of averlorn and handmaidens is not justified and is a massive nerf for high elves

    dark elves:

    -dreadspears for 8pts
    -missing rules for slaves
    -harpies: harpies do not count towards.... but they should drop back to the elite section
    -avatar of khaine: the sustained fury rule is missing in the army section
    - hydra: no rule entry for loss of heads
    -kharibdyss: should lose an attack
    magic: no access to metal, beast and heaven

    empire is fine ^^
    thanks so much for your work and your time. you´ve done quite a job. but to be honest, it´s the first time that you published something that incomplete, that it feels like you´re dropping 8th edition for the sake of the 9th. that you left out the special charakter section is so sad, it makes the armies so incomplete. you´ve added all these cool chars for 9th edition. please be so kind and add them to 8th ed.all 8th ed players in this world will be your worshippers


    1. Hi, you are absolutely right that this was a pretty rushed update; trying to remember what new rules from 9th ed I had already added to the Ravening Hordes was a bit of a hassle.

      While I would prefer to only work on 9th Ed, I do know that many players still prefer 8th Ed, so I do mean to keep supporting that with rules updates. I'll have a fix out for these issues shortly.

      About the special characters, I'll see about starting on a Special Characters document for 8th ed that I can gradually update as new army books come out. This would be after the Wood Elves book is out.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hey mathias,is there any chance for a bug-fixed version? Please include the missin magic items and special chars. Thx man

    1. Hi, it's on the way, just got to finish Wood Elves first (as in, this week). This is due to a new army special rule that will be included for both Dark Elves and High Elves.

      What missing magic items do you refer to though? Special characters will get their own document shortly after.

    2. For Dark elves:
      -armour of living death
      -the gem of spite

    3. Ah, okay! Will add those as well :)

  9. So anxious right now! the wood elves are nearly done. Great job by the way, and I here I thought there wasn't anyone giving the WFB any support anymore. Keep the good work.

    1. Thanks! You can expect them to be out tomorrow, just have to sort of a few more things with the books (that 1% I had left actually took about 10 hours to finish, I might have miscalculated a bit...)

  10. So looking forward to wood elves. you're work and work rate are incredible.

    just one thing, have you dropped plans for your "legions" books for the 4 chaos powers? I realise they were a long way off but I was so looking forward to those as a kind of homage to Slaves to Darkness and Lost and the Damned - but a book each....

    1. I try my best :)

      Yeah, that was the idea, but going through the material, I realised there were less stuff than anticipated for each god in terms of units (GW were pretty lazy with Tzeentch in that regard, and Slaanesh has still yet to receive anything).

      You won't really miss out on anything content-wise, the things meant for these books will just be shifted to the WoC and Champions of Chaos books instead.

    2. OK, fair enough, will you have variant legion lists for the four powers in the books though - trading off fielding beasts,mortals and demons all in the same force but with the trade off they must all be of the same mark?

    3. Not for the time being, no. I might do a separate army list for that later down the line though.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


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