Friday 17 September 2021

Warhammer: Magic Items 1.1 out now!

This update changes the following:

  • Primeval Club: When rolling To Wound, the owner's Strength is treated as equal to the unmodified Leadership value of the target model. This affects any armour saves the model might be required to take as well.
  • Every time an enemy model suffers an unsaved wound from Everbleed, roll a D6. On the result of a 4+, the enemy loses an additional wound, with no saves of any kind allowed, and you must roll again. Keep on rolling as long as the result is a 4+. Costs 20 pts.
  • Added Chaos Armour: Heavy armour. This armour may be taken by any character in the Beastman army, including Wizards.
  • Trollhide Armour gives 4+ save, costs 30 pts.
  • The Shaman may drink from the Plague Chalice at the start of his Magic phase. He suffers an immediate Strength 4 hit that ignores Armour and Ward saves. For the remainder of that Magic phase, any spell casting attempt by the Shaman that includes any double (except 1's) on the initial roll gives the caster another free power dice to the casting attempt.
  • Every enemy model killed in close combat with the Jagged Dagger generates an additional Power or Dispel dice that can be used in the next Magic phase. Is now a magic weapon. Costs 10 pts.
  • Totem of Rust costs 15 pts.
  • Battle Stone of the Marquis costs 15 pts.
  • Daemons of Chaos Banner of Hellfire removed to Banner of Infernal Fire (since Vampire Counts has a Banner of Hellfire already).
  • Blood Armour costs 10 pts.
  • One use only. The Hydra's Teeth can be used at the start of any close combat phase. Once used, they inflict 5D6 Weapon Skill 2, Strength 3 Attacks on one enemy unit in base contact. Costs 20 pts. Enchanted Item.
  • The model carrying the Orb of Ghrond may consult it at the start of each of your turns as long as they are not in close combat. If they do so, they must take a Stupidity test. If passed, the model may re-roll all failed rolls To Hit and re-roll one power or dispel dice when casting or dispelling until the start of your next turn. Costs 15 pts.
  • Chalice of Fate costs 30 pts.
  • If the wearer of the Armour of Stars suffers an unsaved wound (but is not slain) they can choose to instantly teleport 3D6" in a random direction (placing it at least 1" away from other units or impassable terrain) with its front arc in a direction of your choosing.
  • Talisman of Loec: the bearer loses half of their remaining Wounds (rounding down) with no saves of any kind allowed.
  • The unit carrying the Standard of Balance, and any enemy unit in base contact with it, gain the Immunity (Psychology) special rule, and any Frenzy or Hatred special rule that they might has no effect.
  • If the bearer of the Cupped Hands of the Old Ones miscasts, roll a D6. On a roll of 1 the bearer suffers the results of the miscast as normal. On 2+ the miscast is ignored. In addition, any enemy Wizards within line of sight of the Slann Mage-Priest will count as having rolled a 7 on the Miscast table.
  • One use only. Huanchi's Blessed Totem may be used in any of your Remaining Moves sub-phases after making any normal move. The unit carrying the Totem may immediately make a move directly forward using the Random Movement (2D6) special rule.
  • The Hungry Maw costs 30 pts.
  • Basha's Big Axe of Bashin' gives wielder +1 Strength and Attacks.
  • On any turn that they charge, Porko's Pigstikka gives the wielder +1 Attack for each rank that the unit they are attacking has.
  • An Infantry Character model which suffers an unsaved Wound (but is not slain) by Owzat's Club of Smackin' is immediately knocked clean out of combat and suffers a Strength 4 Hit.
  • Orcs (of any type) on foot only. The wearer of Bigged's 'Ed Kickin' Boots gains the Stomp special rule. Costs 30 pts.
  • Drakenhof Banner costs 75 pts.
  • The Oaken Armour costs 30 pts.
  • Fixed bug with Amaranthine Brooch being 35 pts instead of 30.


  1. Great stuff, just noticed you plan a Fimir book - Awesome, I love those horrible dudes.

  2. Hi!
    Maybe i missed it but are there any plans for including factions like kislev in the magic items book? Keep up the great work!


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