Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Old-school Bretonnian units

Updated: Thanks for the feedback everyone! I will include the Brigands in the book since this was a unit most were fine with, and then I might make some expansion rules for the other units that people will be able to use in case they feel like it.

While perusing older White Dwarfs and army books, I've come upon some interesting things for Bretonnia that used to be part of their list back in 3rd edition, but was later dropped. These were mainly units that would fit well into a historical Hundred Years Army, but are debatable as whether or not they would fit in a Bretonnian fantasy army (Foot Knights and Peasant Levy are already included). As such, a debate is what I would like to have! I'd like your opinion on which (if any) of these units you would like to see included in the Bretonnian book:

  • Brigands - Bretonnia's version of Free Company, armed with light armour and a choice of crossbows, shields, halberds and great weapons. These would be a special unit, and would not have the Peasant's Duty. Stats are the same as men-at-arms.
  • Ballista - a basic bolt thrower.
  • Onager/Mangonel - basic stone thrower (so lower strength than the Trebuchet, but can turn and move)
  • Bombard (HERESY!) - a basic, unreliable cannon, that might not be allowed to pivot or move.

Right now, I'm personally considering at least the Brigands since that would allow you to have both crossbowmen (which, I checked, are actually never mentioned as outlawed in Bretonnia), peasant swordsmen, and peasants with great weapons. It also solves Bretonnia's no-mercenary issue (since historically, mercenaries were used a lot during the Hundred Years War) without necessarily breaking their policy on sellswords.

A Ballista likewise could work and give them some more varied fire power while still keeping them different from the Empire, though bolt throwers could be considered very taboo in Bretonnia since it was one that killed Gilles...

Onagers/Mangonels fit in the same way as the Trebuchet since they were all used at this time historically, but then again, do Bretonnia need another stone thrower?

The Bombard (again, HERESY!) is probably the one that would be most sore in people's eyes, since Bretonnians seems to universally abhor gunpowder. Still, it would give them something new, and fits historically speaking, though only just (I'd estimate Bretonnia to be based around 1300's France, Bombard saw battle in 1346 at Crecy).

So, what are your thoughts? Should any of these be included?

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Dogs of War update out now!

Been a bit slow with updates of late due to work and Witcher 3, but I should be able to finish some more updates during my vacation this month and the next (still have to finish the latest Dragon Age though!). I have also been working a lot with compiling material from all the older army books as well as ~300 White Dwarfs to make sure I don't miss out on any interesting stuff.

Anyway, the Dogs of War update contains the following:

  • Removed war hammers (technically other armies use them too without any additional special rules).
  • Made pikes the same as Estalia and 9th ed.
  • Added full plate armour options to captains, freelancers and paymaster's bodyguard (since full plate where pretty well available during 1450's Italy and is worn by several RoR's already).
  • Lifted Sellsword Veteran restriction a bit.
  • Added more background to Giants.
  • Added Leitpold the Black. 
  • Lorenzo Lupo has light armour.
  • Assassins no longer have light armour.
  • Goldseeker have light armour by default, can upgrade to full plate.
  • Goldseeker has T5 (bug in previous version).
  • Duellists are Unit size 10+.
  • Giants are ItP.
  • New short story added.