Saturday 18 May 2024

Kislev 1.2 out now!

Patch Notes:

  • New layout with cleaner options selection and navigation panel. Base sizes are included in unit entry instead of Reference section.
  • Barding costs 5 pts for all character mounts.
  • All Champions and Musicians costs 5 pts.
  • Reworked the Lore of Ice, Tempest and Hags, giving each lore a total of 13 spells each to choose from.
  • Boyars and Atamans may take pistols and another close combat weapon.
  • Boyars and Atamans may take brace of pistols.
  • Rangers, Sibyrian Hunters, Chekist, Brotherhood of the Bear, Kvassnics have the Loner special rule.
  • Droyaska do not have light armour.
  • Battle Prayers: They may attempt to use one at the start of each of your turns by taking a Leadership test. If passed, the prayer is answered and take immediate effect.
  • Kossars may take shortbows. Are Unit Size 20+
  • Kossovite Dervishes renamed to Kossovites
  • City Guard have the Steady in the Rank special rule.
  • Heavy War Sleds have US6, W6. Cost 120 pts.
  • War Bear Riders may take pistols.
  • Tzar Cannon costs 175 pts.
  • Sibyrian Hunters may replace bows with crossbows or handguns.
  • New Rare Unit: Frost Wyrm
  • War Wagon has W10, cost 180 pts.
  • Kostaltyn may take 50 pts of magic items.
  • Baba Yaga is replaced by Mother Ostankya
  • New Hero: Naryska Leysa the Golden Knight

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