Saturday 3 January 2015

Regarding the lack of updates

Well, it's been over 3 months since my last update, and for some, it might seem like the project has died. This is not the case. However, (as I have said in the comments) I just don't have the time to work on the books right now due to other commitments (work, politics, video games, girlfriend). So, for the time being, the Warhammer Armies Project is on hold until I feel I have the time to work more on the books in proper.

I still plan to finish the Bretonnia update, though I don't know exactly when, but the other planned projects (Gnoblars, Fimir, Border Princes etc.) might not see the light of day I'm afraid. Probably not the news you have been wishing for, but that's unfortunately the situation at the moment. I will still update the already existing books and fix bugs, spelling errors and minor rules changes, and will post here whenever a book is updated with the changes, as well as update the galleries whenever I have finished painting something (with better quality pictures). A wave of smaller updates will be out soon.

In case I will not have the time to finish any new material in the future, I just want to say that it has been a very fun ride, and I hope someone else will take after me and try their hand at making their own rules based on the Warhammer universe. And much thanks for all the support, you guys (and gals) have been a large part of the reason why I have kept going for as long as I have. For now, let's bring on a new good gaming year, with a balanced number of both wins and losses!


  1. Dear Mathias,
    thanks a lot for this information. I think all your fans agree on the point, that it is an incredible effort of yourself to release so many armybooks. In our group we totally dropped "official" releases and stay with your books (even with massive armies being painted and assembled) as they are way more balanced and "fluffier" than GW's releases.

    I think all of your fans here are happy that you dont wanna let the whole project die and keep the good work with some minor updates if needed. Compared to official books, which are only uptated from time to time in several years, we can be happy that you give us feedback if needed.

    If there is any help, which we can provide as active users and players, just let us know.

    Kind regards and thanks a lot for your enrichment to our hobby:

    Michael + Carina

  2. Thks for the update

  3. its been a wild ride, cheers

  4. Halas I wanted to see the zombie pirates anyway cheers

  5. Thank you for your hard work. You have inspired me to start an Albion army and show my friends all the fantastic books on this site. Well done!

  6. thank you a lot for everything. your work meant a lot to me, and i really hope to see some updates from you; but i understand that we're all getting older and life claims our time more and more everyday. i just wanted you to know a lot uf us will understand and wait and praise every update you'll keep on making on this awesome work. :)
    you have done the most impressive work i've ever seen on a fan made army book, and on more fan made army books i could ever wish for!
    i have all your army books and i have been using your dogs of war army book since i first saw it. nice balance, sweet fluff and perfectly paginated!
    everytime i meet new players, even if at the beginning of the game they stuck up their noses for my unofficial army, they always compliment the feel, the gameplay and the balance of the army book by the end of the game. :)
    I've also been trying to imitate your work recently, creating a small army book/expansion that included some of your Myrmidia themed units (Priestess and Altar of Myrmidia, SIsters of Fury and Knights of the Blazing Sun) adpted to be played by my Dogs of War army ( I am Italian and i think that while your work on the DoW army book is perfect, i just wanted a little bit more of church-ish feel in my Tilean Army, just sometimes ;D ). but i really suck at pagining and using adobe, so i dropped the project.
    if you have any suggestions to help me finish the army book please let me know!
    thank you again for all your hard work, i will keep on playing your armies, faithfully waiting for a new version every new Warhammer edition. :)
    cheers mate, and have a nice year of life and gaming!!!

  7. i will never understand why GW doesn't hire you, so that you will be finally recognized as the genius you are and be forced to produce all this army books as your proper job!
    cheers man, keep up the updates anytime you feel like it!

    1. Might be because I never applied for a job there ;)
      I would have loved to work at GW a couple of years ago, but I dislike the current direction they are taking with Fantasy at the moment.

  8. I noticed a typo. The Pack Leader of the Children of Ulric is Toughness 3 instead of toughness 4.

  9. I was curious if you were simply delaying till 9th in order to not waste time on updates that would have to be updated or faqed in 4 months. Still, I was curious if you had any plans on doing some sort of "End Times" equivalent for your armybooks?

    1. Not a fan of the "End Times" personally, so you could pretty much rule that out. More than anything, I simply would not have the time! If rumors of 9th ed are true (Warhammer being "killed off" in order to make a skirmish game) I will keep the books for 8th ed. Maybe I'll write a Warhammer 7,5 ed, since that's the period I liked the best personally.

    2. Welp, If it does come down to 9th being a terrible skirmishy game (im hoping they will still leave options for mass scale as that is what drew me to the game in the first place) then it will have been a damn good run :'(

  10. Thanks for the info!

    I also want to thank you for your work!
    Don't worry about us; it's still your hobby - and there are more important things in life.

    Anyway, ever since you uploaded some pictures of your Nippon Army, I was obsessed with getting such an army myself. Last week, I finally finished my plan on how I could use the models for both your book and the Empire AB. And if those rumours didn't show up, I would have plenty of miniatures to work on right now. However, I'm going to wait what the 9th Edition might bring before starting a new army now :/.

    Oh, and one more thing I wanted to share with you: Someone from Germany printed your book as a birthday present:

    1. "Etwas ärgerlich sind die ganzen Rechtschreibfehler in dem PDF"


  11. You can certainly add my voice to the chorus of those who are both sorry to see you on hiatus and fantastically grateful for the huge work that you've put in to these army books.

    On a different note, several champions need their stats edited to reflect their status as missile units, that is they need +1 BS rather than +1 A.
    Amazons: Piranha Warrior, Huntress, Culchan Rider, Terradon Rider
    Araby: Bowman
    Bretonnia: Herrimault

    There's also the Indan Thugee unit, who's text should probably be altered as follows:
    May upgrade one Peasant to a Sepoy.……………………………….10 points
    May upgrade one Peasant to a Phansigar ………………………….10 points

    May upgrade one Thuggee to a Phansigar ………………………….10 points
    Unless you intended Thuggee units to be able to take musicians.

    1. Also the Phansigar needs +1 A in his stat line.

  12. Since all of the units that ride Warhorses in the Nippon army book are Fast Cavalry then the warhorse that can be taken by heroes and lords need to be Fast Cavalry as well. The same with Ponies in the Halfling army book. Lastly, the Hobgoblins are heavily reliant on Fast Cavalry so Giant Wolfs that can be taken by heroes and lords should have some kind of special rule that makes them Fast Cavalry unless they're wearing barding or their rider is wearing heavy armor. The Mangudai should also have the Fast Cavalry special rule.

    1. Those are some good points, I'll look into it for the next update.

  13. Mathias, I really wish you would continue your journey with these books, but I understand, the reason why I admired them so much is because I was using your works and giving a bases for my own gaming system--I was converting them to my system. I guess I should use the Nautican book for the Fish people since you're dropping that concept?

    Thanks for all the great books. I really enjoyed reading them. But don't worry, perhaps in couple years to come, I will be able to unleash my gaming system on the world, and no one, will ever have to worry about the greedy bums of games workshop ever again!

  14. Hey Mathias, I really appreciate your hard work with everything keeping these books up to date.

    With regards to the End-Times will we potentially see any changes to reflect this such as the massive magic changes in Book 3 Khaine?

    With the Nippon Book I love it and have been wanting to start an army for it for ages now. Finally getting started.

    In regards to Hitomi Gozen, why did she lose her bow and it's ability I have looked through your posts and didn't see a reason why. Having her be able to be taken without a horse was a given so she could fight with her fellow maidens. My only main gripe is the lack of option to take a bow and the change of her artwork. Is it possible to change it back to her mounted on a horse with a bow? Or will I have to do this myself.

    Thanks again for all your hard work!


    1. I haven't read the End Times books yet, so cannot say. I will probably keep to the standard books though.

      The original rules was mostly based on the old artwork, when I included Onna Bushi in the army list, I wanted her to follow suit. Since the naginata is their iconic weapon, I felt it more fitting for her to be equipped the same way. But if you preferred the old rules, I'm not gonna hold it against you to use them yourself :)

  15. Mathias, if the mood ever strikes you again, I would like to see Marienberg, Border Princes, or Khuresh.

    Just so I know for my own self--what armies/creatures should be for the Badlands? I know they are kinda based on Mordor, but I wanted to know if anyone had any lore on them.

    Also, what Monster Cavalry did you have planned for Khuresh? Giant elephants? Or snake like things?

    1. The Badlands mostly consists of Orcs and Goblins, so the badlands themselves do not warrant their own army book. There is some info in WFRP, but it's more tailored towards the Border Princes.

      Khuresh never got past any real planning stage, but seeing as they are Naga, I would say giant snakes riding even more gigantic snakes ;)

  16. You did 16 army books. 16 ARMY BOOKS. This is probably the same amount if not more of army books GW made and all of them are fun to play with.

    That being said, thanks for making and sharing the lovely army books you've made and good luck on whatever you're doing these days. Cheers!

  17. If we want to create some army books, could you help us if you have time ?
    I'm actually doing the Zombie Pirate but in french, any devices ?

    Your work is AWESOME ! You're a master

  18. Hey there!
    First I want to say that I very much enjoy your fandexes, which give a huge breath of creativity to factions that unfortunately GW does not want to acknowledge as existing (Cathay, Nippon, Kingdoms of Ind). Though the End Times did have some enjoyable moments, I would have appreciated it far more if those factions were as well treated as the Empire or even Brettonia (which itself was not well-treated) . Instead all that is given is a few background references.

    Anyway, onto my point, I am trying for my own little side project with Chaos, a attempt to capture the full breadth of the faction as it spans across the world. My goal is to cataloge it all in 'official' sources -BL, WD, ABs ect however, as the group I am in demands only official sources. I can however use Fandexes such as your wonderful one as base guides if I can find primary sources. For your Chaos Dwarf list, I have found independent articles to support every unit but Overlords and Despots (though I think I have found something similar), Devastators, Acolytes of Hashtut, Juggernaut Siege Towers, Altar of Hashutt, Gorth the Cruel, Rykarth, and the Renegade.

    My requests are, basically, do you have a listing of total Chaos Dwarf sources you use (official) and for those units in particular? Though not as urgent do you have a list for those of the Fimir, Hobgoblins, and Norse? I think I got the sources of the former and latter right but I wanted to see what you have.

    Any help you can provide would be immensely appreciated!

    1. Hi, all sources are stated on the index page, or at least the authors' names are. Regarding the units you asked about:
      - Overlords and Despots = made up standard name for lords like Zhatan.
      - Devastators = warriors with blunderbusses, just gave them their own name and made them their own unit.
      - Acolytes of Hashut - made up.
      Juggernaut Siege Towers =
      - Altar of Hashut = made up
      - Ghorth the Cruel = mentioned in Zhatan's entry originally.
      - Rykarth = Nemesis Crown campaign.
      - "the Renegade" = Siege of Volganof, 8th BRB.

      Hope that helps!

    2. Thank you for this! Also did you know that a BL author seems to be giving the ET fates for your AB characters everytime someone asks?

    3. No, hadn't heard of that. Where has he said that?

    4. one of the answers. To be fair he has admitted he is just making stuff up in a unofficial capacity for the sake of covering uncovered portions of the world, but still some people who ask questions state their belief that what he says is 'semi-canonical' .

      So your 'semi-canonical' :P

  19. Do the knights in the cult of ulric have barding? Their unit entry doesnt mention it.

    1. Yes, they do. Forgot to add that in, will add it to the list.

  20. If you ever build a new army book, you can create an insect faction or unit.
    For example an army of giant ants. In greek mythology, the myrmidons (ants) fought in the Trojan war.


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