Thursday, 17 November 2016

Regarding future updates

Update 14/1: Finally finished compiling all my various Warhammer sources now (probably around 2000 pages in total, not including the army books!). This means I will be able to start working on the Kingdoms of Ind list again now, which will be released later this month.

Update 9/12: Finished with transcribing all White Dwarfs, thanks to everyone involved! I'm now currently in the process of doing the same with all the Citadel Journals and then the Campaign books. These should go a lot quicker though, so I'm currently keeping the planned schedule!

Just a heads-up that there will be a while without any new updates coming out. The reason for this is because I'm currently working on transcribing the contents of all relevant White Dwarf articles into Word format, which will take some time. After that I will also need to go through various campaign books and collector's guides and gather more background and art so I'm not missing any sources. I would expect all of this to take around a month or so, but with Christmas coming pretty soon, it could be a bit longer. I think I should be able to come out with some more updates around January.

In case any of you readers are interested in helping me transcribing the articles to make it go faster, feel free to send me an email regarding what army's articles you'd feel like working on and I can send you the files you need. Work will consist of editing out spelling errors due to OCR mistakes and divide the text into proper paragraphs (using the original White Dwarf article for help). The more help I get, the sooner I can start getting new updates out.

Here's a list of current transcription progress of the various armies, including those that you readers have stepped in to help with so far:
  • Beastmen - finished.
  • Bretonnia - finished.
  • Chaos Dwarfs - finished.
  • Daemons of Chaos - finished.  
  • Dark Elves - finished.  
  • Dwarfs - finished.
  • Empire - finished. 
  • High Elves - finished.
  • Lizardmen - finished. 
  • Orcs & Goblins - finished. 
  • Ogre Kingdoms - finished.
  • Skaven - finished. 
  • Tomb Kings - finished.  
  • Vampire Counts - finished. 
  • Warriors of Chaos - finished. 
  • Wood Elves - finished.


  1. ok but just to bring it to your atension that while all i really want is steam tank veriants so i am very willing to go and do that myself and i have no douts you have a very well thought out update order it does seem like the empire update is taking a long time as you first said you would give it to us at 24 October 2015 a year ago and it seems like it will take another year to make.

    1. I know, the Empire book has a ton of material I need to go through, which is why I had to push it back. Then I made 9th Ed which require me to make separate versions of all the existing books as well as proofread the 8th ed versions. Once I'm finished with transcribing all WD-articles, I should be able to get new books out at a quicker pace since I won't need to go back and forth to older books as much.

    2. That said, I don't think the Empire book will take a whole year, 6 months maybe. Most of the updates before it should not take too long once I can start working on them in full.

    3. ok maybe a bit of an exaggeration and i have nothing to complain about as it is about 1/2 the time it will probably take me about that time to do my tilean army book but i just wanted to know that you knew this.

      thank-you for explaining i look forward to all the rest of the work you will do.

      sorry about the lack of google account i couldn't get on to it at the time.

    4. You should do a sylvania army book.
      With like drakenhof guard templehof militia
      peasant bowmen
      wolf handlers and dire wolves
      and such

    5. Sylvania won't get an entire book per say, but I will probably include a unit of Sylvanian militia in the full VC book.

    6. that would be really cool!


    7. I would also like to bring it to your attention that the corpse cart stats are missing from the VC ravening hordes pdf

  2. Love your work man. I'm sure it'll be awesome when it arrives!

  3. Replies
    1. yesterday i tested vampire vs bretonnia and i think that all the core units of the counts have a too hight point value for their utility and endurance in close combact. Also skeleton arch with bs 2 are totally useless for 4 points each. only my opinion for futere works :)

    2. but i totally loved blood dragon lord, a real killer if alone. same for the other lords/heroes, they totally worth their points unlike skeleton and zombies that in 60 mod units cant take more than 2 close combat phase

    3. Skeletons are the same as they were in 8th ed, did you find them to be too weak then as well?

    4. yes onestly, in 9th they loose a lot of endurance and malee power. if you add all the undead special rules, expecially unstable liked whit other close combact rules, then they are really weak for their point value. i know that they are cannon meat but they result expansive cannon meat

    5. zombies are the worst because they, like always, hit on 6. and for only 1pt difference i always choose a skeleton whit +1WS/BS/I shield and parry rules in that single point/mod. I totally love you work but undead in 9th are too expansive or too fragile in a lot of case.
      i also have a pair of suggestions about vargheist/frenzy special rule. lords and heroes are god like expecilly blood dragon alone/on monster

    6. with the current rules of ravening hordes - v.c. may i suggest you this mod in the rules?

      -skeleton warrior: -0,5pt/m
      -zombie: -1pt/m (or adding rules)
      -skeleton arch: +1bs, +2pt/m

    7. I play VC myself, although have only had a handful of battles. I don't really see a problem, they fare pretty well.

      I would certainly not like a point drop for skellies or zombies, they are solid core. Not being able to take advantage of steadfast is a bummer, but 3-4p for Unbreakable is very good, no matter how you slice it. It means much more now when BSB no longer allows reroll of panic tests.

      You can say that skellies gain a lot from just 1p, but it is also a 1/3 increase in price, so there are two ways of reading that.

      Skeleton archers suck, yea, but what are you gonna do? Skeletons don't impress with their skill. Giving them more BS than Tomb Kings archers is not the solution. Skeleton crossbowmen don't seem so bad though, S4 and hits on a 5. Considering the usual total lack of shooting in a VC army, they are kinda good to have around. Now if only I could find some decent models that aren't horribly expensive...

      For actual casualties in combat, we still have Ghouls in core, very dangerous in large numbers with a Dance Macabre.

      Characters are good yes, horribly expensive though, but very allround dependable. I play Lahmia though and wouldn't know much about Blood Dragons, but yea, they seem very powerful, peerless butchers as they should be.

    8. At least with VC you can raise zombies and skellies above the size what they started with and you can raise them a lot... Tomb Kings really lack behind on that one.

      Zombies hit on 5+ most of the time. Only against WS 5 or more they hit on 6+.

      30 x 3p = 90p and the unit will have a great chance to survive one combat if you've also raise them before. That's cheap cannon food right there. You can also make them as a cheap shield for your mage.

      Yeah it's too bad that steadfast doesn't have any effect on Undead. Maybe if Undead unit that is Steadfast would lose combat less.

    9. i'd like to agree with you but, for the moment, in 9th we have only ravening hordes without a lot of rule for made them a good choise and you can generate them over starting number.
      tomb kings have asaph special rule that make a great difference but that was only an idea.

    10. *you cant generate.
      i agree that vc are a majestic army but, in this case and until armybook release, they have some problems that can be resolved

  4. Are you looking to include units from the magazines into the army books?

    1. Some of them, yes. Most new units are already included in the Ravening Hordes list, but there will be some new additions as well :)

  5. Just a thought.
    Isn't it better to do al the "official" army books before you develop 9:ed awsum army books?
    I think more people will be hooked on your 9:ed.
    yeah I know that's not as fun to do but still think it's probably the best way to go
    Your Swedish like me right?
    If you ever want to vent something I'm willing to help as mutch as you like to.
    I find it easier to vent things in your native language after all.
    (Like you dont already have a nice little gaming group to do that with :p.)

    1. Well, I only have 5 more smaller updates before I can start working on the "official" books in full (which is kind of what I'm doing right now, gathering all needed information). After that I will make both the 8th and 9th ed versions at the same time (which should go really quick since I only need to do minor rules changes, the main work is making the layout and editing).

      Indeed I am ("Eliasson" should be a pretty good hint ;) Thanks for the offer, though there's not that much venting I feel is needed about Warhammer atm. I'll let you know though :)

  6. Any plans for new characters (based in lore snippets, etc..) in the 9th edition, "offical" army books? Just curious :) Great work thus far by the way, really enjoy and appreciate your work! You have the old "special characters" expansion after all; I imagine there's some argument for adding or switiching out characters from there, if that book isn't in the pipeline for updating.

    1. Also, any temptation for a 9th edition equivalent of "Storm of Magic" or "Monstrous Arcanum" style expansions, or are you opposed to that trend towards the end of Fantasy's life cycle? This is all assuming you had any interest and/or time to do so of course, wouldn't like to presume :) I feel like there are a few interesting lore tidbits for expensive, monstrous units that wouldn't really fit in a standard army book, nor have they been explored before GW canned Fantasy. This could or could not include units for your custom army books if you wanted to explore obscure, fanmade or ideas of your own creation. These are all just hypotheticals of course, it's your creation after all and you're clearly a pretty busy individual, with this and "real life". Apologies for the excessive length by the way :)

    2. Yes, there will be plenty of new special characters in the upcoming books (mainly those mentioned in 6th ed). A lot of characters from Special Characters will be included as well.

      I will probably include rules for various monsters like those from SoM yes, but I won't necessarily make a new Magic expansion like that.

  7. given that you are including skaven verients from AoS will we be getting rules for armies introduced in AoS like storm cast?

    1. Skaven variants from AoS? I'm including some End Times models, but nothing from AoS so far. I don't have any plans for Stormcast at the moment.

    2. sorry i thought the end times verient were for AoS only modles that didn't exist in 8th edition sorry if i caused confusion.
      thank-you for helping me.

    3. I'd prefer not adding things from AoS, to speak frankly. Warhammer, whether 8th or 9th, should stay Warhammer. AoS can be AoS.

      Maybe if there are cool ideas for units in there, sure. But Stormcast? Just wouldn't fit with the Warhammer fluff outside of AoS.

    4. Outside of the Sigmarines (and a few others) pretty much everything introduced in AoS can be added to Warhammer without conflicting with the existing background.

    5. Well, besides deleting Slaanesh and a bunch of other lore characters, and the entire Warhamer World, probably. The new units also don't seem to have the same aesthetic.

    6. I'm not sure if the word 'introduce' can be used for plot points like that, and in either case I never intended to include them in my previous comment. But indeed Slaughterpriests, Varanguard, Maw-krushas, the new Sylvaneth and Silver Tower models (especially the Blue Horrors) can be added to Warhammer without any problem.

    7. it's just that i'm trying to get a community with as many people as possible and most people who have come into fantasy/AoS play sigmar.

      i was never intending to sugest removing anything, although their might be a case for removing slaanesh but that's a diffrent discussion, and was not suggesting dirrectly importing AoS fluff.

      i will be the first to admit that the painting on much of the demo modles is showmanish and the modles themselves don't set any better tone meaning the whole thing generaly looks as though it was designed for people bellow the current warhammer playing age range but we do need to (if we want any chance of suviving until GW brings back WFB) apeal to new players and as much as i hate to say it:
      that means finding some way in the fluff to put storm cast into fantasy or something that uses the same (admitedly deplorable) figures.

      storm cast could be added by saing that "sigmar sent his armies back to the old world to help fight in the age of reckoning".

      i thank everyone for their opinion and mathias elliason for doing all this hard work.

    8. I disagree with the need to add Stormcast Eternals into the fluff of the Warhammer world as it stand in 9th edition.
      However, having 9th edition rules for them that people can access if they want to play 9th edition rules in an AoS setting doesn't hurt anyone.
      That said, it is not really important, just a nice touch that might help bridge the gap between 9th edition and AoS players.

    9. I'd be concerned if AoS things started appearing in any 9th edition. If there are new units that fit interesting roles in armies, I'd not be unhappy with the idea.

      But I would say there's absolutely no case for making a complete mockery of Warhammer's Lore/Fluff in a project that's about a love for the underutilised parts of the Warhammer World. Certainly no imported 40k knockoff Sigmarines or removal of Slaanesh to try to bowdlerise the setting or teleporting Skaven with tunnels through spacetime.

      The whole point of 9th edition is to not be Age of Sigmar. I don't imagine the point of this 9th edition is to "appeal to new players familiar with Age of Sigmar" or to really intend to act as a temporary holdout "until" GW returns to Warhammer Fantasy. I would imagine it's to simply make a better version of a game that we already like.

    10. But of course if it were to just be "optional" of sorts, like "Here's some rules to use Sigmarines in 9th edition, if you wanted to", instead of shredding up the fluff? Well then why not?

      I wouldn't ever use it, but maybe someone would like it somewhere.

  8. terrably sorry but i can't seem to find your e-mail adress could you point me to it?

    1. Are you referring to my email? Because you can send an email directly to me through the "Contact" tab in the right column of the page.

    2. sorry.
      i thought that worked like WordPress forms and returned it to part of the website used to post here.

  9. Dear Friends (and Mathias in Particular)
    During my work on 3rd Edition Warhammer, I've seen there's at least two Units that I've always loved and I really like to see them in future updates.
    The first is Empire War Wagon, that have his own rules in the past, the other is Skarloc Archers Regiment of Renown. Then have we any chances to see rules for Sisters of Sigmar (from Mordheim) and The Altar of Morr?
    Cheers and keep up the good Work ^_^

    1. The War Wagon will be included in the full empire book most likely (same with Sisters of Sigmar), Scarloc's archers were updated in the Classic RoR book but will likely make an appearance in the Wood Elf book.

      I don't recall there ever being rules for the Altar of Morr though, could you point me in that direction if such a thing exists?

  10. Well, I've just seen this conversion and the home rules

    1. i'll add them to my table (at!topic/warhammer-armies-project/q4hAHy7ufY0 ).
      i presume they are an army for the cult of morr?

  11. Is there a chance (after all the other armies) that you will do the fimir now that there officially back. I know just a few models at forgeworld but still can't believe it.

    1. they're back!
      they're back!!
      they're back!!!

      as for the rules he did fimir rules for a while before stopping them (see : ) but they are still available in 8th ed form (at ) if you want to help convert them (ravening hoards, rules only whatever we want whatever we can get) and post them here!topic/warhammer-armies-project/q4hAHy7ufY0 and i will add them to my table.

    2. Ok nice to see but my converting skills are not the best so don't expect to see much from me. Probably going to need to learn though since they killed my beloved tomb kings.

  12. hi White Dwarf 298 299 300, 302 there was a Campaign called Bugman's Lament, there was a new Dwarf hero type called Dwarf Master Brewer or Dwarf Brewer, he had a few keg of beer as he could give to the units, which then had differences fancy combat effects . He will join the Dwarf 9 th ed

  13. thank-you.

    thank-you mathias ellison for a website i thought was amazing before 9th ad and i now think is not just the best way to play warhammer but the best website i have seen.
    i am in awe of the sheer amount of work you have put in and in admiration of the fact you have done it so charitably. this should be an example to the world of how to make war-games.

    i would also like to than the community for being so amazing. i know we have different views on some things and some times disagree but i can't think of anyone that has yet been impolite to me and i am glad their are such a big range of views.

    so to all of you merry Christmas and thank-you. :-)

  14. Complete coincidence, the picture I used is from L5R, and is a lot older than the Shadow Emissary (that I funnyily enough just ordered for use as a Celestial Dragon in Cathay).

  15. hello Mathias
    i am alsway very happy to see how your projects are going ahead!
    your works are awesome as always

    you got to know that i am a very big fan of Bretonnia and Dogs of war and i'd like to suggest you some improvement for the Dogs of war.

    I noticed that your regiment of renown list doesn't contain some special and very old regiments:

    1)Bugman's Dwarf rangers (

    2)Prince Ulther's Dragon Company

    3)Skarloc's Archers

    This would make your list very completed!!

  16. Hi, Bugman's Rangers are sort of included with the special character Bugman (just put him in a unit of Dwarf Rangers).

    The Dragon Company might make a return separately, but they are not mercenaries, unlike the other RoR.

    Scarloc will make an appearance in the upcoming WE book.

    You can find updated rules for the two latter here:

    1. thanks mathias i didn't see this file before

  17. Any new big updates , I'm itching to read the new books :-)

    1. I'm almost finished with compiling all material now, after that I will be able to finish the last 9th ed updates, so hopefully I should be able to get Ogre Kingdoms or Tomb Kings out around March-April :)

  18. hello mathias,

    thank you soooo much for all of your work, you kinda revived our gaming group and most of your work is really awesome. except a few things
    -why did elves lost the always strike first rule?
    for 9th edition its ok but ithink they need it in 8ed.
    compared to other books(WoC,Dwarf,VC,DoC) they lost a lot of damage potential, which they really need for their points and tank value.
    maybe only for elite and rare units? the core infanty is ok without it, but for exampla executioners and white lions really suck now.
    -why is not possible for DE to choose from the lore of metal and beasts?
    metal is really essancial for them, specially when they´re facing dwarfs, WoC and Brets and the lore of beasts would really fit fluffwise
    -WE should be allowed to choose from the lore of heavens...
    for 9th edition is think it will be no fun to play agains them because of their super hard shootieness.
    with the new rules for bows and re-roll 1´s to hit.. pheew.. really no fun...
    -our group thought about to put ogres and dwarfs in the rare section of the empire book, that you´re not able to field an army mostly made of them.

    you´ve done a really astonishing work!!
    thank you so much for it!!


    1. we only play 8th edition.
      in 9th i agree with supporting attacks gone, ASF is not needed anymore.
      in 8th executioners/ white lions (to stick with the example)are simply not worth their points, now they strike always last and they got slaughtered before dealing damage. they are designed to face monstrous infantry or heavy armoured units, but now they can´t fullfill their role as "heavy hitters".
      fluffwise its always stated that elves are that fast, that you can barely track their movements. before you realize what happended you got hit by an elve(ASF)
      our group considered (for 8th edition) to restore ASF to all elves and increase the points.

      HE-all lores
      DE-no access to life,light, not sure about lore of beasts as it is a neutral one
      WE-no access to fire,metal

      last point i agree! double up for large games?

      thanks for the reply and your opinion


    2. Are there such things as good/evil lores among the 8 main magic lores?

    3. the old ones thaught the way of magic to thel elves and the high elves thaught it to the empire. teclis and the emperor magnus had founded the 8 academies.
      i think high elves are fine with access to all 8 lores


  19. one suggestion if ASF comes back ;)
    murderous prowess could stay the same, valour of ages automatically passes the first psychologie test and marksman prowess gives no penalty when moving


  20. Just found this, so awesome I love it so much a labour of love from the amount of work in it. Congratulations all.

  21. Could you redo the CRoR and the Fimir army book?
    Could you make the allied contingents expansion?
    Plz :(((((((((((((

  22. And btw "the famous regiments expansion" book would be nice
    That's just my idea but how do you think?

  23. Could you redo the fimir army book, the CRoR and make the book of allied contingents plz?

  24. I'm love your work
    But could you redo the fimir army book and the CRoR? I'm kinda miss them
    And then could you work on the the allied contingents?

    1. Fimir might get a small updated army list, but I'm not planning on redoing the whole army book for them. Classic RoR might see an update though, or simply be included in some form in the army books they belong to.

    2. Oh thanks. Wish you the best :)))))


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