Friday 10 May 2024

Dwarfs 1.6 (beta) out now!

Did not make a huge amount of changes for this update, but quite a few big ones: the biggest arguably being the new Rune Lore system which makes your Runesmiths and Runelords act more like Priests in other armies. This means that in addition to Forgefire, they can each use one type of Rune per turn by passing a Leadership test that offers a benefit to the unit they are with. These Runes have been taken from the Anvil of Doom that have been given new Ancestor Runes from Storm of Magic. The Anvil now works more similarly to 7th ed as well as it cannot be dispelled, but failing the Leadership test to use each rune come with bigger consequences compared to the 8th ed system. Overall, the new system should see Anvils being much more usable in-game. 

Other changes include moving Gyrocopters to Special (you can only field 1 per Special Choice though!), and making Giant Slayers a separate Rare Unit. Lastly, Hammerers have been given Armour Piercing (1) from their gromril hammers and can now take a magic standard up to 75 pts. However, they are now a Rare unit so they do not compete directly with Ironbreakers and Longbeards (which are now also a Special Unit and do not require taking Dwarf Warriors). Lastly, Miners are now a Core Unit, which should make them see a bit more play (still limited by other Core Units as usual though).

Hope you enjoy the update, and many thanks to my Patreon for your continued support - planning on getting quite a few Dwarfs for my own collection as soon as they are released!



  • Dwarfs have the Hatred (Orcs, Goblins, Trolls, Skaven) special rule.
  • Natural Resistance is cumulative with other dispel bonuses.
  • Giant Slayer: The model has the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule when attacking Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Beasts or Monstrous Cavalry.
  • New Rune: Rune of Reloading
  • Runelords and Runesmiths cannot take additional hand weapons or heavy armour. Runelords costs 160 pts. Runesmiths costs 100 points.
  • Runelords and Runesmiths can use Runes (previously from the Anvil of Doom) on any unit they are with by passing a Leadership test.
  • Anvil of Doom now works similar to 7th ed with having effects that cannot be dispelled. However, failed attempts to Strike the Runes will cause the anvil to "misfire". All effects are based on the Ancestor Gods.
  • Brewmasters cannot take additional hand weapons or shields.
  • Bugman's XXXXXX gives the unit the Mighty Blow (1) special rule.
  • Master Engineers do not have armour by default.
  • Shieldbearers may take an additional shieldbearer.
  • Heavy armour for Warriors cost 1,5 pts.
  • Miners are a Core Unit.
  • Longbeards are a Special Unit.
  • Hammerers have Armour Piercing (1). Are a Rare Unit. May take a Magic Standard worth up to 75 pts. Shields cost 1.5 pts.
  • Firethrowers do not have Weapon Team special rule. May take medium armour.
  • Troll Slayers can take a Leader.
  • Troll Slayers can take a Magic Standard up to 25 pts.
  • Rangers cost 7 pts.
  • Grudge Thrower and Cannon costs 90 pts.
  • Giant Slayers are a Rare Unit.
  • Rune Guardians can take additional hand weapons or great weapons. Rune of Warding costs 6 pts.
  • Removed the Lumbering special rule.
  • Gyrocopters and Gyrobombers can all choose between steam gun, brimstone gun or clattergun.
  • Gyrocopters are Special Units.
  • High King: In addition, one unit of Hammerers may be taken as a Special Unit instead of a Rare Unit.
  • Ungrim may take Giant Slayers as Special Units.
  • Removed Byrrnoth.
  • Kragg the Grim costs 385 pts.
  • Kadrin Redmane has light armour, costs 200 pts.
  • Bugman's Rangers: Josef Bugman must be accompanied by a unit of Rangers chosen from the army list at a cost of 17 points per model. This unit has Strength 4 and are equipped with great weapons, crossbows, medium armour and shields. Josef Bugman may never choose to leave this unit.
  • New Lord: Gotrek & Felix
  • New Lord: Brok Stonefist
  • New Lord: Drong the Hard
  • New Lord: Helgar Longplaits
  • New Hero: Skag the Stealthy
  • New Hero: Krudd Mad-Mattock
  • New Hero: Grung Grudge-Bringer
  • New Hero: Long Drong
  • New Hero: Crazed Khargrim
  • New Hero: Malakai Makaisson

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