Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Warhammer - Albion 1.6 (beta) out now!

Good Yule! This is another fairly small update in terms of scope. War Fury has been changed a bit so that it does not allow re-rolling all dice when charging, but it also does not come with the drawback of suffering -1Ld on break tests.

As for magic, I decided to remove the Lore of the Truthsayers. This was something GW themselves did when they reintroduced Truthsayers in Storm of Magic and limited them to Life or Beasts. The reason being for removing the Lore is that all the spells in it are really just a slight variant of existing spells from the Winds of Magic, which are already available to them. As a result, it does not really serve much purpose to keep the lore around, and it does not really have much of a theme either. However, Elemental Power will still remain as an additional spell for Wizards, and Voice of Command is a unique spell for Dural Durak.

There are also a lot of new magic items! Most of these are from the first version of the Albion book from back in 2010 and based on items from Celtic myths, with two additional banners from the homebrew supplement in the Discord server. The remaining changes are just minor tweaks to equipment and points costs. Hope you enjoy the update, and many thanks to my Patreons for your continued support!


Patch Notes:

  • War Fury: All models with this special rule re-roll 1's on their charge distances. In addition, whenever they declare a charge or pursue a fleeing enemy, the models gain the Hatred special for the duration of the turn.
  • War Cry renamed to Battle Cry: All friendly unit joined by a model with this special rule may add D3" to their charge distance.
  • Removed Lore of the Truthsayers. Elemental Power is a unique spell given to Truthsayers and Wyrd Druids in addition to their other spells.
  • Truthsayers and Druids can choose the lore of Heavens in addition to their previous Lores.
  • Added dozens of additional magic items, and rebalanced several of the existing ones.
  • Warleader costs 95 pts.
  • Truthsayers cost 200 pts.
  • Chieftain costs 55 pts.
  • Wyrd Druids cost 75 pts.
  • New Hero: Son of Ogmios
  • New Mount: Elk
  • Increased cost of great weapons and javelins. Reduced cost of spears.
  • Tribal Warriors can take light armour.
  • Woad Raiders have WS3, cost 6 pts.
  • Youngbloods cost 5 pts, have javelins by default. Slings cost 1 pt.
  • War Hounds are Unit Size 10+.
  • Chariots have W4, costs 55 pts. May take light armour. Increased cost of armour.
  • A unit of Druid Neophytes is a Level 1 Wizard that can use spells from the Lore of Life or Beasts. Cost 10 pts. Are a Rare Unit.
  • Hearthguard can take javelins.
  • Swordmaidens cost 9 pts.
  • Hunters may not take shields, cost 8 pts. War Hawks have a range of 24" and S2, cost 1 pt.
  • Pixie Swarms have the Forest Spirit special rule.
  • You may only take Fenbeasts if your army includes at least one Wizard with the Elemental Power special rule.
  • Centaurs do not have light lances by default, cost 20 pts.
  • Half Giants have hand weapons by default, cost 31 pts. May take light armour.
  • Stone Throwers have S4, cost 85 pts. Can move normally.
  • Giants/Bonegrinder Giants have Natural Armour (6+). Costs 180/385 pts.
  • Gwenlaen does not have javelins or light armour by default. The Blade of Ogma gives Gwenlaen +1 Strength as well as the Mighty Blow (1) and Devastating Charge special rules.
  • Warrior Queen: Gwenlaen, and all friendly units within 12" of her, may re-roll failed Psychology tests, automatically pass Rally tests and may add D3" to their charge distance.
  • Dural Durak has the Voice of Command spell. He does not have the Triskelse item by default. Can take 50 pts of magic items. Costs 300 pts.
  • Agum the Watcher is a Hero, not a Lord. Has the Loner special rule.
  • Cormac Chath has regular light armour. Does not have Frenzy. Costs 150 pts.
  • Roth Mac Lyr is Infantry. Has S5, T4, W3. Costs 185 pts.

Monday, 2 December 2024

Warhammer - Norsca 1.2 (beta) out now!

As I mentioned on Patreon, this is not a huge update, mainly focused on adding more magic items as well as a few minor tweaks here and there. Reavers are now Skirmishers so there is a more of a tangible difference between them and the Marauders, Huscarls have increased Weapon Skill, and Shieldmaidens have an improved Parry which works with spears. More units have access to throwing weapons and javelins, and several infantry melee units have gone down in price. Overall, the army plays very much like its previous version, but it should be a bit stronger overall. Thanks to my Patreons for your continued support as always!


Patch Notes:

  • Increased cost of great weapons.
  • Added dozens of new Magic Items.
  • Kings/Jarls may take javelins. They do not have armour by default. Kings cost 100 pts. Have BS5.
  • Vikti/Seers may ride Warhorses. They have Blood Rage, Counter-Charge.
  • Skald: A Skald counts as a Musician, and may not be the Army General. A Skald knows the three songs listed below. He may choose to use one of them at the start of each round of close combat.
  • The Ballad of Three Heroes: All models in the unit gain +1 Attack for the duration of this turn.
  • The Tale of Beowulf: All models in the unit gain the Stubborn special rule for the duration of this turn. If the unit is already Stubborn, it gains Unbreakable instead.
  • The War Chant of Hunlaf: All models in the unit gain +1 To Wound in close combat for the duration of this turn.
  • Skalds may take warhorses and javelins.
  • Beastmasters may take spears or javelins.
  • Valkyries have Blood Rage. Cost 50 pts.
  • Ulfjarls, Ulfwerenar and Skin Wolves are Infantry/Monstrous Infantry. Have Swiftstride.
  • Bondsmen cost 4 pts.
  • Marauders have shields by default. Cannot take shields and great weapons. May take additional hand weapons. Cost 5 pts.
  • Reavers are Skirmishers.
  • Thralls have hand weapons by default, cost 2 pts.
  • You may not take more units of Horsemen than you have units of Bondsmen or Marauders.
  • Huscarls have WS5, cost 11 pts. May take throwing axes.
  • Shieldmaidens may take spears or javelins. Have the Parry (6+) special rule instead of re-rolling Parry saves. Cost 6 pts.
  • Hunters have Ld7.
  • War Wolf Chariots cost 85 pts, do not have scythes by default. Cannot take shields. May take a standard.
  • Ice Wolves have Natural Armour (6+). Cost 40 pts.
  • Werebeasts are Monstrous Creatures, cost 150 pts. Have Natural Armour (6+). Scaly Hide cost 5 pts.
  • Snow Trolls are a Special Unit. Cost 47 pts. Do not have Armour Piercing. Can take two hand weapons or great weapons.
  • Frost Breath: In addition to their normal Attacks, models with this special rule inflicts one automatic Strength 4 hit with the Ice Attacks and Ignores Armour Saves special rules after resolving all their normal Attacks. This counts as a non-physical missile attack. This cannot be used with supporting attacks.
  • Frost Giants have Natural Armour (6+), costs 180 pts. Increased cost of armour.
  • Cursed Ettin have Natural Armour (6+), costs 185 pts.
  • New Special Character: Beorg Bearstruck

Saturday, 16 November 2024

Warhammer - Dogs of War 1.5 out now!

Patch notes:

  • Hireling Wizards may take Battle Magic.
  • Manann's Blade cost 6 pts, have WS4 and I4.
  • Net Fighters: At the start of each round of close combat, a unit containing nets must attempt to entangle one of the units they are fighting in their front arc. Roll a D6 for each model with nets in your unit; for every 4+, an enemy model has become entangled (distributed as hits from shooting, but only affecting models that are allowed to strike). A model that has been entangled suffers a -1 penalty to their Attacks (this does not apply to mounts) until the end of the close combat round.
  • Sinister Contract: When the bearer and any unit they join fail the first Break test during the game, instead treat them as having the Unstable special rule until the end of the turn. Costs 20 pts.
  • Removed Banner of Blind Greed.
  • Pennant of Loyalty costs 5 pts.
  • Elves do not have light armour by default, cost 6 pts. May not take shields with additional hand weapons.
  • Ogres pay 3 pts for Quirks.
  • Crossbowmen cannot take medium armour.
  • Norsemen can take throwing axes.
  • Battle Magic Lore Attribute: Volatile Wizardry: Whenever a Wizard successfully casts a spell from this lore, they gain a +1 casting bonus to their next spell casting attempt this Magic phase. This bonus is cumulative. However, if they Miscast, they must add this casting bonus to the result rolled on the Miscast table.
  • Hammerhand causes 2D6 hits. 5+ to cast.
  • Sword of Rezhebel can be cast on any friendly character within 18". 7+ to cast.
  • Dread of Aramar is 6+ to cast.
  • Hands of Karkora: Until the start of the caster's next Magic phase, all close combat attacks targeting the unit will always Hit on a 3+ or better, and all models in the unit can only Hit on a 4+ or worse themselves.
  • Crimson Bands: Removed "(to a minimum of 1)".
  • The Republican Guard counts as Veteran Pikemen.
  • The Manflayers are a Rare Unit. Have WS5 and BS5.
  • Tichi-Huichi's Raiders are a Rare Unit.
  • The Fighting Cocks are a Rare Unit.
  • The Bearmen of Urslo are a Rare Unit.
  • Anakonda's Amazons are a Special Unit.
  • Slayer Pirates are a Rare Unit.
  • Gladiators have a unit Size of 5-15. Nets & spears cost 4 pts.
  • Commander of the Black Wolves: Ghazak Khan may be the Army General despite not being Human. If Ghazak Khan is your Army General, you may take units of Hobgoblins and Orcs as Core Units instead of Special Units.
  • Giantkin Helmet is mercenary captain or mercenary general only.
  • Clarified that diplomat can make a Rare unit Special.

Saturday, 9 November 2024

Warhammer - Dogs of War 1.5 (beta) out now!

Well that certainly ended up taking longer than I had planned for, but it was a much needed break from the previous months of pumping out 1-2 books every week. This is one of the largest of the new army books, clocking in at 80 pages total, mainly due to the very large number of Special Characters in it. That in turn is the result of all Regiments of Renown now being a Special Character (the regiment's captain) who can bring a special upgraded version of an existing unit from the book, similar to many other armies. This in turn means that you can now equip most of these characters with Magic Items of your choice, meaning they won't just be liabilities that die immediately or are unable to cause any major damage.

For the time being, these Regiments of Renown characters are limited to only Dogs of War armies, with the exception of those characters that are already featured as Special Characters in their respective army books. I have not as of yet decided whether to bring back the For Hire table for all these characters, or if it's better to have players use the Allies rules for Dogs of War.

As for other large changes with this update, Nicodemus' Hedge Magic has been expanded into a Lore of Battle Magic. This lore does not have a Lore Attribute, and is limited to Level 3 spells as of now. This is mainly due to it representing Hedge Magic, which is less powerful than the eight Winds of Magic. This lore focuses mainly on augments, hexes and conveyance spells to improve your chances in combat. In short, it's more focused on tactics than blasting the enemy into pieces.

Another large change is that of the Quirks of Character. For starters it has been expanded greatly to over two dozen, which gives you a lot more choices on how to build your army. You can now also give each unit up to two Quirks to make them a lot more elite, though at the cost of them going up a rarity tier to compensate for it. Lastly, most of your Core Units can be upgraded to Veterans, giving them better WS and access to better Magic Standards while going up a rarity slot.

Lastly, the Paymaster can now go in the second rank of his bodyguard for some very improved protection, thus taking him out of the worst fighting and decreasing the chance of causing Panic throughout your army.

Overall, this update is focused a lot on adding more player choice, while trying to keep the internal balance intact. Anyway, hope your enjoy the update, and a huge thank you to my Patreons for your continued support and patience with this update!


Patch Notes:

  • Updated all units so they are more consistent with the other army books that contain the same units.
  • Stand Fast! The unit have the Cold-Blooded special rule on their next Rally test.
  • Lords may take up to 3 Quirks of Character. Heroes, Core and Special units may take up to 2 Quirks of Character. Core Units that take more than one Quirk of Character count as Special units, and Special Units counts as Rare Units.
  • New Magic Lore: Battle Magic
  • Added over a dozen new Quirks of Character.
  • Added dozens of new Magic Items.
  • Increased cost of great weapons.
  • Removed Merchant Price (it's possible to upgrade to better armour through a Quirk of Character instead).
  • Paymasters cannot take Warhorses. May be mounted on a Pay Chest or a Pay Cart.
  • If the Paymaster is slain, all friendly units suffer -1 to their Leadership for the remainder of the game.
  • Assassins can take light armour. Cannot take Killing Blow or Poisoned Attacks outside of Quirks. Costs 85 pts.
  • New Hero: Halfling Mercenary Captain
  • New mount: Pay Cart
  • Removed Forest Strider special rule from all Halflings.
  • Veteran is no longer a Quirk. Can be taken by Pikemen, Sellswords and Stradiots. The unit will count as a Special Unit instead of a Core Unit, and may take a Magic Standard worth up to 50 points.
  • Pikemen do not have light armour by default, cost 5 pts. Can take bucklers.
  • Crossbowmen can take medium armour.
  • Sellswords may take shields unless armed with two hand weapons, flails, great weapons or bows. Each unit of Sellswords must pick at least one weapon option and/or shields.
  • Duellists may take oriental longswords.
  • Stradiots may take bows or javelins.
  • Freelancers are now a Special Unit. Barding costs 1.5 pts. Quirks of Character costs 2 pts.
  • Gladiators cost 9 pts. Do not have light armour by default. Reduced the cost of shields and additional hand weapons.
  • Paymaster’s Bodyguard have medium armour by default. Can take shields.
  • When a Paymaster (including any Money Lender and/or Paychest it might have) joins a unit whose front rank contains five or more models with the Bodyguard special rule, they may be placed in the second rank, rather than the first. If the unit's front rank is ever reduced to four or fewer models with the Bodyguard special rule, the Paymaster must immediately move to the front rank (displacing rank and file models if necessary).
  • Norse Marauders may take spears. Do not have light armour by default. Have Counter-Charge. Can take fur cloaks. Cost 6 pts.
  • Mercenary Elves are a Special Unit. May only be Skirmishers if they are armed with missile weapons. May take additional hand weapons.
  • Ogres can take ironfists.
  • Orcs can take great weapons or polearms.
  • Scorpions are no longer taken in units. You may take 1-3 Scorpions as a single Special choice.
  • New Rare Unit: Marienburg Land Ship.
  • Lucrezzia Belladonna, Marco Colombo and Morgan Bernhardt may take 50 pts of magic items.
  • Marco Colombo does not have a crossbow by default and does not have the Sniper special rule, cost 165 pts.
  • All Regiments of Renown are now Special Characters with a unique unit. All previous Captains without Magic Items can now take Magic Items up to 50 pts.
  • Bearmen have fur cloaks.
  • Cursed Company does not have armour, cost 4 pts.
  • Hengus does not let the Giants of Albion re-roll leadership tests. Hengus cost 130 pts.

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

About the Warhammer Armies Project

Origins and History

The Warhammer Armies Project is a hobby project of mine that I do in my spare time. It originally started in early 2010 when I worked on a collaborative forum project for an updated Dogs of War army book for 7th edition. This then expanded to other army books with Araby, Kislev, Cathay, Nippon, Norsca, Albion and Amazons released in the first year, and was followed by Halflings, Hobgoblins, Kingdoms of Ind and Pirates of Sartosa. After this I also decided to update Chaos Dwarfs and Bretonnia to 8th edition since Games-Workshop never did. Hence the name "Warhammer Armies Project" – it was a project to create army books for Warhammer, nothing more.

In 2015, Games-Workshop ended the Warhammer World by literally blowing it up in the End Times. At that point I did not play Warhammer Fantasy very actively myself (having previously been playing almost every week), but I still loved the setting and enjoyed compiling all rules, lore and art I could find into one large tome for people to read and play as they wished. As a result, I decided to update the main rules of 8th edition into a 9th edition, fixing the most glaring issues I had with the game and create the game I would have wanted to play myself. A lot of people saddened by the loss of the Warhammer World clearly had the same feeling, and the Warhammer Armies Project grew from just a collection of fan-made army books for 8th edition into a whole new game, actively updated for many years.

In 2023 Games-Workshop requested that I was to remove all official lore and art from the books, so I did. Since then, I've been actively working at updating the books in a rules-only format. While the loss of art and lore is a bit disappointing, this has meant that I've been able to get updates out at a much faster rate, which results in bugs and balance issues being adjusted much quicker than before. Realistically, it would not have been possible to keep updating the older books forever anyway as real life is taking up more and more time, so it might have been for the best anyway.

Rules Design

The Warhammer Armies Project started out making army books complete with lore and art for those factions never really explored in much detail by Games-Workshop. As a bit of an amateur history buff, I decided to base these armies on the real-world nations that they were clearly inspired by, along with what little material Games-Workshop had written for them. This in turn led to armies that were mostly historical in nature, with bits of regional fantasy and mythology sprinkled in. When making these books, I also attempted to include nearly all suitable historical options used by their real-life counterparts to let players build their armies from that. The main idea has always been to have pseudo-historical armies with fantasy elements rather than fantasy armies with some historical elements.

When I started to update the "official" Warhammer armies, I went through all editions of the game in an attempt to include everything that I felt fitting into the army books. This meant that regardless of if you had models from 3rd edition or the End Times (or even Age of Sigmar in some instances), you would be able to field your models in the Warhammer Armies Project. The books have not been created to make the most balanced game system it could be, but rather be the most comprehensive - and then balanced from there.

An important factor is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") - this means that the equipment on the models should correspond with their equipment in-game. This has been an integral part of Games-Workshop's games for many years, and it's still something I like to adhere to. As a result, I expanded the armour selection with medium armour as an in-between between models with just a breastplate and full armour, and included several new weapon types to boot. Whenever I create rules for a unit, I look at the official historical models from Games-Workshop, fitting third party models, lore as well as art and try to ensure the unit can choose equipment that matches that. A few concessions are made to ensure the models still fit with the more modern lore; hence a few units and weapon options that would not fit their modern versions, or that would be mechanically redundant, have been left out.

Another thing is consistency, and having the rules and units follow a systematic pattern. This means that if a rule or unit works a certain way, you can expect the same principles to apply to similar versions of it between all books in a logical fashion. This in turn makes it easier to understand why a certain mechanic behaves the way it does, rather than having a ton of exceptions everywhere. For the same reason, I try to streamline the rules where possible, and dislike including special rules just for the sake for having special rules. Instead, special rules are included in order to give a unit a specific role when needed, and/or to keep consistency with other similar units.

When it comes to the main rules, I was never particularly enamored with a lot of the 8th edition rules, particularly due to long charge ranges, steadfast, overpowered magic, weak shooting and monsters galore. As such, I attempted to remedy these things with the Warhammer Armies Project 9th edition. As a result, infantry charges are slowed down, steadfast has become more limited, magic has been toned down with less powerful spells, shooting has been made more viable and monsters are rarer. Overall, this has resulted in a game that places more focus on careful maneuvering and flanking rather than just building the biggest unit possible and attempt to steamroll the opposition, or throwing all available dice into a single game-ending spell.

The Future

I plan on supporting the Warhammer Armies Project in whatever capacity I can, so people who want to can enjoy the game for many more years to come. You can look forward to many smaller updates in the future to fix bugs, address balance issues and probably some more units and items. Time willing, I'm also planning on adding expansions to give even more options to players in the years to come.

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, 29 September 2024

Warhammer - The Empire 1.6 out now!

Patch notes:

  • Fixed bug with Inner Circle Knights missing +1 Initiative.
  • Valten does not have Chosen of Sigmar (already a rule that Luthor Huss has).
  • Increased cost of missile weapons for Imperial Captain.
  • Steam Gun has Armour Piercing (1).
  • Helm of the Skavenslayer moved to Cult of Ulric.
  • Removed von Kragsburg Guard.
  • Knights of the Black Lynx: If Marius Leitdorf is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Imperial Foot Knights to Knights of the Black Lynx for +1 point per model. This unit must take polearms and has the Ambushers special rule.
  • Fireloques of Ferlangen ignore To Hit penalties for Stand & Shoot.
  • Reiksguard Knights do not need to be upgraded to Inner Circle. Removed limitation on requiring Karl Franz or Kurt Helborg to take more than 1 unit.
  • If Kurt Helborg is included in your army, your must upgrade one unit of Reiksguard Knights to Inner Circle Knights. Kurt Helborg must join this unit, and may never leave it. The unit may re-roll failed Break tests for as long as he remains in it.
  • Altdorf Company of Honor: If Karl Franz is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Halberdiers to the Altdorf Company of Honor for +1 point per model. This unit has +1 Weapon Skill and +1 Initiative.
  • The Carroburg Greatswords: If Karl Franz is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Greatswords to Carroburg Greatswords for +0.5 point per model. This unit may re-roll failed Break tests.
  • Imperial Knights have heavy lances by default, can take shields separately. Cost 18 pts. Great weapons are a free replacement.
  • Demigryph Knights have polearms and shields by default, cost 68 pts.
  • Demigryph Knights may be upgraded to a Knightly Order.
  • Chapter Masters may ride Demigryphs.
  • Grand Masters and Chapter Masters can take additional hand weapons or flails.
  • Grand Masters and Chapter Masters must either be armed with a hand weapon or the same equipment as the rest of their unit.
  • Knights Griffon: The unit may attempt to use a Swift Reform at the start of the turn instead of the Remaining Moves sub-phase. However, they will halve their Charge distance that turn if they do so.
  • Knights of the Everlasting Light: The models may re-roll failed armour saves in close combat. However, they must re-roll successful armour saves from missile attacks and successful Dangerous Terrain tests.
  • Added Sanctified Silver Bullets and Eichelbaum's Scroll to Magic Items.
  • Icon of Magnus costs 15 pts.
  • Steam Engine: Declare how many Steam Points you will expend in the Steam Engine before you attempt to move it.
  • Holy Fervour: All friendly Human units benefit from the rider's Righteous Fury special rule whilst within 6" of the War Altar of Sigmar.
  • Doomfire Ring is power level 6.
  • Mixed Weaponry: Unless they are armed with handguns, the crew of a War Wagon are each equipped with one of the following experimental weapons: ball & chain, blunderbuss, Hochland long rifle, hook halberd, man catcher, repeater handgun. You may not take multiples of the same weapon.
  • Pistoliers cannot take light lances and shields.
  • New Core Unit: Demilancers
  • All Imperial Knights and Foot Knights make take full plate armour for 3 pts.
  • Inner Circle upgrade costs 2 pts.
  • For every Grand Master or Chapter Master that is included in your army, you may may upgrade one unit to Inner Circle Knights. In addition, you may take one unit of Imperial Knights (unless they have full plate armour or are Inner Circle Knights) as a Core Unit instead of a Special Unit.
  • War Wagons do not have light armour by default, costs 100 pts. Light armour costs 15 pts.
  • War Wagons have experimental weapons by default. Handguns cost 10 pts.
  • War Wagons may replace 3 crew and handguns with a Mortar for 40 pts.
  • If Karl Franz suffers a Hit (before armour saves are taken) and Ludwig Schwarzhelm is in the same unit, roll a D6.
  • Pistoliers cost 18 pts.
  • Repeater handguns and repeater pistols have Rapid Fire.
  • You may take 1-2 War Wagons a single Rare choice.
  • Free Company Militia may be upgraded to Skirmishers.
  • Halberdier, Spearmen and Swordmen Leaders may take pistols.

Monday, 23 September 2024

Warhammer - The Empire 1.6 (beta) out now!

Another large update, this version contains quite a number of changes. The biggest one arguably pertain to the Knightly Orders, which have been streamlined to 12 from nearly 30. The reason for this, apart from the fact that having 30 upgrades for a single unit being a bit much, was that many Knightly Orders did not really have anything in their lore that would make them different on the table, and many of them had the same or very similar rules. As a result, the remaining 12 are more standout in terms of rules, while still retaining the classic knight concept. 

You also have access to a Chapter Master hero for the knights. The knights themselves have been given a limitation - they are now a Special Unit unless you take Chapter Master or Grand Master, meaning theming is a bit more important. Inner Circle Knights have the same limitation, making them unavailable unless you bring the right character. On the other hand, you now have access to regular foot knights other than the Reiksguard, giving you more options. Lastly, Demigryph Knights have seen a long-request overall nerf with a drop to Strength 4 as well as coming without weapons or shields by default. They are likely to go up in price even more in the future when points costs for cavalry in general is getting revised to improve balance between them and infantry.

As for new things, you now have the option for a Witch Hunter General, and you can also upgrade Free Company to a Witch Hunter retinue. You can also take smaller Griffons, thus keeping the older models viable. Apart from that, you will find that a lot of units have new equipment options, like Pistoliers, Dwarfs, Ogres and Sisters of Sigmar.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the update, and many thanks to my Patreon supporters as always!


Patch notes:

  • Hold the Line: If a model with this special rule is in a unit with the State Troops special rule, the unit has the Cold-blooded special rule when taking Break tests.
  • If an enemy unit declares a charge against a State Troop unit, and that unit does not flee as a charge reaction, then all unengaged State Troop units within 3" can make either a Support Fire or a Counter Charge action by passing a Leadership test (which can be re-rolled if the unit has a Leader).
  • New weapon: Cavalry Hammer
  • Battle Prayers Of Sigmar: A model with this special rule knows the three Battle Prayers listed below. They may attempt to use one at the start of each of your turns by taking a Leadership test on their own unmodified Leadership. If passed, the prayer is answered and take immediate effect. A friendly unit can only be under the effect of one Battle Prayer at a time.
  • Hammer of Sigmar: The model and any unit they are with re-roll failed To Wound rolls in close combat until the start your next turn.
  • Shield of Faith: The model and any unit they are with gain a 6+ Ward save in close combat until the start your next turn.
  • Soulfire: The model and any unit they are with gain the Flaming and Magical Attacks special rules until the start your next turn. In addition, when cast, all enemy models in base contact with the Warrior Priest suffer a Strength 4 hit. Models with the Daemons, Undead and Vampires suffer a Strength 5 hit instead.
  • Grenade launching blunderbusses is Ponderous, not Slow to Fire.
  • Increased the cost of great weapons.
  • Runefang costs 60 pts. Reduced cost of characters with it by 10 pts.
  • Mace of Helstrum costs 20 pts.
  • Imperial Banner costs 65 pts.
  • Sword of Righteous Steel costs 20 pts.
  • Shield of the Medusa costs 10 pts.
  • Blessed Silver Hammer costs 20 pts.
  • Skull Charm costs 15 pts.
  • Chalice of Fate costs 35 pts.
  • Doomfire Ring is Power Level 7, costs 35 pts.
  • Added some new magic items.
  • Removed Arabyan Windglass (this will be moved to Araby)
  • Removed Cold Iron Blade (this will be moved to Dogs of War)
  • General of the Empire renamed to Imperial General.
  • Captain of the Empire renamed to Imperial Captain.
  • New Lord: Witch Hunter General.
  • Witch Hunter Retinue: For every Witch Hunter General/Captain in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Free Company Militia to a Witch Hunter Retinue for +1 point per model. The unit gains +1 Leadership, as well as the Hatred (Chaos, Undead, Wizards) and Tools of Judgement special rules.
  • New Hero: Chapter Master
  • Grand Master is Infantry, costs 145 pts.
  • Grand Masters and Chapter Masters must join a unit of knights, and may not leave it.
  • Imperial Griffons have Natural Armour (6+).
  • New Mount: Griffon
  • Imperial Griffon may take barding.
  • War Altar of Sigmar has barding. Horn of Sigismund costs 25 pts.
  • Demigryphs have S4.
  • Warriors Priests, Arch Lectors and Sisters of Sigmar have Magic Resistance instead of Divine Power.
  • Arch Lectors cost 120 pts, have Magic Resistance 2.
  • Warrior Priests costs 95 pts.
  • Witch Hunters may take additional hand weapon.
  • Tools of Judgement: When attacking Daemons, Undead, Vampires or Wizards in close combat, a Witch Hunter has the Magical Attacks special rule and re-rolls failed rolls To Wound.
  • Reduced armour costs for State Troops.
  • Spearmen costs 3.5 pts.
  • Hochland long rifle for Leader costs 10 pts.
  • Free Company may take bucklers.
  • Added in options for 12 different Knightly Orders.
  • Knightly Orders renamed to Imperial Knights. Are a Special Unit. Do not have heavy lances or shields by default. Cost 16 pts.
  • For every Grand Master or Chapter Master that is included in your army, you may may upgrade one unit to Inner Circle Knights. In addition, you may take one unit of Imperial Knights (except Inner Circle Knights) as a Core Unit instead of a Special Unit.
  • Reiksguard Foot Knights are now Imperial Foot Knights. Have S3 and heavy armour. Cost 10 pts.
  • Removed Reiksguard Knights as a separate unit.
  • Pistoliers may take light lances & shields.
  • Greatswords cost 9 pts. Reduced the cost of heavy armour to 2.5 pts.
  • Huntsmen may take longbows.
  • Flagellants cost 6 pts, can take either additional hand weapons or flails for extra cost.
  • Fanatical Zeal: Arch Lectors and Warrior Priests of Sigmar may join units of Flagellants despite being them being Unbreakable. If they do so, they also become Unbreakable as long as there are any Flagellants remaining.
  • Imperial Dwarfs, Halflings and Ogres have the Loner special rule. Can take a Magic Standard up to 25 pts.
  • Imperial Dwarfs may take medium armour. Do not have light armour by default, cost 5 pts. Can only take shields with hand weapons, spears or polearms.
  • Removed Forest Strider special rule from Halflings. Cannot take shield with shortbows.
  • Imperial Ogres can take bucklers. Only have hand weapons by default. Cost 27 pts. Can take Ogre handguns. Have BS3, Natural Armour (6+).
  • Reduced cost of bucklers and light armour for Sisters of Sigmar. May take medium armour, two hand weapons, shields or great weapons. May take full command (including magic standards).
  • Faith in Sigmar: Any model in the unit gains +1 to their Leadership when attempting to use Battle Prayers of Sigmar for every 5 Sisters of Sigmar in the unit. In addition, if a unit of Sister of Sigmar is joined by a model with the Righteous Fury special rule, their Hatred special rule applies in every round of close combat.
  • Demigryph knights do not have any weapons by default.
  • War Wagons have handguns by default, can take two additional crew.
  • Separated Hurricanum and Luminark into two separate units. Have barding.
  • Luminark of Hysh gives dispel dice, not power dice.
  • Storm of Shemtek scatters D3".
  • Hochland long rifle costs 10 pts for Steam Tank.
  • Steam Tanks do not have Random Movement. For each Steam Point you chose to expend, the Steam Tank's Movement increases by 4". It does not gain any additional Movement when charging.
  • Old Reliable replaces the steam cannon with an Organ Gun.
  • Sigmar's Hammer may re-roll 1's when taking armour saves.
  • The von Zeppel does not lose the steam cannon.
  • All Steam Tank variants cost 250 pts.
  • Reduced cost of Ghal Maraz by 15 pts.
  • Volkmar the Grim has Magic Resistance (2), costs 195 pts.
  • Marius, Aldebrand, Magnus, Markus and Jubal may take 25 pts of magic items.
  • Marius, Aldebrand, Magnus, Valmir are not mounted by default. Decreased priced accordingly.
  • Valmir von Raukov may take a shield.
  • Hammer of the East: Valmir von Raukov and any unit he joins has the Stubborn special rule in the first round of Close Combat.
  • Von Kragsburg Guard: If Marius Leitdorf is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Halberdiers to von Kragsburg Guard for +1 pt per model. This unit has +1 Weapon Skill.
  • Hergig Jaegerkorps: If Aldebrand Ludenhof is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Huntsmen to Hergig Jaegerkorps for +3 pts per model. This unit is armed with Hochland Long Rifles (without the Sniper special rule) instead of bows.
  • Magnus the Pious has Inspiring Presence (6) instead of Leader of Men.
  • Ludwig Schwarzhelm is Infantry by default, costs 150 pts.
  • Luthor Huss costs 175 pts.
  • Elspeth von Draken is not mounted by default, costs 265 pts. May be mounted on a Warhorse or Dragon.
  • Theodore Bruckner is Hero, has Ld8. Costs 190 pts. Reaper has S5, costs 135 pts.
  • Jubal Falk does not have Master of Ballistics or 'Stand Back, Sir!'. Costs 60 pts.
  • The Nuln Ironsides: Jubal Falk must be accompanied by a unit of Handgunners chosen from the army list at a cost of 10 points per model. This unit has medium armour and may re-roll 1's To Hit with missile attacks. The unit must be given a Standard Bearer and Musician. Jubal Falk is the unit's Leader and may never choose to leave this unit.
  • New Special Character: Johann van Hal & Wilhelm Hasburg
  • New Special Character: Gotrek & Felix
  • Removed Mandred Skavenslayer.
  • Removed Boris Todbringer.
  • Removed Hubert Valentour.
  • Removed Rutger Wolfrick.
  • Removed Brother Valdemar.