Saturday 19 May 2012

Good news for Kingdoms of Ind!

Having found some great source material from old RPG books, I should now have a decent base as to develop the background for Warhammer's Kingdoms of Ind. In effect, this means that the complete version will be published with the next update, which should hopefully be this summer.

The next book on the table to receive an update is Kislev, followed by Norse.

Dogs of War should come somewhere in between, but since I am not working on that one alone, I cannot say for sure when it will be finished.

Chaos Dwarfs are slightly on hold at the moment, but should still see a release some time this summer.


  1. Thanks a lot! This is really great news (at least for me ;)

    May I ask... Could you provide me with the names of your source material? I'd love to give that a read too!

    Best regards (and keep it up, man!),


    1. Most of the material is from Dog Soul's Sahasra setting, then there is the Scion Companion, the Mahasarpa Campaign for Oriental adventures, and then I has also looked into Exalted, but I don't think I will use that.

      The Kingdoms of Ind background will sort of be a mix of all these, with edits necessary to make it fit into the Warhammer world.

  2. Good news!

    And good to hear that Kislev and Norsca are next. May I suggest some changes and maybe new units for norsca? (my friend plays with Norsca, our battles between araby and norsca are epic!)


    1. Sure, there are a couple of things I am planning on adding already, such as:

      Dale Riders
      Possible Rune Lore

      But if you have any more suggestions, I'd love to hear them :)

  3. When are you going to do Nippon? It's because I'm a Japan zealot lol.
    And I'm going to give you an idea for another army: I saw them on Blood Bowl and Monstrous Arcanum, the Werewolves. I don't know if you have material, but it would be great if you had it

    1. I think that werewolves are pretty much covered in Norsca with the Ulfwerenar.


    2. Nippon and Cathay will get their updates after Norse. As for Werewolves, I think there are enough of them in Norsca, as well as in VC, and Cult of Ulric will have a Werewolf choice as well. However, Tamrir at the Battle Reporter forum is currently working on a werewolf army book, so you might get to see one after all.

    3. Hey, Aru-Chan, is any of your books finished and downloadable?

    4. I'm finishing now Sheashi, because I think that I have to finish it and then I can do my expansion

  4. It's me again!

    Well, regarding new units and possible changes for Norsca, here are my thoughs:
    - About the new units:
    * What are the dale riders exactly? Will they be like barbarian horsemen?
    * Thralls? what are they?
    * Ulfjarl? as in hero choice ulfwerenar? COOL!

    About the existing units, I like them a lot in general, the only few things I would change are:
    - Maybe reduce the ulfwerenar speed from 9 to 7 (specially if Norsca is getting some kind of cavalry with the dale riders, in case they are cavalry)
    - Shieldmaidens could have some special rule that sets them apart from the Huscarls. Both of them receiving a bonus to armour save seems to overlap their functions. Altough shieldmaidens are far cheaper than huscarls, they wear light armor and have S3 attacks. If you ask which special rule could they have? I have no idea.
    - The Ice drake, it seems weird that norsca can field a dragon individually, not riden by some lord or hero, specially if you consider that even High Elves can't do that, and they are the closest race to dragons. The Ice Drake should be a mount option to the Vikti or King.

    That's it, hopes that my comments help in some way.

    Bets regards.


  5. Dale Riders will be Fast Cavalry from the southern Norse tribes (as in Grim Squeeker's old Norse list), Thralls are essentially slaves (from the old CJ Norse list), and the UlfJarl is essentially a hero level Ulfwerenar, yes.

    Lowering the movement abit would be fine with me, they will likely be running on two legs anyway.
    I could possibly give the Shieldwall rule to Shieldmaidens instead, and have Huscarls as standard stubborn elites?
    No one is ever going to try and mount an Ice Drake, you would literally freeze your balls off! ;)
    Think of the Ice Drake in the same manner as a Jabberslythe, it's never really tamed like HE dragons. Also, it's a Drake, not a Dragon. Different things ;)

  6. igor the terrible is ivan the terrible?also add a bombard to araby army book

    1. Igor the Terrible is from the old Kislev list by Tuomas Pirinen, but yes, he is definitely based on Ivan.

      I will refrain from adding any more war machines to Araby for now, the army is supposed to be built around speed and sneaky specialist units, not blasting your foes with huge war machines. Janissaries aside, Araby is more based on the Mamluke Sultanate than the Ottoman Empire.

  7. Still not comfortable with the idea of an unriden Ice Drake! hahahahah but well, my friend who plays with Norsca never fields it!

    Huscarls are good as they are, point wise and fluff wise. Maybe shieldmaidens could be developed around the idea of them being the protectors of home land, the settlements and family, maybe allowing to reroll failed panic test to units near them. Or maybe shield oath could allow you to use the parry rule against shooting attacks and even when they are wielding a lance. Don't really know if that is okay.

    And don't know about the Thralls, Norsca doesn't seem to me as an army that would bring their slaves to battle, as skavens or araby does (if I recall correctly, real life norses never did, but well, we all know this armies are not meant to be historical recreations)

    And araby is good as it is, get to play with them yesterday, feedback soon!

    Best regards.


    1. Possibly, I do want Shieldmaidens being defensive troops at least. Giving them the parry rule with spears and shields is a great idea!

      Not sure about Thralls either tbh, but they were part of the original Norse list. I'll see if I can do something worthwhile with them, otherwise I might just skip them.

    2. I'm glad that you liked the parry with spear idea (and maybe against shooting also? a 6+ WS isn't unbalanced). I also always felt that some units could get their parry rule WS increased to 5+ (I think that would work with ironbreakers when dwarfves 8th edition book cames out), don't know if that would be possible for shieldmaidens. They would fill a defensive role like the huscarls, but in a different way. There are some options to make shieldmaidens more unique ;) (and I love their fluff, I want to see them on battle!)

      I would recomend skip the thralls. There are things that, from a balance and "feel to the list" point of view, are better forgotten. Is like with DE, we all know they are one of the best slavers, but they don't field their slaves in battle.

      Norsca already gots lots of infantry units, I don't think they need another one.


    3. Parry against shooting is a bit weird though, since that means they could technically deflect cannon balls with their shields ;)

      Yeah, I'll probably skip them, or just make a small note about them in the fluff.

    4. Jjajajaja yes, although, weirder things can be found in the Old World! (like in 7th edition, DE Hydra walking free into a forest!)

      How is bretonnia turning out? I've read lots of feedback and critics (both constructive and plain wishlisting) in several forums.

    5. Pretty well, working on nerfing some aspects of them atm, shouldn't be a problem in the end.


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