Thursday 6 December 2012

Regiments of Renown update out now!

Well this was long overdue, but we have finally finished the update at While still being black and white like the Dogs of War book, this includes updated rules and fixes for the Regiments of Renown released by GW between 1998-2005. Compared to the older release, units are now marked with troop types, and have regained some of their special rules from 5th ed with an overall refurnished layout. Though no real major changes unlike the Dogs of War book, this new version should clear some things up and make it a lot easier to include Regiments of Renown in both your Dogs of War army and as units for hire in other armies.

Click image to download:


  1. nice ;) maybe you can list up which of your armiebooks can hire which unit.

    1. I will do that in due time, these rules are more targeted towards the official army books though.

  2. @ Anonymous: There, Chaos Dwarfs are in second place now, ya happy? :p

    I won't be able to work on it this month though, but after the 21st I will have almost a whole month off from university, so I should be able to finish it then.

    1. hey i'm günni (the anonymus above) and actually i'm waiting for estalia or cathay and the new pirates, but chaos dwarfs are good also. if i can help you someway, let me know

      greez günni

    2. Hi Günni, I'm actually replying to another guy whose comments only show up in my email, and not in the comments section for some reason. Which will look like I'm replying to either myself or any other people (like yourself) who doesn't have a user here. A bit confusing, I know ;)

    3. a little bit ;) i read it four times to understand what you mean^^

  3. mengils manflayers reaper crossbows only range 12"?
    greez günni

    1. Yeah, that's a bug, should be 24". Will fix it soon!


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