Wednesday 9 January 2013

Warhammer Expansion: Special Characters out now!

Phew, that took longer than expected! Clocking in at 155 pages and containing a total of 127 special characters from GW's earlier publications without current rules for 8th edition, this book is pretty extensive as far as that goes. You will find all (as far as I know) characters from previous army books, Warhammer campaigns and  White Dwarf articles here, all playable in 8th edition.

All characters follow their old rules as closely as possible, as I have tried to be as true as I could to their originals. As such, this book  doesn't contain any new material as much as it contains modern versions of the old classics, so this is more for nostalgia than anything else. Future versions might add the current special characters as well for a more complete version, and remove some of the less interesting ones that doesn't really add much to the game in either rules or fluff.

NOTE: This only contains those characters that have not been updated to 8th ed in any other of my books, or are not part of GW's current books.

Anyway, here are the links, I'm off to lunch!



  1. Why use the illustration of Count Noctilus for Luthor Harkon?

    1. Because they are both pirates, and there wasn't any artwork for Luthor Harkon in the Zombie Pirates list (the Necrarch used is the one of Sethep).

  2. Destroyer of Khorne is a gift (special rule) not a magic item… It's was a error to WFB6 adapatation of Anthony Reynold.

    1. Ah, okay. I'll fix that in the next version then!

  3. About Bagrain... The illustration is inapropriate. Bagrian have a hand of steel.
    Original illustration of this one by John Blanche

    and other sketch page 4!1816

    1. Hah, never knew that existed! I'll update his artwork soon, the current one is just a normal Priest of Taal from WFRP.

  4. Under Engrim Van Horseman you have listed Chaos Runesword under equipment but rules for Chaos Rundblade.

    Just skimmed the Chaos stuff... Interested in doing Beasts of Chaos Characters and Chaos Dwarf Characters? I'm a big fan of your work none the less and this is my favorite yet.

    I totally love this book.

    Thank you!

    1. Will fix that, thanks!

      Beasts of Chaos characters are already in the Beastman book, and Chaos Dwarf characters will appear in my upcoming Chaos Dwarfs book, but I might include all in a future update of this one.

  5. "EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon, full plate armour, shield, barding. " for Thyrus Gormann is a bug?

    1. Yeah that's a bug all right, I'll get right on fixing it.


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