Monday 13 February 2017

Expansion plans

Update: Thanks for the feedback everyone! I don't have time to answer all individually, but I've updated this list with the suggestions I either forgot or that I think I can do justice. Some of the other suggestions will be likely be included in the various army books, and as such they are not featured here.

As this is something that often pops up, I'd like to get some opinions on what expansions you would like to see in the future. Expansions will be smaller releases that will contain some background on the subject, as well as some new units that can either be included in their main army or as a stand-alone force. Currently, I have plans for the following releases, sometime after I finish the main books:

  • Gnoblar Hordes - updated version of the White Dwarf list with more units.
  • Fimir - updated version of my old Fimir book, but with only the essential units and some basic fluff.
  • Champions of Chaos - a compilation of all Chaos special characters (too many to include in the WoC book)
  • Border Princes - smaller army list that allows you to make a combination of Bretonnia/Empire/Dogs of War with some new unique units.
  • Priests of the Old World - rules for priests of all the gods in the Empire.
  • Khorne - rules for including models from Battletome: Bloodbound in Age of Sigmar.
  • Tzeentch - rules for including models from Battletome: Disciples of Tzeentch in Age of Sigmar.
  • Steam Tanks - rules and background for alternative Steam Tank builds. 
  • Dark Shadows -  a re-release of the background (and maybe rules) from the 6th ed campaign.
  • The New World -  a re-release of the background (and maybe rules) from the 6th ed campaign.
  • Storm of Chaos -  a re-release of the background and variant army lists from the 6th ed campaign.
  • The Nemesis Crown -  a re-release of the background (and maybe rules) from the 7th ed campaign.
  • Skirmish Rules - updated rules and scenarios for Skirmish from 6th ed.
  • Warbands rules - updated rules from 6th ed.
  • Path to Glory - updated rules from 6th ed.
  • Scenario Pack - compilation of all Scenarios published in White Dwarfs and campaign books.
  • Campaign packs - a re-release of the background (and maybe rules) from the 5th ed campaign books Perilous Quest, Grudge of Drong etc.
  • Magic Items - a compilation of magic items from previous editions that did not make it into the 8th ed cut.
  • Army of the Cairns - updated rules of the 6th ed list.
  • Zombie Pirates - updated rules of the 6th ed list.
  • Civil War - rerelease from 8th ed.
  • Sigmar's Blood - rerelease from 8th ed.
  • Hinterlands of Khuresh - smaller list of the race of Blood Nagas (maybe).
  • Mordheim Characters -  Warhammer rules for the Dramatis Personae.
  • Warhammer Siege - updated rules from 5th/6th ed. 
  • Monstrous Arcanum - compilation of the monsters that does not fit into the various army books.
  • Special Characters - updated rules of the special characters that won't make the 8th ed cut.
  • Stormcast - Warhammer rules for the models from Age of Sigmar (maybe), for people who want to be able to use the models. I'm not going to try and shoehorn them into the Warhammer World, merely make rules to make them compatible with 8th and 9th ed.
  • Ancient Warhammer: Army lists for Nehekhara, Tylos, Remas, Sigmar's Tribes etc.

Anything I missed that you want to see included?


  1. and new black orcs??? (ironjaws)??? will be included in OaG army book on not?

    1. Some of them likely will be yes. It's possible I will make rules for the other units that do not fit in with the O&G as a separate release.

    2. I think Brutes (aka Black orc brutes with warchanter- their musician) may fit, weirdnob shaman is still Shaman, gore gruntas are awful and megaboss......mayby evloution of black orc warboss ????

    3. Megabosses are nothing more than renamed Black Orc Warbosses (a large number of supposedly new units in AoS are nothing more than renamed versions of old WH units if you look carefully enough). Maw-krushas are the one that really needs rules.

      And then there are the Crypt Flayers and courtiers (from the Flesh-Eater Courts battletome), the Varanguard and new Dorghar (Everchosen), Frostlords and Huskards (Beastclaw Raiders), Wardokks (Bonesplitterz) and Spider-Goblins (Silver Tower), as well as the Sylvaneth Branchwych (maybe not different enough from Branchwraiths), Spite-Revenants, Kurnoth Hunters, and possibly Tree-Revenants (which might be too similar to Treekin).

    4. I cannot wait for the Gnoblar Hordes! This was my favorite army.

  2. Well, looking back to an older post you made about future, smaller books:

    - Tilean Mercenaries?

    - Border Princes: Balkan, Byzantine and Greek units?

    - Marienburg?

    - Dwarf Slayers from SoC?

    - Army of the Cairns?

    - Cult of Slaanesh?

    - Zombie Pirates?

    - Hinterlands of Khuresh? (pretty please :D)

    - Pigmies?

    - and lastly Fishmen?

    Cheers and keep up with the amazing work you're doing!

    1. Oh yes! The army of the Cairns and Zombie Pirates would be really nice. Thank you for your hardwork!

    2. How about Mordheim and Famous Regiments? Those would be great.
      Thanks and keep up with your fantastic work!

  3. yes yes to all
    Unknown13 February 2017 at 14:34 good to.

  4. I like the look of all of those, but I'm especially excited about the Champions of Chaos, Priests of the Old World, and the Disciples of Tzeentch. Oh, so many great units, so much wonderful fluff, so little time!

  5. South Pole good Arctic Skaven Penguin Seals Inuit based people

  6. Definitely a good set of expansions, I have a real soft spot for the storm of chaos army lists particularly, the slayer army and the cult of slaanesh lists, I've even started converting the slayer list to ninth ed using your dwarfs ravening hordes so I can make use of the excellent slayer models from Avatars of War. That said if you do create a slayer list, don't bother including units from AoS Fyreslayers because both the models and the fluff for them are just plain ugly.

  7. Well, I have alot of books and articles about Mordheim (both official and unofficial).
    So if you plan to do it, I can send you those.
    Keep up your hardwork btw

  8. Is it too much to ask for Stormcast, Fyreslayers, the updated flesh eater courts stuff, iron jaws, and the other sylvaneth stuff?

    1. I think he's said some of the iron jaws units will be incorporated into orcs and goblins, flesh eater courts aren't really needed since they are just strigori vampires all their units appear in his ravening hordes vampire counts and will probably be expanded in the main book, Sylvaneth units fit well with wood elves so I can see some of their units being incorporated there. Stomcast could have their place in a re-written end times setting (with them being a force forged by sigmar to take on chaos directly) but if so that's along way off if it were to ever happen, I'd vastly prefer he focus on the fantasy armies that people love before trying to incorporate the new stuff. I'm personally biased against fyreslayers because I think both their models and their lore are ugly as sin but that very much a personal opinion. If you want stuff like that there's nothing stopping you writing you're own rules for it, fantasy has been abandoned by GW so nothing is official anymore.

    2. But the thing is I wouldn't even know where to start with it.

      Like I could see them being spawned from a faction of dwarves that followed Ungrim after he became Incarnate of Fire during the End Times

  9. Wow!!

    • Gnoblar Hordes
    Maybe you can contact the author Kevin Coleman
    Page 38
    • Fimir. Doon't forget the orc size Fimirs.
    • Champions of Chaos. Some links/sources of inspiration :
    • Priests of the Old World :êtres-de-mórr/
    Document for Mordheim

    • Khorne Bloodbound :

    • "Warbands rules - updated rules from 6th ed." warband have updating 7th edition rules too.

    • Path to Glory have AoS update version.

    • Campaign packs campaign books Perilous Quest, Grudge of Drong etc have german 6th update.

    • "Magic Items - a compilation of magic items from previous editions that did not make it into the 8th ed cut." Jervis Johnson do this to a White Dwarf article no?

  10. I'd like to see Fimir get an update.

    I have to say, I've just stumbled onto this and it's a great resource for Fantasy players and looks like years of hard work.

    I was just wondering if you continue to update the 8th edition books?

  11. special characters for all factions

  12. Just to start I will indicate the following:
    1) Border princes
    2) priests of the Old World
    3) Nemesis Crown.

    And thanks as usual for the amazing work!

  13. I have split my orcs and goblins into many many smaller tribes, (my largest force) each tribe being a 1000 Pts. Most tribes have something a little different. I have all the obvious groups but also snotlings and swamp goblins, fire goblins, frost goblins etc. An important unit are bestuns which is basically a better goblin, to be an elite unit in an army without orcs, very helpful in common goblin armies. Higher WS, I, Ld and better equipment. So basically an orc and goblin tribe expansion, like the bloodline themes in the back of the old vampire book, if you restrict your force in one area, you access these new units. Happy to share the full set of units if you interested

  14. I know this isn't on that list, but would you consider adding Warhammer: Siege to the pile some day as well?

    1. I was also thinking about this but maybe it wasn't included because he might put it in the main rulebook?

    2. I would also love to see a siege rules supplement!

  15. Have you considered looking at building lists, etc for war machines, monsters, characters, magic etc for combat at Storm of Magic/Monstrous Arcanium level? I started looking at this type thing a while ago but never seem to be able to find the time to get very far - thats why I'm in awe of what you've achieved on this site. Keep up the Amazing work

  16. Would like to see a Troll King army list, perhaps including chaos goblins.

    Any chance of rules for Half-orcs, maybe as a border prince unit?

    Or Gnomes as Dwarf allies?

  17. Outside of the current ones I'd suggest the following:
    - Army of the Lichemaster
    - Zombie Pirates
    - Pygmies
    - Variants of the current army lists (like Dragon Isles Lizardmen or Hell Pit Skaven, in the same format as 40k's Traitor Legions supplement)
    - Something related to the Dread Hosts from Tamurkhan
    - Fortifications (something like the Stronghold Assault expansion for 40k)

  18. You don't have enough on your plate already Mathias? :-P

    The strongest themed lists I think could be made, that would fit the setting and be playable, and also add diveristy I think are the following:

    -Cult of Slaanesh
    -Legions of Nagashizzar (think pre-Nagash army list, where Arkhan is secretly preparing for the return of Nagash, experimenting with necromancy, collectiong corpses, secretly rebuilding the armies of Nagashizzar etc..)
    -Some more diversity to the idea of the various Vampire Bloodlines, which could aslo feature the fleet of Luther Harkon as a limted kind of list

  19. hej mathias,have you considered to give kislev cannons?
    it´s odd that they have none since kislev has close relationship to the empire and is trading with dwarfs as well.
    they have a serious problem against monster/chariot spam.
    hags with the possibilitiy for shadow and death?

  20. Please don't cut the Fimir list down too much, I really like the previous army list

    I would also like to see the return of the Zoat, perhaps as a Wood Elf Hero/Rare 0-1

    Not too sure about adding stuff from AoS - I guess deamons are OK as they can come in many forms anyway

    Seige would be good

    Perhaps a Kuresh list.

    Return of Gnomes to the Dwarf list?

  21. The Steam Tanks - why not add to that also alternative designs for the rest of the Imperial stuff - cannons, magic chariots, etc.

    As for Age of Sigmar, it's totally your decision, but why make a separate tome, if you can just create "the Devoted of Chaos" or something and add the human followers to it, while the new demons go the the Demons of Chaos?

  22. Rules for a Sky-Titan or a band of giants.

  23. Personally I favor doing something with the Age of Sigmar models. As moronic as the system and questionable as the lore are, they really are good models and would be nice to be usable.

  24. If you are (maybe) going to make rules for Stormcast to allow people to play them with the 8th/9th ed rulesets (without shoehorning them to the Warhammer world), then you might also do the same thing to Fyreslayers too.

    And I think the correct name for Kemmler's list is 'Army of the Lichemaster', not 'Army of the Cairns'.

  25. I would love to see some sylvanian human units somewhere!

    1. Yeah, absolutely

    2. Not a full army book but maybe a list or added to the VC army list?

  26. I think if you were doing Stormcast they would make Good Daemons of Law , like an Angelic Host of Arianka

  27. YaaaaaY!!!!!! This all sounds so great! Also will you make a storm of magic something with cataclysm spells for armies project lores? Also anything from warhammer great war? Thank you for all your splendid work!

  28. Hello Mathias. Basically, everything including lore and rules for units are exciting to me (adapted canon, especially the priests, or invention of yours, like Khuresh (?) )
    Campaigns and scenarii are less important to me. Your work is truly amazing and invaluable to passionates.

    1. Could we add a Marienburg army list ? :)))))
      And Warhammer Historical sounds pretty amazing too. We could remake ancient's Warhammer World civilisations armies (Nehekhara with egyptians, Reman empire with romans) in addition of true historical wargames.

  29. is it possible to re edit storm of magic ?

    1. Maybe, but I personally wasn't that big a fan of the whole monsterbinding, just seemed like an ecuse for GW to sell more monsters.

  30. Steam Tanks - rules and background for alternative Steam Tank builds.
    Historical - basic army lists for various armies that do not fit into the Warhammer World, but that people have requested to be playable with warhammer rules (such as Romans, Greeks, medieval kingdoms etc.).
    any chance of WW1/2 rules?

    1. WWI/WW2 would be better adapted from 40k than fantasy imo. Or just play Flames of War.

  31. Skirmish, then Warbands, then Siege, then everything else.

    Some of us simply don't have a large enough collection of minis in a single faction to field a full sized army.

    Skirmish rules, to me at least, are key.

  32. Are you including any of the Forge World stuff? (Just Curious)

    1. Yes, many of their units will be present in the full army books.

  33. Can you tell me who are the cairns please?

    1. I believe they were an army in an old campaign book, based around Heinrich Kemmler and his army of wights.

  34. Only marginally related, but would you consider adding in Arcanadons/Thunder Lizards to Lizardmen? Or some sort of rapter Warhound/light cavary-esque unit? The Lizardmen book has always seemed pretty bare units-wise to me compared to other armies, and they could use a few more unit choices.

    1. They have the dread saurian that kind of fulfill the giant lizard role now, so I'm not so sure they need any more monsters. The latter did not have that much in terms of background to start with.

  35. Another suggestion: Retro-Army Lists?

    Beasts of Chaos/Hordes of Chaos/Realm of Chaos/Undead/Slann?

  36. One more: Rules for substituting beasts/monsters into different roles/lists.

    night goblin Squig chariots; Spider chariots, Off-List Griffons, etc.

    They can be good to make your army (or a hero within it) stand out compared to others, and using the unusual beasts in your army, where rules already exist for them in another army, is much more satisfying than "counts as a horse".

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. I would love to see a alliance table (is that what it's called?) for your expansions

    1. You can see what alignment each army has in left header of this page, so they use the normal rules after that.

    2. The problem with the overly simple Forces of Order/Destruction system is that it fails to reflect the actual relations between, say, the Vampires and any Chaos faction (who despise each other in the fluff but can ally perfectly well in the crunch). I think OP meant a proper allies chart like in 40k.

    3. Like 40k's alliance tables? Here's something I slapped together one day while bored.

      Battle Brothers: Dogs of War, Dwarfs, Halflings, High Elves, Kislev, Lizardmen, Wood Elves
      Grudging Allies: Amazons, Araby, Bretonnia, Cathay, Empire, Estalia, Kingdoms of Ind, Nippon, Ogre Kingdoms, Tomb Kings
      Unholy Alliance: Hobgoblins, Norse, Orcs & Goblins, Pirates of Sartosa
      Cannot Ally: Beastmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Daemons of Chaos, Dark Elves, Fimir, Skaven, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos

      Battle Brothers: Dogs of War, Wood Elves
      Grudging Allies: Albion, Araby, Bretonnia, Cathay, Dwarfs, Empire, Estalia, Halflings, High Elves, Kingdoms of Ind, Kislev, Lizardmen, Nippon, Norse, Ogre Kingdoms, Pirates of Sartosa
      Unholy Alliance: Chaos Dwarfs, Hobgoblins, Orcs & Goblins, Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts
      Cannot Ally: Beastmen, Daemons of Chaos, Fimir, Skaven, Warriors of Chaos

      Battle Brothers: Dogs of War, Kingdoms of Ind, Norse, Pirates of Sartosa
      Grudging Allies: Albion, Amazons, Bretonnia, Cathay, Dark Elves, Dwarfs, Empire, Halflings, High Elves, Hobgoblins, Kislev, Nippon, Ogre Kingdoms, Skaven, Tomb Kings, Wood Elves
      Unholy Alliance; Chaos Dwarfs, Estalia, Lizardmen, Orcs & Goblins, Warriors of Chaos
      Cannot Ally: Beastmen, Daemons of Chaos, Fimir, Vampire Counts

      Battle Brothers: Chaos Dwarfs, Daemons of Chaos, Fimir, Skaven, Warriors of Chaos
      Grudging Allies: Dark Elves, Norse, Ogre Kingdoms, Orcs & Goblins
      Unholy Alliance: Hobgoblins, Kingdoms of Ind, Pirates of Sartosa, Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts
      Cannot Ally: Albion, Amazons, Araby, Bretonnia, Cathay, Dogs of War, Dwarfs, Empire, Estalia, Halflings, High Elves, Kislev, Lizardmen, Nippon, Wood Elves

      Battle Brothers: Cathay, Dwarfs, Empire, Estalia, High Elves, Kislev, Nippon, Wood Elves
      Grudging Allies: Albion, Amazons, Araby, Halflings, Kingdoms of Ind
      Unholy Alliance: Lizardmen, Norse, Ogre Kingdoms, Tomb Kings
      Cannot Ally: Beastmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Daemons of Chaos, Dark Elves, Dogs of War, Fimir, Hobgoblins, Orcs & Goblins, Pirates of Sartosa, Skaven, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos

      Battle Brothers: Bretonnia, Dogs of War, Dwarfs, Empire, High Elves
      Grudging Allies: Albion, Amazons, Araby, Estalia, Halflings, Kingdoms of Ind, Kislev, Nippon, Ogre Kingdoms, Wood Elves
      Unholy Alliance: Dark Elves, Hobgoblins, Lizardmen, Norse, Pirates of Sartosa, Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts
      Cannot Ally: Beastmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Daemons of Chaos, Fimir, Orcs & Goblins, Skaven, Warriors of Chaos

      Chaos Dwarfs
      Battle Brothers: Beastmen, Daemons of Chaos, Dogs of War, Fimir, Hobgoblins, Norse, Ogre Kingdoms, Orcs & Goblins, Warriors of Chaos
      Grudging Allies: Dark Elves, Pirates of Sartosa, Skaven, Vampire Counts
      Unholy Alliance: Amazons, Araby, Kingdoms of Ind, Nippon, Tomb Kings
      Cannot Ally: Albion, Bretonnia, Dwarfs, Empire, Estalia, Halflings, High Elves, Kislev, Wood Elves

      Daemons of Chaos
      Battle Brothers: Beastmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Fimir, Skaven
      Grudging Allies: Dark Elves, Norse, Orcs & Goblins
      Unholy Alliance: Hobgoblins, Ogre Kingdoms, Vampire Counts
      Cannot Ally: Albion, Amazons, Araby, Bretonnia, Cathay, Dogs of War, Dwarfs, Empire, Estalia, Halflings, High Elves, Kingdoms of Ind, Kislev, Lizardmen, Nippon, Pirates of Sartosa, Tomb Kings, Wood Elves

      Dark Elves
      Battle Brothers: Dogs of War
      Grudging Allies: Araby, Beastmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Daemons of Chaos, Hobgoblins, Norse, Ogre Kingdoms, Pirates of Sartosa, Skaven, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos
      Unholy Alliance: Cathay, Empire, Fimir, Kingdoms of Ind, Nippon, Orcs & Goblins, Tomb Kings, Wood Elves
      Cannot Ally: Albion, Amazons, Bretonnia, Dwarfs, Estalia, Halflings, High Elves, Kislev, Lizardmen

    4. 2/4

      Dogs of War
      Battle Brothers: Albion, Amazons, Araby, Cathay, Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elves, Dwarfs, Empire, Estalia, Halflings, High Elves, Hobgoblins, Kingdoms of Ind, Kislev, Lizardmen, Nippon, Norse, Ogre Kingdoms, Orcs & Goblins, Pirates of Sartosa, Skaven, Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos, Wood Elves
      Grudging Allies: N/A
      Unholy Alliance: N/A
      Cannot Ally: Beastmen, Bretonnia, Daemons of Chaos, Fimir

      Battle Brothers: Albion, Bretonnia, Cathay, Dogs of War, Empire, Estalia, Halflings, Kislev, Norse
      Grudging Allies: Amazons, Araby, High Elves, Kingdoms of Ind, Nippon, Ogre Kingdoms
      Unholy Alliance: Lizardmen, Pirates of Sartosa, Tomb Kings, Wood Elves
      Cannot Ally: Beastmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Daemons of Chaos, Dark Elves, Fimir, Hobgoblins, Orcs & Goblins, Skaven, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos

      Battle Brothers: Bretonnia, Cathay, Dogs of War, Dwarfs, Estalia, Halflings, High Elves, Kislev, Ogre Kingdoms
      Grudging Allies: Albion, Amazons, Araby, Kingdoms of Ind, Lizardmen, Nippon, Wood Elves
      Unholy Alliance: Dark Elves, Hobgoblins, Norse, Orcs & Goblins, Pirates of Sartosa, Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts
      Cannot Ally: Beastmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Daemons of Chaos, Fimir, Skaven, Warriors of Chaos

      Battle Brothers: Bretonnia, Dogs of War, Dwarfs, Empire, Halflings, Kingdoms of Ind, Nippon
      Grudging Allies: Albion, Amazons, Cathay, High Elves, Kislev, Wood Elves
      Unholy Alliance: Araby, Lizardmen, Norse, Ogre Kingdoms, Pirates of Sartosa
      Cannot Ally: Beastmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Daemons of Chaos, Dark Elves, Fimir, Hobgoblins, Orcs & Goblins, Skaven, Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos

      Battle Brothers: Beastmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Daemons of Chaos, Skaven, Warriors of Chaos
      Grudging Allies: Hobgoblins, Orcs & Goblins, Vampire Counts
      Unholy Alliance: Dark Elves, Norse, Ogre Kingdoms, Tomb Kings
      Cannot Ally: Albion, Amazons, Araby, Bretonnia, Cathay, Dogs of War, Dwarfs, Empire, Estalia, Halflings, High Elves, Kingdoms of Ind, Kislev, Lizardmen, Nippon, Pirates of Sartosa, Wood Elves

      Battle Brothers: Albion, Bretonnia, Dogs of War, Dwarfs, Empire, Estalia, High Elves, Kislev, Wood Elves
      Grudging Allies: Amazons, Araby, Cathay, Kingdoms of Ind, Lizardmen, Nippon
      Unholy Alliance: Norse, Pirates of Sartosa, Tomb Kings
      Cannot Ally: Beastmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Daemons of Chaos, Dark Elves, Fimir, Hobgoblins, Ogre Kingdoms, Orcs & Goblins, Skaven, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos

      High Elves
      Battle Brothers: Albion, Bretonnia, Cathay, Dogs of War, Empire, Halflings, Kingdoms of Ind, Kislev, Nippon, Wood Elves
      Grudging Allies: Amazons, Araby, Dwarfs, Estalia, Lizardmen
      Unholy Alliance: Norse, Ogre Kingdoms, Pirates of Sartosa, Tomb Kings
      Cannot Ally: Beastmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Daemons of Chaos, Dark Elves, Fimir, Hobgoblins, Orcs & Goblins, Skaven, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos

      Battle Brothers: Chaos Dwarfs, Dogs of War, Ogre Kingdoms
      Grudging Allies: Araby, Dark Elves, Fimir, Kingdoms of Ind, Norse, Orcs & Goblins, Pirates of Sartosa, Skaven, Vampire Counts
      Unholy Alliance: Albion, Amazons, Beastmen, Cathay, Daemons of Chaos, Empire, Kislev, Lizardmen, Tomb Kings, Warriors of Chaos
      Cannot Ally: Bretonnia, Dwarfs, Estalia, Halflings, High Elves, Nippon, Wood Elves

      Kingdoms of Ind
      Battle Brothers: Araby, Dogs of War, Estalia, High Elves
      Grudging Allies: Albion, Amazons, Bretonnia, Cathay, Dwarfs, Empire, Halflings, Hobgoblins, Kislev, Lizardmen, Nippon, Norse, Ogre Kingdoms, Wood Elves
      Unholy Alliance: Beastmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elves, Orcs & Goblins, Pirates of Sartosa, Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts
      Cannot Ally: Daemons of Chaos, Fimir, Skaven, Warriors of Chaos

    5. 3/4

      Battle Brothers: Albion, Bretonnia, Dogs of War, Dwarfs, Empire, Halflings, High Elves
      Grudging Allies: Amazons, Araby, Cathay, Estalia, Kingdoms of Ind, Lizardmen, Nippon, Ogre Kingdoms, Wood Elves
      Unholy Alliance: Hobgoblins, Norse, Pirates of Sartosa
      Cannot Ally: Beastmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Daemons of Chaos, Dark Elves, Fimir, Orcs & Goblins, Skaven, Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos

      Battle Brothers: Albion, Dogs of War
      Grudging Allies: Amazons, Empire, Halflings, High Elves, Kingdoms of Ind, Kislev, Nippon, Wood Elves
      Unholy Alliance: Araby, Bretonnia, Cathay, Dwarfs, Estalia, Hobgoblins, Norse, Ogre Kingdoms, Orcs & Goblins, Pirates of Sartosa, Tomb Kings
      Cannot Ally: Beastmen, Daemons of Chaos, Dark Elves, Fimir, Skaven, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos

      Battle Brothers: Bretonnia, Dogs of War, Estalia, High Elves
      Grudging Allies: Albion, Amazons, Araby, Cathay, Dwarfs, Empire, Halflings, Kingdoms of Ind, Kislev, Lizardmen, Wood Elves
      Unholy Alliance: Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elves, Norse, Ogre Kingdoms, Pirates of Sartosa, Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos
      Cannot Ally: Beastmen, Daemons of Chaos, Fimir, Hobgoblins, Orcs & Goblins, Skaven

      Battle Brothers: Araby, Chaos Dwarfs, Dogs of War, Dwarfs, Ogre Kingdoms, Pirates of Sartosa, Warriors of Chaos
      Grudging Allies: Amazons, Beastmen, Daemons of Chaos, Dark Elves, Hobgoblins, Kingdoms of Ind, Orcs & Goblins, Vampire Counts
      Unholy Alliance: Albion, Bretonnia, Cathay, Empire, Estalia, Fimir, Halflings, High Elves, Lizardmen, Nippon, Skaven, Tomb Kings, Wood Elves
      Cannot Ally: N/A

      Ogre Kingdoms
      Battle Brothers: Chaos Dwarfs, Dogs of War, Empire, Hobgoblins, Norse, Orcs & Goblins, Pirates of Sartosa
      Grudging Allies: Albion, Amazons, Araby, Beastmen, Cathay, Dark Elves, Dwarfs, Kingdoms of Ind, Kislev, Skaven, Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos
      Unholy Alliance: Bretonnia, Daemons of Chaos, Estalia, Fimir, High Elves, Lizardmen, Nippon, Wood Elves
      Cannot Ally: Halflings

      Orcs & Goblins
      Battle Brothers: Chaos Dwarfs, Dogs of War, Ogre Kingdoms
      Grudging Allies: Beastmen, Daemons of Chaos, Fimir, Hobgoblins, Norse, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos
      Unholy Alliance: Albion, Amazons, Araby, Dark Elves, Empire, Kingdoms of Ind, Lizardmen, Pirates of Sartosa, Skaven, Tomb Kings
      Cannot Ally: Bretonnia, Cathay, Dwarfs, Estalia, Halflings, High Elves, Kislev, Nippon, Wood Elves

      Pirates of Sartosa
      Battle Brothers: Araby, Dogs of War, Norse, Ogre Kingdoms
      Grudging Allies: Amazons, Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elves, Hobgoblins, Vampire Counts
      Unholy Alliance: Albion, Beastmen, Cathay, Dwarfs, Empire, Estalia, Halflings, High Elves, Kingdoms of Ind, Kislev, Lizardmen, Nippon, Orcs & Goblins, Skaven, Tomb Kings, Warriors of Chaos, Wood Elves
      Cannot Ally: Bretonnia, Daemons of Chaos, Fimir

      Battle Brothers: Beastmen, Daemons of Chaos, Dogs of War, Fimir, Warriors of Chaos
      Grudging Allies: Araby, Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elves, Hobgoblins, Ogre Kingdoms, Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts
      Unholy Alliance: Norse, Orcs & Goblins, Pirates of Sartosa
      Cannot Ally: Albion, Amazons, Bretonnia, Cathay, Dwarfs, Empire, Estalia, Halflings, High Elves, Kingdoms of Ind, Kislev, Lizardmen, Nippon, Wood Elves

      Tomb Kings
      Battle Brothers: Dogs of War, Vampire Counts
      Grudging Allies: Albion, Araby, Ogre Kingdoms, Skaven
      Unholy Alliance: Amazons, Beastmen, Bretonnia, Cathay, Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elves, Empire, Fimir, Halflings, High Elves, Hobgoblins, Kingdoms of Ind, Lizardmen, Nippon, Norse, Orcs & Goblins, Pirates of Sartosa, Warriors of Chaos, Wood Elves
      Cannot Ally: Daemons of Chaos, Estalia, Kislev

    6. 4/4

      Vampire Counts
      Battle Brothers: Dogs of War, Tomb Kings
      Grudging Allies: Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elves, Fimir, Hobgoblins, Norse, Orcs & Goblins, Pirates of Sartosa, Skaven
      Unholy Alliance; Amazons, Beastmen, Cathay, Daemons of Chaos, Empire, Kingdoms of Ind, Nippon, Warriors of Chaos
      Cannot Ally: Albion, Araby, Bretonnia, Dwarfs, Estalia, Halflings, High Elves, Kislev, Lizardmen, Wood Elves

      Warriors of Chaos
      Battle Brothers: Beastmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Daemons of Chaos, Dogs of War, Fimir, Norse, Skaven
      Grudging Allies: Dark Elves, Ogre Kingdoms, Orcs & Goblins
      Unholy Alliance: Araby, Hobgoblins, Nippon, Pirates of Sartosa, Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts
      Cannot Ally: Albion, Amazons, Bretonnia, Cathay, Dwarfs, Empire, Estalia, Halflings, High Elves, Kingdoms of Ind, Kislev, Lizardmen, Wood Elves

      Wood Elves
      Battle Brothers: Albion, Amazons, Bretonnia, Dogs of War, Halflings, High Elves
      Grudging Allies: Araby, Cathay, Empire, Estalia, Kingdoms of Ind, Kislev, Lizardmen, Nippon
      Unholy Alliance: Dark Elves, Dwarfs, Norse, Ogre Kingdoms, Pirates of Sartosa, Tomb Kings
      Cannot Ally: Beastmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Daemons of Chaos, Fimir, Hobgoblins, Orcs & Goblins, Skaven, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos

      I hope that's good for you.

  39. And also do you not include the legendary lords in your ravening hordes lists?

    1. They will be present in the full army books, ravening hordes are just the basic lists.

  40. Two army books that I would certainly be interested in seeing would be:
    -Daemons and Worshipers of Malal (there actually exist some daemons that belong to Malal, such as the Hook Horrors, Maidens of Malal, and the Guardians of Contradictions )

    1. Maidens of Malal is not "official" purely fanmade. Guardians of Contradictions is not official name of the Tony Ackland concept.

    2. Fishmen *might* happen (I do happen to have the basics of an army book for them), but Malal has pretty much been completely ret-conned at this point, so it's not something I'm really planning on expanding upon at the moment.

    3. Thank you so much for your reply!

      Although I do feel that a fishman race would be something very interesting see in some shape or form, I do agree with you on the subject of Malal. However, I do have a question regarding Age of Sigmar.

      On your list of expansion plans that you were planning to include rules for including models from Bloodbound and Disciples of Tzeentch, and was curious if, with the AoS daemons/followers of chaos, you were planning to add those into divided armies themed off of the Chaos Gods. For example; the Bloodbound roster would be merged with Khorne's daemons, making one big roster. As well Tzeentch and the new daemons/units that were introduced in his Battletome. And if you plan on doing this, do you also plan to do the same with Nurgle and Slaanesh, if new units are revealed for them in AoS?

  41. would love to see a Border Prince's expansion; always been bits and pieces floating around the web; but it has never been compiled in one place

    The historic idea is also great

  42. Oh my god, zombie pirates are actually a thing? That's hilarious and awesome. Please tell me there's a hero character who's like a zombie black beard!

  43. The Beastmen are your next planned update so I'm wondering if you're going to include things from Total War: Warhammer into that army. It won't be much but here's the list:
    *Centigors may replace their Spear and Shield with a Great Weapon.
    *Ungors become 3pts each, start with a Hand Weapon, may take a shield and may take a spear. Spear is free, shield is not.

    1. On an unrelated note, Whips tend to count as a second hand weapon in a lot of cases so I think Khazrak's whip should count as an additional hand weapon when its isn't used to make a special attack.

    2. Gorthor should wear Medium Armor. He didn't have armor because it wasn't possible to field him on foot which has changed.

    3. - Beastmen have so many GW units already, so I don't think that's necessary. They don't have the models for it either anyway.
      - Ungors should always have shield imo, it fits with their cowardly nature.
      - Maybe, I'll look into it.
      - Neither the artwork nor the model depicts Gorthor with armour, so this would not really fit.

  44. I'm okay with whatever you decide to include as long as the Marienburg Landship is among the empire units. As well as the Dwarf airship for the dwarfs.

    A question, if I may ask, is if you are going to add units from Total War to your Bretonnia?

    1. I would prefer an entire mini-list for Marienburg, don't you ? :o
      There are already Forge World models for Mannan's Blade for example.

    2. If I make a list for marienburg, the landship will definitely be included. At the least, I will include its rules as a separate download for the Empire.

      Looking the total war roster for Bretonnia, I would say no, as they practically added nothing new except the squires, which already can be made with the foot knights. However, I will add some other units that are not part of total war ;)

  45. I STRONGLY believe that this project should avoid ALL things AoS. This project is the last true bastion of Warhammer Fantasy and should resist the taint of AoS at all costs.

    1. It will only be a quickset of warhammer rules for the models in case people feel like playing them, they are not becoming a part of the warhammer world.

    2. Just because AoS itself is a poor excuse of a wargame doesn't mean that everything associated with it is bad as well. For one thing, the Khorne and Sylvaneth minis are top notch and it'd be a waste to have to use them via the 'counts as' rule.

  46. I feel gnoblars should ride glyptodons, themic, gives excellent armour saves, and the models would be sourceable... 2 per glyptodon, M3 tanks :-)

  47. I had an idea for the Border Princes, their units being made up of warriors across the old world who have started experimenting with new styles and combat techniques; for example:

    A groups of exiled Bretonnian knights who suffered a devastating defeat to Imperial handgunners lead to them learning to use guns in combat, or perhaps disgruntled elementists who moved from the empire to the BP's, elven mercenaries with emphasis on heavy armour, etc.

  48. Here are some suggestions:
    *Add a rule that allows models to ignore the 'no more ranks than there are files' rule so that terrain won't buttfuck them when they need to move through a very narrow space or something.
    *The real life Basilica cannon was massive! It should be an immobile cannon with the same statline and shot power as the Hellhammer cannon used by the Pirates of Sartosa.
    *There are some advantages to forgoing a shield and only wielding a single hand weapon that aren't represented on the tabletop. Perhaps represent this by having models that are armed with only a hand weapon able to use it in two hands, granting the Parry (6+) and Armor Piercing special rule. Add daggers or something to represent small weapons that can't be used in two hands to gain the bonus. This would also require reducing the cost of a lot of weapon options and such.

    1. -Currently, the only unit with immunity to Poisoned Attacks are Ogre Slaughtermasters and Butchers. This doesn't make much sense. There is a big difference between ingesting a poison and it getting into the blood stream and poisons have a massive variety, making it near impossible to gain immunity to all of them. I suggest making Immunity (Poisoned Attacks) only be possessed by things that do not have a nervous system. Skeletons, Steam Tanks, Ethereal units and the assorted Golems should be the only units that are Immune to Poisoned Attacks and nothing else. Chariots aren't immune since the crew and beasts are exposed enough for poison to have an effect.

    2. With terrain I would already allow units to be deeper than they are wide when they need to cross a bridge or something like that. Its very hard to get stuck on a bridge and turn it into some kind of advantage anyway, since you are very predictable and can't easily support other units. The unit should also reform at the end of the bridge as soon as possible. A possible negative modifier of some kind could be a motivator also, such as being unable to pursue and/or charge.

      With regards to poison, its a really difficult issue. Some armies can invest a lot in the ability to use poison and can be at serious disadvantage when facing armies that SHOULD be fully immune, such as the undead. That was a problem in the past. That said, the current system is still unsatisfactory, and it can be argued that any army can be at a disadvantage against undead, due to particular setups (fx many abilities and effects neutralised by Immunity(Psychology).

    3. -One last note, not all flying units should have the same speed. They should have Two movement values, a ground value and a flying value. Birds, Terradons and Ripperdactyls would be the fastest, having both Movement 10 and Fast Cavalry. Pegasus, Royal Hippogryphs, Wyverns, Bats and Gyrocoptors would be just as fast but less maneuverable, possessing M10 but no Fast Cavalry. Dragons, Griffons, non-royal Hippogryphs, Gyrobombers, Manticores, Vargheists, Terrorgheists and other such units would be M9, being built differently or very large causing them to be slow. The Slowest at M8 would be units like Harpies, considerably unaerodynamic and possessing a human build makes flying difficult for them.

    4. - Sure, I can add a paragraph about this, no problem.
      - This is mentioned in the fluff, but they make smaller cannons now, since the basilica cannon is really hard to bring with you on campaigns, much like the field trebuchet is a smaller version of a regular trebuchet.
      - This makes sense, but there are very few units that wield only HW's and would be able to make use of that rule. Most of them wield smaller hand weapons that are not really meant to wield in 2 hands.
      - This makes sense too. I will look into adding "Immunity (Poison)" to these types of units. It's true that some armies will lose out on their poisoned attacks this way, but as Ravendark also mentioned, so does armies that rely on psychology attacks.
      - Adding separate flying movement values would be a pretty big change that's hard to remember. I'll consider it, but it's not a priority.

    5. -Infantry, Cavalry and War Beasts have an upper wound limit of 3. The next higher weight class, Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry and Monstrous Beasts start at this upper limit and then can go up to a limit of 5 wounds. Monsters are a size class higher and because of that, I think that they should have 5 Wounds at a minimum simply because it makes sense for something that is of a higher weight class to start at or beyond the upper limit of resilience compared to what's below it.

  49. I would love to see stats for chaos mutants. Maybe as cannon fodder?

    1. So much. Difference them of Ungors by adding some random in their pattern ? (to represent the wide varieties of mutations)

    2. I considered this in the last beastmen update, but according to the fluff, many mutants become ungors anyway, so it seemed superflous to add another unit with pretty much the same stats. A random table similar to the forsaken could possibly work though.

      I will look into it, but no promises.

  50. Mutation Table is a good idea.

  51. Hiya, definitely looking forward to any fimir update, as I've contacted you about previously. I've played with your old army book, but also tinkered with that for 8th edition to try out some different rules and costings. I don't want to step on your toes, but would you like to see what I've done and play tested in places?

    1. Sure thing, let me know what things you have come up with :)

  52. when next update?

    1. Don't have a date per say, but I'm doing good headway on the Ogre Kingdoms, and I've also been working on the Beastmen and Bretonnia books as well. Probably some time this month though.

  53. any plans on an undead legion army (tomb kings / vamp counts) similar to the mentioned border princes?

    1. Not really, I'm keeping as much of the End times stuff out as possible. The army of the cairns/lichemaster is a bit of a mix of the two already though.

  54. whoa lots of work you have here :s

    keep the good work!

  55. How about a steam powered mech for the Empire? or maybe clockwork soldiers.

    1. Too steampunkish, I want them to be firmly rooted into fantasy.

    2. If you're into steampunk take a look on the newest dwarven of AoS ;) It should please you.

  56. I would absolutely love to see the Sea Elves come back!! Or a Faction of Werewolves and Cyclopes together with some sort of feral Gameplay with the sun and moon

    1. 8th ed rules for sea elves available in my army table (!topic/warhammer-armies-project/q4hAHy7ufY0 ).
      see what i might be able to do with Werewolves and Cyclopes. If i do manage to make it then i will release it some version of marauding hoards.

  57. A new idea occurred to me that maybe you could add the Fishmen to the sea elves and the Zoats to the Fimir?

  58. 😲 Zoats and Fimirs have not background relationships...

  59. The new Kharadron Overlords would be awesome, I love the idea of airborne dwarves

    1. Maybe in the same vein as the Stormcast, that is, with rules only. The models themselves really don't fit with the current Dwarfs.

  60. The new Kharadron Overlords would be awesome, I love the idea of airborne dwarves

    1. Please no. No airship dwarfs, no fantasy space marines and no damned fish-elves...

  61. It would be intersting to include an "Ancestrals Army List:
    - A blackground based in their persepctive (history, abilities and names of ancestrals which made a lot of influence in the warhammer world such as sotek, winds of magic, etc.) creations, experiments, travels, enemies (maybe orcs who appeared from nothing in the warhammer world)
    - Their relationships with their creations (grand slanns) and their teachings.
    - An army list about a Survival ancestral since the Break-warped-accident in the Warhammer World. This list could include "ancestral or kinds of them", machines, little space ships, etc.
    - This codex may relate with actual blackground (these ancestral could came back after a disaster battle in the world like a Storm o Chaos. On the other hand, they could be called by slan, etc).
    I hope you enjoy this idea.

  62. One Idea that I'm considering doing myself at some point Mathias, is Mousillon. It could be cool to have a small, corrupt province that was forced to field a sort of coalition army of Blood Dragons, Necromancers, Ghouls, Plague Zombies, Fallen Knights, Mercenaries, Downtrodden Peasants, Brigands, etc.. Basically a mix of undead and living, all combined by the scheming Maldred etc...

    But for this to work, How Vampire characters interact with units etc needs some rework, to make them go with both the living and the dead, but I have already suggested a fix for this on the forum earlier. :-)


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