Thursday 15 June 2017

Warhammer 9th Edition 1.052 out now!

Been a while without an update to the main rules as there has not been much requested to change. However, here are some of the suggested updates and bug fixed I have found during playtesting:
  • Shields only work against missile attacks to the unit's front, for infantry the save from shields is increased to 5+.
  • Clarified that Regeneration does not work on wounds caused due to Unstable.
  • Units may reform to have more ranks than files in order to pass between narrow terrain or units.
  • Bug fix: Wizards do not add their Wizard level to their dispel roll.
  • Ridden Monsters use the highest armour save value of either rider or mount, not a combination of both.
  • Renamed halberds to "polearms", which encompass all kinds of halberd-like weapons like Cathayan glaives, Nipponese Naginata, Bretonnia volgues etc. This will be updated in upcoming army books as well.



  1. Have you considered representing the Lore of Hedgecraft somewhere in the Army Books. The army I think it would fit in with is the Dogs of War since fluff prevents them from working with Empire and Estalian armies. The spells that can be adapted to the wargame are:
    -Fellstave (Signature Spell): Enemy units must pass a Leadership test to charge the target unit, hold and Stand and Fire against the target units. In addition, the target unit has the Fear special rule, if they already cause Fear, they instead cause Terror. Remains in Play.
    -Invigorate: Your spell makes the body feel fresh and alert or fools the body into thinking it's fresh and alert. Invigorate is either a Blessing or Hex. If used as a Blessing, it grants +1 Initiative and Movement to the unit. If used as a Hex it inflicts -1 Initiative and Movement to a unit.
    -Dagger of the Art: The wizard carefully chants complex words of magic, replacing the weapon and ammunition of those around him with magical wooden replicas. The target unit gains the Multiple Wounds 2 and Magical Attacks special rules.
    -Protection Pouch: The target unit gains the Magic Resistance (1) and Immunity (Poisoned Attacks) special rules.
    -The Ousting: The target enemy unit must pass a Leadership test or count as broken.
    -Wyrd Ward: Wyrd Ward is a blessing that targets the Wizard. Any enemy wizard struck by the wizard with a close combat attack (the attack doesn't have to cause an unsaved wound) loses a Wizard Level.
    -Myrkride: The wizard and his unit gain the Etherial special rule.

    1. Possibly, but the fluff seems to fit with Empire renegades more than mercenaries imo. Still, I'll think about it.

  2. Are you sure that is a good idea to do not add the Wizard level to Dispel attempt? Don't you think that the Magic Phase will be unbalanced for the attackers against the defenders?

    1. It's on the same level as 8th ed, as you no longer get any casting bonus from wizard levels either.

    2. Heh, never actually noticed the bug myself, we have alsways played 9th Ed. wint no bonusses to either cast or dispell. Works perfectly well, IMO.

  3. Can you please put a direct link to the .pdf files in the new releases posts? As I got it, for many Apple users (as me) is impossible to use the new menu and reach and download the files.

    1. No problem, I've added to this post now. Bear in mind though that for future posts the download link will only be posted in the original release post, not in every new update. I'll add this to Tomb Kings and Ogre Kingdoms as well.

    2. Oh yeah! Thank you very much! :D

  4. That puts the likes of Chaos Warriors with shields on a +1 armour save, does it not?

    1. It does indeed :O
      At least it only works in the front arc now :P

    2. Correct, which makes sense since S3 arrows would realistically have a hard time getting through both a shield as well as the full plate armour behind it. This makes shield infantry more of a tactical choice to screen missile fire, while at the same time increases the effectiveness of horse achers who can more easily get around the flanks and fire at their less protected backs.

  5. Hey man Orc Ore Brets here

    I might have made you a millionaire or a guy who got all his stuff stolen

    But first what is your reasoning that shields can only defend from the front when it comes to shooting. From my perspective moving the shield would not be a big problem

    Now how did I make you a millionaire or someone who has all his stuff stolen

    I wrote a post in Total War Warhammer, where a developer who wanted info on Estalia made a post

    In that post I gave a link to your work

    They might hire you, or they might rip you off

    Here is the link

    1. Well, if you are getting shot in the back, odds are you won't notice it until the arrow as already hit you. As Warhammer is clearly built around units having line of sight in their front arc only, making it so that shield only works against enemies you can clearly see makes sense, and is needed from a balance perspective.

      Regarding the link, I doubt the developers will see it. That post seems to be made by someone who just wanted to make an Estalia project rather than someone who works at CA.

      That said, I did notice that quite a lot of my units made it into Radious Total War mod which is nice, including many units I only had planned for the now-cancelled Mercenaries of Tilea.

    2. Orc Ore Brets

      About shields I really think it should be as before, when it comes to arrows someone will always notice something, when it comes to bullets, well maybe with the assumption that there are other units very close by so that the receiving soldiers can't take their eyes off.

      But then again this is your vision :)

      About the post yes you are right, it was made by some guy, however if a developer sees it he might take it or not :)

  6. About bullets it is the assumption that the receiving unit can not see the enemies loading, aiming and firing because the receiving units are busy looking at too many enemy units near by

  7. Just noticed, Page 65, Flails confer a static strength 2 bonus. I'm guessing that it's supposed to only add 2 str on the first round of combat correct?

    1. The strength bonus special rule is different from just +2 Strength (like great weapons), check the special rules section. They work the same as 8th ed.

    2. Ah, gotcha! I missed that paragraph in the Special Rules section.

      I must commend you on your work, it's very refreshing to see the spirit of WHFB live on in it

  8. Hi!
    I just have one question...
    Page 66, Repeater crossbows seem to be lacking Armour piercing now compared to the 8th edition. Is that a mistake or just part of their new design?

    1. That was intentional. However, as High Elves now have AP on their long bows, I might reinstate it for Dark Elves and remove repeater crossbow from the BRB, since Dark Elves is the only army to use them.

  9. Stone Throwers have 48" range and no minimum? Is that an error? They have been 12-60" in earlier editions.

    1. Right you are, I will add it to the to-fix list.


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