Sunday 14 April 2019

Deamons of Chaos 9th Ed 1.1 out now!

This update changes the following:

  • Cheaper Heralds (as they no longer have any Loci by default).
  • Skulltaker 235 pts.
  • Changeling 150 pts.
  • Epidemius 225 pts.
  • Masque of Slaanesh 180 pts.
  • Gaunt Summoners and Infernal Enrapturess can take daemonic gifts and magic items.
  • Removed leftover bug of exalted keeper of secrets.
  • Fixed bug where Bloodletters have W2.
  • Gaunt Summoners are not mounted on Discs by default, can be upgraded to lvl 4 wizards, 275 pts.
  • Bloodthirsters can swap hand weapons for great weapon, have killing blow.
  • Great unclean ones may have two hand weapons.
  • Keepers of Secrets may have bucklers.
  • Fixed missing impact hits for Juggernauts in army list.
  • Fixed Magic Resistance for Khorne Daemons since it does not stack.
  • Fixed bug with incorrect stats for Firewyrm.
  • Flesh Hounds have WS4, 20 pts.
  • Juggernauts have WS4.
  • Plague Toads are Expendable.
  • Kairos have the Twin Heads daemonic gift, 620 pts.
  • Infernal Enrapturess no longer forces enemy wizards to re-roll successful casting rolls. Only allow Daemons within 6" to re-roll ward saves.

As soon as the Hedonites of Slaanesh book is out, this book will be updated with the new units from that book.


  1. Why add AoS stuff? It's a path to damnation... We'll end up with sea elves one day.

    1. Some of the AoS stuff fit with the old lore without any issues, so I don't have a problem adding those. Not planning on adding Sea Elves or Mecha-Dwarfs or anything like that.

  2. I love plague toads, but 40 pts per toad (originally 24 pts in tamurkhan) seems a bit off for a unit with a quite mediocre stat line and lack of any unique rules (and adding expendable is hardly a "buff";) ). If I had 120 pts over to spend I would get a lot more (offence, defence and uniqe abilities) with 2 beasts of nurgle than 3 plague toads.
    Besides I thnik there is a lot of room to add some distinctiveness to them both from old versions of giant toads and the fluff for plague toads themselves like:

    tongue lash attack:(short 6"range attack with possible swallow whole (killing blows, infantry only

    wetlands ambush: scout deployment if suitable terrain is available

    exploding bag of pus: toxic damage to adjacent enemies if slain.

    frogleap charge: an extra d6 M on the charge wit himpact hits. may cause d3 or d6 (if enemy has spears) dmg to itself if a 6 is rolled for the extra M which may cause "exploding bag of pus".

    These are just examples of what could be done but for now plague toads are certainly not worth 40 pts imo.

    1. I forgot...toxic damage is a 9th age thing...

    2. I'll have another look at them; their stats are nearly the same as an Ogre though, and they also come with a 5+ ward and poison. So you can expect them to be more expensive than an Ogre, but perhaps a bit cheaper than they are now.

    3. 200 points of bull ogres will give you 6 ogres (2 full ranks) with extra hand weapons, meaning 24 A and parry save. 200 points of toads will bring you 5 toads with a total of 10 A at a lower Initative as well. if the ogres charge you get Impact hits as a bonus too. So the only saving grace for the toads is the ward save (you could say that the chance of a poison attack is cancelled out statistically by the parry save. But I think it is clear that the ward save wont really save them from the onslaught of attacks from the ogres. Just with no attacks dealt yet from any side they have already lost as only the ogres will have a full rank, which means that they will probably suffer from demonic instability.
      Add to this that no characters may join the toads to boost the unit as they are expendable (and a demon army wont have any positive use of the rule either) nor can they have a command group as the ogres.
      Oh I forgot the daemon of nurgle rule, but it doesnt help much to even out the score as the ogres still hit at 4+. the toads will have a bit easier to hit but on the other hand there will be fewer toads to strike back as they attack last.

      So being more expensive than an ogre seems to me not being a very good idea:).
      (this thread is only about basic toads, pox riders is another question. they will probably suffer as well against basic ogres. they have impact hits and 3 A from each model but no additional attacks from the beasts in any rear ranks. And you will only get 4 of them against 6 ogres. Now when I look at the roster at page 206 I see that the plague leaper and the other champions as well has the same stat line (no extra A) as an ordinary trooper).

    4. addendum: they aslo have a very large foot print (at least the forge world version, the mini monsters version is a few % smaller) and wont fit on anything smaller than 50x50 mm bases. With only 2 A they will struggle against pretty much anything small and numerous. They re not supposed to be very good actually but the price should reflect that I think.

  3. Hello.

    Personally, even though I hate what GW did to Warhammer battle; all the new AOS outputs could have been integrated into Battle. Integrating them into the Warhammermerarmies project is enriching the game and continuing to bring it to life. I hope someday when you have time, see the idoneths and all that. Congratulations on your work as a Mathias enthusiast. (Sorry for the mistakes, I am a French player)

  4. Since you are doing a general update wave next, I have some suggestions:
    -Units come in three sizes, small for infantry, cavalry and war beasts, large for chariots and monstrous ________ and monstrous for Shrines and Monsters. I think small models should be limited to 1-4 wounds, large be limited to 3-5 wounds and monstrous have 5+ wounds. This would require increasing the points costs of some shrines and monsters a little but with every book written, you can do it without inconsistencies.
    -Adjust the Strength or Toughness values of heroes and lords so that Lords will have +1 of those over Heroes. Each species has a base strength and toughness value. If they can field units with +1 strength or toughness above the base, then the heroes have +1 strength and toughness over their baseline and the lords have either +2 strength or +2 toughness over the baseline with the other being +1. If the species cannot field units that have +1 strength or toughness over the baseline, then the heroes have +1 strength or toughness over the baseline and the Lords have both +1 over the baseline.
    -You've set Ward Saves to a maximum of 4+ and I understand that, but why not make it that parry (and only parry) can take it above 4+ to a maximum of 2+. Most Ward Saves come from magical protections and you can only stack so much without hurting the bearer but parry saves are a mundane protection that should stack with magical ones without issue. Either that or make Parry separate from Ward saves.
    -All armies could have access to Light and Medium armor at a minimum, even if medium is only available to the lords and heroes. If they don't have the technology base to build their medium armor out of metal, it could be the skins of a tough beast since this is the Warhammer world.

    In the case of suggestions specific to Albion:
    -Make Woad Raiders WS4, they are described as having spent considerable time in battle.
    -The War Hawks of Hunters get replaced with a core unit almost identical to the Hawks of Mishka from Kislev.
    -The warhounds, wolves etc. of other factions are able to act normally without handlers. Why not remove the handlers from Warhounds and not force them to charge at all times? Either that or put the Handler on a horse so he can keep up with his hounds.
    -Warriors of Danu could be given more control over their transformation so that their always in the Spasm Warrior form.
    -Sidhe could gain special affects based on the Greek element they are attuned to. Air grants Hover, Earth grants Regeneration, Fire grants Flaming Attacks and increased Strength and Water grants Always Strikes First.
    -The Stone Thrower doesn't need to be Slow to Fire. All artillery has that. It should also have Multiple Wounds (D6), it's meant to be equivalent to a Bretonnian Trebuchet.
    -The Mastodon needs a major buff. It's weaker than a Ramhorn while costing the same points. I say, just make it identical to the Ramhorn and buff up the crew to the level of Hearthguard.
    -The Giant doesn't have Immune to Psychology like giants from other factions (with the exception of Ogres due to the cruelty the Giant suffers from at the hands of Ogres).
    -Replace Charge Bonus (2) with Strength Bonus (2) that only applies on the turn she charges from Gwenlaen's Sword of Oghma.
    -Maybe Cormac Chath and Connor Macfeud could have 4 attacks? They are stated to be some of the greatest warriors in Albion so it would make sense for them to have equal stats to Warleaders.
    -Elemental Power is a bit limited. Perhaps make it able to bring back dead models if the D3 roll takes the wounds of one above 4 like how Regrowth works?
    -Truthsayers and Druids should have access to shields like Druid Neophytes.
    -The Swordmaidens have a formatting error in their Swordmistress option.
    -Druid Neophytes are called Swordmaidens in the points cost section.

    1. Most of these have been adressed in the update, just waiting for a friend of mine to finish a new special character before it is uploaded :)


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