Tuesday 31 December 2019

Dogs of War 9th Ed 1.1 out now!

Updated to 1.12:

  • Clarified that you may not take multiplies of the same Quirk on the same character.
  • Fixed bug with Orcs having wrong Ld in army list.
  • Fixed bug with Orcs missing in Summary.

Updated to 1.11:
  • Clarified that Pike of Remas can be taken by merc captains and general.
  • Clarified Best Money can Buy.
  • Clarified that Paychest Bodyguards increases the paymaster's US by 2, and they have A1 each.
  • Mambrinio's Golden Armour: He suffers -2 Initiative and a -1 penalty to Dangerous Terrain tests.
  • Scroll of Araby is an arcane item. Marco may use this item despite not being a Wizard.
  • Sphere of Alchemy is one use only.
  • Added race type to army list.
  • Clarified that Domingo's Arbalest is a crossbow.
  • Mercenary Generals and Captains can take bows and handguns.
  • Elf captain can take shield and medium armour.
  • Hobgoblin Captain may take a bow.
  • Pikemen have Unit Size 20+.
  • Barding for Freelancers cost 1 pt.
  • Mercenary Orcs have a Unit Size of 10+.

Happy New Year (in a few hours at least)! I did say I planned to have the DoW update out this month, so here you go:
  • Added Mercenary rule army special rule.
  • Most models belong to a certain race as detailed in their Troop Type. This includes Human, Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Ogre, Orc and Hobgoblin. Models belonging to the same race follow the ally rules for Bound by Blood. Humans, Dwarfs, Elves and Halflings treat each other as Trusted Allies. Ogres and Hobgoblins are considered Suspicious Allies to all. Orcs are Desperate Allies to Humans, Dwarfs, Elves and Halflings. However, all models may still use the Paymaster's Hold Your Ground! ability as normal.
  • Removed blunderbuss as a weapon.
  • If the Paymaster is slain, all friendly units within 12" (or 18" if he has a Paychest) of the paymaster suffer -1 to their Leadership for the remainder of the game. Paychest upgrade for Paymaster cost 30 pts. Paychest may be modelled separately from Paymaster.
  • Added Money Lender as an option for the Paymaster. Sheikh Yadosh follows the rules for Money Lenders. If a Paymaster is accompanied by a Money Lender, any friendly unit making use of his Hold Your Ground ability gain a +1 modifier to the unit's Leadership.
  • Removed Elf Ranger.
  • Removed Norse Jarl.
  • Added Mercenary Elf Captain, Orc Captain, Hobgoblin Captain and Ogre Captain. May take Quirks.
  • Assassins have Dodge (4+), 95 pts.
  • Pikemen may have heavy armour.
  • Pavise gives 4+ against missile attacks to its front.
  • Crossbowmen may have medium armour. Your army may not contain more units armed with handguns than crossbows.
  • Sellswords may wear medium armour. Veterans may wear heavy armour. Veteran Sellswords have I4. Cannot be skirmishers.
  • Stradiots may have handguns and medium armour.
  • Freelancers start with medium armour, 16 pts.
  • Mercenary Dwarfs have light armour by default, cost 7. Follow the rules from the Dwarf book.
  • Norse marauders have I3, have shields by default, cannot take flails.
  • Halflings have T3, spears and shields by default, cost 5 pts. Halfling Tracker no longer has BS5.
  • Mercenary Ogres have two hand weapons by default, cost 31 pts.
  • Maneaters have Immunity (Psychology) and Stubborn instead of the Been There, Done that rule. Cost 42 pts, cheaper weapon options.
  • New Special Unit: Mercenary Orcs.
  • New Rare Unit: Onager (Stone Thrower).
  • Removed Rhinox Riders (although they are often mercs in the lore, I find their inclusion makes for too many ogres overall in the army, and so they are better left in the OK book).
  • Mercenary Elves have Elven Grace. May be upgraded to Skirmishers and Scouts. 
  • Halfling Hot Pot is now S3.
  • Giants have T6, Immunity (Psychology). Updated giant rules from Albion.
  • Added upgrades to Griffons and Pegasi.
  • Lucrezzia Belladonna: Clarified that Phial of Poison ignores all saves. Does not have barding. Potion of Pavona boost D6 stats rather than D3. Has T3, 290 pts.
  • Lorenzo Lupo no longer has Drill Master, cost 210 pts.
  • Lietpold the Black's weapon is a great weapon. Wears heavy armour.
  • Marco Colombo ignores Move or Fire with his crossbow. His telescope can reveal hidden models instead of stopping scouts from deploying. Cannot be mounted. Cost 190 pts. Scroll of Araby is one use only, can be used at the start of any player's turn. Until the start your next turn, Marco and any unit he is with gains Magic Resistance (3). 
  • Mydas's Treasure map is now rolled every turn rather than just at the start of the battle. Revised the effects. Clarified that the Pay Cart increases Mydas's Hold Your Ground special rule. Cost 200 pts.
  • Leonardo da Miragliano has the Compass of Meteoric Silver item, WS2, I2, Ld7. Prism of Power works every turn on a 4+, but can only remove 1 power dice per turn. Cost 75 pts.
  • Ghazak Khan's wolf has WS4, S4, A2, no longer causes fear, cost 220 pts.
  • Revised the entire Quirks and Traits section, now called Quirks of Character. This allows you to customize the background of your characters more than before, rather than being overly focused on battlefield tactics.
  • Mambrinio's Golden Armour 20 pts.

The Regiments of Renown update will follow shortly, probably next week if not sooner.


  1. Hey Mathias,

    I'm just wondering if I am comparing the mercenary bodyguard to greatswords: Bodyguard has one more strengh and one more initiative for same points and armour. In my opinion they are really to cheap compared with knights on foot or greatswords.

    Otherwise its great work as ever!

    1. Greatswords will likely get a pts drop in their next update.

  2. Hi Mathias,

    congratulations to and thanks a lot for the update. Some of the clarifications I was hoping for are actually right on spot now! :)

    Unfortunately I just recently finished to assemble and paint a beautiful regiment of Rhinox-Riders for my mercenary army. I totally love the models and therefore I am very sad that you removed them. Maybe there is an alternative way to limit the maximum number of Ogres in a mercenary army? I would really like to keep and use these guys. Another option might be to introduce a regiment of renown Rhinox-Riders...
    Also one thing regarding allies: Halflings and Ogres are known to be buddies, at least in the Moot, so I am not sure whether Ogres should be considered suspicious allies to Halflings.

    Looking forward to the RoR-Book and still hoping that the last word on Rhinox Riders is not spoken yet...

    Best regards and a happy new year!


    1. yeah, its really sad to get a unit removed, Specialy if the rhinox are often mercs in the lore.

    2. Technically leadbelchers and ironguts are often mercs as well. As are Kislev Kossars, Winged Lancers, Gryphon Legion, Estalian Rodeleros etc. Including all of them would just make the whole book very bloated though. But surely your opponent would not object to you just using the Ogre Kingdoms rules for them, they would be the same anyway?

    3. As for the halflings vs ogres, this was a bit of needed streamlining. Ogre Kingdoms are non-aligned, while Halflings are Order, so they would be treated as suspicious allies here as well. One could argue that Moot Ogres are a bit closer to the halflings than those from the mountains of Mourn.

  3. Why no Norse heroes? The addition of Orcs captains and units is a plus.

    1. They were removed because as humans, you can aleady make one using a normal merc captain and just giving him the Berserk Quirk for example :)

  4. Love the update and especially the Mercenaries rule, been waiting for this book.
    A few questions/clarifications -

    Elf Captain can't take a shield.
    Hobgoblin Captain can't take a bow or poison.
    Hobgoblin Captain has the Ogre Charge special rule in the army listing.
    Mydas' paycart has no armour save.
    Paymasters paychest rule has a minor typo ' accompanied by to Paychest Bodyguards'
    The Dwarf Captain, Dwarf Mercenaries and Norse Marauders have the Racial Distrust rule listed in the army list entry but no other unit does.
    None of the war machines have the mercenaries rule.

    Some of these are likely intentional but figured I would check all the same.

    1. - Will add.
      - Will add bow, poison can be taken as a quirk already.
      - Will fix.
      - That's intentional.
      - Will fix.
      - Will fix.
      - That's intentional, since war machines get destroyed if they break from combat.

    2. With the Mercenaries rule there's a 1/6 chance they could count as having passed the Break Test and potentially hold up whatever they're in combat with an extra turn with the lure of gold and the war machine stays in play?
      Of course, if its a balance issue then never mind as that's a bit beyond me.

    3. Yeah, but then they do not suffer any of the drawbacks from the Merc rule ;)

  5. Regarding Orcs Mercs(option I'm super in love), why no more options like medium armor or the upgrade to big'un or black orc?
    With Norses the medium armor would look cool too, this way you can add a Bondi or a Hirdmen unit.
    Again, I love the Orc addition.

    1. That would make it too bloated with Orc units; for the same reason you cannot take Dwarf longbeards and similar. Medium armour would be reserved for the Huskarls, and they would be mercenaries as much as the regular marauders :)

  6. -Why not have Elf, Halfling, Ogre, Hobgoblin and Orc Mercenary Generals? Why not have Elf or Ogre Mercenary Wizards? Why aren't there Halfling Mercenary Captains? How about Elf, Halfling, or Hobgoblin Assassins? Why can't Elves or Halflings be Paymasters? It should be possible to upgrade the Mercenary Generals, Mercenary Wizards, Assassins and Paymasters to the suggested races or just include another entry.
    -Related to the above, maybe remove the 0-1 restriction of Paymaster's bodyguard and make it that Paymasters can be put in any unit, where they grant the unit Stubborn. Maybe rename Paymaster's Bodyguard to just Elite Bodyguards or something?
    -Maybe give an option to upgrade units of Freelancers to Strength 4? Call them Veteran Freelancers? Similarly, I think there should be the option to upgrade units of Dwarf Warriors, Mercenary Orcs and Norse Marauders to have +1 WS and S.
    -Lucrezzia Belladonnas stunning beauty already only affects humans so I see no reason why it would not affect units that are Immune to Psychology.
    -Does Lorenzo Lupo's shields prevent enemies from attacking if they only have 1 attack? Most effects that do that cannot reduce a models attacks to 0.
    -There is rather bad grammar in the Compass of Meteoric Silver used by Leonardo.
    -Ghazak Khan's ability to Quell Treachery talks about Hobgoblin Treachery but no such rule exists in the Hobgoblin entry.
    -Perhaps Grizzled Warrior could simply grant +1 Toughness for less dice rolling?
    -Domingo's Arbalest still Ignores Armor despite you making it that Bolt Throwers just have Armor Piercing instead of completely ignoring armor.
    -Since Mambino's Golden Armor killed Mambino by causing him to drown, maybe it could instead make the wearer more likely to fail Dangerous Terrain rather than suffer an Initiative penalty.
    -Merchant Princes and Mercenary Generals/Captains don't have the option for Handguns despite Crossbowmen being able to take them. The Merchant Prince can't take a Polearm.
    -All of the upgrades to the Character Mounts have the exact same cost.
    -Mercenary Generals and Merchant Princes can't take Bucklers.
    -Hobgoblin Mercenary Generals have Ogre Charge and can't take a bow or poison.
    -I think the bow and Javelin options that Sellswords have should be moved to Crossbowmen, maybe rename them Marksmen. I think the restriction on units upgrading to Handguns should be removed. Equipping with Javelins prevents the use of the Pavise.
    -The Barding option shouldn't cost the same as the Heavy and Full plate armor options for Freelancers. That just means that Barding will always be taken last since the other two don't include slowing the unit down.
    -Why don't Mercnary Dwarfs have the option for Handguns?
    -Maybe Mercenary Orcs could have the option to replace shields with bows.
    -I thought the Onager would be Special rather than Rare since it's not a Black Powder weapon. While the Hot Pot isn't black powder either, its ammunition does seem to be a lot more complicated.

    1. - I considered it, but since most of the army is human, those generals would not really be particularly useful since the army could not use their IP rules (will be part of the next BRB update). These types of generals are also so rare that they might as well be special characters, or just lead armies of their own kind in which case you might as well use their regular army book. Not much of a difference between and Ogre DoW army and an Ogre Kingdoms army. Same applies to Paymaster's. The book would just be too bloated with all those options.
      - That would not really fit with the lore. I prefer the current version.
      - Don't see a need for it, that would undermine the point of Voland's Venators. The other races are already considered "elite" by DoW standards.
      - Can change that.
      - It does, yes,
      - What's wrong with the grammar in it?
      - Will fix.
      - Treachery is part of Oglah Khan's rules.
      - Humans do not really go over T4 unless they are special characters.
      - It's intentional as a magic weapon.
      - Can add a dangerous terrain penalty in addition to it.
      - Could see about adding handguns. Polearm not being available for merchant princes is intentional.
      - That's intentional.
      - Also intentional.
      - Will fix, Poison is a Quirk.
      - The javelin and option is to allow making "Roman" Legionaries and Kislev Kossar builds. Crossbows are much more common than handguns in Tilea.
      - Will fix.
      - They did not have handgun options in the official list either, and Dwarf handguns would be kept to the Dwarf holds and not very likely to be found among mercenaries.
      - Don't think that's needed, Orcs make for better close combat fighters overall.
      - The lore states Onagers are falling out of use due to the popularity of cannons, so they are not so common nowadays.

  7. One minor comment, Hobgoblin Captains can't take a Giant Wolf mount. As the only Dogs of War hobgoblin unit is the Wolf Riders this seems an odd omission.
    Thanks as always for your hard work!

    1. They have Giant Wolves as mounts by default ;)

    2. Ah thanks, I missed that.

  8. Why don't the Oger captain have the opportunity to take Oger pistols?

  9. Please bring the Rhinox-Riders back, you already said that they can still be used with the Ogre Kingdom rules and that the reason you removed them is not for balance. The DoW rulebook is not overcrowded with troop types yet, in comparison to others. For sure many DoW-Generals are very proud to have Rhinox Riders in their ranks and are afraid to send them home. :(

    1. Like I said, I think that makes for too many Ogres in the book. All other races get one unit (their most common troop type) and Ogres also get Maneaters since they are mercs through and through. For Rhinox Riders, you can just houserule to use the OK rules, just like you could houserule to use any other army's unit to act like mercs.

  10. Have you considered listing the model base size for each model in the army list?

    That'd be a HUGE help to players like me who use token/proxy models.

    I imagine it'd be very useful for normal players too. Frankly, I'm somewhat baffled that it isn't in the official Army Books already.

    1. Approved base sizes are listed in the main rulebook under Troop Types


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