Friday 27 November 2020

Warhammer Special Characters

Here you can find download links to all the Special Characters otherwise not found in the army books:


  1. Wasn't Liandra's dragon a wizard too? I vaguely remember an HE wizard dragon from war of the beards supplement for 6e

    1. It was, but canonically I don't think any HE Dragons are Wizards, so I changed it to be more in line with the current rules.

  2. Hey Matthias. Are there any canon special characters for Tilea, Estalia, and the Border Princes?

    1. Yes, the Dogs of War book contains their canon characters (including one Border Prince). Some of the Estalian special characters are canon too.

  3. hey Mathias any chance you make Drycha rules for the aos model? it's too nice to use it just as a treeman and the old Drycha while enduring through the ages isn't exactly a solid leader to lead a pure wildwood army. maybe coeddil as well? and if you make Orions spear no saves again you would make some people very happy. a pitty after all for an avatar of kournous to struggle with armored trooos. Cheers 😋 keep up the good work

    1. Posted rules for AoS Drycha in the Wood Elves SC pdf. Coeddil never had a model or actual rules.

  4. Hello! These are amazing. I have seen the Warriors of Chaos characters somewhere but cannot find a link to download here. Has rules for Aekold and Valnir for example.
    Many thanks!

    1. I'm still working on that book, it might be finished this weekend ;)

  5. Where's Gotrek and Felix? Snorri Nosebiter? Max Schreiber? Ulrika? I'd love to see your update.

    1. Gotrek and Felix are in the Regiments of Renown book. The remaining characters never had any rules to begin with AFAIK.

  6. Is there set base sizes for these characters or is it a case of just use whatever base you can reasonably fit them on?

  7. Good day, Mister Eliasson! I have a perhaps odd question, if you permit me. In 8th edition WHfB, special characters were explicitly allowed to be taken in regular lists, unlike in editions before. What is your stance on the ones featured here? As the person who worked out the kinks, so to speak, I would very much appreciate your opinion!

  8. Will there be rules for Nagash and the Morghasts in the future?


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