Thursday 3 April 2014

Dogs of War v.4.22 out now!

Seeing as I'm actually getting email-requests to work more on the books, I figured I'd better add at least something!

So, this new update is actually a pretty big one; Broken Lances are gone. Yup.

Instead, they have been replaced by a unit called Sellswords - a generic, build-your-own-mercs regiment! This means that you now have the option to make deserters from the Empire or Bretonnia, Kislevite Kossars, mercs from the Border Princes, Araby, Estalia, Cathay, Nippon, Albion - you name it. This unit can then be upgraded to Veterans, giving them +WS and optional heavy armour, as well as a magic banner.

No longer are you restricted to just Tilean humans, you can now put together a DoW army with units from the entire Warhammer World.

Oh, and crossbowmen can replace their weapons with handguns, so you can finally build those pavise handgunners that some of you wanted.

And for strict tournament players who don't want any of that extra stuff - here's a "lite" version of the DoW book, containing only the Ravening Hordes units and official add-ons, updated for 8th ed: Dogs of War: Tournament Edition

Note: this update is only available on Google Drive at the moment. 


  1. Thanks a lot! Seems to make the armies more widespread.

    Any idea yet, when to come up with the Estalia-Update? I am sitting on fire so to speak :D

    1. Hi, I'm still trying to figure out how to solve the Tercio-formation. Other than that, you can look forward to seeing plenty of units go down a bit in price to make Estalia more competitive.

  2. Imho the formation itself is fine, the biggest rule-discussions therefore are:
    1. What happens to chars which are located in the "back" (pikeman) -> forced to go the frontrank if in tercio-formation? What about "make-way"?
    2. If there are e.g. 10 Rodeleros in the front and 15 Pikeman in the back, what happens if some Rodeleros die? Do the Pikeman "Fill" the gap?
    3. How many support-Attacks from the Pikeman in the back? (We played general 3 lines of support attacks, if the rodeleros are 2 deep)
    4. Concerning combat-Solution: Does the standard of the pikeman count as well? (and would e.g. hatred given by an inquisitor who is placed in the pikemen also be guilty for the front-Rodeleros)

    (5. The costs of the bulls are unclear atm as well, is it 12 for each Bull and Rider? How many impact hits are actually generated? 1 per Bull?)

    Maybe it would be easier to find another solution for the Tercio-Formation...a friend of mine and myself discussed this quite a long time. We both think that the rule is pretty cool, but it would allow easy to "hide" big points. E.g. Level 4 and BSB in the frontrang of some pikeman, while the front is covered by Rodeleros.
    Maybe this idea of "combining" units should be done totally different.

    1. Yes, and that's a lot of questions and weird situations! The easiest thing would ofc be to just to use the Empire detachment rule (which is based on the Tercio to begin with) but it would be rather dull to just copy it whole-sale.

    2. We hope that you will find a way to manage it. I myself would prefer a "longer" rule-text than a copy of the detachment-rule of the Empire. My printer is ready for the update! :)

    3. I will discuss it with my gaming group this weekend if possible, hopefully they can pitch in with a workable solution. It's not so much that the idea is impossible to do, as much as it would require a ton of exceptions to make it work without issues. I'd prefer to streamline it with the BRB as much as possible to make it easier to deal with.

  3. Great addon, but for some reason I can't find the link to download your full new 4.22 version

    1. It's the same as it has always been, under the "Army Books" menu at the top of the page.

    2. thanks, did not directly see the changes. Looks good :)!

  4. waiting now for the Estalian modifications:)! great work!

  5. little question,
    I went through your army list and I have a question about pikemen.
    It is mentionned in the estalian army book that ennemy charging in the front is always strking last. Is it the case here for dogs of wars? I guess so to make it consistent through out books.

    1. Striking last will be removed from the Estalia book as well. So their pikemen will also go down in points a little.

    2. That's sad, that was an important aspect for the pikemen... I would rather pay more and keep that aspect.

    3. It was partly done because we wanted to streamline the rules more, rather than having a weapon with 4 different rules to keep track of, compared to the simpler weapons from the BRB.

      It was also done because Initiative have taken over the striking order completely. It would not make sense for a pike to strike first, when a charging lance do not.

    4. I do understand, perhaps you could add 1 point to INIT?
      Are you also considering a few changes in the Estalian book?
      - Would be nice to also add the possibility of buying heavy armour for pikemen.
      - For crossbowmen and/or handgunners the possibility of buying pavese shields.

      Adding the ribault gun/cannon would be a nice entry.

      - Would you consider a possibility for Estalians to hire mercenary troops?

    5. That would not make much sense, since they are also WS3, and those two stats are generally the same for humans, except that WS is sometimes even higher.
      I want Estalian pikemen and rodeleros to have the same armour, and no available models really wear fitting heavy armor, unlike Tilean pikemen.
      Pavises and ribaults are likewise Tilean equipment/unit choices. I want the two armies to be separate, and giving them a bunch of identical units would go against that.

      Estalia may already hire RoR's like all other armies, the file can be found in the "other downloads" section.

    6. Thanks for the link and what about regular troops from the dogs of war book?

    7. Regular troops are "technically" not allowed (though if the rumours of Allies in 9th ed sis true, they will be). That said, if you want to field generic mercenaries in your Estalian army, just agree on it beforehand with your opponent. If they let you play an unofficial army to begin with, I'm sure they'll be fine with it.

    8. Yes a gentlemen agreement of course. I am back to WB after quite a few years. And we had a game last week-end and my opponent was a little unhappy of me hiring a RoR ( Kreuger and his skeletons). I think they would be fine with a few regular mercenaries. We infact intend to start a campaign involving: Ogres/Greens skins/Lizardmen/my Estaliens/Mercenary army (or Tomb kings, but would rather enjoy a human army :))

  6. To be honest I think you are taking one of the big strengh of the army. For me the pikemen were the bone of my army. Perhaps you could reduce the movement of those soldiers? But I think the "attack first" in first round of combat is quite logical, also its only for the front attacks.

    But thanks for the great work! :)

    1. Pikemen still have their uses due to having so many attacks. And they still strike before/simultaneously as most other armies' troops. Making pikemen slower would just be adding even more special rules on top of the weapon, which again, is the opposite of streamlining. The pike was never overpowered, it just had too many special rules.
      Yes, it would make sense for pikes to strike first, as should mounted lances and spears, but the game doesn't work like that. Until I rewrite the basic game system, I'm afraid that pikes need to be on the same level as other weapons.

  7. Any date to predict yet? I am sitting here and push the F5-Key all the time ^^

    @jerome vorzanger:
    If the Pikemen loose the ability of first-strike the priestess become more interesting for them.

    1. Not yet I'm afraid, currently a bit busy redecorating the apartment (finally got my display cabinet moved in, and I'm also working on a better photo studio). I will try to get it done this upcoming week though.


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