Thursday 14 July 2016

Wanted: White Dwarf articles

Update: I now have all the articles needed from the issues below. Thanks to everyone who helped out!

As part of the effort of including as much as possible from the old Warhammer World, I have been trying hunt down the missing issues of White Dwarf that I currently do not have in either paperback or PDF format, but unfortunately, buying each copy on ebay and having it to shipped to sweden will in many cases set me back $15 per issue. So if any of you guys are in possession of the following White Dwarfs and is able to scan/photo the articles needed so I can use the material for the upcoming books, it would be highly appreciated. All the issue numbers below is the UK version, the US number is the same as UK minus 1.

  • White Dwarf #250 - article on WFB 6th Ed, especially any short stories.
  • White Dwarf #251 - article on Orcs and Goblins.
  • White Dwarf #252 - article on the Empire.
  • White Dwarf #253 - article on Dwarfs.
  • White Dwarf #255 - article on siege and Dwarfs.
  • White Dwarf #270 - article on Hordes of Chaos.
  • White Dwarf #271 - article on Archaon and Haargroth.
  • White Dwarf #342 - article on Daemons.
  • White Dwarf #353 - article on the Empire.
  • White Dwarf #362 - article on Beastmen.
  • White Dwarf #368 - article on Island of Blood.
  • White Dwarf #372 - article on Skaven.

If you can/want to contribute, feel free to drop an email through the "Contact" box on the right of the page, that way I can send a reply that you can attach any pictures to.


  1. I guess the #342 is the one with hammer on the front with Daemonic Incursion article? That's 343 for me and 342 only has WoC army list.

    I guess everything outside of the UK is -1 then if so. I can scan it on the weekend.

    1. Yes, that would be #342 with the Daemons outside the UK, already have the WoC list :)

  2. brad stephenson15 July 2016 at 15:09

    i just been rummaging through my archive and i have #342 #353 #368 #372 and i also have the '02 '03 '04 chronicles (although they do have some of the same articles). i couldn't find 362 for some reason (May be placed elsewhere), but as always it'll rock up when i don't need it.

    1. brad stephenson15 July 2016 at 15:44

      As it turns out, Australia follows the +1 rule in its numbers, so now i got all five #300 issues to scan.

      in my compendiums, and campaign books, i got info on Dark Shadows (Albion campaign), La maisontaal abbey and fluff about the steam tanks, including rules for different configurations.

      fancy any of that?

    2. Great to hear! I have all the Chronicles already, but the WD's would be really great :)

    3. brad stephenson18 July 2016 at 10:37

      no probs. i got #342 scanned up and ready

  3. i have 263 and could probably find the others (it would help if you told me what they had on the covers.

    1. I think I might actually already have the Dark Shadows content from #263, it appears to have been reprinted in Chronicles 2003. The covers are usually that of the 6th ed army book, or other art piece of the army in question.

    2. thank goodness. i can't scan it for the next 3 weeks and am (variably) out of in internet connection.

    3. oh and just so you know who it is i am variably comenting as anonamas, el (komodos) drago and caz88888.

  4. Hey man I cam across your site and just wanted to say it is great :D. Will send a longer mail later :)

  5. Hello Mathias,
    A short question, that is maybe a bit off topic.
    Do you plan to implement the new GW Character "Shar’tor the Executioner" into the Chaos Dwarf Army Book?

    1. When/if GW releases some substantial background for him, yes. At the moment, there's only a few rows of fluff, nothing to build a special character on unfortunately.

    2. I understand
      You could produce your own background but if GW later comes with a official one, that would be sad.
      But the model is nice.

  6. This link has some white dwarf magazines

    Don't know if it is the ones you need though, you have to look through them all

  7. I think I still have WD 250 lying around somewhere (and some other issues from that era)...

  8. Hey just wondering do you have White Dwarf 295(return of the Deathmaster), and the various Olde Weirde’s Incunabulums?

    1. I have every single issue of WD now, so you will see the contents of those being released here in the future :)

    2. Hi!

      I'm hoping you might be able to help me find a particular short story from a White Dwarf many years ago. I'm pretty sure it was just when Ogre Kingdoms was released (300-305ish by the Australian +1 rule).

      It involved an Ogre pit fighter beating another ogre in an endurance pushing battle, but the ogre had a female human (I think) friend in the crowd that inspires him to win, and to only take a small trophy rather than eat his defeated opponent.

      Any chance you might be able to point me in the right direction?



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