Wednesday 6 May 2020

Warhammer: Lizardmen 9th Ed 1.23 out now!

This update changes the following:
  • Nakai has the Predatory Fighter rule.
  • Clarified that Tetto'eko has the Comet of Casandora.
  • Clarified that Ark of Sotek and Giant Bow are part of the monsters' equipment, not the crew.
  • Arcane Unforging does not apply to natural armour.
  • Cheaper musicians for Horned One Riders.
  • Slann may take Disciplines of the Old Ones up to a total of 100 pts.

Note that due to a save issue, my original file had not been saved since v.1.2, so I had to redo all changes from then up to 1.23. As such, be aware that it might contain some bugs that were previously fixed, though I have tried to catch them all. 


  1. Great work just wanted to point out that it says special units on the last rare units page if you havent seen it

  2. Your work is astonishing, please keep doing your beautiful work for the community. I did not enjoy WH Fantasy as much, since I have read your updated rules..!

  3. This really is remarkable work mate. You've truly managed to capture the best parts of 6th 7th and 8th editions as well as expanding the concepts developed in oldhammer (which gw should have done years ago frankly). Just wondering if you might consider the acanodon replacement of the stegadon ancient as an option for engine of the gods and skink priest? Or possibly the thunder lizard? Like is said though fantastic work mate I especially like the amazon and Cathy lists and the vc return to bloodlines and lizardmen return of spawnings.

    1. Also has anyone considered having a slann discipline that makes temple guard a core choice? Lizardmen have a pretty sparse core section compared to most other armies.


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