Sunday 19 July 2020

Poll: Which is the coolest Regiment of Renown from Dogs of War?

As a huge lover of Dogs of War, I have never actually seen this in a proper poll before, so would like to get some input from my readers which of the Regiments of Renown you find to be the coolest one model-wise.

Also note that there will likely be a bit of a shortage of updates for July and August as I have no summer vacation and am swamped with stuff to do at work for the next month and a half. Should be able to pick up the pace in September when I can start to make use of my saved vacation days for the year. I plan on having another smaller update out for the main 9th ed rulebook before September though.


  1. Replies
    1. Ulric is not a Regiment of Renown?

    2. Yes i know, bit i'm asking when we Will get the update, as It Is still locked ti the First version of the ninth, and never updated again.

    3. It's number 11 on the current update list the left of the page.

  2. My favorite is a tie between Ricco's Republican Guard and Braganza's Besiegers, love their gold full plate armor

  3. This is actually so hard to answer... Maybe the skinks!!!

  4. I love all Tilean range, but Wolfboyz are probably my favourite regiment of renokwn. Malakai Makaisson's Goblin-Hewer best character+machine.


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