Friday 10 July 2020

Warhammer: Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast 9th Ed 1.1 out now!

Mayor layout update for 1.1. I have increased the size of the font as well as the art pieces a bit, so each unit now has their own page in the bestiary. It still won't look as good as the main army books since the art is fairly low-res and there is not enough lore to fill a whole page as of yet, but hopefully you'll find this to be an improvement over the earlier version.

This update contains the following rules changes:
  • Vampire Fleet Admirals an be upgraded to Lvl4 Wizards.
  • Zombie Pirate Gunners have options for blunderbusses and grenades.
  • Deck Droppers have options for grenades.
  • Clarified that Necrofex Colossus cannot fire grapeshot.
  • Added Rotting Prometheans as mounts to characters.
  • Rotting Prometheans and Rotting Leviathans have the Aquatic special rule.
  • Rotting Leviathans has the Unbearable Stench special rule, making enemy units suffer -1 Weapon Skill in base contact. Has 5 Zombie gunners, cost 250 pts.
  • Depth Guard have full plate armour, costs 24 pts per model. Polearm upgrade costs 2 pts per model. Removed Red Thirst.
  • Luthor Harkon has the Magical Void special rule, allowing him to be the Army General and generate dispel dice like a level 4 Wizard on a 5+. He also gains the Regeneration (4+) special rule when he has one W remaining, and has BS5. Also have brace of pistols, cost 285 pts.
  • Count Noctilus can choose spells from the Lore of Necromancy and Lore of Shadows in any combination. May take a necrofex colossus as a mount. Has the Wraith storm spell in addition to his other spells.
  • Clarified that Damned Crew are Special and Verminous Crew are Core. 
  • Dirty Serpent gives +1 S and AP(3), cost 30 pts.


  1. About low resolution use

    1. Don't think that will do much, the base picture is still blurry, so the upscaled version will look blurry as well.

    2. Blurry or small resolution? Test it, it's impressive.

  2. Are you gonna remove Necrofex Colossus from the other book? Also, I would like to see that first page of Beastiary in the same style as the other books. Huge picture of an army with a short description of them on the side.

    1. No, it will still be present in the VC book.

      This is just a smaller expansion, all the available art has already been used in the book. As such it does not have the full page "intros" like the regular army books.

  3. Can i give you some idea and suggestion for more unit?

    1. Sure, but I'm not really planning on any adding any more units right now :)

    2. Where can i send you an email?

    3. You have a contact form to the right side of the page ;)

  4. May I ask what's the Animated Construct rule about? Thanks for your great work


  5. Hello, Mathias. I wanted to ask you about the zombie pirates.

    Are there any alternative houses that you recommend for rotten prometeans and leviathan and animated hulks?

    How come no unit can have a magical banner?

    It would be nice to be able to have the pair of guns option for the heroes, in order to use the eye of the black pearl in an alternative way.

    Congratulations because you have a great idea.
    I have now started the creation of the army.

    1. Not sure what you mean with alternativ houses? You mean minis? If so, I'm afraid I can't help out much.

      Depth Guard have magic banners. The only other units with standards are the core zombies, and they have never been able to take magic standards.

      You can use the Black Pearl on your Gunnery wight too.


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