Monday 12 April 2021

Warhammer: Beastmen 9th Ed 1.4 out now!

This update changes the following:

  • Mark of Nurgle: Models with this Mark add +1 to their Toughness but suffer -2 to their Initiative (to a minimum of 1).
  • One unit of Gors may take a Magic Standard up to 25 pts.
  • Despoilers: Each enemy standard bearer that is removed as a result of a successful pursuit move or slain in combat by a unit of Bestigors adds +1 to their future Combat Resolution. If the unit flees for any reason, they will lose this bonus.
  • Centigors have the Fast Cavalry special rule.
  • Giants: If no suitable target is in base contact, roll again on the chart until you get another result. Removed mentions of Large Target.
  • Crown of Horns: General only. The bearer of the Crown of Horns gains a Ward Save (5+). In addition, any unit he joins gains +1 to any Rally attempts they make.
  • Many-limbed Fiend gives +1 Attack, rather than being a special bonus attack.
  • Bray-Scream is a direct damage spell. It's now resolved at S4 by default, boosted version is S5. Clarified that it may be cast in close combat.
  • Traitor-kin: Clarified that all affected models will suffer a number of hits equal to the Strength and Attacks characteristics of their mount/carriage animal.
  • Blue Fire of Tzeentch boosted version cast on 9+.
  • Fleshy Abundance is an augment spell with a range of 12", cast on 13+. Until the start of the caster’s next Magic phase, the target has the Regeneration (5+) special rule. The Wizard can choose to extend the range of this spell to 24". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 16+.
  • Acquiescence boosted version is 10+ to cast.
  • Phantasmagoria boosted version has 12" range.
  • Cacophonic Choir boosted version has 24" range rather than aura effect.
  • The Battle Standard Bearer can have a magic banner with no points limit. However, a model carrying a magic standard can only carry other Gifts of Chaos and/or magic items up to a total 25 points.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Is the boosted bestial surge really meant to target ALL units within 12" instead of friendlies within 12" ?

    1. also, traitor-kin is super weird against mixed units, if you cast it on a hydra etc, does the hydra suffer 8 strength 5 hits? and each handler will also suffer 8 strength 5 hits?

    2. After re-reading traitor-kin, its attack+strength number of hits, so Hydra is 13 hits and a unit of cold one riders is 6 hits per model? seems redonkulous strong.

    3. it's an augment, so it can only target friendlies ;)
      But I will clarify it nonetheless.

      Will also clarify traitor-kin a bit so it makes sense against mixed units.

    4. didn't think about it being an augment.

      and yeah, Traitor-kin is a bit of a mess, it currently inflicts strength + attack number of hits with no strength value :P

  3. Jackson Mitchell11 May 2021 at 04:14

    As far as I am aware, the ramhorn is a fresh stat block you made yourself inspired by existing lore. For the purpose of play, is there a proxy model you would suggest, or a model size and base size you would recommend?

  4. Is there any intention of bringing Marks of Chaos to core units, like Gor or Ungor, or any units beyond Minotaurs and Bestigors?


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