Monday 23 September 2024

Warhammer - The Empire 1.6 (beta) out now!

Another large update, this version contains quite a number of changes. The biggest one arguably pertain to the Knightly Orders, which have been streamlined to 12 from nearly 30. The reason for this, apart from the fact that having 30 upgrades for a single unit being a bit much, was that many Knightly Orders did not really have anything in their lore that would make them different on the table, and many of them had the same or very similar rules. As a result, the remaining 12 are more standout in terms of rules, while still retaining the classic knight concept. 

You also have access to a Chapter Master hero for the knights. The knights themselves have been given a limitation - they are now a Special Unit unless you take Chapter Master or Grand Master, meaning theming is a bit more important. Inner Circle Knights have the same limitation, making them unavailable unless you bring the right character. On the other hand, you now have access to regular foot knights other than the Reiksguard, giving you more options. Lastly, Demigryph Knights have seen a long-request overall nerf with a drop to Strength 4 as well as coming without weapons or shields by default. They are likely to go up in price even more in the future when points costs for cavalry in general is getting revised to improve balance between them and infantry.

As for new things, you now have the option for a Witch Hunter General, and you can also upgrade Free Company to a Witch Hunter retinue. You can also take smaller Griffons, thus keeping the older models viable. Apart from that, you will find that a lot of units have new equipment options, like Pistoliers, Dwarfs, Ogres and Sisters of Sigmar.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the update, and many thanks to my Patreon supporters as always!


Patch notes:

  • Hold the Line: If a model with this special rule is in a unit with the State Troops special rule, the unit has the Cold-blooded special rule when taking Break tests.
  • If an enemy unit declares a charge against a State Troop unit, and that unit does not flee as a charge reaction, then all unengaged State Troop units within 3" can make either a Support Fire or a Counter Charge action by passing a Leadership test (which can be re-rolled if the unit has a Leader).
  • New weapon: Cavalry Hammer
  • Battle Prayers Of Sigmar: A model with this special rule knows the three Battle Prayers listed below. They may attempt to use one at the start of each of your turns by taking a Leadership test on their own unmodified Leadership. If passed, the prayer is answered and take immediate effect. A friendly unit can only be under the effect of one Battle Prayer at a time.
  • Hammer of Sigmar: The model and any unit they are with re-roll failed To Wound rolls in close combat until the start your next turn.
  • Shield of Faith: The model and any unit they are with gain a 6+ Ward save in close combat until the start your next turn.
  • Soulfire: The model and any unit they are with gain the Flaming and Magical Attacks special rules until the start your next turn. In addition, when cast, all enemy models in base contact with the Warrior Priest suffer a Strength 4 hit. Models with the Daemons, Undead and Vampires suffer a Strength 5 hit instead.
  • Grenade launching blunderbusses is Ponderous, not Slow to Fire.
  • Increased the cost of great weapons.
  • Runefang costs 60 pts. Reduced cost of characters with it by 10 pts.
  • Mace of Helstrum costs 20 pts.
  • Imperial Banner costs 65 pts.
  • Sword of Righteous Steel costs 20 pts.
  • Shield of the Medusa costs 10 pts.
  • Blessed Silver Hammer costs 20 pts.
  • Skull Charm costs 15 pts.
  • Chalice of Fate costs 35 pts.
  • Doomfire Ring is Power Level 7, costs 35 pts.
  • Added some new magic items.
  • Removed Arabyan Windglass (this will be moved to Araby)
  • Removed Cold Iron Blade (this will be moved to Dogs of War)
  • General of the Empire renamed to Imperial General.
  • Captain of the Empire renamed to Imperial Captain.
  • New Lord: Witch Hunter General.
  • Witch Hunter Retinue: For every Witch Hunter General/Captain in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Free Company Militia to a Witch Hunter Retinue for +1 point per model. The unit gains +1 Leadership, as well as the Hatred (Chaos, Undead, Wizards) and Tools of Judgement special rules.
  • New Hero: Chapter Master
  • Grand Master is Infantry, costs 145 pts.
  • Grand Masters and Chapter Masters must join a unit of knights, and may not leave it.
  • Imperial Griffons have Natural Armour (6+).
  • New Mount: Griffon
  • Imperial Griffon may take barding.
  • War Altar of Sigmar has barding. Horn of Sigismund costs 25 pts.
  • Demigryphs have S4.
  • Warriors Priests, Arch Lectors and Sisters of Sigmar have Magic Resistance instead of Divine Power.
  • Arch Lectors cost 120 pts, have Magic Resistance 2.
  • Warrior Priests costs 95 pts.
  • Witch Hunters may take additional hand weapon.
  • Tools of Judgement: When attacking Daemons, Undead, Vampires or Wizards in close combat, a Witch Hunter has the Magical Attacks special rule and re-rolls failed rolls To Wound.
  • Reduced armour costs for State Troops.
  • Spearmen costs 3.5 pts.
  • Hochland long rifle for Leader costs 10 pts.
  • Free Company may take bucklers.
  • Added in options for 12 different Knightly Orders.
  • Knightly Orders renamed to Imperial Knights. Are a Special Unit. Do not have heavy lances or shields by default. Cost 16 pts.
  • For every Grand Master or Chapter Master that is included in your army, you may may upgrade one unit to Inner Circle Knights. In addition, you may take one unit of Imperial Knights (except Inner Circle Knights) as a Core Unit instead of a Special Unit.
  • Reiksguard Foot Knights are now Imperial Foot Knights. Have S3 and heavy armour. Cost 10 pts.
  • Removed Reiksguard Knights as a separate unit.
  • Pistoliers may take light lances & shields.
  • Greatswords cost 9 pts. Reduced the cost of heavy armour to 2.5 pts.
  • Huntsmen may take longbows.
  • Flagellants cost 6 pts, can take either additional hand weapons or flails for extra cost.
  • Fanatical Zeal: Arch Lectors and Warrior Priests of Sigmar may join units of Flagellants despite being them being Unbreakable. If they do so, they also become Unbreakable as long as there are any Flagellants remaining.
  • Imperial Dwarfs, Halflings and Ogres have the Loner special rule. Can take a Magic Standard up to 25 pts.
  • Imperial Dwarfs may take medium armour. Do not have light armour by default, cost 5 pts. Can only take shields with hand weapons, spears or polearms.
  • Removed Forest Strider special rule from Halflings. Cannot take shield with shortbows.
  • Imperial Ogres can take bucklers. Only have hand weapons by default. Cost 27 pts. Can take Ogre handguns. Have BS3, Natural Armour (6+).
  • Reduced cost of bucklers and light armour for Sisters of Sigmar. May take medium armour, two hand weapons, shields or great weapons. May take full command (including magic standards).
  • Faith in Sigmar: Any model in the unit gains +1 to their Leadership when attempting to use Battle Prayers of Sigmar for every 5 Sisters of Sigmar in the unit. In addition, if a unit of Sister of Sigmar is joined by a model with the Righteous Fury special rule, their Hatred special rule applies in every round of close combat.
  • Demigryph knights do not have any weapons by default.
  • War Wagons have handguns by default, can take two additional crew.
  • Separated Hurricanum and Luminark into two separate units. Have barding.
  • Luminark of Hysh gives dispel dice, not power dice.
  • Storm of Shemtek scatters D3".
  • Hochland long rifle costs 10 pts for Steam Tank.
  • Steam Tanks do not have Random Movement. For each Steam Point you chose to expend, the Steam Tank's Movement increases by 4". It does not gain any additional Movement when charging.
  • Old Reliable replaces the steam cannon with an Organ Gun.
  • Sigmar's Hammer may re-roll 1's when taking armour saves.
  • The von Zeppel does not lose the steam cannon.
  • All Steam Tank variants cost 250 pts.
  • Reduced cost of Ghal Maraz by 15 pts.
  • Volkmar the Grim has Magic Resistance (2), costs 195 pts.
  • Marius, Aldebrand, Magnus, Markus and Jubal may take 25 pts of magic items.
  • Marius, Aldebrand, Magnus, Valmir are not mounted by default. Decreased priced accordingly.
  • Valmir von Raukov may take a shield.
  • Hammer of the East: Valmir von Raukov and any unit he joins has the Stubborn special rule in the first round of Close Combat.
  • Von Kragsburg Guard: If Marius Leitdorf is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Halberdiers to von Kragsburg Guard for +1 pt per model. This unit has +1 Weapon Skill.
  • Hergig Jaegerkorps: If Aldebrand Ludenhof is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Huntsmen to Hergig Jaegerkorps for +3 pts per model. This unit is armed with Hochland Long Rifles (without the Sniper special rule) instead of bows.
  • Magnus the Pious has Inspiring Presence (6) instead of Leader of Men.
  • Ludwig Schwarzhelm is Infantry by default, costs 150 pts.
  • Luthor Huss costs 175 pts.
  • Elspeth von Draken is not mounted by default, costs 265 pts. May be mounted on a Warhorse or Dragon.
  • Theodore Bruckner is Hero, has Ld8. Costs 190 pts. Reaper has S5, costs 135 pts.
  • Jubal Falk does not have Master of Ballistics or 'Stand Back, Sir!'. Costs 60 pts.
  • The Nuln Ironsides: Jubal Falk must be accompanied by a unit of Handgunners chosen from the army list at a cost of 10 points per model. This unit has medium armour and may re-roll 1's To Hit with missile attacks. The unit must be given a Standard Bearer and Musician. Jubal Falk is the unit's Leader and may never choose to leave this unit.
  • New Special Character: Johann van Hal & Wilhelm Hasburg
  • New Special Character: Gotrek & Felix
  • Removed Mandred Skavenslayer.
  • Removed Boris Todbringer.
  • Removed Hubert Valentour.
  • Removed Rutger Wolfrick.
  • Removed Brother Valdemar.

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