Sunday 29 September 2024

Warhammer - The Empire 1.6 out now!

Patch notes:

  • Fixed bug with Inner Circle Knights missing +1 Initiative.
  • Valten does not have Chosen of Sigmar (already a rule that Luthor Huss has).
  • Increased cost of missile weapons for Imperial Captain.
  • Steam Gun has Armour Piercing (1).
  • Helm of the Skavenslayer moved to Cult of Ulric.
  • Removed von Kragsburg Guard.
  • Knights of the Black Lynx: If Marius Leitdorf is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Imperial Foot Knights to Knights of the Black Lynx for +1 point per model. This unit must take polearms and has the Ambushers special rule.
  • Fireloques of Ferlangen ignore To Hit penalties for Stand & Shoot.
  • Reiksguard Knights do not need to be upgraded to Inner Circle. Removed limitation on requiring Karl Franz or Kurt Helborg to take more than 1 unit.
  • If Kurt Helborg is included in your army, your must upgrade one unit of Reiksguard Knights to Inner Circle Knights. Kurt Helborg must join this unit, and may never leave it. The unit may re-roll failed Break tests for as long as he remains in it.
  • Altdorf Company of Honor: If Karl Franz is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Halberdiers to the Altdorf Company of Honor for +1 point per model. This unit has +1 Weapon Skill and +1 Initiative.
  • The Carroburg Greatswords: If Karl Franz is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Greatswords to Carroburg Greatswords for +0.5 point per model. This unit may re-roll failed Break tests.
  • Imperial Knights have heavy lances by default, can take shields separately. Cost 18 pts. Great weapons are a free replacement.
  • Demigryph Knights have polearms and shields by default, cost 68 pts.
  • Demigryph Knights may be upgraded to a Knightly Order.
  • Chapter Masters may ride Demigryphs.
  • Grand Masters and Chapter Masters can take additional hand weapons or flails.
  • Grand Masters and Chapter Masters must either be armed with a hand weapon or the same equipment as the rest of their unit.
  • Knights Griffon: The unit may attempt to use a Swift Reform at the start of the turn instead of the Remaining Moves sub-phase. However, they will halve their Charge distance that turn if they do so.
  • Knights of the Everlasting Light: The models may re-roll failed armour saves in close combat. However, they must re-roll successful armour saves from missile attacks and successful Dangerous Terrain tests.
  • Added Sanctified Silver Bullets and Eichelbaum's Scroll to Magic Items.
  • Icon of Magnus costs 15 pts.
  • Steam Engine: Declare how many Steam Points you will expend in the Steam Engine before you attempt to move it.
  • Holy Fervour: All friendly Human units benefit from the rider's Righteous Fury special rule whilst within 6" of the War Altar of Sigmar.
  • Doomfire Ring is power level 6.
  • Mixed Weaponry: Unless they are armed with handguns, the crew of a War Wagon are each equipped with one of the following experimental weapons: ball & chain, blunderbuss, Hochland long rifle, hook halberd, man catcher, repeater handgun. You may not take multiples of the same weapon.
  • Pistoliers cannot take light lances and shields.
  • New Core Unit: Demilancers
  • All Imperial Knights and Foot Knights make take full plate armour for 3 pts.
  • Inner Circle upgrade costs 2 pts.
  • For every Grand Master or Chapter Master that is included in your army, you may may upgrade one unit to Inner Circle Knights. In addition, you may take one unit of Imperial Knights (unless they have full plate armour or are Inner Circle Knights) as a Core Unit instead of a Special Unit.
  • War Wagons do not have light armour by default, costs 100 pts. Light armour costs 15 pts.
  • War Wagons have experimental weapons by default. Handguns cost 10 pts.
  • War Wagons may replace 3 crew and handguns with a Mortar for 40 pts.
  • If Karl Franz suffers a Hit (before armour saves are taken) and Ludwig Schwarzhelm is in the same unit, roll a D6.
  • Pistoliers cost 18 pts.
  • Repeater handguns and repeater pistols have Rapid Fire.
  • You may take 1-2 War Wagons a single Rare choice.
  • Free Company Militia may be upgraded to Skirmishers.
  • Halberdier, Spearmen and Swordmen Leaders may take pistols.

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