Thursday 6 May 2021

Warhammer 9th Edition 2.0 hotfix out now!

A bit later than planned for the hotfix, but for a good reason! With this update, I have finally updated all the diagrams throughout the book to follow the 9th ed rules, rather than using the ones from the 8th ed book. This now includes pretty much all diagrams that were present in 8th ed, as well as a new one for describing the multiple close combat scenario a bit clearer. Many thanks to my friend Christoffer Lundberg for creating these!

This update otherwise contains the following:

  • Moving your units: Clarified what a normal move is.
  • Clarified that models further back than the second rank of a unit are assumed to have their line of sight blocked by models further forward, and so will not normally be able to shoot, regardless of the Unit Strength of the target.
  • Clarified how Ward saves may be combined.
  • Added clarification on pursuit in multiple combats.
  • Fear: Gives +1 Combat Resolution bonus to the unit rather than -1 Combat Resolution to the enemy.
  • Clarification Multiple Wounds: Each wound inflicted by an attack with the Multiple Wounds special rule (after armour and ward saves, but before Regeneration) is multiplied into more than one wound. Unless otherwise specified, Multiple Wounds apply only to close combat attacks.
  • Clarification Regeneration: If the model is Wounded by an attack that causes Multiple Wounds, first roll to see how many Wounds the attack causes, and then roll for Regeneration for each Wound.
  • Clarified wording on Swiftstride.
  • Clarified wording on Stupidity.
  • Clarified that a buckler may be used with magical weapons.
  • Clarified that a character that is a war machine may not join other units.
  • Rank-and-file models (including the command group) are moved to the second rank to make room for the characters. If there is no more room in the front rank, the characters may not join the unit until the unit reforms to make it wide enough.
  • Battleline has a 6" "deadzone" on the sides of the deployment zone which means you cannot deploy in the corners like before.
  • Piercing Bolts of Burning affect incomplete ranks.
  • Flock of Doom boosted version cast on 9+.
  • Iceshard Blizzard boosted version cast on 10+.
  • Clarified that Steed of Shadows may only be cast on Infantry models.

1 comment:

  1. >> Clarified that Steed of Shadows may only be cast on Infantry models.

    While I understand that some people do play characters on foot... I think this spell is too situational to be of much use in most armies... not that that's a bad thing, but if you love the "Lore of Shadows", which I do... it might be interesting to add a way of using this spell for mounted characters as well... I suggest:

    The wizard can use this spell to move a character with a unit strength of up to 2, such as a character mounted on a steed. Doing so raises the casting value of the spell to 8+.

    Just a thought/suggestion. :)


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