Wednesday 12 May 2021

Warhammer: Vampire Counts 9th Ed 1.3 out now!

This update changes the following:

  • Undead units may no longer march if within 6" of a wizard with lore of Necromancy.
  • If your army contains any Undead units, you must include at least one Wizard that uses the Lore of Necromancy. Your General no must longer take the Lore of Necromancy.
  • Vanhel's Danse Macabre has a 24" range, only moves the unit, does not give re-roll to Hit. Note that the unit may not move more than once per turn using this spell. Clarified that any characters in the unit are moved with it. Cast on 5+, boosted version on 10+.
  • Hellish Vigour has a base range of 24", gives the unit ASF and re-roll to hit.
  • Flying Horror may only be taken by models on foot.
  • Cairn Wraith and Banshees have Hover and M5.
  • Sylvanian Peasant Levy have BS3, increased cost for missile weapons.
  • Clarified that Walach Harkon may be the Army General while still being the Battle Standard Bearer.
  • Removed Asp Bow – it will be added to Magic Items expansion instead.
  • The Battle Standard Bearer can have a magic banner with no points limit. However, a model carrying a magic standard can only take other Vampiric Powers and/or magic items up to a total of 25 points.
  • Fixed bug with Black Coach having 3+ armour save instead of 5+.
  • Clarified Helman Ghorsts "The Brother's Ghorst".
  • Fixed bug with Dire Wolves being Infantry.
  • Spears for Skeleton Warriors costs ½ point per model.
  • Clarified that Ghostly Howl and Death Shrieks are missile attacks. They otherwise function identical to how they do now.
  • Zombies suffer an additional casualty from Unstable.
  • Fell Bats cost 14 pts.
  • Supernatural Horrors costs 15 pts.
  • All friendly Skeleton and Zombies units within 6" of the Corpse Cart may re-roll all failed rolls To Wound in close combat and gain the Regeneration (6+) special rule. 


  1. Quick question: If your general is NOT the one who revives all the undead in the army (no need to take necromancy any longer) you still need to LD test the undead army after slain general?

    1. Yes - it's the general that keeps control over the army. But if you have another wizard with necromancy left you just take the test once.

    2. And...vice versa just for clarification: If your only Necromancer dies who is the only wizard with lore of necromancy but is not your general - you dont need to test for LD? Is this correct?

  2. I'm curious why the change to van hel's danse macabe and hellish vigor?

    1. It is part of a streamlining process for the spells so they follow a similar formula when it comes to casting values, as well as now working more like 6th ed which fits the lore better.

  3. Got a question about raising the zombies or skellies if you have Master of the Undead.

    The rulebook talks about not having more ranks than files.

    So how do you go about raising the zombies/skellies?


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