Saturday, 15 March 2025

Showcase Gallery: Orcs & Goblins

Orcs & Goblins were my third Warhammer army, though my collection really only started as a result of me getting the 6th edition starter set for the rulebook and Empire troops, so the Orcs were really just an added bonus. Not too long after, a friend got the Battle for Skull Pass as a start for his Dwarf army, and we ended up splitting the contents so I got the Goblin half. I then got a few models here and there to flesh it out a bit more. Unfortunately, I ended up selling the whole army apart from Grimgor a few years later to make some money and space to start a Dogs of War army instead. 

However, at the end of 2022 I decided to start collecting greenskins again. Avatars of War had recently released STL's for common Orcs and Goblins, so I decided to make my army out of these, with characters mainly from Games-Workshop. So I did, and painted it all up during 2023. Sadly, the Avatars of War sculpts - while nice on their own - did not quite give me the nostalgia feelings of the original Games-Workshop models, and when Orcs & Goblins were released in 2024 and GW announced they would increase their prices in Sweden by close to 20%, I decided to order over 200 greenskin models before the price increase. This in turn meant that I now in effect had twice the number of greenskins, but the same amount of display space, so I decided to part with the Avatars of War models which I ended up selling on ebay. I did not recoup my costs, but it was not a huge loss either fortunately - and at least I had fun painting them for the most part.

Of course this meant I had a whole new Orcs & Goblins army to paint, which I started in late December and finished in the middle of February, so it took a bit less than 2 months all in all. This army is all GW apart from a few Avatars of War characters in metal which I decided to keep. It's all common Orcs and Goblins plus a unit of Black Orcs; I've always preferred the "regular" greenskins over the sub-species. Would have liked to include some chariots and Trolls as well, but since I only have two shelves of display space available for this army, this is what I have.

Army top-view
Army front-view

Azhag the Slaughterer

Orc Warboss on Wyvern

Warboss (7th Edition), Gorbad Ironclaw, Warboss (Avatars of War)

Grimlok & Gazbag (Warhammer Online Limited Edition), Warboss (Avatars of War), Warboss (Games Day), Warboss (Forge World)

Badruk 'Eadsplitta (Games Day), Borgut Facebeater, Grimgor Ironhide, Black Orc Boss (Forge World)

Orc Shamans (6th edition, 7th edition, Limited Edition, Avatars of War)

Grom the Paunch (Avatars of War), Nasty Skulkers

Goblin Bosses (Avatars of War), GW (7th Edition)

Goblin Bosses on Giant Wolves

Goblin Shamans (6th Edition, 7th Edition, 8th Edition)
Orc Boys with additional hand weapons Battle Standard Bearer (7th Edition)
Orc Boyz with shields, Battle Standard Bearer (6th Edition)
Orc Boyz with spears & shields, Battle Standard Bearer (Forge World)

Orc Arrer Boys

Orc Boar Boyz with spears (7th Edition)

Black Orcs (7th edition), Black Orc Warboss (7th Edition), Ironskull's Boyz (Warhammer Underworlds)

Goblins with spears
Goblins with spears
Goblins with shortbows
Goblins Wolf Riders with spears
Goblin Spear Chukka
Goblin Rock Lobba
Goblin Doom Diver

Idol of Gork

Monday, 10 March 2025

Warhammer - Vampire Counts 1.7 out now!

This ended up being a much larger patch than I had initially planned, but hopefully it will be worth it. There are not that many huge changes but rather many small ones, mainly tweaking the cost and rules for some magic items and Vampiric Powers, and a few buffs for the Lore of Necromancy. Enjoy, and many thanks to my Patreon supporters as always!


Patch notes:

  • Characters belonging to one Bloodline may not join units belonging to another Bloodline, nor may two characters from different Bloodlines join the same unit.
  • The Red Thirst: Roll a D6 at the end of each Close Combat phase in which one or more models was slain by a Vampire with this special rule. For each 5+ rolled, the Vampire recovers a single Wound lost earlier in the battle.
  • Deathly Cabal is an augment spell with a range of 18". Until the start of the caster's next Magic phase, the target gains a 5+ Ward save against non-magical attacks and the Terror special rule.
  • Skeleton Horsemen do not have light lances by default. Cost 8 pts. Can replace shields with bows for free. Light armour cost 1 pt.
  • Crypt Ghouls may upgrade to skirmishers for free.
  • Sylvanian levy may not take shields.
  • Dire Wolves are Unit Size 10+.
  • Heavy armour for Grave Guard cost 1.5 pts.
  • Varghulfs and Mournguls are Special Units.
  • Skeleton Catapult crew may take light armour.
  • Master of the Black Arts: A player using a model with the Master of the Black Arts power can re-roll the result when it is determining the strength of the Winds of Magic in each of your Magic phases. Costs 25 pts.
  • Blood Knights costs 36 points.
  • Increased cost of polearms and shields for skeleton warriors.
  • Increased the cost of great weapons.
  • Invocation of Nehek: Core Units gain 2D6 Wounds; Special Units (except Cavalry) gain D6 Wounds. Characters, Special Units that are Cavalry and Rare Units regain D3 Wounds per successful casting.
  • When a spell from the Lore of Necromancy is successfully cast, one Undead unit within 6" of the caster regains 1 Wound (Core Units regain D3 Wounds) following the rules for Invocation of Nehek.
  • Fixed bug with Wight Kings having option for Nightmare instead of Skeleton Steed.
  • Fixed bug with Neferata missing Shadowblood. Is now an innate bound spell.
  • Belladamma Volga's unique spells are innate bound spells.
  • Blood Knights can take a Magic Standard up to 75 pts.
  • Kurdoss Valentian has a Line of Sight value of 2 and a Unit Strength of 3.
  • Ushoran is a Monstrous Creature. Costs 560 pts.
  • Cado Ezechiar is a Lahmian.
  • Blood Knights are no longer Blood Dragons.
  • Wellspring of Dark Magic costs 50 pts.
  • Dark Acolyte: The model adds +1 to the number of Wounds healed (Core Units regain +D3 Wounds) whenever it successfully casts Invocation of Nehek.
  • Warrior Pride: The model can re-roll failed armour save results of 1. Cost 20 pts.
  • Hunter in the Dark is a generic Vampire Power.
  • Domination: All enemy units in base contact with this model suffer -1 to their Weapon Skill.
  • Frostblade: The wielder gains the Ice Attacks and Multiple Wounds (D6) special rules. Costs 60 pts.
  • Reaper of Sorrows: All attacks with this weapon automatically Wound and have the Ignores Armour saves special rule. Costs 25 pts.
  • The Flayed Hauberk: Model on foot only. Heavy armour. This item gives the wearer a 1+ armour save that cannot be improved by any means.
  • Armour of Night is Von Carstein model on foot only.
  • Nightshroud is Infantry or Cavalry only.
  • Cloak of the Waxing Moon costs 20 pts.
  • Gem of Blood ignores all saves.
  • The Dermal Robe costs 70 pts.
  • Sceptre De Noirot: The bearer of this item may re-roll one dice of their choice when determining the number of Zombies or Skeletons raised with the Invocation of Nehek and Raise Dead spells from the Lore of Necromancy.
  • Staff of Damnation costs 35 pts.
  • The Book of Arkan costs 35 pts. Is power level 3.
  • Amulet of Screams costs 20 pts.
  • Midnight Tome costs 20 pts.
  • Dreadbolt Ring: For each unsaved Wound the bearer of this item inflicts in close combat, one enemy unit in base contact suffer D3 Strength 3 Attacks with the Flaming Attacks special rule after they have resolved their normal attacks.
  • Casket of the Ages: If the Wound is not saved, the victim must pass a Toughness test or suffer an additional Wound with no saves allowed.
  • Saccharine Goblet: For each of their Attacks that does not inflict an unsaved Wound, they must pass a Toughness test or suffer one Wound with no saves allowed at the end of the combat (before Break tests are taken).
  • Grave-sand Shard: Once used, it automatically restores Wounds to any unit they are with following the rules for Invocation of Nehek from the Lore of Necromancy.
  • Billious Decanter: Ghoul or Strigoi only. The bearer gains the Frenzy special rule and +1 Attack for the remainder of the game. However, they will automatically fail any Berserk Rage tests and must always Pursue.
  • Shard of Night is an Enchanted Item: Vampire only. One use only. This item may be used at the start of any round of Close Combat. When it is, the bearer suffers 1 Wound with no saves allowed. In exchange, they gain +2 Strength for the duration of this round of close combat. Costs 5 pts.
  • Flayed Pennant is Strigoi or Ghoul only.
  • Royal Standard of Strigos is Strigoi or Ghoul only.
  • New Magic Standard: Infernal Standard. Wight King with Battle Standard only. The model carrying this standard increases the range of the Battle Standard to 18". Costs 25 pts.
  • New Magic Standard: Icon Of Vengeance: Any Undead model in the unit carrying this standard that is slain in close combat may immediately make an additional Attack, even if they have already attacked this turn. Costs 20 pts.
  • Banner of Hellfire: Bound Spell, power level 3. This banner contains the Flaming Sword of Rhuin spell from the Lore of Fire. It can only be cast on the unit carrying this standard. Costs 25 pts.
  • Clarified that multiple banners only affect Undead and which units can carry them.
  • A Strigany Mystic may only join units of Strigany or Ghouls.
  • Zombies have WS1, costs 2.5 points.
  • The Newly Dead: Zombie units suffer D3 more casualties than normal due to being Unstable.
  • Corpse Carts costs 100 pts. The Restless Dead have WS1.
  • Shrieking Charge: In any turn that a unit of Morbheg Knights successfully charge an enemy unit, roll 2D6 and add 1 for each Nightshrieker in the unit. For each point by which the result exceeds the target unit's Leadership, the target unit suffers 1 Wound which Ignores Armour Saves. Shrieking Charge is a non-physical attack and Wounds suffered from it are distributed as if from shooting. This has no effect on Animated Constructs.
  • Necrofex Colossus does not have Magical Attacks.
  • Black Coach has Magical Attacks.
  • Evocation of Death: Immediately after the total number of power dice is determined in each player's turn, you may discard one dice from the magic pool for each Black Coach on the battlefield. Each discarded dice increases that Black Coach's abilities for the rest of the game.
  • Spirit Horde has Magical Attacks.
  • Scrying Pool: Bound Spell, power level 3. This is an augment spell that targets the Coven Throne. All crew (including any characters mounted on it) may re-roll all failed To Hit and To Wound rolls for the remainder of the turn.
  • Battle of Wills: Included rules for artillery weapons that do not roll to hit.
  • The Devils of Swartzhafen: If Mannfred von Carstein is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Vargheists to the Devils of Swartzhafen for +5 points per model. This unit has the Scouts and Terror special rules.
  • The Chillgheists: If Reikenor is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Hexwraiths to the Chillgheists for +1 point per model. This unit has the Ice Attacks special rule. In addition, enemy units in base contact with them roll one dice less than normal for their flee distance.
  • The Konigstein Stalkers: If Helman Ghorst is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Skeleton Warriors to the Konigstein Stalkers for +1 point per model. This unit has the Poisoned Attacks special rule.
  • Drakenhof Guard: If Mannfred von Carstein is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Grave Guard to the Drakenhof Guard for +1 point per model. This unit ignores casualties caused by being Unstable.
  • If I Cannot Rule, None Shall Rule! The enemy Army General cannot make use of their Inspiring Presence rule while they are within 12" of Kurdoss Valentian.
  • Removed Ring of the Night from general magic items. Moved its effect to Konrad von Carstein.
  • Lady Annika has the Loner and Scouts special rules.
  • Ouboroth has Poisoned Attacks. Sekhar costs 190 pts.
  • The Direpack: If Belladamma Volga is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Dire Wolves to the Direpack for +1 point per model. This unit has the Multiple Wounds (2) special rule.
  • When a spell from the Lore of Necromancy is successfully cast, all Undead units within 6" of the caster regains 1 Wound (Core Units regain D3 Wounds) following the rules for Invocation of Nehek.
  • Beguile: At the beginning of the Close Combat round, after challenges have been issued and/or accepted, select a model in base contact with the Vampire. That model must take a Leadership test with a -3 modifier; if the test is failed, the Vampire may re-roll failed To Wound rolls against that model that phase.
  • Fear Incarnate and Flying Horror can be taking by all Bloodlines.
  • Honour or Death: After issuing or accepting a challenge with a model with this power, the enemy character must take a Leadership test. If failed, the enemy model will automatically refuse the challenge following the normal rules.

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Warhammer - Pirates of Sartosa 1.3 (beta) out now!

Arrrgh me hearties! This ended up being a pretty large overhaul, with mainly buffs to the army. The army overall has seen a lot of points drops for nearly all infantry units, and Dirty Fighting is now much more potent since it offers a guaranteed bonus in the first round of combat rather than a variable bonus on a 4+. The Lore of the Deep has been expanded with 6 more spells, and the magic item selection has gone from 10 to 46 items. Most infantry units have seen an expansion in the amount of weapon options they can choose from as well. There are also some new units in the form of Priests of Stromfels, Ogre Scallywags, Mortars and Sea Elementals.

On the chopping block are the Sea Serpent Riders which did not really fit in lore-wise as Sea Serpents are gigantic sea creatures that have no business being on land, let along being ridden. I've also removed the Wokou Raiders which were superfluous and did not logistically really fit either - the ambush role has been moved to the Pilot upgrade instead. The Dwarfs are no longer Slayers by default (but can be through Long Drong Slayer who has seen a return to the army), but they now offer a cheaper still fairly reliable special unit with improved pistols and handguns due to the Dwarf-crafted special rule. Lastly I've removed the triple-barrel cannon upgrade from the Hellhammer since it was just a detrimental change that did not really do anything that Carronades and the Hellhammer itself already did. Overall, the book should be in quite a bit stronger state than before!

That concludes updating all armies into the new "rules-only" format - it took well over one and a half years, but it's done! I'll be posting the upcoming roadmap for future updates on my Patreon in a separate post. Speaking of, many thanks to you who have been supporting me thus far, ensuring I can keep on hobbying!


 Patch Notes:

  • Dirty Fighting: All models with this special rule gain +1 To Hit in the first round of close combat.
  • Swivel Guns are Ponderous, not Move or Fire.
  • Updated Lore of the Deep with 6 new spells and rebalanced spells.
  • Added dozens of new Magic Items.
  • Pirate Lords/Captains do not have Booming Voice. Cost 90/50 pts. May take polearms.
  • Sorcerers have Dirty Fighting.
  • Increased cost of great weapons.
  • A unit with a Bosun gains the Cold-Blooded special rule. Costs 20 pts.
  • A unit with a Master Gunner joined can re-roll 1's when rolling To Hit with blunderbusses, handguns and pistols. If he is part of a War Machine crew, that war machine may re-roll one Artillery Dice per game.
  • Navigator renamed to Pilot. A unit with a Pilot gains the Ambushers special rule.
  • First Mate renamed to Quartermaster.
  • New Hero: Priest of Stromfels.
  • Pirate Crew renamed to Deckhands. Have bucklers by default, cost 3,5 pts. Cannot take pistols. May take spears.
  • Deck Gunners have pistols by default, cost 7 pts.
  • Buccaneers cost 5 pts. Do not have the Swashbuckler rule.
  • Harpooners can take bucklers.
  • Harpoon Launchers are Ponderous, not Move or Fire.
  • Swabbies may take bucklers. Cost 2 pts. Follow the rules for Mixed Units. You must include one Press Ganger for every 20 Swabbies in the unit.
  • Mates renamed to Seadogs. Have S4. Does not have Almost Loyal. Cost 7 pts. Can take polearms.
  • Festooned with Pistols: In close combat, all attacks made by Powder Monkeys are resolved at Strength 4 with the Armour Piercing (1) special rule in the first round of close combat. These attacks do not benefit from any bonuses that normally only affect close combat attacks.
  • Grog Lubbers are Skirmishers. Have Dirty Fighting. May take bucklers or additional hand weapons. Reworked the Hard Stuff table so it's less debilitating.
  • Removed Wokou Raiders.
  • Dwarf Sea Dogs renamed to Privateers. Are not Unbreakable, cost 6 pts. May take bucklers, handguns, polearms and spears. Have Dwarf-crafted special rule.
  • Orc Freebooterz may take spears, polearms and great weapons.
  • New Special Unit: Ogre Scallywags
  • Sons of Stromfels renamed to Weresharks. Have Natural Armour (5+). Cost 48 pts.
  • Swivel Gunners renamed to Deck Gunners. Can take Harpoon Launchers or Volley Guns.
  • Deck Cannon renamed to Carronade. Chain/Heat Shot costs 10/5 pts. May take extra crew.
  • New Special Unit: Mortar
  • Removed Sea Serpent Riders.
  • New Rare Unit: Sea Elemental
  • Dark Maidens cannot take a Leader. Sea Spirit: A model with this special rule has a 5+ Ward save which becomes a 6+ Ward save against Magical Attacks. Cost 47 pts.
  • Flying Gallery renamed to Airskiff.
  • Sea Giants have Natural Armour (5+).
  • Hell-Hammer Cannons cannot take upgrades. Have 5 crew. Is no longer Cumbersome.
  • Ironfist Mortar is a separate unit. Costs 150 pts.
  • Removed triple-barrel cannon.
  • Pirate Princess: Carmen has the Inspiring Presence (6) special rule. In addition, all friendly units within her Inspiring Presence range may re-roll failed Panic tests.
  • Jaego Roth costs 185 pts.
  • Aranessa Saltspite costs 230 pts.
  • Giacchino de Falco is a Hero, costs 100 pts. Reworked his table with new results and classic/proper pirate lingo instead of the previous Jack Sparrow references.
  • Wilhelm Schwarz does not have a Swivel Gun. Has two hand weapons instead of hook iron fist. Costs 75 pts. May take 50 pts of magic items.
  • Fleur & Estella cost 60 pts each. May take 25 pts of magic items each. They may not be the Army General. Fleur & Estella must deploy together and fight as a single unit, though they may join other units as normal. Estella does not have a pistol. Fleur has the Festooned with Pistols (see Powder Monkeys) and Rapid Fire special rules. Estella has WS6.
  • New Special Character: Long Drong Slayer
  • Krusher the Anchorman does not have pistols by default. Does not have light armour or Giant Parrot. Costs 150 pts. May take 25 pts of magic items.
  • Removed Doc Exmelin.

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Warhammer - Zombie Pirates 1.5 out now!

Patch Notes:

  • Increased Ballistic Skill of all Zombies to 3.
  • Waterlogged weapons hit themselves on a 1-3 instead of a 1-2.
  • Press-ganger's Cutlass only affects Undead.
  • Raise Dead is a summoning spell with a range of 18" that brings a unit of Zombie Deckhands with bucklers into play.
  • Added profile for Spirit Hosts in Winds of Undeath.
  • Deathly Cabal is an augment spell with a range of 18". Until the start of the caster's next Magic phase, the target gains a 5+ Ward save against non-magical attacks and the Terror special rule.
  • Kraken's Pull does not affect Movement, 12+ to cast.
  • Vorpal Maelstrom: In addition, any surviving models will have their Movement value lowered by half until the start of the caster's next Magic Phase.
  • New Magic Item: Standard of the Spiteful Shot: All Zombies in the unit carrying this standard ignores all To Hit modifiers. 25 points
  • Zombie Gunners cost 6 pts. Brace of pistols cost 2 pts.
  • Deck Gunners cost 12 pts.
  • Fixed bug with Depth Guard being Undead.
  • Damned Knights cost 12 pts.
  • Von Zeich's Last Ingot: Talisman. This item allows Vangheist to re-roll failed Ward saves against Magical Attacks.
  • Red Henri costs 90 pts.
  • Mortars cost 95 pts.
  • Carronades costs 80 pts.
  • Added additional missile options to Gunnery Wights.

Monday, 27 January 2025

Warhammer - Zombie Pirates 1.5 (beta) out now!

Took quite a while longer than I had planned (I blame the winter darkness of January for my lack of energy), but hopefully you'll find it worth the wait! I had initially planned to just make this a quick transfer into the new format, but it ended up a lot bigger than that. There are new Vampiric Powers, new spells for Lore of the Deep, new heroes and new Special Characters - as well as several new upgrades available to multiple units.

Several magic items currently in the Sartosa book has been moved here, where they originally belonged (back when I had no plans to make a Zombie Pirate book). No need to fret though as Sartosa will be receiving new items to compensate for it in their upcoming update. Other than that one major change is that the Zombie Pirate rule has been removed - instead the Zombies have been given BS2 to make up for it. In addition, they are now around three times less likely to shoot themselves which had shown to be a bit of an issue.

Anyway, hope you'll enjoy this update, and a huge thanks as always to my Patreons for your continued support! Next up will be Pirates of Sartosa, which should also be a fairly big overhaul. Expect it before the end of February at least!


Patch Notes:

  • Removed Zombie Pirate rule. Zombies have BS2.
  • Waterlogged Weapons: Models with this special rule must roll a D6 for every To Hit roll of 1 with missile weapons that they make. On a 1-2, resolve the Hit against the model itself. Artillery weapons deduct 1 from the result rolled on the Blackpowder Misfire Chart.
  • Reworked Lore of the Deep, adding 6 additional spells and rebalancing the old spells.
  • Added multiple new Magic Items.
  • Added multiple new Vampiric Powers.
  • Swivel Guns and Volley Guns are Ponderous. Volley Guns have Rapid Fire.
  • Syreens are Heroes.
  • Syreen's Call: At the beginning of each enemy Movement phase, all enemy units that are within 12" and have Line of Sight to the Syreen must pass a Leadership test or move directly towards her using the Random Movement (2D6) this turn, as well as suffer -1 to their Leadership until the start of their next Movement phase.
  • New Hero: Pirate Warlock. A Pirate Warlock is a Wizard who uses spells from the Lore of Fire, Metal, Heavens, Shadows, Death, Necromancy or Deep.
  • Deckhands and Gunners may take Magic Standards up top 25 pts.
  • Deckhands cost 3,5 pts. Polearms for Deckhands cost 1.5 pts.
  • Scurvy Dogs are Unit Size 10+.
  • Deck Droppers may take a brace of pistols. Cost 17 pts.
  • Added 4 different upgrades to Animated Hulks.
  • Gunner Mob upgrade costs 10 pts.
  • Carronades and Mortars may take additional crew.
  • Queen Bess is no longer Cumbersome.
  • Necrofex Colossus may take the same upgrades as in the Vampire Counts book.
  • Luthor Harkon may take Magic Items up to a total of 25 pts. Has Curse of the Revenant, Transfix, Unbending Willpower and Hornswaggle Powers. Costs 320 pts.
  • Reworked Luthor's Split Personality table. Luthor Harkon must be the Army General.
  • Count Noctilus may take Magic Items up to a total of 75 pts. Has Fear Incarnate. Has the The Stone of Schwartzhafen magic item. Costs 315 pts.
  • The Bloody Reaver Deck Guard: If Count Noctilus is your Army General, you may upgrade one unit of Depth Guard to The Bloody Reaver Deck Guard for a cost of +2 points per model. This unit has the Hatred special rule.
  • Count Noctilus may not take Depth Guard as a Special Unit.
  • Cylostra Direfin is a Lord choice. Is a Lvl 3 Wizard. Costs 260 pts.
  • Song of Enthrallment: At the beginning of each enemy Movement phase, all enemy units that are within 18" and have Line of Sight to Cylostra Direfin must pass a Leadership test or move directly towards her using the Random Movement (2D6) this turn, as well as suffer -2 to their Leadership until the start of their next Movement phase.
  • The Bordeleaux Flabellum: Arcane Item. This item allows Cylostra to roll one additional dice when channelling Power and Dispel dice. In addition, if Cylostra rolls a Miscast, she may re-roll the result on the Miscast table.
  • Ghosts of the Past: If Cylostra Direfin is in your army, you may include an Infantry (Undead) unit of 10+ Damned Knights as a Special Unit. This unit has the Ethereal and Undead special rule, and are armed with hand weapon, shield and heavy armour.
  • Vangheist has the Terror special rule. Has The Traitor's Shot, Von Zeich's Last Ingot and The Liber Malefic Nautica magic items. Costs 170 pts.
  • Skretch Half-Dead has the Warp-cage Heart magic item. Cost 85 pts.
  • New Special Character: The Brine Wife
  • New Special Character: Captain Drekla
  • New Special Character: Black Jens

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Warhammer - Albion 1.6 (beta) out now!

Good Yule! This is another fairly small update in terms of scope. War Fury has been changed a bit so that it does not allow re-rolling all dice when charging, but it also does not come with the drawback of suffering -1Ld on break tests.

As for magic, I decided to remove the Lore of the Truthsayers. This was something GW themselves did when they reintroduced Truthsayers in Storm of Magic and limited them to Life or Beasts. The reason being for removing the Lore is that all the spells in it are really just a slight variant of existing spells from the Winds of Magic, which are already available to them. As a result, it does not really serve much purpose to keep the lore around, and it does not really have much of a theme either. However, Elemental Power will still remain as an additional spell for Wizards, and Voice of Command is a unique spell for Dural Durak.

There are also a lot of new magic items! Most of these are from the first version of the Albion book from back in 2010 and based on items from Celtic myths, with two additional banners from the homebrew supplement in the Discord server. The remaining changes are just minor tweaks to equipment and points costs. Hope you enjoy the update, and many thanks to my Patreons for your continued support!


Patch Notes:

  • War Fury: All models with this special rule re-roll 1's on their charge distances. In addition, whenever they declare a charge or pursue a fleeing enemy, the models gain the Hatred special for the duration of the turn.
  • War Cry renamed to Battle Cry: All friendly unit joined by a model with this special rule may add D3" to their charge distance.
  • Removed Lore of the Truthsayers. Elemental Power is a unique spell given to Truthsayers and Wyrd Druids in addition to their other spells.
  • Truthsayers and Druids can choose the lore of Heavens in addition to their previous Lores.
  • Added dozens of additional magic items, and rebalanced several of the existing ones.
  • Warleader costs 95 pts.
  • Truthsayers cost 200 pts.
  • Chieftain costs 55 pts.
  • Wyrd Druids cost 75 pts.
  • New Hero: Son of Ogmios
  • New Mount: Elk
  • Increased cost of great weapons and javelins. Reduced cost of spears.
  • Tribal Warriors can take light armour.
  • Woad Raiders have WS3, cost 6 pts.
  • Youngbloods cost 5 pts, have javelins by default. Slings cost 1 pt.
  • War Hounds are Unit Size 10+.
  • Chariots have W4, costs 55 pts. May take light armour. Increased cost of armour.
  • A unit of Druid Neophytes is a Level 1 Wizard that can use spells from the Lore of Life or Beasts. Cost 10 pts. Are a Rare Unit.
  • Hearthguard can take javelins.
  • Swordmaidens cost 9 pts.
  • Hunters may not take shields, cost 8 pts. War Hawks have a range of 24" and S2, cost 1 pt.
  • Pixie Swarms have the Forest Spirit special rule.
  • You may only take Fenbeasts if your army includes at least one Wizard with the Elemental Power special rule.
  • Centaurs do not have light lances by default, cost 20 pts.
  • Half Giants have hand weapons by default, cost 31 pts. May take light armour.
  • Stone Throwers have S4, cost 85 pts. Can move normally.
  • Giants/Bonegrinder Giants have Natural Armour (6+). Costs 180/385 pts.
  • Gwenlaen does not have javelins or light armour by default. The Blade of Ogma gives Gwenlaen +1 Strength as well as the Mighty Blow (1) and Devastating Charge special rules.
  • Warrior Queen: Gwenlaen, and all friendly units within 12" of her, may re-roll failed Psychology tests, automatically pass Rally tests and may add D3" to their charge distance.
  • Dural Durak has the Voice of Command spell. He does not have the Triskelse item by default. Can take 50 pts of magic items. Costs 300 pts.
  • Agum the Watcher is a Hero, not a Lord. Has the Loner special rule.
  • Cormac Chath has regular light armour. Does not have Frenzy. Costs 150 pts.
  • Roth Mac Lyr is Infantry. Has S5, T4, W3. Costs 185 pts.

Monday, 2 December 2024

Warhammer - Norsca 1.2 (beta) out now!

As I mentioned on Patreon, this is not a huge update, mainly focused on adding more magic items as well as a few minor tweaks here and there. Reavers are now Skirmishers so there is a more of a tangible difference between them and the Marauders, Huscarls have increased Weapon Skill, and Shieldmaidens have an improved Parry which works with spears. More units have access to throwing weapons and javelins, and several infantry melee units have gone down in price. Overall, the army plays very much like its previous version, but it should be a bit stronger overall. Thanks to my Patreons for your continued support as always!


Patch Notes:

  • Increased cost of great weapons.
  • Added dozens of new Magic Items.
  • Kings/Jarls may take javelins. They do not have armour by default. Kings cost 100 pts. Have BS5.
  • Vikti/Seers may ride Warhorses. They have Blood Rage, Counter-Charge.
  • Skald: A Skald counts as a Musician, and may not be the Army General. A Skald knows the three songs listed below. He may choose to use one of them at the start of each round of close combat.
  • The Ballad of Three Heroes: All models in the unit gain +1 Attack for the duration of this turn.
  • The Tale of Beowulf: All models in the unit gain the Stubborn special rule for the duration of this turn. If the unit is already Stubborn, it gains Unbreakable instead.
  • The War Chant of Hunlaf: All models in the unit gain +1 To Wound in close combat for the duration of this turn.
  • Skalds may take warhorses and javelins.
  • Beastmasters may take spears or javelins.
  • Valkyries have Blood Rage. Cost 50 pts.
  • Ulfjarls, Ulfwerenar and Skin Wolves are Infantry/Monstrous Infantry. Have Swiftstride.
  • Bondsmen cost 4 pts.
  • Marauders have shields by default. Cannot take shields and great weapons. May take additional hand weapons. Cost 5 pts.
  • Reavers are Skirmishers.
  • Thralls have hand weapons by default, cost 2 pts.
  • You may not take more units of Horsemen than you have units of Bondsmen or Marauders.
  • Huscarls have WS5, cost 11 pts. May take throwing axes.
  • Shieldmaidens may take spears or javelins. Have the Parry (6+) special rule instead of re-rolling Parry saves. Cost 6 pts.
  • Hunters have Ld7.
  • War Wolf Chariots cost 85 pts, do not have scythes by default. Cannot take shields. May take a standard.
  • Ice Wolves have Natural Armour (6+). Cost 40 pts.
  • Werebeasts are Monstrous Creatures, cost 150 pts. Have Natural Armour (6+). Scaly Hide cost 5 pts.
  • Snow Trolls are a Special Unit. Cost 47 pts. Do not have Armour Piercing. Can take two hand weapons or great weapons.
  • Frost Breath: In addition to their normal Attacks, models with this special rule inflicts one automatic Strength 4 hit with the Ice Attacks and Ignores Armour Saves special rules after resolving all their normal Attacks. This counts as a non-physical missile attack. This cannot be used with supporting attacks.
  • Frost Giants have Natural Armour (6+), costs 180 pts. Increased cost of armour.
  • Cursed Ettin have Natural Armour (6+), costs 185 pts.
  • New Special Character: Beorg Bearstruck