Wednesday 18 December 2019

Interview with me on Elector Counts/Squarehammer

So a little while ago, I did an interview with two of the guys from the Elector Counts Podcast and Squarehammer, talking about the Warhammer Armies project, its origins, my thoughts on the 9th Age, favourite armies, Warhammer Total War, as well as answering questions from the community. And here's that interview for those who want a listen and enjoy my awesome/silly Swedish accent:

Warning: Contains swearing, nudity and Tasmanians!

Tip: Play a drinking game while listening and take a shot every time I say "like", "so to speak", "essentially" or "actually". I take no responsibility for any alcohol poisoning that is sure to follow though!


  1. We need more updates!

    1. As in more interviews or book updates? Because the DoW update should be out around Christmas :)

    2. Book updates my friend. The podcast was cool though!

    3. You can expect at least one major update per month, though some will go faster than that (Dwarfs and Empire should be rather quick). But much more than that I will likely get burned out :)

    4. Will you become a regular on that podcast?

      I like your energy

    5. Not sure if regular is the right word for it, but I will likely appear in other poscasts discussing the 9th ed books at least :)


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