Friday 21 February 2020

Warhammer: Lizardmen 9th Ed 1.2 out now!

Updated to 1.22:
  • Horned One Riders have Natural Armour (6+), so they can use their fast cavalry rule.
  • Shadow Rebus of Huanchi gives +1 Movement.
  • Loping Stride: A model with this upgrade has adds +1 Movement to its profile. Cost 5 pts.
  • Glyph of Potec and Deliverance of Itza affects Vampires.

Updated to 1.21:
  • Moved Salamanders and Razordons to Rare Section (partly to avoid spam since they are now two separate units again, but also because they were Rare units in 6th, 7th and 8th ed).
  • Removed Hunting Pack special rule, since this is already covered in the Mixed Unit rule.
  • Skink Horned One Riders may take javelins.

This update changes the following:
  • New Special Unit: Skink Horned One Riders.
  • Removed Aquatic and Blowpipe rules from the book since these are present in the main rulebook.
  • Slann can be BSB and general.Clarified that Slann are Monstrous Infantry. The Guardians rule works for them despite not having the same Troop Type.
  • Skink Priest may take Coatl as a mount.
  • Saurus Warriors, Skink Priests, Chameleon Skinks, Ripperdactyls and Tiktaq'to now has two pages in the bestiary with a larger font size.
  • Salamanders and Razordons are now separate unit entries in the army list.
  • Jungle Swarms count towards Core like normal Expendable units.
  • Troglodon does not have the Ambushers rule.
  • Grymloq has Blood Frenzy.
  • If Oxyotl remained stationary in his preceding Movement phase, shots made from the Golden Blowpipe of P'Toohee in the Shooting phase may re-roll failed To Wound rolls.
  • Skavenpelt Banner: All models from Warhammer: Skaven gain the Hatred special rule against the unit carrying the banner.
  • Fixed bugs with Magic Resistance referring to an older version of the rule.
  • Blessed Marks of the Old Ones' "one per army" does not include special characters.
  • Fixed a lot of bugs with inconsistencies between bestiary and army list.


  1. Great update, espacilly for the bug fixes between bestary and army list. Just a few things came to my mind:
    1. Is it on purpose that the Horned-One Riders cant take Javelins or would it be to similar with Tichi-Huichis?
    2. Salamanders still mention Monster Reaction though there is no rule like this anymore.
    3. Do the Cold-One Riders get 6+ Natural Amour from their mounts (like charakters) or is it already included?

    Greetings, Matthias

    1. 1. It's intentional, but I can add javelins as an option.
      2. Will fix.
      3. It's included.

    2. One more thing, the Horned One Riders aren't Fast Cavalry by default, you gave them too much amour :D
      Amour witch I'm realy missing on the Cold-ones, but thats something else.

    3. Hi Mathias,
      did you upload the wrong document? Cause the riders still have 5+ Natural Amour in Bestary and Army List.
      Thank you for all your work.

    4. Might have been a save issue, I've uploaded an updated version now.

  2. Thanks! :) wonderful stuff

  3. Good morning Mathias, nice job on the update !
    When i read through one question came to my mind: Is it intentional that Nakai as Kroxigor Special Character is not subject to the special rule Predatory Fighter?


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