Monday 16 November 2020

Annoucing: A Tale of Five Gamers!

Many of you will probably remember the Tale of Four Gamers as featured in White Dwarf during two seasons. I myself followed it with much interest back in the day. Since then, a lot of other people have attempted to do their own Tale of Four Gamers with various results. 

Well, today I can announce that the The Elector Counts Podcast and myself will be doing our own version of this, using only WAP armies, something that has never been done before. And more than that, it will be done through a nice spiffy newsletter every month, just like White Dwarf used to do it! 

So for those interested in following the journey over the next 12 months and seeing us build and paint armies for Albion, Araby, Cult of Ulric, Dogs of War and Norse from scratch, you can find the first newsletter below:

Tale of Five Gamers 


  1. You had me at Dogs of War.

  2. Looking forward to this! Always helps kick my hobby motivation up a notch.

  3. Very exciting! Will you push Updates for Norse and Cult of Ulric to get them sooner for you and Shawn?

    1. Not really; Shawn is playing the 8th ed version anyway and for me this is mainly just a painting project. Not expecting my models to see much action!


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