Sunday 26 May 2024

Warhammer 9th Edition 2.3 out now!

Have gotten quite a bit of feedback since the beta release, and have made quite a few changes accordingly. Most of these revolve around the magic phase, reverting a few changes to the 2.2 version and adjusting a few others. The Winds of Magic are now a bit less swingy, and it's easier to channel dispel dice. Steadfast has seen another major change in being reverted to ranks rather than unit strength, thus mainly benefiting infantry over large units of other troop types. I've also added in some new special rules which will help streamline units and items in future rulebook updates. Hope you enjoy the changes to the game, and many thanks to my Patreon backers for your continued support!


  • A unit is not allowed to end their move closer than 1" to another unit, friend or foe, or impassable terrain (as described in the Battlefield Terrain chapter).
  • If a Wizard loses one or more Wizard levels, they instantly forget a single spell for each Wizard level lost, starting with their highest-level spells. If they know multiple spells of the same spell level, randomly choose which spell is lost.
  • At the start of each Magic phase, the casting player determines the strength of the Winds of Magic by rolling 2D3 per 1000 points played.
  • The dispelling player gets a number of dispel dice equal to the top half of the roll of the Winds of Magic dice. For example, if the Winds of Magic dice are rolled at and show a 1, 2, 2 and a 3, the casting player will get 8 power dice (the total of the 4 dice) and the dispelling player will get 5 dispel dice (the highest result of 2 dice).
  • Roll a D6 for each Wizard Level in your army. For each roll of a 5+, add another power or dispel dice to the power or dispel pool.
  • Removed "Not Enough Power".
  • Broken Concentration: If a spell is attempted to be cast using a single power dice from the Power Pool and that dice roll is a 1 or 2, not only is the spell not cast, but the Wizard is unable to cast spells for the rest of the Magic phase. If a spell is attempted to be dispelled using a single dispel dice from the Dispel Pool and that dice roll is a 1 or 2, not only is the spell not dispelled, but the Wizard is unable to dispel spells for the rest of the Magic phase.
  • Wizards do not need to be in range to dispel spells.
  • Steadfast: If a defeated unit has a higher number of complete ranks than all individual enemy units in base contact, it takes its Break test on its unmodified Leadership.
  • A unit is disrupted if one or more enemy units are attacking it in the flank or rear, and those enemy units have a combined Unit Strength equal to half or more of that unit.
  • Ambushers: At the start of the Remaining Moves sub-phase of Turn 2 the controlling player rolls a D6 for each of their units of Ambushers. On a 3+, the unit arrives. If the unit does not arrive on Turn 2, roll another D6 at the start of the Remaining Moves sub-phase of Turn 3. On a 2+, the unit arrives. If the unit does not arrive on Turn 3, it will automatically arrive at the start of the Remaining Moves sub-phase of turn 4.
  • New Special Rule: Cold-blooded - Whenever a model with this special rule takes a Leadership test, it rolls an additional dice and discards the highest result.
  • Removed the Ignores Cover special rule.
  • If a unit would gain Mighty Blow in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
  • Magic Resistance gives -1 to the casting result, rather than +1 to dispel.
  • New Special Rule: Rapid Fire - Models or weapons with this special rule do not suffer the usual -1 To Hit penalty for firing Multiple Shots.
  • Stomp: These are resolved at the model's Strength against a single enemy unit that consists of models with a Line of Sight value of 1 or less. If the model is a Monster, it may also Stomp models with a Line of Sight value of 2 or less.
  • New Special Rule: Weapon Team: If a model with this special rule is hit by a missile attack and is within 3" of a friendly unit consisting of five or more rank and file models of the same troop type within 3", roll a D6. On a roll of 4+, the hit is transferred to a model in the friendly unit (if there is more than one eligible unit within 3", the controlling player can decide which). Otherwise, the hit is resolved against the Weapon Team as normal.
  • Fixed bug with Swarms having two supporting attacks instead of five.
  • Chariots & Ridden Monsters: Any crew member that chooses to fire the mounted weapon cannot fire their own weapon in the same turn.
  • Ridden Monsters follow all the Split Profile rules for Cavalry. However, they may only combine armour saves to a total of 2+ instead of the normal 1+.
  • Clarified that light lances and heavy lances can only be used by mounted models.
  • Spears and Pikes always receive +1/+2 Initiative, not only when charged.
  • Blowpipes have Rapid Fire.
  • New Weapon - Warbow. Range 30", S4, Multiple Shots (2), Volley Fire.
  • Bucklers and shields give extra armour to models on foot, not just infantry.
  • Added rules for Repeater Bolt Throwers.
  • Unless specified, the Battle Standard Bearer may not be the Army General.
  • Book of Ashur costs 30 pts.
  • Channelling Staff: The Wizard rolls one additional dice whenever they attempt to channel power or dispel dice. Costs 20 pts.
  • Ironcurse Icon: The Character (and any unit they are with) gain a Ward save (6+) against artillery weapons.
  • The Withering and Enfeebling Foe are limited to S/T 1.
  • Swapped around the order of a few spells, so that each level of magic has a better mix of different spell types to choose from. Casting values are unaffected.
  • Earthen Ramparts replaced by Leaf Fall. Leaf Fall is an augment spell that is cast on the Wizard itself. All missile attacks targeted against friendly units within 6" of the caster suffer a -1 penalty To Hit until the start of the caster's next Magic phase.
  • Cavalry only counts as 1 Wound for the purpose of Regrowth.

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