Saturday 29 June 2024

Warhammer Wood Elves 1.6 (beta) out now!

I have not done too many changes with this update as the book was in a pretty solid state already, so a lot of work has been to simply fine-tune the wording on some things along with some new spells, units and items. As expected, I've included more spells for the Lore of Athel Loren, bringing it up to 13 spells total. The lore attribute has been changed to Glamourweaving, making it harder for enemy units to target nearby Wood Elves with missile attacks and spells. The lore has also been given some more damage spells as the Lore of Life is already very focused on augments, but it's still pretty augment-heavy. I've also included plenty more magic items from Age of Sigmar and the Old World.

Forest Spirit armies have been given more options with the Arch-Revenant now being a Lord choice with better stats, and Branchwraiths have been split into two character choices - one for combat and one for magic, thus getting away from the expensive hybrid model and giving forest spirits the option for a Lvl 2 Hero Wizard.

There are also two new Wood Elf heroes - the Eternal Warden and Wild Hunter, thus allowing players to have more Kindred characters like in 6th ed. The Eternal Warden is an Eternal Guard character that gives them an improved armour save and allows them to be taken as core units (just like Witch Elves and Death Hags), while the Wild Hunter is a mounted character that can lead Wild Riders and Great Stag Knights.

As for new units; in core we have the new Glade Guard armed with spears and shields, like in 5th edition. This allows players to use their old unarmoured models again, and offers an inexpensive close combat options for the wood elves. As a result of this, Eternal Guard are now a special unit like in 6th ed (unless you choose an Eternal Warden as mentioned above) to avoid having two spear-units in Core where the Eternal Guard are just a superior version by default. The Eternal Guard have seen a small price drop as well.

Alters have been given the ambushers special rule, representing them stalking around their prey and offering them protection from missile fire. Spite Revenants are instead scouts, representing them "awakening in the forest".

Another new unit is the Great Stag Knights, which are Monstrous Cavalry. This unit is mentioned in Storm of Magic and also featured in Total War. I had considered to include them earlier on, but since their lore is just "Wild Riders on Stags" I did not do so until now. 

Oh, and there's also Zoats now, because Zoats are fun! They are a single model unit with casting capabilities, weaker than the Storm of Magic version, but a lot cheaper as a result.

Sisters of the Thorn are now a Lvl 1 Wizard unit, thus not outdoing actual Wizards by default. As a result of the spell changes, they can now choose spells like a regular Wizard as well, giving them a lot more versatility. I've also given them light armour since that's clearly apparent on the models (no idea why GW did not include that).

Lastly, for the special characters I've removed some of the less interesting ones that also lacked official models, and given options for magic items and spites for others. This means that Araloth can now be built as an actual useful Lord choice, and Drycha has seen a boost in power and options as well.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the update, and many thanks to my Patreons for your continued support!





  • All Cavalry have Elven Grace. Increased cost of most of them.
  • New Enchanted Arrow: Moonfire Shots.
  • Shooting attacks made with Starfire Shafts forces enemies to re-roll successful Panic tests caused by Heavy Casualties this turn. Reduced cost.
  • New Spite: Hagbane Spite
  • Increased casting value for bound spells.
  • Unleash Swarm of Spites moved to Lore of Athel Loren.
  • Added multiple new spells to Lore of Athel Loren and rebalanced some of the previous spells.
  • Added over a dozen new magic items.
  • Arch-Revenant is a Lord, costs 160 pts. Have WS7, BS7, I8, Ld10.
  • Warsong Revenant costs 250 pts.
  • New Hero: Branchwych
  • New Hero: Eternal Warden
  • New Hero: Wild Hunter
  • Branchwraiths can no longer be Wizards. Have A4.
  • New Core Unit: Glade Guard Spearmen
  • Eternal Guard are Special Units, cost 10 pts. Can be taken as Core Units with Eternal Warden.
  • Wardancers cost 13 pts, must take additional hand weapons and/or saerath. May take a standard bearer.
  • Alters have the Ambushers special rule.
  • Spite-Revenants have the Scouts special rule instead of Ambushers.
  • Treekin have BS0 and I2.
  • New Rare Unit: Great Stag Knights
  • Sisters of the Thorn have light armour, costs 26 pts.
  • A unit of Sisters of the Thorn is considered to be a Level 1 Wizard that can use spells from the Lore of Life, Beasts or Athel Loren.
  • Sylvan Hunters do not have weapons by default, cost 42 pts. Increased cost of great weapons and greatbows.
  • Strangleroots have Rapid Fire.
  • New Rare Unit: Zoat
  • Araloth costs 185 pts. Has a 5+ ward save and Elven Grace. Can take Magic Items up to 100 pts.
  • Thalandor has Elven Grace. Can take Magic Items up to 50 pts.
  • Naestra and Arahan are a Lord choice.
  • New Special Character: Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth
  • Removed Lothlann the Brave
  • Scarloc has a normal asrai longbow, Ld8, costs 100 pts. Can take Magic Items up to 25 pts.
  • Naieth uses the Lore of Heavens.
  • Drycha has W3, costs 185 pts. Can use spells from the Lore of Shadow. Can take Spites.

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