Tuesday 14 June 2011

Cathay update released, Kingdoms of Ind news, and Warhammer World!

Apologies for my long absence, but other things has simply been prioritized for a while. I'm back with a little more work now, namely another Cathay update that fixes a couple of remaining 7th ed remnants and clarifications.

As for the Kingdoms of Ind, I'm afraid little progress has been made these last months, but there will be at least 2 units previously unmentioned, namely a Vimanas (basically a flying tank fortress) and a Beastmaster hero able to control jungle creatures like tigers and panthers. No release date so far though.

Lastly, I will be taking a trip to Warhammer World in Nottingham in less than a week, where I should have some time to do some writing as well as possibly finding some good source material and inspiration.


  1. Please continue with your projects and post the Ind army when you can!

    Excuse my English if i have committed mistakes, i´m not a native speaker.

  2. Looks cool, but I thought you'd go all Monkey People for kingdom of Ind. http://dom3.servegame.com/wiki/Land_of_the_Apes
    as an example from Dominions. Oh well. Keep it up.


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