Sunday 28 July 2024

Warhammer Dark Elves 1.7 out now!

Patch notes:

  • Fixed bug with Supreme Sorceress missing Manticore option.
  • Fixed bug with Death Hag missing Cauldron of Blood option.
  • Show no Weakness: Each unsaved Wound caused by a Fleetmaster counts as two Wounds when calculating combat resolution. In addition, a Fleetmaster must always accept challenges. While fighting challenges, the Fleetmaster may re-roll all failed rolls To Hit.
  • Crossbows for Dark Riders cost 5 pts.
  • Shadowstalkers are Loners.
  • Melusai Ironscale is Large Infantry, have medium armour and natural armour 6+.
  • Hand of Khaine Gift: All enemy units in base contact suffer a -1 penalty to their Weapon Skill and Initiative.
  • Bloodwrack Shrine has Natural Armour (6+) and polearms.
  • Melusai have Hatred (High Elves) instead of Slaanesh.
  • Reduced the cost of some Hydra upgrades.
  • Shades may not take 2HW, standards or musician.
  • Shadowstalkers may replace throwing weapons with handbows.
  • Enchanting Beauty: All models suffer -1 To Hit against Morathi in close combat.
  • Fixed a multitude of smaller bugs.
  • Heartrender and the Darksword: Magic Weapon. Light lance. Hits from this weapon have the Killing Blow special rule in the turn Morathi charges. In addition, a Monstrous Creature, Monster or character that suffers one or more Hits reduces its Attacks, Strength and Toughness characteristics by one (to a minimum of 1) for each unsaved Wound for the remainder of the close combat phase.
  • Rending Stars are S5.
  • Removed Bloodbane Venom.
  • Removed Rune of Dhar.
  • A model with Manbane will always automatically Wound. Costs 15 pts.
  • Cry of War: All enemy units in base contact with the wearer suffer -1 To Hit in the first round of close combat. This has no effect on models with Immunity (Psychology). Costs 25 pts.
  • Black Lotus: Each unsaved Wound caused in Close Combat counts as two for the purpose of combat resolution. Costs 25 pts.
  • Khainite Pendant. The model may attempt to use two Blood Rites this turn. Costs 10 pts.
  • Executioner's Axe costs 45 pts.
  • Hydra Blade costs 20 pts.
  • Chillblade costs 50 pts.
  • Heartseeker costs 15 pts.
  • Shadracar's Fang costs 20 pts.
  • Draich of Dark Power costs 20 pts.
  • Dagger of Hotek costs 10 pts.
  • Lifetaker ignores all To Hit modifiers.
  • Shadesilver costs 20 pts.
  • Shade Claw: The wielder of this weapon gains the Ignores Armour saves special rule. In addition, no Parry saves may be taken against it. Costs 30 pts.
  • The model can choose to use the Web of Shadows in addition to their normal attacks.
  • Soulrender costs 15 pts.
  • Rubric of Dark Dimensions: The target models must pass a Strength test for each Wound on their profile or suffer a Wound which Ignores Armour Saves.
  • The wearer of the Cloak of Dark Souls gains the Hidden and Scouts special rule. Costs 10 pts.
  • Gem of Nightmares costs 5 pts.
  • Pearl of Infinite Bleakness: In addition, any enemy unit in base contact with the bearer suffer -1 to their Leadership. This has no effect on models with Immunity (Psychology). Cost 30 pts.
  • Armour of Living Death costs 35 pts. Does not have any additional penalty for being on a Cold One.
  • Cloak of Hag Graef costs 25 pts.
  • Whenever the bearer suffers a miscast, the Gem of Spite inflicts a single Strength 6 hit on every enemy Wizard within 18". Costs 15 pts.
  • Sacrificial Dagger works on a 2+.
  • Wand of the Kharaidon: When casting the Doombolt spell from the Lore of Dark Magic, you may re-roll the number of Hits caused. Cost 15 pts.
  • Black Staff: Whenever the bearer casts a spell, they may add an additional free power dice to the result after rolling the dice. However, if this extra dice rolls a 1, the Wizard suffers 1 Wound which Ignores Armour Saves.
  • In addition, each time the bearer of the Black Amulet makes a successful Ward save in close combat, the Black Amulet inflicts one Wound which Ignores Armour saves on the opponent that struck the blow.
  • Ring of Hotek has a 12" range.
  • The Crown of Black Iron gives the bearer a 5+ Ward save, +1 Leadership and the Magic Resistance (1) special rule. Costs 50 pts.
  • Soul Shadows Standard costs 10 pts.
  • Banner of Murder: The unit carrying this standard adds an additional D6" to their charge range. Costs 25 pts.
  • Standard of Har Ganeth costs 25 pts.
  • Beast Armour of Clar Karond: Magic Armour. Heavy armour. This armour allows Rakarth to re-roll failed armour saves.
  • Crone Hellebron costs 280 pts.
  • Kouran Darkhand costs 140 pts.
  • Removed Daring Leap.
  • Murderous Swashbuckler: If Lokhir makes a successful Parry save, he may immediately make an additional Attack back against the model that struck the blow.
  • Crimson Shard costs 10 pts.
  • Crystal of Midnight: Nominate another enemy Wizard within 12" at the start of any Dark Elves turn. The Wizard must pass a Leadership test on 3D6 or lose one randomly determined spell for the rest of the battle. Costs 20 pts. Is no longer one use only.
  • Manbane, Black Lotus and Dark Venom are Khainite Assassin only.
  • The wearer of the Cloak of Twilight has a Ward save (2+) against Wounds caused by enemy shooting attacks and spells. Model on foot only. Costs 15 pts. Is a Talisman.
  • Corsairs and Sisters of Slaughter pay 1 pt for Skirmish upgrade.

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