Sunday 26 January 2020

Warhammer: Dwarfs 9th Ed 1.2 out now!

Updated to 1.21:
  • Removed Ancestral Shield as its own special rule, it's instead mentioned in the Anvil of Doom special rule.
  • Firedrake gun has a range of 15". Firedrake pistol has range 10".
  • Deathroller: In addition to its normal Impact Hits when charging, the Deathroller inflicts D6 Impact Hits at the start of each close combat round.
  • The Gyrobomber has a Clattergun, not a steamgun.
  • Steam Gun on Gyrocopter nerfed to S2, and does not have AP, has Slow to Fire instead.
  • Brimstone Gun has Multiple Shots (3). Clattergun has Multiple Shots (5).
This update changes the following:
  • Increased cost of Lords and Thanes to 140 and 70 pts.
  • Dwarf Master Engineers may use their Artillery Master rule and fire their own weapon the same turn.
  • Gromril full plate for irondrakes, cost 17 pts.
  • Ironbreakers cost 16 pts.
  • Fixed bug with Dragon and Daemon Slayer missing Deathblow.
  • Vampire Slayer upgrade: Against enemies with Toughness 5 or higher, the Slayer may re-roll failed rolls To Wound.
  • Split Gyrocopters and Gyrobombers into separate units. Gyrobombers have W4, cost 140 pts. They both are Resolute and Relentless, have S4 and cause D3 impact hits.
  • Added animated construct to Rune Guardians and Grudgebreaker.
  • Rune Guardians: Clarified that all models in the unit must take the same Runes. Do not have two hand weapons, costs 55 pts.
  • Kadrin Redmane and Ungrim Ironfist has gromril medium armour.
  • Grimm Burloksson no longer need to roll a 2+ in order to use his artillery master special rule.
  • Clarified that The Magnificent Armour of Borek is a full plate armour.
  • Master Rune of Banishment applies to Ethereal and Vampiric models.
  • Rune of Stone is no longer an exception to the Rule of Pride, meaning you cannot have multiple armours with just the Rune of Stone on it.


  1. Hi Mathias, not to judge your work or anything but with so many updates coming around can I ask how do you receive your feedback (or how do you test your rules)?

    I ask because I've been trying to play Storm of Magic as of late and I want to do it with your rules.

    1. We have a large discord channel with almost 300 people (check the community tab on the top of page) where people can post feedback based on playtesting, as well as discuss the rules. I have not played Storm of Magic myself though, so I cannot vouch for how balanced it would be in 9th edition.

  2. Hi Mathias, sorry for the bad english. Do you think it is possible to bring the size of the Runic Guardian university to 2+ instead of 3+? I thought even a choice of 2 guardian can increase their playability..

    1. 3+ is standard for pretty much all Monstrous Infantry in all armies, don't know a single army that has them as 2+. Don't see much of a reason why lowering their unit size would make them more playable, have not heard any complaints about them being bad to begin with.

    2. My only doubt is that it seems to me that they are quite "basic" without particular characteristics compared to other monstrous infantry. The risk is that to make them usable you have to spend the "25" points of the runes.
      For a total of at least 240 points.
      Then I had a question, is the grinding attack in addition to the "standard" impact hits for chariots? (obviously the first fight round)

    3. They are similar in price to treekin, but with better armour save and unbreakable. I don't see why they would be considered basic compared to ogres or trolls. What griding attack are you referring too?

  3. Sorry, in any case I will do some tests and let you know.

    I mean Griding attack of death roller.

    Anyway, thanks for the wonderful work :)

    1. Ah, that would be in addition to the normal Impact Hits, yes. Will clarify it.

  4. Sorry, i have two more question.
    1) The fire thrower (weapon squad) have 25x50 base or 40x40-like approved max for infantry?
    2) all gyrocopter have chariot base? 50x100?

    1. 1) Correct.
      2) The Gyrocopter should have a 40x40mm base by default, will add that to the main rulebook.


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