Monday 26 August 2024

Warhammer 9th Edition 2.31 out now!

This is just a smaller patch, mainly adding a few clarifications, fixing some minor bugs, tightening up some of the text and adding in some more special rules stacking that was otherwise specified in each army book already. The main rulebook should now be mostly bug-free and not be in need of any major revisions for the remainder of the year at least.


Patch notes:

  • If a model has the Hatred special rule from two or more different sources (such as two different special rules, or a special rule and a spell), it may re-roll failed To Hit rolls in every turn against that foe, not just the first. However, they must always pursue, with no chance to restrain.
  • Spears/Pikes: In turns in which the model is charged to its front, it receives an additional +1 to its Initiative.
  • Polearms give +1 Initiative.
  • Conflagration of Doom is 12+ to cast.
  • If a model has the Frenzy special rule from two or more different sources (such as two different special rules, or a special rule and a spell), it gains +1 Attack. However, they must always pursue, with no chance to restrain.
  • If a model has the Poisoned Attacks special rule from two or more different sources (such as two different special rules, or a special rule and a spell), it automatically Wounds on a To Hit roll of 6 in addition to its original effect.
  • If a character is allowed to join a Mixed Unit, they may choose if they want to be placed in the front or rear rank.
  • The Enfeebling Foe and The Withering are remains in play spells.
  • Flying units containing two or more models follow the following rules for Skirmishers: Skirmish Formation, Skirmishers & Charging, Free Reform, Fire on the March, Light Troops.
  • All spells that use the small template scatter D3" instead of D6".
  • If any model has a Weapon Skill of 0 then it is unable to attack with its normal attacks or defend itself in close combat, and any blows struck against it will therefore automatically hit. A model with Ballistic Skill 0 cannot use any missile weapons that require To Hit.
  • "Look Out, Sir!" cannot be used if there are less than five rank-and-file models (including command group) left in the unit. This only applies to characters with the same troop type and/or Unit Strength as the unit.
  • Meteoric Ironclad gives a 4+ ward, 15+ to cast.
  • If a model has the Killing Blow special rule from two or more different sources (such as a combination of different special rules, spells or magic items), its effect will take place on the To Wound roll of a 5+ rather than a 6.
  • Unless otherwise stated, a character cannot join a unit of Monstrous Creatures. Similarly, a character that is itself a Monstrous Creature cannot join other units.
  • Any effect that would modify the model's Characteristics affect both the rider and mount, unless specified.
  • Removed base sizes from the Troop Types chapter since this is already listed in each army book.

Saturday 24 August 2024

Warhammer - Bretonnia 1.6 (beta) out now!

As mention on Patreon, this ended up being a very quick update! I've not done a ton of changes since the book was in a pretty good place overall. Some of the bigger changes include removing the Templar Crusader which has been replaced by the Crusader's Vow. I've also removed the Mangonel since it was just a worse version of the Trebuchet which it could be proxied as anyway. I've also removed some of the less interesting special characters whose items and abilities have mostly been moved to the regular Bretonnian Magic Items so they can be built from regular Paladins if one wishes to.

As for new things, I've included a new Peasant Hero (Sergeant-At-Arms), a unit of Bidowers which isa skirmish unit with javelins or slings, made the Royal Pegasus a Monstrous Beast better fitting the new model, and two new Special Characters from the Old World (with Èlise now having her name spelled correctly). You also have a greatly expanded Lore of the Lady, lots of new magic items, and several new equipment options for several units. Hope you enjoy the updated, and many thanks for your support to both new and recurring Patreons!


Patch Notes:

  • Lance Formation no longer receive a bonus to their Unit Strength on the charge.
  • Models with the Knight's Vow have Immunity (Panic) caused by friendly models without a Chivalrous Vow.
  • Added The Crusader's Vow: Models with the Crusader's Vow have Immunity (Panic) caused by friendly models without a Chivalrous Vow and may re-roll failed Panic tests. In addition, they may only join units with the Knight's Vow or the Crusader's Vow. Furthermore, a character with the Crusader Vow allows any unit they join to roll an additional D6 for their charge distance roll and discard the lowest result.
  • Added 4 new spells to the Lore of the Lady, and reworked the existing spells.
  • Added over a dozen new Magic Items.
  • Added 3 new Virtues.
  • Increased the cost of great weapons.
  • Prophetess of the Lady has Magic Resistance (1).
  • Removed Templar Crusader.
  • New Hero: Sergeant-At-Arms. You may upgrade one unit of Men-at-Arms with medium armour for +1 point/model for each Sergeant-At-Arms in your army.
  • Faceless costs 40 pts. May not take magic items. Does not have light armour by default. Has the Loner special rule.
  • Priestess of Shallya has Magic Resistance (1), do not channel dispel dice. Costs 75 pts.
  • Prayers of Shallya: A model with this special rule know the three Prayers listed below. They may attempt to use one at the start of each of your turns by taking a Leadership test on their own unmodified Leadership. If passed, the prayer is answered and take immediate effect. Each prayer lasts until the start of your next turn. A friendly unit can only be under the effect of one Prayer at a time.
  • Compassionate Mind: The Priestess' unit (but not herself) gains the Immunity (Psychology) special rule.
  • New Mount: Pegasus. Added upgrade options.
  • Royal Pegasus is a Monstrous Beast
  • Royal Hippogryph is a Monstrous Creature
  • Knights Errant, Knights of the Realm, Foot Knights, Pegasus Knights and Hippogryph Knights may take the Crusader's Vow.
  • Men-at-Arms may include a Grail Monk: A Grail Monk counts as being part of the unit's Command Group. A unit with a Grail Monk has the Stubborn special rule.
  • Men-at-Arms may not take medium armour with a Sergeant-At-Arms.
  • Truffle Hounds are an upgrade for Peasant Mob. You may take one include one Truffle Hound for every 10 models in the unit.
  • Peasant Mob can take polearms. Cannot take shields, slings or throwing weapons.
  • New Core Unit: Bidowers
  • Foot Knights may take spears.
  • Squires can take light armour and/or bucklers.
  • Battle Pilgrims and Herrimaults have the Loner special rule.
  • Battle Pilgrim & Herrimaults may take light armour.
  • Brigands can upgrade to Ambushers (unless armed with missile weapons).
  • Grail Knights may take a Magic Standard worth up to 75 pts.
  • Spirits of the Fay are not Animated Constructs, cost 15 pts.
  • Wall Warden costs 10 pts.
  • Ballista has BS3, costs 30 pts.
  • Removed Mangonel.
  • Field Trebuchet and Bombards may move like normal war machines.
  • Bombards are Great Cannons, S10. Costs 100 pts.
  • New Special Character: Sir Cecil Gastonne, The Wyrm Slayer
  • New Special Character: Lady Élise Duchard
  • The Chalice of Potions: Arcane Item. At the start of your Magic phase, you may roll a D3. The number refers to the number of Power dice you may add to your army pool. However, if a natural 6 is rolled, the Chalice cannot be used again for the remainder of the game.
  • Toad Familiar: Arcane Item. The Toad Familiar gives Morgiana a +1 Casting bonus.
  • Morgiana le Fay has Magic Resistance (1), costs 430 pts. Silvaron costs 42 pts.
  • The Green Knight does not have barding, costs 240 pts.
  • Repanse de Lyonesse may take a heavy lance and shield.
  • Jules the Jester: Jules is an Infantry model armed with a hand weapon. Jules must deploy within 6" of Tristan at the start of the game but may move freely after this. He has the Dodge (2+) and The Peasant’s Duty special rule. In addition, all enemy units within 6" of Jules suffer a -1 penalty to Hit rolls in close combat.
  • Valorous Ballads: Tristan knows the three songs listed below. He may choose to use one of them at the start of each round of close combat.
  • Tristan may take Magic Items up to a total of 25 pts.
  • Odo of Outremer does not have the Gauntlet of the Duel. Has The Crusader's Vow. Costs 130 pts. May take 25 pts of magic items.
  • Amalric of Gaudaron is dismounted by default. Costs 160 pts.
  • The Hermit Knight costs 160 pts. The Flask of Sangdragon is one use only.
  • The Black Arrow has S10 and Killing Blow, does not Wound automatically.
  • Bertrand costs 90 pts. Bertrand must be accompanied by a unit of Herrimaults chosen from the army list at a cost of 9 points per model. This unit has +1 Ballistic Skill. Little Hugo and Gui the Great are part of the unit's Command Group and must be upgraded at no additional cost. Bertrand is the unit's Leader and may never choose to leave this unit.
  • Removed Amalric of Gaudaron, Jasperre the Fair, The Knight of the Perilous Lance, Roland the Marshal, Reynard the Hunter, Armand of Aquitaine. Their items are available in the army pool of items instead.

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Warhammer - Tomb Kings 1.6 (beta) out now!

Well this certainly went quicker than I had initially planned for! There is not a huge amount of changes, mostly just refinements of the existing rules. The spells have been reworked quite a bit to be better balanced, and you have a lot more options than before. Gone is the previous healing-spam which a lot of people felt was over the top, and the amount of wounds restored are better balanced per unit now. As you can no longer cast the Desert Wind to move multiple units, the Hierophant has a 6" march aura instead to make up for it. There's also a lot more magic items made available for your characters, giving you a ton of new builds.

As for new units, you have two new mount options for your characters, and a new core unit of skirmishers armed with javelins or slings for added versatility. In special you have Mummies (a blast from the past) and Tomb Guard Chariots for some extra punch. Lastly, the Casket of Souls has seen a large rework - rather than just being a dice generator/absorbed it now functions like an actual artillery piece which means you will get to see a lot more face-melting than before! 

Hope you enjoy this update, and many thanks for your continued support!


Patch Notes:

  • Undead may make march moves if they are within 6" of the Hierophant or are joined by a character with the My Will Be Done special rule.
  • Added 6 additional spells to the Lore of Nehekhara and reworked the old spells.
  • Added around two dozen new Magic Items and reworked some of the existing ones.
  • Increased cost of great weapons.
  • Stone Shaper: Any friendly unit of Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry, Monstrous Beasts or Monsters within 12" of one or more models with this special rule gains the Regeneration (6 +) special rule and suffer 1 Wounds less than they normally would due to the Unstable special rule, or following the death of the army's Hierophant.
  • Skeletal Steed mounts may take barding.
  • New Mount: Necroserpent
  • New Mount: Necrolith Bone Dragon
  • New Core Unit: Skeleton Skirmishers
  • Skeleton Horse Archers costs 10 pts.
  • Skeleton Chariots have W4. Do not have light armour by default. Cost 50 pts. Can take 25 pts of magic banner.
  • New Special Unit: Tomb Guard Chariots
  • New Special Unit: Mummies
  • Necropolis Knight are a Rare Unit. Increased cost of shields. May no longer be Entombed Beneath the Sands.
  • Increased cost of greatbows for Ushabti.
  • Tomb Scorpions have W3, costs 60 pts. Cannot be taken in units.
  • Bastethi are Level 1 Wizards, but can choose spells.
  • Ammut is Undead. Feast of Souls: When the Ammut causes an unsaved Wound, it regains one Wound lost earlier in the battle.
  • Screaming Skull Catapult and Bone Throwers do not have light armour by default.
  • Necrolith Colossus has two hand weapons by default. Has BS3. Costs 210 pts. Can take shield.
  • Spirit Conduit: Friendly Wizards within 12" of one or more Hierotitans gains a +1 Casting bonus.
  • Hierotitan's equipment are now Magic Items.
  • Khemric Titan has WS3.
  • Covenant of Power: You may add 1 Power dice to your pool for each Casket of Souls in your army.
  • Vortex of Souls: The Casket of Souls can use one of the following abilities at the start of your Shooting phase as long as the Keeper of the Casket model is alive, and the Casket of Souls has not moved this turn.
  • Light of Death: Light of Death has a range of 36". One enemy unit with Line of Sight to the Casket must take a Leadership test on an additional D6, discarding the lowest result. For each point the test is failed by, it suffers an automatic Wound which Ignores Armour Saves. Once the Leadership test has been resolved, roll a D6: on a 3+, choose another enemy unit with Line of Sight of the Casket that is within 6" of the initial target, which also suffers the effects of the Light of Death. Keep rolling for further victims (each with Line of Sight to the Casket and within 6" of the last target struck), until the roll is failed or there are no more viable targets. A unit can only be the target of Light of Death once per Shooting phase.
  • Light of Protection: Until the start of your next Shooting phase, all friendly units within 12" gain a 6+ Ward save, and enemy units suffer -1 To Hit against them.
  • Crown of Nehekhara has a 6" range.
  • Khalida may ride a Necroserpent. May take 50 pts of magic items. Costs 270 pts.
  • Grand Hierophant of Khemri: When using The Restless Dead Lore Attribute, Khatep restores 2D6 Wounds for Core Units (except Chariots), D6 Wounds for Special Units, Chariots and Monstrous Cavalry and D3 Wounds for Rare Units. Khatep can take the same Mounts as a Liche High Priest.
  • Arkhan the Black uses spells from Lore of Death or Nehekhara.
  • Removed King Phar and Amanhotep the Intolerant.
  • Tutankhanut may take 50 pts of magic items, does not have magic items by default. Costs 105 pts.
  • Nekaph have the The Flail of Skulls instead of his old magic items. Can take 25 pts of magic items. May ride a Necroserpent. Costs 110 pts.
  • Ramhotep can take 50 pts of magic items.
  • Master Artisan: At the start of the game, select a single friendly unit of Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry, Monstrous Beast or Monster. The models in this unit gain the Natural Armour (6+) special rule for the rest of the battle.
  • Apophas may join units of Tomb Swarms and will benefit from "Look Out, Sir" while in such a unit.
  • Swarming Mass: Apophas has a Strength 1 Breath Weapon with the Poisoned Attacks special rule.
  • The Stone Host of Quatar: This does not change the amount of Wounds restored from The Restless Dead Lore Attribute for the affected units – use the original values for all units.

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Warhammer - Warriors of Chaos 1.6 out now!

Patch Notes:

  • Fixed a multitude of smaller bugs.
  • Damned by Chaos Dark Apotheosis now gives the model the "Spawn/Daemon of" upgrade if the model had a Mark prior to rolling either result. Any mundane equipment is removed.
  • Removed Collar of Khorne.
  • Rot Knights have shields.
  • Removed Skullgrinder
  • Aethersword costs 20 pts.
  • Soul Cleaver costs 5 pts.
  • Armour of Morrslieb costs 45 pts.
  • Idolatrous Plackart costs 35 pts.
  • Scaled Skin costs 10 pts.
  • Bane Spear costs 30 pts.
  • Blade of Endless Bloodshed costs 30 pts.
  • Mark of the Destroyer costs 50 pts.
  • Glaive of Putrefaction only works against Characters, Monstrous Creatures or Monsters. Costs 15 pts.
  • Removed Necrotic Phylactery.
  • All units in base contact with the unit carrying the Festering Shroud must re-roll successful rolls To Wound. Costs 40 pts.
  • Slaanesh's Blade costs 35 pts.
  • If an enemy Character, Monstrous Creature or Monster takes an unsaved wound from the Whip of Subversion and that model has not yet made its attacks for that round, then you may force it to allocate its attacks upon itself or other models from its own side.
  • Jewel of Denial costs 35 pts.
  • Beguiling Gem: At the start of each round of close combat, all enemy models in base contact with the wielder must pass a Psychology test or lose 1 Attack.
  • Breathtaker: Each time an enemy Character, Monstrous Creature or Monster is Hit by this weapon, they suffer -1 Attack for the duration of this round of close combat. Costs 10 pts.
  • Pendant of Slaanesh: Does not affect break tests. Costs 5 pts.
  • Ambition's End costs 10 pts.
  • Paradoxical Shield works on mounted models.
  • Crystal Pendant: Infantry or Cavalry only. Costs 25 pts.
  • Blood of Tzeentch costs 10 pts.
  • Fearsome Aura costs 30 pts.
  • Unspeakable Foulness: Any models that are Hit must take a Toughness test of suffer a Wound with the Multiple Wounds (D3) and Ignores Armour saves special rules.
  • Desecrator Gauntlets: Increased range to 12".
  • Helm Of Eldritch Command is a Magic Armour.
  • Axe of Khorne costs 25 pts.
  • Blades of Putrification has a range of 18".
  • Plague Squall: If a misfire is rolled, the caster suffers 1 Wound which Ignores Armour Saves.
  • Pavane of Slaanesh: If successfully cast, the target must pass a Leadership test on their own unmodified Leadership.
  • Bliss in Torment: Whenever a Wizard successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Slaanesh on an enemy unit, the target suffers D6 Strength 3 Hits after resolving all effects of the spell.
  • Terrifying Appearance costs 25 pts.
  • Bestial Visage costs 15 pts.
  • Distendable Maw: If this test is failed, the victim suffers D3 Wounds with no saves allowed. Costs 10 pts.
  • Dragon Ogre Shaggoth has Impact Hits (D3)
  • Kholek has Storm Call and Impact Hits (D6), costs 475 pts.
  • Fixed bug with incorrect stats for Abraxia.
  • Soul Hunters: When a unit of Hellstriders of Slaanesh wins a round of close combat, they gain a bonus special rule for the remainder of that combat. Fuelled by Pain: The unit gains +1 Attack.
  • Slickblade Seekers costs 40 pts. Have S4. May replace polearms & Killing Blow with bows (with Poisoned Attacks) and the Quick to Fire special rule. Are Unit Size 5+. Cannot take Standard or Musician.
  • Skull-Helm of Khorne costs 25 pts.
  • Helm of the Oppressor costs 35 pts.
  • Blasphemous Icon: Enemy units in base contact with this standard must roll an additional dice when taking Leadership tests and discard the lowest result. Costs 30 pts.
  • Diabolic Splendour costs 30 pts.
  • Banner Of The Demagogue costs 40 pts.
  • Fractured Clasp costs 35 pts.
  • Shield of Fate: The target may re-roll armour and Ward save rolls of 1 until the start of the caster’s next Magic phase. 8+ to cast.
  • Daemon Prince can take Magic Items, not just Magic Weapons.
  • Daemonic Instability: A Daemon Prince is Unbreakable. However, if it loses a round of close combat it must take a Daemonic Instability test. This works like a normal Break test, except that for every point they fail the test by, the unit suffers one additional Wound with no saves allowed. The Daemonic Instability test can use Inspiring Presence and/or Hold Your Ground as normal.
  • Warlord of the First Circle: Friendly units of Varanguard wihin 12" of Abraxia may re-roll failed Leadership tests. In addition, you may take one unit of Varanguard as a Special Unit instead of a Rare Unit.
  • Thzzzz: All Wizards within 24" must immediately pass a Leadership test or roll 2D6 on the Miscast table.
  • Removed Baron Ungorr, Kordel Shorgaar and Plaguestrangler Vilestench. Most of their items have been moved to the magic items section.

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Warhammer - Warriors of Chaos 1.6 (beta) out now!

Phew, this was certainly a handful - clocking in at 102 pages, this is by far the longest book, almost 20 pages longer than Orcs & Goblins which held the #1 spot until now. For ease of navigation, I've listed all the "generic" units first followed by the "marked" units and lastly special characters, in the same order. This makes it easier to make an Undivided list without needing to scroll through twenty-something pages of Marked units.

As for the changes themselves, it's mostly new additions. You have a whole new Lore of Chaos to play around with for Undivided Wizards, and all the other spell lores have nearly doubled in size - giving you lots of new choices for spells that should make each lore a lot more interesting than before. There is also a whole lot of new Magic Items, both for Undivided and each god. For ease of navigation, the god-specific items are listed separately.

When it comes to new units, there are lots of new things to play around with! New Heroes, new Mounts, new Monstrous Cavalry and a bunch of new Monstrous Creatures and Monsters! I've also added two new Special Characters, while removing five of them - namely the ones that were just generic Chaos Lords with Magic Items that were originally available to all Characters. Those items are now back in the "army pool" so you can still build these characters if you wish.

Anyway, hope you enjoy this update, and many many thanks to my Patreons for your continued support as always!


  • Daemonic: Models that are not mounts have a 5+ Ward save which gets reduced to a 6+ Ward save against non-magical attacks. Do not have Immunity (Poisoned Attacks).
  • Mark of Nurgle does not suffer Init penalties. Increased the cost of many units.
  • New Magic Lore: Lore of Chaos
  • Added 6 new spells to each magic lore, reworked most of the old spells.
  • Added dozens of new magic items.
  • Daemon Prince is a Monstrous Creature, costs 250 pts. Daemon Prince of Khorne may take up to 100 pts of items.
  • Exalted Heroes may not ride Manticore.
  • Marauder Chieftains may be BSB. Can take bows, shortbows, javelins or throwing axes.
  • Bloodfuelled Prayers: A model with this special rule knows the three Bloodfuelled Prayers listed below. They may attempt to use one at the start of each of your turns by taking a Leadership test on their own unmodified Leadership. If passed, the prayer is answered and takes immediate effect.
  • Blood Bind: The Slaughterpriest and their unit add +D6 to their charge range this turn.
  • Blood Boil: One enemy unit in base contact suffers D3 Strength 5 Hits which Ignores Armour saves.
  • Bloodhex: All enemy units in base contact with the Slaughterpriest suffer -1 to their Strength (to a minimum of 1) until the start of your next turn.
  • Slaughterpriests costs 145 points.
  • New Hero: Skullgrinder
  • New Mount: Karkadrak
  • New Mount: Rot Beast
  • New Mount: Rot Fly
  • New Mount: Serpent of Slaanesh
  • Increased cost of great weapons.
  • Chaos Warriors may only take shields with hand weapons or polearms.
  • You may upgrade one unit of Marauders or Marauder Horsemen to Marauder Champions for every Marauder Chieftain in your army.
  • Marauders may take spears.
  • Marauder Hunters cost 7 pts. Javelins/shortbows are free. Can take normal bows. Can only take shields with javelins.
  • Cultists may not take light armour or throwing weapons.
  • Chosen can take Ensorcelled weapons.
  • Chaos Knights have hand weapons by default, cost 30 pts. Can take light lances. Ensorcelled weapons cost the same as heavy lances. Chaos Armour costs 4 pts.
  • Chariots may take standard bearers. Increased cost of Chaos Armour.
  • Skin Wolves may take a Leader. Increased cost of Marks.
  • Increased cost of Marks and great weapons on Chaos Ogres. May take bucklers and Magic Standard. Cost 27 pts.
  • Troll Vomit: In addition to their normal Attacks, models with this special rule inflicts one automatic Strength 4 hit which Ignores Armour Saves after resolving all their normal Attacks. This cannot be used with supporting attacks.
  • Chaos Ogres can take Magic Standards.
  • Chaos Trolls cost 46 pts. Reduced cost of light armour.
  • Dragon Ogres are a Rare Unit. May take medium armour.
  • Storm Rage: Dragon Ogres have the Immunity (Lightning Attacks) special rule. In addition, if they are hit with a Lightning Attack, they immediately gain the Frenzy special rule.
  • You may take one unit of Dragon Ogres as a Special Unit instead of a Rare Unit for every Dragon Ogre Shaggoth in your army.
  • Varanguard have light lances by default, cost 68pts. May take a Magic Standard up to 75 pts. Increased costs of Marks.
  • Putrid Blightkings may not be upgraded to Skirmishers.
  • Skullcrushers have light lances by default, cost 75 pts.
  • A unit of Fatemasters is a Level 1 Wizard that can use spells from the Lore of Tzeentch.
  • Favour of the Ruinous Powers requires taking a Leadership test instead of being a bound spell. Have a range of 6".
  • Dragon Ogre Shaggoth have the Storm Call special rule: Innate Bound Spell, power level 5. Storm Call is a direct damage spell that targets all units within a 6" radius (friend or foe). The target units suffer D3 Strength 4 Hits with the Lightning Attacks special rule. Costs 235 pts.
  • Slaughterbrutes has Mark of Khorne, costs 220 pts.
  • Mutalith Vortex Beast has Mark of Tzeentch, costs 255 pts.
  • Aura of Mutation: At the start of each of your Magic phases, roll a D6 for each unit within 6" (friend or foe), and consult the table below to discover how many Toughness tests the target must take. Gift of Mutations affects Movement instead of Initiative. Maelstrom of Change scatters D3".
  • New Special Unit: Fomoroid Crusher
  • New Special Unit: Wilderfiend
  • New Special Unit: Mindstealer Sphiranx
  • New Rare Unit: Warpfire Dragon
  • New Rare Unit: Rot Knights
  • New Rare Unit: Toad Dragon
  • New Rare Unit: Slickblade Seekers
  • New Special Character: Abraxia, Spear of the Everchosen
  • New Special Character: Marakarr Blood-Sky
  • Vardek Crom may take 50 pts of magic items.
  • Wulfrik the Wanderer has the Sword of Torgald.
  • Atarus may take 50 pts of magic items.
  • If Kholek Suneater in in your army, you may take units of Dragon Ogres as Special Units instead of Rare Units.
  • Skarr Bloodwrath has light armour.
  • Removed Hrothgar Daemonaxe.
  • Removed Haargroth.
  • Tamurkhan is not mounted by default.
  • The Glottkin do not gain extra attacks from Otto Glott, costs 850 pts.
  • Gutrot Spume may take 50 pts of magic items.
  • Kayzk the Befouled have the Sword of Filth and Icon of Decay. Costs 315 pts.
  • Valnir the Reaper is a Hero. Costs 235 pts.
  • Removed Feytor the Tainted.
  • Plaguestrangler Vilestench may take 50 pts of magic items.
  • Removed Styrkaar.
  • Removed Melekh.