Wednesday 21 August 2024

Warhammer - Tomb Kings 1.6 (beta) out now!

Well this certainly went quicker than I had initially planned for! There is not a huge amount of changes, mostly just refinements of the existing rules. The spells have been reworked quite a bit to be better balanced, and you have a lot more options than before. Gone is the previous healing-spam which a lot of people felt was over the top, and the amount of wounds restored are better balanced per unit now. As you can no longer cast the Desert Wind to move multiple units, the Hierophant has a 6" march aura instead to make up for it. There's also a lot more magic items made available for your characters, giving you a ton of new builds.

As for new units, you have two new mount options for your characters, and a new core unit of skirmishers armed with javelins or slings for added versatility. In special you have Mummies (a blast from the past) and Tomb Guard Chariots for some extra punch. Lastly, the Casket of Souls has seen a large rework - rather than just being a dice generator/absorbed it now functions like an actual artillery piece which means you will get to see a lot more face-melting than before! 

Hope you enjoy this update, and many thanks for your continued support!


Patch Notes:

  • Undead may make march moves if they are within 6" of the Hierophant or are joined by a character with the My Will Be Done special rule.
  • Added 6 additional spells to the Lore of Nehekhara and reworked the old spells.
  • Added around two dozen new Magic Items and reworked some of the existing ones.
  • Increased cost of great weapons.
  • Stone Shaper: Any friendly unit of Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry, Monstrous Beasts or Monsters within 12" of one or more models with this special rule gains the Regeneration (6 +) special rule and suffer 1 Wounds less than they normally would due to the Unstable special rule, or following the death of the army's Hierophant.
  • Skeletal Steed mounts may take barding.
  • New Mount: Necroserpent
  • New Mount: Necrolith Bone Dragon
  • New Core Unit: Skeleton Skirmishers
  • Skeleton Horse Archers costs 10 pts.
  • Skeleton Chariots have W4. Do not have light armour by default. Cost 50 pts. Can take 25 pts of magic banner.
  • New Special Unit: Tomb Guard Chariots
  • New Special Unit: Mummies
  • Necropolis Knight are a Rare Unit. Increased cost of shields. May no longer be Entombed Beneath the Sands.
  • Increased cost of greatbows for Ushabti.
  • Tomb Scorpions have W3, costs 60 pts. Cannot be taken in units.
  • Bastethi are Level 1 Wizards, but can choose spells.
  • Ammut is Undead. Feast of Souls: When the Ammut causes an unsaved Wound, it regains one Wound lost earlier in the battle.
  • Screaming Skull Catapult and Bone Throwers do not have light armour by default.
  • Necrolith Colossus has two hand weapons by default. Has BS3. Costs 210 pts. Can take shield.
  • Spirit Conduit: Friendly Wizards within 12" of one or more Hierotitans gains a +1 Casting bonus.
  • Hierotitan's equipment are now Magic Items.
  • Khemric Titan has WS3.
  • Covenant of Power: You may add 1 Power dice to your pool for each Casket of Souls in your army.
  • Vortex of Souls: The Casket of Souls can use one of the following abilities at the start of your Shooting phase as long as the Keeper of the Casket model is alive, and the Casket of Souls has not moved this turn.
  • Light of Death: Light of Death has a range of 36". One enemy unit with Line of Sight to the Casket must take a Leadership test on an additional D6, discarding the lowest result. For each point the test is failed by, it suffers an automatic Wound which Ignores Armour Saves. Once the Leadership test has been resolved, roll a D6: on a 3+, choose another enemy unit with Line of Sight of the Casket that is within 6" of the initial target, which also suffers the effects of the Light of Death. Keep rolling for further victims (each with Line of Sight to the Casket and within 6" of the last target struck), until the roll is failed or there are no more viable targets. A unit can only be the target of Light of Death once per Shooting phase.
  • Light of Protection: Until the start of your next Shooting phase, all friendly units within 12" gain a 6+ Ward save, and enemy units suffer -1 To Hit against them.
  • Crown of Nehekhara has a 6" range.
  • Khalida may ride a Necroserpent. May take 50 pts of magic items. Costs 270 pts.
  • Grand Hierophant of Khemri: When using The Restless Dead Lore Attribute, Khatep restores 2D6 Wounds for Core Units (except Chariots), D6 Wounds for Special Units, Chariots and Monstrous Cavalry and D3 Wounds for Rare Units. Khatep can take the same Mounts as a Liche High Priest.
  • Arkhan the Black uses spells from Lore of Death or Nehekhara.
  • Removed King Phar and Amanhotep the Intolerant.
  • Tutankhanut may take 50 pts of magic items, does not have magic items by default. Costs 105 pts.
  • Nekaph have the The Flail of Skulls instead of his old magic items. Can take 25 pts of magic items. May ride a Necroserpent. Costs 110 pts.
  • Ramhotep can take 50 pts of magic items.
  • Master Artisan: At the start of the game, select a single friendly unit of Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry, Monstrous Beast or Monster. The models in this unit gain the Natural Armour (6+) special rule for the rest of the battle.
  • Apophas may join units of Tomb Swarms and will benefit from "Look Out, Sir" while in such a unit.
  • Swarming Mass: Apophas has a Strength 1 Breath Weapon with the Poisoned Attacks special rule.
  • The Stone Host of Quatar: This does not change the amount of Wounds restored from The Restless Dead Lore Attribute for the affected units – use the original values for all units.

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