Saturday 24 August 2024

Warhammer - Bretonnia 1.6 (beta) out now!

As mention on Patreon, this ended up being a very quick update! I've not done a ton of changes since the book was in a pretty good place overall. Some of the bigger changes include removing the Templar Crusader which has been replaced by the Crusader's Vow. I've also removed the Mangonel since it was just a worse version of the Trebuchet which it could be proxied as anyway. I've also removed some of the less interesting special characters whose items and abilities have mostly been moved to the regular Bretonnian Magic Items so they can be built from regular Paladins if one wishes to.

As for new things, I've included a new Peasant Hero (Sergeant-At-Arms), a unit of Bidowers which isa skirmish unit with javelins or slings, made the Royal Pegasus a Monstrous Beast better fitting the new model, and two new Special Characters from the Old World (with Èlise now having her name spelled correctly). You also have a greatly expanded Lore of the Lady, lots of new magic items, and several new equipment options for several units. Hope you enjoy the updated, and many thanks for your support to both new and recurring Patreons!


Patch Notes:

  • Lance Formation no longer receive a bonus to their Unit Strength on the charge.
  • Models with the Knight's Vow have Immunity (Panic) caused by friendly models without a Chivalrous Vow.
  • Added The Crusader's Vow: Models with the Crusader's Vow have Immunity (Panic) caused by friendly models without a Chivalrous Vow and may re-roll failed Panic tests. In addition, they may only join units with the Knight's Vow or the Crusader's Vow. Furthermore, a character with the Crusader Vow allows any unit they join to roll an additional D6 for their charge distance roll and discard the lowest result.
  • Added 4 new spells to the Lore of the Lady, and reworked the existing spells.
  • Added over a dozen new Magic Items.
  • Added 3 new Virtues.
  • Increased the cost of great weapons.
  • Prophetess of the Lady has Magic Resistance (1).
  • Removed Templar Crusader.
  • New Hero: Sergeant-At-Arms. You may upgrade one unit of Men-at-Arms with medium armour for +1 point/model for each Sergeant-At-Arms in your army.
  • Faceless costs 40 pts. May not take magic items. Does not have light armour by default. Has the Loner special rule.
  • Priestess of Shallya has Magic Resistance (1), do not channel dispel dice. Costs 75 pts.
  • Prayers of Shallya: A model with this special rule know the three Prayers listed below. They may attempt to use one at the start of each of your turns by taking a Leadership test on their own unmodified Leadership. If passed, the prayer is answered and take immediate effect. Each prayer lasts until the start of your next turn. A friendly unit can only be under the effect of one Prayer at a time.
  • Compassionate Mind: The Priestess' unit (but not herself) gains the Immunity (Psychology) special rule.
  • New Mount: Pegasus. Added upgrade options.
  • Royal Pegasus is a Monstrous Beast
  • Royal Hippogryph is a Monstrous Creature
  • Knights Errant, Knights of the Realm, Foot Knights, Pegasus Knights and Hippogryph Knights may take the Crusader's Vow.
  • Men-at-Arms may include a Grail Monk: A Grail Monk counts as being part of the unit's Command Group. A unit with a Grail Monk has the Stubborn special rule.
  • Men-at-Arms may not take medium armour with a Sergeant-At-Arms.
  • Truffle Hounds are an upgrade for Peasant Mob. You may take one include one Truffle Hound for every 10 models in the unit.
  • Peasant Mob can take polearms. Cannot take shields, slings or throwing weapons.
  • New Core Unit: Bidowers
  • Foot Knights may take spears.
  • Squires can take light armour and/or bucklers.
  • Battle Pilgrims and Herrimaults have the Loner special rule.
  • Battle Pilgrim & Herrimaults may take light armour.
  • Brigands can upgrade to Ambushers (unless armed with missile weapons).
  • Grail Knights may take a Magic Standard worth up to 75 pts.
  • Spirits of the Fay are not Animated Constructs, cost 15 pts.
  • Wall Warden costs 10 pts.
  • Ballista has BS3, costs 30 pts.
  • Removed Mangonel.
  • Field Trebuchet and Bombards may move like normal war machines.
  • Bombards are Great Cannons, S10. Costs 100 pts.
  • New Special Character: Sir Cecil Gastonne, The Wyrm Slayer
  • New Special Character: Lady Élise Duchard
  • The Chalice of Potions: Arcane Item. At the start of your Magic phase, you may roll a D3. The number refers to the number of Power dice you may add to your army pool. However, if a natural 6 is rolled, the Chalice cannot be used again for the remainder of the game.
  • Toad Familiar: Arcane Item. The Toad Familiar gives Morgiana a +1 Casting bonus.
  • Morgiana le Fay has Magic Resistance (1), costs 430 pts. Silvaron costs 42 pts.
  • The Green Knight does not have barding, costs 240 pts.
  • Repanse de Lyonesse may take a heavy lance and shield.
  • Jules the Jester: Jules is an Infantry model armed with a hand weapon. Jules must deploy within 6" of Tristan at the start of the game but may move freely after this. He has the Dodge (2+) and The Peasant’s Duty special rule. In addition, all enemy units within 6" of Jules suffer a -1 penalty to Hit rolls in close combat.
  • Valorous Ballads: Tristan knows the three songs listed below. He may choose to use one of them at the start of each round of close combat.
  • Tristan may take Magic Items up to a total of 25 pts.
  • Odo of Outremer does not have the Gauntlet of the Duel. Has The Crusader's Vow. Costs 130 pts. May take 25 pts of magic items.
  • Amalric of Gaudaron is dismounted by default. Costs 160 pts.
  • The Hermit Knight costs 160 pts. The Flask of Sangdragon is one use only.
  • The Black Arrow has S10 and Killing Blow, does not Wound automatically.
  • Bertrand costs 90 pts. Bertrand must be accompanied by a unit of Herrimaults chosen from the army list at a cost of 9 points per model. This unit has +1 Ballistic Skill. Little Hugo and Gui the Great are part of the unit's Command Group and must be upgraded at no additional cost. Bertrand is the unit's Leader and may never choose to leave this unit.
  • Removed Amalric of Gaudaron, Jasperre the Fair, The Knight of the Perilous Lance, Roland the Marshal, Reynard the Hunter, Armand of Aquitaine. Their items are available in the army pool of items instead.

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