Tuesday 20 August 2024

Warhammer - Warriors of Chaos 1.6 out now!

Patch Notes:

  • Fixed a multitude of smaller bugs.
  • Damned by Chaos Dark Apotheosis now gives the model the "Spawn/Daemon of" upgrade if the model had a Mark prior to rolling either result. Any mundane equipment is removed.
  • Removed Collar of Khorne.
  • Rot Knights have shields.
  • Removed Skullgrinder
  • Aethersword costs 20 pts.
  • Soul Cleaver costs 5 pts.
  • Armour of Morrslieb costs 45 pts.
  • Idolatrous Plackart costs 35 pts.
  • Scaled Skin costs 10 pts.
  • Bane Spear costs 30 pts.
  • Blade of Endless Bloodshed costs 30 pts.
  • Mark of the Destroyer costs 50 pts.
  • Glaive of Putrefaction only works against Characters, Monstrous Creatures or Monsters. Costs 15 pts.
  • Removed Necrotic Phylactery.
  • All units in base contact with the unit carrying the Festering Shroud must re-roll successful rolls To Wound. Costs 40 pts.
  • Slaanesh's Blade costs 35 pts.
  • If an enemy Character, Monstrous Creature or Monster takes an unsaved wound from the Whip of Subversion and that model has not yet made its attacks for that round, then you may force it to allocate its attacks upon itself or other models from its own side.
  • Jewel of Denial costs 35 pts.
  • Beguiling Gem: At the start of each round of close combat, all enemy models in base contact with the wielder must pass a Psychology test or lose 1 Attack.
  • Breathtaker: Each time an enemy Character, Monstrous Creature or Monster is Hit by this weapon, they suffer -1 Attack for the duration of this round of close combat. Costs 10 pts.
  • Pendant of Slaanesh: Does not affect break tests. Costs 5 pts.
  • Ambition's End costs 10 pts.
  • Paradoxical Shield works on mounted models.
  • Crystal Pendant: Infantry or Cavalry only. Costs 25 pts.
  • Blood of Tzeentch costs 10 pts.
  • Fearsome Aura costs 30 pts.
  • Unspeakable Foulness: Any models that are Hit must take a Toughness test of suffer a Wound with the Multiple Wounds (D3) and Ignores Armour saves special rules.
  • Desecrator Gauntlets: Increased range to 12".
  • Helm Of Eldritch Command is a Magic Armour.
  • Axe of Khorne costs 25 pts.
  • Blades of Putrification has a range of 18".
  • Plague Squall: If a misfire is rolled, the caster suffers 1 Wound which Ignores Armour Saves.
  • Pavane of Slaanesh: If successfully cast, the target must pass a Leadership test on their own unmodified Leadership.
  • Bliss in Torment: Whenever a Wizard successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Slaanesh on an enemy unit, the target suffers D6 Strength 3 Hits after resolving all effects of the spell.
  • Terrifying Appearance costs 25 pts.
  • Bestial Visage costs 15 pts.
  • Distendable Maw: If this test is failed, the victim suffers D3 Wounds with no saves allowed. Costs 10 pts.
  • Dragon Ogre Shaggoth has Impact Hits (D3)
  • Kholek has Storm Call and Impact Hits (D6), costs 475 pts.
  • Fixed bug with incorrect stats for Abraxia.
  • Soul Hunters: When a unit of Hellstriders of Slaanesh wins a round of close combat, they gain a bonus special rule for the remainder of that combat. Fuelled by Pain: The unit gains +1 Attack.
  • Slickblade Seekers costs 40 pts. Have S4. May replace polearms & Killing Blow with bows (with Poisoned Attacks) and the Quick to Fire special rule. Are Unit Size 5+. Cannot take Standard or Musician.
  • Skull-Helm of Khorne costs 25 pts.
  • Helm of the Oppressor costs 35 pts.
  • Blasphemous Icon: Enemy units in base contact with this standard must roll an additional dice when taking Leadership tests and discard the lowest result. Costs 30 pts.
  • Diabolic Splendour costs 30 pts.
  • Banner Of The Demagogue costs 40 pts.
  • Fractured Clasp costs 35 pts.
  • Shield of Fate: The target may re-roll armour and Ward save rolls of 1 until the start of the caster’s next Magic phase. 8+ to cast.
  • Daemon Prince can take Magic Items, not just Magic Weapons.
  • Daemonic Instability: A Daemon Prince is Unbreakable. However, if it loses a round of close combat it must take a Daemonic Instability test. This works like a normal Break test, except that for every point they fail the test by, the unit suffers one additional Wound with no saves allowed. The Daemonic Instability test can use Inspiring Presence and/or Hold Your Ground as normal.
  • Warlord of the First Circle: Friendly units of Varanguard wihin 12" of Abraxia may re-roll failed Leadership tests. In addition, you may take one unit of Varanguard as a Special Unit instead of a Rare Unit.
  • Thzzzz: All Wizards within 24" must immediately pass a Leadership test or roll 2D6 on the Miscast table.
  • Removed Baron Ungorr, Kordel Shorgaar and Plaguestrangler Vilestench. Most of their items have been moved to the magic items section.

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