Saturday 14 September 2024

Warhammer - Ogre Kingdoms 1.6 (beta) out now!

This ended up being a fairly large update, with changes to most units. Ogre Charge now increases the change of breaking the enemy on the charge to make up for the Ogres lack of ranks, and all Ogres have been given Natural Armour (6+) to account for their thick skin and strong abdominal muscles that protect them. This was a concession to make the army more balanced, and you can expect Natural Armour to become more prevalent for many beasts and monsters that currently lack any sort of armour. Gut-plates are finally a thing, replacing the light armour of most units. This only gives a save against attacks to the models front, but combined with the natural armour, they are going to be more armoured overall.

The Lore of the Great Maw has seen a lot of buffs, with longer range on all augment spells as well as lowered casting values. 6 new spells have been added as usual, mostly focused on augmenting the ogres in combat. With their fairly low casting values, this makes the Lore of the Great Maw fairly similar to the 6th edition version.

As for new things, Ogres now have a lot of new Magic Items, probably doubling their previous amount. Several items have also been moved from special characters to the Magic Item pool for the army. You also have a new Hero in the form of the Gnoblar Honcho to give your Gnoblars a small boost in combat.

Hope you enjoy the update, and as always - a huge thanks to my Patreon supporters!


Patch notes:

  • Ogre Charge: In addition, they count as having one more rank than their actual number for the purpose of determining Steadfast in any turn that they charge.
  • All Ogres have Natural Armour (6+). Increased cost on all models accordingly.
  • New equipment: Gut-plate: Models with gutplates gain a 6+ armour save against attacks to the model's front.
  • Gut-plates replace light armour for all Ogres. Models with medium armour now have light armour. This means Ogre characters can take magical gut plates plus light armour, giving them an overall higher armour save than before.
  • Increased the cost of great weapons.
  • Added 6 new spells to the Lore of the Great Maw. Increased range and lowered casting value of most existing spells.
  • Added dozens of new Magic Items.
  • Vessel of the Gulping God: A Slaughtermaster with a Great Mawpot gains a 4+ Ward save as well as the Inspiring Presence (6) and Stubborn special rules. In addition, he gains a +1 casting bonus and add +6" to the range of his spells. Finally, his troop type changes to War Machine and he counts as being part of the crew. The Slaughtermaster can never choose to leave the Great Mawpot during the game. If the Slaughtermaster is killed, the Great Mawpot is also removed as a casualty.
  • Battlebroth: Whenever the Slaughtermaster (with a Great Mawpot) casts an augment spell, the target unit regains 1 Wound's worth of models, just like a Summoning spell.
  • Great Mawpot does not have the Hunger of the Great Maw spell.
  • Harpoon Launcher for Hunters cost 10 pts.
  • Hunters may not be mounted on Thundertusks.
  • Tyrants cost 215 pts.
  • Slaughtermasters cost 255 pts.
  • Bruisers cost 135 pts.
  • Butchers cost 110 pts.
  • Hunters cost 130 pts.
  • Firebellies cost 130 pts.
  • A Hunter mounted on a Stonehorn has Unit Strength 14 and a Line of Sight value of 6.
  • Yhetee Rimespeaker has Ld8.
  • Yhetee Rimespeaker has Everwinter Prayers: A model with this special rule knows the three Prayers listed below. They may attempt to use one at the start of each of your turns by taking a Leadership test on their own unmodified Leadership. If passed, the Prayers is answered and take immediate effect.
  • Call of the Blizzard: All missile fire targeting the Rimespeaker and their unit suffer -1 to Hit until the start of your next turn.
  • Keening Gale: The Rimespeaker and their unit gains +3 Movement until the start of your next turn.
  • Pulverising Hailstorm: All enemy units in base contact with the Rimespeaker suffer D6 Strength 4 Hits.
  • New Hero: Gnoblar Honcho
  • A model mounted on a Mournfang has a Unit Strength and Line of Sight value of 4.
  • Rhinox renamed to Grimhorn Rhinox. Are a Monstrous Creature, A4. A model mounted on a Grimhorn Rhinox has a Unit Strength and Line of Sight value of 5.
  • Chariots are pulled by Young Rhinox.
  • Ogre Bulls cost 29 pts.
  • Ironguts cost 43 pts.
  • Down to the Ironguts: If a friendly unit of Ogres within 6" of an Irongut unit breaks from combat, the Ironguts may re-roll 1's when rolling To Hit and To Wound in close combat this turn.
  • Gnoblar Fighters may take shields.
  • Leadbelchers cost 42 pts.
  • Mournfang Cavalry costs 68 pts.
  • Gorgers have W3, cost 43 pts. Have Unit Size 1-5. May take a Leader. Are skirmishers. Can take additional hand weapons or great weapons.
  • Maneaters cost 43 pts. They now pay for each special rule individually instead of just picking one.
  • Sabretusks have Natural Armour (6+), costs 19 pts. May only choose one upgrade. Killing Blow costs 1 pt.
  • Rhinox War Chariot costs 140 pts.
  • Grimhorn Rhinox Riders are Monstrous Creatures. Unit Size 2+. Cost 110 pts. Grimhorn Rhinoxs have a Unit Strength and Line of Sight value of 5. May take additional hand weapons.
  • Ironblaster costs 190 pts.
  • Cannon of the Sky-titans has range 48".
  • Stonehorn Rider has a light lance, not a chaintrap. Can replace light lance with a Blood Vulture.
  • Stonehorn costs 260 pts.
  • Thundertusk costs 260 pts.
  • Removed Smooth Ride special rule.
  • Slave Giant has Natural Armour (6+), costs 155 pts.
  • Throttle with Chain: Both the Slave Giant and the target roll a D6 and add their respective Strength values. If the Slave Giant's roll is higher than the target's, the target suffers D6 Wounds which Ignore Armour Saves. If the Slave Giant's roll is 1 during the roll-off, they cannot attack at all in the following round of the same combat.
  • Greasus Goldtooth costs 370 pts.
  • Ghark Ironskin may take 75 pts of magic items. Costs 385 pts.
  • Skrag the Slaughterer costs 460 pts.
  • Groth Onefinger does not have magic items by default. Costs 360 pts.
  • Morg Magmaborn costs 340 pts.
  • Golgfag Maneater does not have Easy Come, Easy Go. Has light armour and gut-plate. May take 50 pts of magic items. Has Immunity (Psychology). Costs 155 pts.
  • Golgfag's Maneaters: Golgfag Maneater must be accompanied by a unit of Maneaters chosen from the army list as normal. This unit must be given a full command. Skaff is the unit's Standard Bearer. Golgfag is the unit's Leader and may never choose to leave this unit.
  • Bragg the Gutsman may take 25 pts of magic items. Costs 150 pts.
  • Braugh Slavelord has a 6+ save from his gut-plate.
  • Jhared the Red does not have magic items by default. Costs 160 pts.

Warhammer - High Elves 1.6 out now!

Patch notes:

  • Fixed multiple minor bugs.
  • Valour of Ages: Models with this special rule re-roll all failed Panic tests caused by Dark Elves.
  • Pure of Heart: When fighting against Dark Elves in close combat, they gain Immunity (Psychology).
  • Attuned to Magic: After rolling for the Winds of Magics each turn, divide the result by the number of 1000 points played (so at 2000 or more points, divide the result by 2; at 3000 or more points, divide the result by 3; and so on). Then consult the table below to see what effect it will have until the start of the next Magic phase.
  • Eltharion the Grim is an Infantry model by default, costs 350 pts.
  • The Storm Riders: This unit has the Hatred special rule, and causes Fear in all Dark Elves.
  • Spear Of The Shores cost 40 pts.
  • Sword of Victory cost 35 pts.
  • Dragonblade Lance: Hits are resolved as that from a Bolt Thrower, except the Strength does not decrease for each rank.
  • Golden Shield is Infantry or Cavalry only.
  • Helm of Fortune is Infantry or Cavalry only.
  • Shadow Armour: The wearer gains the Strider special rule. In addition, no enemies can draw Line of Sight to them unless they are within 6".
  • The bearer of the Shield of the Merwyrm gains a 6+ armour save and the Parry (6+) special rule. Costs 20 pts.
  • Mask of the Merlord: In addition, the wearer and any unit they join gains the River Strider special rule and counts as being in soft cover while in any river. Costs 10 pts.
  • Vambraces of Defence is Infantry or Cavalry only.
  • The Golden Crown of Atrazar gives the bearer a 4+ Ward save and the Stupidity special rule. In addition, at the start of each of your turns, they suffer -1 to their Leadership. Costs 25 pts.
  • Phoenix Stone is Infantry or Cavalry only.
  • Talisman of Blinding Light: All enemy units in base contact with the bearer suffer -1 to their Weapon Skill in the first round of close combat.
  • Trickster's Pendant costs 30 pts.
  • The Banner of Sorcery adds +1 Power dice to your power pool in each of your own Magic phases. Costs 30 pts.
  • Clarified Illusory Assault.
  • Dragon Mages have Sunstaff: Arcane Item. A Sunstaff contains Bound Spell, Power Level 5. This spell can be cast on the Wizard themselves. Until the start of their next Magic phase, the Wizard gains +1 Attack, +3 Strength, the Flaming Attacks special rule and always Hits on the roll of a 2+ in close combat.
  • Pendant of Vengeance: When fighting Dwarfs, the bearer may force a successful Leadership test while using an Anvil of Doom or Rune Lore to be rerolled.
  • Sky Arrow Of Naloer cannot be used with Sniper.
  • Sigil of Asuryan costs 55 pts.
  • Added Althran Stormrider. He has the Armour of Protection (5+ ward). Removed Armour of Protection from the magic item pool. Removed Potion of Foolhardiness from Althran. Costs 210. May take 50 pts of magic items.
  • Annulian Crystal costs 55 pts.
  • Ring of Corin costs 35 pts, is power level 7.
  • Vortex Shard removes D3 dice, costs 20 pts.
  • Radiant Gem of Hoeth costs 35 pts.
  • Talisman of Blinding Light costs 15 pts.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Warhammer - High Elves 1.6 (beta) out now!

Another quick update as planned! Nothing too major, mostly just minor tweaks and some additions. The main new thing is the addition of Elven Honours from 6th edition and The Old World, meaning you can build characters for each of the different regions of Ulthuan now, rather than just the existing support characters. High Magic now mirrors that of the Lizardmen book (but with its unique Lore Attribute), and Mist Magic has been reworked a bit. 

As for new things, the Handmaiden is back as a hero, with the unit now essentially being an upgrade for the Sisters of Avelorn instead, which are now a Rare unit. You also have access to War Lions in Special, and last but definitely not least - Drakemasters, as seen in 3rd and 6th edition! This is by far the biggest "monstrous cavalry" - so big that they are monstrous creatures instead. Costing a whooping 175 pts, you are not likely to take more than 1-2 in most games - which is probably for the best.

Other new additions are essentially Regiments of Renown that are upgrades which you gain access to through certain special characters. As for the latter, six of them have been removed, but their magic items have been added to the magic item pool instead, allowing you build these characters yourself for the most part.

Hope you enjoy the update as usual, and many thanks for your continued support as always!


Patch notes:

  • Elven Grace works for mounted models.
  • Lion Cloak: The bearer gains the Natural Armour (6+) special rule against missile attacks.
  • Dragon Armour gives a 3+ save.
  • Added 6 new spells to High Magic and reworked existing spells.
  • New section: Elven Honours.
  • Added several new Magic Items.
  • Princes and Nobles have light armour by default. They may not take Lion Chariots, Lion Cloaks, Dragon Armour, Sun Dragons or Star Dragons without the appropriate Honour.
  • Loremaster of Hoeth is a Level 3 Wizard. Cost 250 pts.
  • Nobles cost 55 pts.
  • Anointed of Asuryan costs 145 pts. Flamespyre Phoenix mount costs 210 pts.
  • Sea Helm may be Battle Standard Bearer.
  • Mistweaver cannot upgrade to Lvl 2. Adjusted wording and casting values on Mist spells.
  • Increased cost of Ithilmar barding.
  • Sun Dragons are limited to Dragon Mages.
  • Griffon is a Monstrous Creature.
  • Handmaiden of the Everqueen is a Hero, not a rare unit.
  • Spearmen do not have Fight in Extra Ranks (1) (can be taken as a Honour instead). Cost 10 pts.
  • Medium armour for archers cost 1.5 pts.
  • Warriors have medium armour by default, cost 9 pts. Cannot take two hand weapons or skirmish.
  • New Core Unit: Rangers
  • Silver helms have optional barding, cost 18 pts by default. Increased the cost of heavy armour.
  • Reaver Knights have light lances by default, cost 15 pts.
  • Removed Woodsman's Axe.
  • White Lions have Multiple Wounds (2), Ld8.
  • Dragon Princes cost 30 pts.
  • Shadow Warriors have WS5 and Elven bows. May take Elven longbows. May not take shields. May not take standard bearer or musician. Have the Loner special rule.
  • Sisters of Averlorn is a Rare Unit. May be taken as a Special Unit if Alarielle is in the army. May take spears and full command.
  • Tiranoc and Lion Chariots can be upgraded to standard bearers.
  • Lion Chariot costs 100 pts.
  • New Special Unit: War Lions
  • Phoenix Guard may take a Magic Standard worth up to 75 pts. Have Elven Grace.
  • Phoenix Guard may be taken as a Special Unit if Finubar is the Army General.
  • Lothern Skycutter costs 80 pts.
  • Eagle Eye Bolt Thrower has a range of 36".
  • Attuned to Magic: A model with this special rule has a 5+ Ward save and the Magical Attacks special rule. At the start of each Magic phase, roll a D6 and consult the table to see what effect it will have until the start of the next Magic phase.
  • Flamespyre Phoenix has A4, costs 240 pts.
  • Frostheart Phoenix has A3, costs 245 pts.
  • Added 4 new upgrades to the Phoenixes.
  • New Rare Unit: Drakemasters
  • Finubar and any unit of White Lions of Chrace that he joins are Unbreakable.
  • If Alarielle is with a unit of Sisters of Averlorn, the whole unit gains the Stubborn special rule.
  • Eltharion the Grim has an Elven bow.
  • If Eltharion the Grim is your Army General, you may upgrade one unit of Sentinels to Silverin Guard for a cost of +2 points per model. This unit has heavy armour and the Magic Resistance (1) special rule.
  • Eltharion the Blind has Killing Blow.
  • Alith Anar has the Loner special rule.
  • The Grey: If Alith Anar is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Shadow Warriors to The Grey for a cost of +1 point per model. If this unit is wholly within a terrain feature, enemies cannot draw Line of Sight to them unless they are within 12".
  • Imrik has A5, costs 590 pts.
  • The Fireborn: If Imrik is your Army General, you may upgrade one unit of Dragon Princes of Caledor to The Fireborn for a cost of +2 points per model. This unit has the Flaming Attacks and Multiple Wounds (2) special rules.
  • Sea Lord Aislinn does not have any Magic Items. Can pick items up to 100 pts. Has WS7, BS6, I7. Costs 180 pts.
  • The Storm Riders: If Sea Lord Aislinn is your Army General, you may upgrade one unit of Lothern Sea Guard to Storm Riders for a cost of +1 point per model. This unit has the Vanguard special rule, and caused Fear into all Dark Elves.
  • Korhil have the previous Woodsman's Axe abilities and Multiple Wounds (2). Cost 175 pts.
  • The Puremane Company: Unless Korhil is mounted on a Lion Chariot of Chrace, he must be accompanied by a unit of White Lions of Chrace chosen from the army list as normal. This unit has the Immunity (Fear) special rule. Korhil may never choose to leave this unit.
  • Caradryan has Blessings of Asuryan, costs 200 pts.
  • Keepers of the Flame: Unless Caradryan is mounted on Ashtari, he must be accompanied by a unit of Phoenix Guard chosen from the army list as normal. This unit has the Magical Attacks special rule. Caradryan may never choose to leave this unit.
  • Ashtari has A4, costs 260 pts.
  • Removed Althran.
  • Removed Selafyn.
  • Removed Salendor.
  • Removed Liandra Athinol.
  • Removed Thaindal.
  • Removed Hallar.

Saturday 7 September 2024

Warhammer - Beastmen 1.7 (beta) out now!

Well, I did say it was going to be a quick update, and quick it was! As mentioned, not a ton of changes overall. Some new characters (finally allowing you to take Centigor and Ungor heroes) and a new unit in the form of Balewolves. The spells have been greatly expanded with the spells from Warriors of Chaos, as has the Lore of the Wild. There's also quite a lot of new magic items added. Apart from that it's mostly just some tweaks and new options, as well as added consistency from Warriors of Chaos.

Hope you enjoy the update, and thanks for your continued support!


Patch notes:

  • Beastmen characters are divided into Gors, Ungors, Centigors and Minotaurs. Character may only join units of the same Breed as themselves. In addition, Ungors do not cause Panic in any of the other Breeds above.
  • Thunderous Charge: Models with this special rule has the Mighty Blow (2) special rule in turns when it charges.
  • Mark of Nurgle does not cause an Initiative penalty. Increased the cost for several units.
  • Increased the cost of great weapons.
  • Added 6 new spells to the Lore of the Wild, Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh. Reworked some of the existing spells.
  • New Magic Lore: Lore of Chaos
  • Added a few new Gifts of Chaos.
  • Added multiple new Magic Items.
  • Jagged Dagger is a Magic Weapon.
  • Shard Of The Herd Stone: One use only. This item may be used at the start of any of your Magic phases. When used, place a Herdstone (see Mystical Monuments in the Warhammer Rulebook), no more than 3" in diameter, within 6" of the Wizard. Beastmen units within 6" of a Herdstone have the Armour Piercing (1) special rule. Each friendly Beastman Wizard within 12" of the herdstone generates an additional power dice. Costs 50 points.
  • The unit carrying the Banner of Outrage roll an additional D6 for Primal Fury tests and discard one dice of your choice. However, all enemy units gain the Hatred special rule against the unit.
  • Tweaked the cost and effects of multiple other magic items.
  • Beastlords and Wargors may take javelins.
  • Removed Slaughterer's Call.
  • New Hero: Warhoof
  • New Hero: Halfhorn
  • Gors do not have shields by default, cost 7 pts. May take polearms and great weapons.
  • Spears for Ungors cost 0.5 pts.
  • Tuskgors are S3, have Thunderous Charge.
  • Chariots may be upgraded to standard bearers.
  • Centigors have bucklers by default, can upgrade to shields.
  • New Special Unit: Balewolves
  • Razorgors have S4.
  • Razorgor Chariot costs 100 pts.
  • Harpies may take a Leader.
  • Chaos Trolls cost 46 pts.
  • Troll Vomit: In addition to their normal Attacks, models with this special rule inflicts one automatic Strength 4 hit which Ignores Armour Saves after resolving all their normal Attacks. This cannot be used with supporting attacks.
  • Dragon Ogres are Loners.
  • Cockatrice is a Monstrous Creature, has W4. Costs 165 pts.
  • Petrifying Gaze does not suffer any To Hit penalties.
  • Manticore is a Monstrous Creature, is a Special Unit.
  • Ghostsight: The Cygor may re-roll any failed To Hit when fighting Undead, Wizards, models with Magical Attacks, Ward saves (excluding Dodge and Parry) or any sort of magic item.
  • Hurl Attack: If the target unit contains one or more models mentioned in Ghostsight, you may re-roll the scatter dice.
  • Cygors have A4.
  • Regenerative Snacking: For every model killed in close combat by the Hag Tree, roll a D6. On a 4+, the Hag Tree regains one wound previously lost in battle.
  • The Cloak of the Beastlord gives Gorthor a Ward save equal to the Strength of the attack that hit him, to a minimum of 6+.
  • Taurox has the Natural Armour (2+) special rule and light armour.
  • The Sons of Ghorros: Ghorros must be accompanied by a unit of Centigors chosen from the army list at a cost of +1 point per model.
  • Moonclaw is a Loner.

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Warhammer - Skaven 1.9 (beta) out now!

Quite a few changes here, but nothing too major. First up; there will be more units added in a few weeks when the Age of Sigmar Battletome for Skaven is released, so you can look forward to some more stuff then! 

As for some of the bigger changes with this update, Life is Cheap is now an army special rule like in 6th ed, meaning you are free to blast into combat regardless of what units are involved rather than just Skavenslaves. 

The other major change is weapon teams, who are now stand-alone Special units. This means you have to invest more points for regular troops in core, but your weapon teams are no longer limited by the amount of infantry units you have. In order to keep gunlines in check though, there is a limit on how many duplicate weapon teams with missile weapons you can take. 

Lastly, Stormfiends are now Monstrous Creatures as better suitable for their size, and are not taken in units. This means they are individually more powerful, but are not as overwhelming to deal with as they were previously in units, making them more of a support unit than elite shock troops.

As usual, many thanks to my Patreons for your continued support, and hope you enjoy the update!


 Patch Notes:

  • All Skaven models can voluntarily target ranged attacks (including templates) at enemy units engaged in close combat with other friendly units even if they are further than 4" away. However, if they do so, they will hit their own troops on To Hit rolls of both 1's and 2's rather than just 1's.
  • Anytime a weapon that uses Unstable Ammunition scores a result of 1 on its roll To Hit, roll another dice. On a following roll of 1-2 the gun misfires and the shooter suffer the hit themselves.
  • New Weapon: Ratling Pistol
  • New Weapon: Warpvolt Obliterator
  • New Mount: Gnaw-beast
  • Grey Seers have no Warpstone Tokens by default. Cost 200 pts. Can take up to 5.
  • Deafening Peals includes Shrines.
  • Daemonic: A Verminlord has the Magical Attacks and Unbreakable special rules. In addition, they have a 5+ Ward save which gets reduced to a 6+ Ward save against Magical Attacks. However, if a Verminlord loses a round of close combat it must take a Daemonic Instability test. This works like a normal Break test, except that for every point it fails the test by, it suffers one additional Wound with no saves allowed. The Daemonic Instability test can use Inspiring Presence and/or Hold Your Ground as normal.
  • To throw the Scry-orb, place the small round template with its centre anywhere within 12" and line of sight of the Verminlord Warpseer – it scatters D3".
  • Warlock Masters/Engineers may take up to 3/1 Warpstone Tokens.
  • Added multiple new spells to the Magic Lores.
  • Added multiple new Magic Items. Tweaked the rules and costs on several existing items.
  • Moved some Wargear to Magic Items. Wargear no longer counts towards Magic Item allowance. Limited the amount that can be taken by a single character.
  • Assassins may take slings.
  • Plague Priests may not take mounts.
  • Spears for Clanrats cost 0.5 pts.
  • Stormvermin Leader may take a Warplock Pistol.
  • Weapon Teams are now Special Units. Each Warpfire Thrower, Ratling Gun, Warpvolt Scourger and Poisoned Wind Mortar counts as the same Special choice for the purpose of taking duplicate units. Reworked the results on the misfire charts slightly.
  • Warp-grinders must deploy with any friendly Infantry unit.
  • New Unit: Warpvolt Scourgers
  • Skavenslaves pay 2 pts for polearms and slings.
  • The unit must include one Pawleader for every 20 Skavenslaves. Cost 15 pts.
  • Night Runners are Skirmishers by default. Can replace throwing weapons with slings for 2 pts.
  • Giant Rats have Unit Size 10+.
  • Plague Disciples: A unit of Plague Censer Bearers within 3" of a friendly units of Plague Monks may use the "Look Out, Sir" rule as if they were characters. In addition, if the Plague Censer Bearers are within 6" of a Plague Furnace they have the Stubborn special rule.
  • Wolf Rats have the Scurry Away special rule.
  • Poisoned Wind Globadiers do not have light armour by default. Cost 8 pts.
  • Warplock Jezzails cannot take a champion.
  • Ratling Gun is Ponderous. Costs 55 pts.
  • Poisoned Wind Mortar does not have Move or Fire. If the unit moves and fires in the same turn, the shot will always be fired indirectly.
  • Doom-flayers are Chariots.
  • Stormfiends are Monstrous Creatures, single model units. Cost 70 pts. Have light armour by default. Models with close combat weapons may upgrade to medium armour. You may take 1-2 Stormfiends as a single Rare choice. Grinderfists cost 20 pts.
  • Too Horrible to Die is not affected by Flaming Attacks.
  • Skryre Claws upgrade for Brood Horror costs 5 pts.
  • New Rare Unit: Ratling Warpblaster
  • Thanquol has 5 Warpstone Tokens.
  • Tretch Craventail has light armour.