Saturday 7 September 2024

Warhammer - Beastmen 1.7 (beta) out now!

Well, I did say it was going to be a quick update, and quick it was! As mentioned, not a ton of changes overall. Some new characters (finally allowing you to take Centigor and Ungor heroes) and a new unit in the form of Balewolves. The spells have been greatly expanded with the spells from Warriors of Chaos, as has the Lore of the Wild. There's also quite a lot of new magic items added. Apart from that it's mostly just some tweaks and new options, as well as added consistency from Warriors of Chaos.

Hope you enjoy the update, and thanks for your continued support!


Patch notes:

  • Beastmen characters are divided into Gors, Ungors, Centigors and Minotaurs. Character may only join units of the same Breed as themselves. In addition, Ungors do not cause Panic in any of the other Breeds above.
  • Thunderous Charge: Models with this special rule has the Mighty Blow (2) special rule in turns when it charges.
  • Mark of Nurgle does not cause an Initiative penalty. Increased the cost for several units.
  • Increased the cost of great weapons.
  • Added 6 new spells to the Lore of the Wild, Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh. Reworked some of the existing spells.
  • New Magic Lore: Lore of Chaos
  • Added a few new Gifts of Chaos.
  • Added multiple new Magic Items.
  • Jagged Dagger is a Magic Weapon.
  • Shard Of The Herd Stone: One use only. This item may be used at the start of any of your Magic phases. When used, place a Herdstone (see Mystical Monuments in the Warhammer Rulebook), no more than 3" in diameter, within 6" of the Wizard. Beastmen units within 6" of a Herdstone have the Armour Piercing (1) special rule. Each friendly Beastman Wizard within 12" of the herdstone generates an additional power dice. Costs 50 points.
  • The unit carrying the Banner of Outrage roll an additional D6 for Primal Fury tests and discard one dice of your choice. However, all enemy units gain the Hatred special rule against the unit.
  • Tweaked the cost and effects of multiple other magic items.
  • Beastlords and Wargors may take javelins.
  • Removed Slaughterer's Call.
  • New Hero: Warhoof
  • New Hero: Halfhorn
  • Gors do not have shields by default, cost 7 pts. May take polearms and great weapons.
  • Spears for Ungors cost 0.5 pts.
  • Tuskgors are S3, have Thunderous Charge.
  • Chariots may be upgraded to standard bearers.
  • Centigors have bucklers by default, can upgrade to shields.
  • New Special Unit: Balewolves
  • Razorgors have S4.
  • Razorgor Chariot costs 100 pts.
  • Harpies may take a Leader.
  • Chaos Trolls cost 46 pts.
  • Troll Vomit: In addition to their normal Attacks, models with this special rule inflicts one automatic Strength 4 hit which Ignores Armour Saves after resolving all their normal Attacks. This cannot be used with supporting attacks.
  • Dragon Ogres are Loners.
  • Cockatrice is a Monstrous Creature, has W4. Costs 165 pts.
  • Petrifying Gaze does not suffer any To Hit penalties.
  • Manticore is a Monstrous Creature, is a Special Unit.
  • Ghostsight: The Cygor may re-roll any failed To Hit when fighting Undead, Wizards, models with Magical Attacks, Ward saves (excluding Dodge and Parry) or any sort of magic item.
  • Hurl Attack: If the target unit contains one or more models mentioned in Ghostsight, you may re-roll the scatter dice.
  • Cygors have A4.
  • Regenerative Snacking: For every model killed in close combat by the Hag Tree, roll a D6. On a 4+, the Hag Tree regains one wound previously lost in battle.
  • The Cloak of the Beastlord gives Gorthor a Ward save equal to the Strength of the attack that hit him, to a minimum of 6+.
  • Taurox has the Natural Armour (2+) special rule and light armour.
  • The Sons of Ghorros: Ghorros must be accompanied by a unit of Centigors chosen from the army list at a cost of +1 point per model.
  • Moonclaw is a Loner.

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