Saturday 14 September 2024

Warhammer - High Elves 1.6 out now!

Patch notes:

  • Fixed multiple minor bugs.
  • Valour of Ages: Models with this special rule re-roll all failed Panic tests caused by Dark Elves.
  • Pure of Heart: When fighting against Dark Elves in close combat, they gain Immunity (Psychology).
  • Attuned to Magic: After rolling for the Winds of Magics each turn, divide the result by the number of 1000 points played (so at 2000 or more points, divide the result by 2; at 3000 or more points, divide the result by 3; and so on). Then consult the table below to see what effect it will have until the start of the next Magic phase.
  • Eltharion the Grim is an Infantry model by default, costs 350 pts.
  • The Storm Riders: This unit has the Hatred special rule, and causes Fear in all Dark Elves.
  • Spear Of The Shores cost 40 pts.
  • Sword of Victory cost 35 pts.
  • Dragonblade Lance: Hits are resolved as that from a Bolt Thrower, except the Strength does not decrease for each rank.
  • Golden Shield is Infantry or Cavalry only.
  • Helm of Fortune is Infantry or Cavalry only.
  • Shadow Armour: The wearer gains the Strider special rule. In addition, no enemies can draw Line of Sight to them unless they are within 6".
  • The bearer of the Shield of the Merwyrm gains a 6+ armour save and the Parry (6+) special rule. Costs 20 pts.
  • Mask of the Merlord: In addition, the wearer and any unit they join gains the River Strider special rule and counts as being in soft cover while in any river. Costs 10 pts.
  • Vambraces of Defence is Infantry or Cavalry only.
  • The Golden Crown of Atrazar gives the bearer a 4+ Ward save and the Stupidity special rule. In addition, at the start of each of your turns, they suffer -1 to their Leadership. Costs 25 pts.
  • Phoenix Stone is Infantry or Cavalry only.
  • Talisman of Blinding Light: All enemy units in base contact with the bearer suffer -1 to their Weapon Skill in the first round of close combat.
  • Trickster's Pendant costs 30 pts.
  • The Banner of Sorcery adds +1 Power dice to your power pool in each of your own Magic phases. Costs 30 pts.
  • Clarified Illusory Assault.
  • Dragon Mages have Sunstaff: Arcane Item. A Sunstaff contains Bound Spell, Power Level 5. This spell can be cast on the Wizard themselves. Until the start of their next Magic phase, the Wizard gains +1 Attack, +3 Strength, the Flaming Attacks special rule and always Hits on the roll of a 2+ in close combat.
  • Pendant of Vengeance: When fighting Dwarfs, the bearer may force a successful Leadership test while using an Anvil of Doom or Rune Lore to be rerolled.
  • Sky Arrow Of Naloer cannot be used with Sniper.
  • Sigil of Asuryan costs 55 pts.
  • Added Althran Stormrider. He has the Armour of Protection (5+ ward). Removed Armour of Protection from the magic item pool. Removed Potion of Foolhardiness from Althran. Costs 210. May take 50 pts of magic items.
  • Annulian Crystal costs 55 pts.
  • Ring of Corin costs 35 pts, is power level 7.
  • Vortex Shard removes D3 dice, costs 20 pts.
  • Radiant Gem of Hoeth costs 35 pts.
  • Talisman of Blinding Light costs 15 pts.

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